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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357715 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3325
This may be an odd question, but I have several albums named "Greatest Hits" - all by separate artists, of course, and while it's only a minor inconvenience, the iPod (under Albums) mashes them all into one album, as it does if you are listening to a track and hold the centre button to get "Browse Album".

Is there a mapping I could use for "sort album" in foo_dop's preferences to avoid this?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3326
I'm still having to use the 'Send playlists...' option instead of 'Synchronise...' for this reason.

Has anyone else come across this? Short of just removing my books, what can I do?
Sorry! I misread your original post. It's fixed for the next build, hopefully out in the next few days.

Just updated to foo_dop and this solves the problem entirely, and works beautifully.

Many thanks for all the hard work on this.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3327
Hi. I've been using foobar2000 for awhile now. Haven't synced my iPhone 3GS in awhile and now I go to do it, it says no iPod found. And I receive this error upon foobar startup:

Failed to pair device - device is passcode locked. Unlock the device and retry.

I have my iPhone unlocked and ready, if that's what it's talking about.
It means the pairing failed and the reason is that the passcode is currently active and the device is locked. In other words, you should just have to press home on your device, slide to unlock, enter your passcode and then restart foobar2000.

Pairing is done once with each Windows installation and you won't need to do it again (possibly the pairing files were deleted from your computer for some reason); you can do it with iTunes if you want. I'm not aware of the error being falsely reported.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3328
Great thing, thanks for this!

One thing I was wondering: is it possible to use foo_pod to convert ReplayGain values to SoundCheck data for the whole library, not only the songs going to the iPhone?

I use iTunes as the player for my AirPort Express and replaygained music would be a treat. Does iTunes store the SoundCheck within the files (COMMENT ITUNNORM as I've read) or in the central database?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3329
If that's your goal, you might want to consider the ReplayGain-to-SoundCheck conversion function in Mp3tag.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3330
Hey everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble with synchronizing my sixth gen iPod Classic 160GB  with f2k.
When I click "synchronize" it does everything like it should, but when it gets to the actual copying of the tracks it either does it extremely slowly or not at all. Last sync I did it got to around 6398 remaining and stopped and stayed there for 20 minutes before I gave up and clicked stop.
After I click "stop" I get this message: Error reading iTunesDB : I/O error (win32 #87)
I also get that message when I try other actions under the File>iPod menu.
Any ideas as to what I can do? Thanks in advance.
(I've tried restoring my iPod via iTunes and that didn't work)

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3332
Thanks for this great component.

Can you please add a function to rebuild the cover cache like ArtDoctor does ?
The cache of my device is corrupted (I see cover from other albums). I deleted the cover cache with SSH (jailbroken device) but there is no utility in iTunes to rebuild it.  All the covers are embedded in the tag of my MP3 files.
And I can't use ArtDoctor because the .NET Framework is messed up on my computer. x_x

Thanks !

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3333
Hi all,

Not sure if I'm in the right forum for this question, but I see quite a few discussions on the ipod touch and nano in this thread.
So basically what I'm trying to do is to find a way on how to access the playlist encrypted database file iTunesCDB of ipod touch 3G jailbroken ( OS 3.1.3 ), and I see that Foobar2000 can do that. So when needed I can change my songs settings en masse - the other day I had to remove manually ( thru iTunes ) some extra characters from the the titles of hundreds of songs, and it took me many hours doing that one by one 
I'm comfortable with the terminal, unix commands and can ssh to the ipod, and also have some experience with sqlite commands, I just need a way to access this encrypted database file in the ipod ( I'm connecting to it through Putty ). If anybody knows how to do that, I'd appreciate it.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3334
Hello musicmusic!

I read this on your page under the point "To Do":
Expand scope to also cover synchronizing with Windows Phone 7. Would be nice to get rid of Zune.

Could you also consider to extend the functionalty of your component also to devices without any limitations (android or normal mp3-players) as it offer more than foo_fileops when it comes to synching with an external device.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3335
Can anyone answer this question. I just started using foobar, so far its great, everythings working. I have a flac library, when I add it to itunes and it converts it to m4a using aac encoder  does it go into apple loseless format? Is this possible or will I have to convert them to apple loseless before syncing?

To convert to Apple Lossless (ALAC) on the fly during send to iPod or sync with iPod function
1. Download ffmpeg command line encoder from here:
2. Put ffmpeg.exe where ever you want on your hard drive.
3. In foobar, go to preferences - tools - iPod Manager
4. Go to conversion tab, check Convert audio tracks in unsupported formats, enter full path to ffmpeg.exe for encoder, enter '-y -i - -acodec alac %d' (without the quotes) in the parameters section, and enter 'm4a' for extension.  You can check the ReplayGain scan if you want to use it on your iPod.

I tried this. It appears the status window whith the progress indicated - then the sync ends whithout any further message. The tracks dont appear on my Ipod classic 6Gen and if I redo the sync it again indicates the synchronization progress ("encoding...") and not "files already on Ipod". If I start a conversion on a console whith your parameters: "ffmpeg -y -i - -acodec alac 1.flac" I get a error-message: "pipe: Operation not permitted". What am I doing wrong?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3336
I tried this. It appears the status window whith the progress indicated - then the sync ends whithout any further message. The tracks dont appear on my Ipod classic 6Gen and if I redo the sync it again indicates the synchronization progress ("encoding...") and not "files already on Ipod". If I start a conversion on a console whith your parameters: "ffmpeg -y -i - -acodec alac 1.flac" I get a error-message: "pipe: Operation not permitted". What am I doing wrong?

if you use those parameters to encode in a console, you need to pipe the file into ffmpeg, which you're not doing by just typing it in.  Seeing as they look like they encode just fine, you might want to check the temp folder and make sure they're getting the right file extension.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3337

if you use those parameters to encode in a console, you need to pipe the file into ffmpeg, which you're not doing by just typing it in.  Seeing as they look like they encode just fine, you might want to check the temp folder and make sure they're getting the right file extension.

The files in my %temp%-directory have the extension m4a and are apple lossless files. They play fine whith my vlc! Any further ideas?

Having a look at the files on my ipod ("manage contents"), the id tags of the m4a-files in the list appear somewhat broken. Klicking the properties of such a file shows up a message :
Could not load info (Unsupported format or corrupted file) from: "O:\iPod_Control\Music\F98\Peter Sc.m4a"

Copying the file to my PC gives me a incomplete (it doesn't contain the whole track) playable untagged file.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3338
Is it possible to also use "itunesencode.exe" to transcode on the fly to "apple lossless" whith foo_dop?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3340
Is it possible to also use "itunesencode.exe" to transcode on the fly to "apple lossless" whith foo_dop?

try this with -A - -o %d

Thank you for your Tip! But using qaac with "-A - -o %d" I get: "Failed to add to ipod: Conversion failed - Unexpected process exit code 00000002h". "Conversion" proceeds very quickly and there do appear no temp-files in my tempdir. Do you use this configuration successfully?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3341
Thank you for your Tip! But using qaac with "-A - -o %d" I get: "Failed to add to ipod: Conversion failed - Unexpected process exit code 00000002h". "Conversion" proceeds very quickly and there do appear no temp-files in my tempdir. Do you use this configuration successfully?

"qaac -A 1.flac -o 1.m4a" in cmd-box brings a popup whith: "Unable To Locate Component : This application has failed to start because ogg_vc71.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. " My qaac-package came whith a ogg_vc10.dll. And: I didin`t say anything about ogg-output  . Damn... somehow I should get this working??
(Editing my last post was not possible???)

EDIT: Please excuse my Chaos!    Accidentally I used the ffmpeg-options with qaac! Whith the correct options (-A - -o %d) I have broken m4a-files on my Ipod almost like whith ffmpeg, but files are unplayable. 

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3342
i use this configuration without a problem:

latest quicktime+itunes installed
qaac extracted to a folder with permissions set correctly
foo_dop cmdline -A - -o %d
ext: m4a

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3343
Sorry, if this has been treated before... Is this normal, that when positioning the scroll-bar of my classic over the "now playing" menu-entry there is no cover of the actual playing track but only this note whith grey background visible? Although the cover is present and visible in all other menus?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3344
I noticed that when I listen to the same song multiple times on my ipod/iphone, it gets scrobbled only once. Is there a way to fix this?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3345
I noticed that when I listen to the same song multiple times on my ipod/iphone, it gets scrobbled only once. Is there a way to fix this?

AFAIK that´s an ipod´s limitation.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3346
Correct. The iPod's database only stores the LAST time a song was played.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3347
my question:
if i'm browsing my music and stumble upon a file which i'd like to have on my ipod on the next sync, i put that file in my "transfer to ipod"-playlist.
because the ipod is not alway plugged in, i cannot transfer the file directly. thats why i use the  "transfer to ipod"-playlist.
this is done quite unhandy, because of the "many" steps:
(i made a button, which opens the "select destination playlist" window (foobar feature, not foo_dop))
-click the (above) button
-open the pulldown-menu
-chose correct playlist
-click ok
-move back to the playlist, i was before, becaue (i don't know why) foobar opens the selected playlist.

As this seems to be still not answered, this is how I do it:
I installed the quicktagger plugin
In Preferences/Tools/Tagging/quicktagger I prepared to functions: set field IPODSYNC to y and set IPODSYNC to n
I created an autoplaylist "IPODSYNC IS y" named IPODSYNC
I put 2 buttons on my buttonbar for the 2 quicktagger functions (IPODSYNC y/n) so that the field is added to the "active selection" (marked track)
I sync the IPODSYNC-playlist by pressing F9 (preferences/keyboard shortcuts) or use my prepared button "sync" on the button-bar

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3348
Excuse me for not reading the entire thread, but I did search for an answer for a while and it didn't clear things up for me :)
Got a 6G nano, fb2k 1.1.1 portable, latest foo_dop and iphonecalc.dll in fb2k's folder.
Attempting to sync playlists with a brand new Ipod in Foobar results in "Failed to query SQL post process commands. Write operations are disabled.", same when rewriting DB or sending playlists.
The only answer for this problem given at this forum is instaling Apple software. Is it really required for a Nano or am I reading it wrong? :)

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3349
Sorry, if this has been treated before... Is this normal, that when positioning the scroll-bar of my classic over the "now playing" menu-entry there is no cover of the actual playing track but only this note whith grey background visible? Although the cover is present and visible in all other menus?

Am I the only one whith this problem? Is this working whith your ipod classics?