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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357715 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2175
The problem victorkr was having was something to do with broken metadata remappings, apparently.

I have uploaded which I hope should read the iPhone/iPod touch play counts file properly now. A few other issues were also fixed.

Question: Does File/iPod/Properties work unreliably for anyone else using an iPhone/iPod touch?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2176
The problem victorkr was having was something to do with broken metadata remappings, apparently.

I have uploaded which I hope should read the iPhone/iPod touch play counts file properly now. A few other issues were also fixed.

Question: Does File/iPod/Properties work unreliably for anyone else using an iPhone/iPod touch?

Will test when I get home, something I noticed however, if I load my iPod Touch library into foobar, it will show all my albums, but with duplicate tracks, if I play one of the duplicates, it changes straight away to a different track


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2177
Sounds like you have got dead entries in there somehow. Have you compared the path of both in their properties?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2178
Sounds like you have got dead entries in there somehow. Have you compared the path of both in their properties?

No, I'll have a look when I get home tonight, and will let you know

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2179
Hey musicmusic, thanks for the great plugin!

The only thing I don't see working so far is the video thumbnails, back in (I believe) it would only show thumbs for the last video (I usually add ~4 a day and watch them on the way to and from work), now on I no longer have to go to iTunes (which is great!) but I now have no thumbs, I'm sure you'll get to it soon but just as an FYI, this is only for Videos, the folder.jpg file is applied properly for albums.

Now to go back to your question about File/iPod/Properties, I just went there and the only information populated in the dialog box is the total/free space of my iPhone 3G, no serial# or any other information is displayed.

Everything else works (as far as I can tell though), thanks again.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2180
One feature suggestion. How about automatically enabling "Remember playback position" on files longer than a definable length. This would be great for gapless DJ sets and audio books that are not in the m4b format.

New version works great with my 3.0 3G. Thanks for the hard work.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2181
Since there are some feature suggestions here, here's one/two for the bottom of the list-

1) Allow the user to input video information BEFORE copying to the iPod, the reason being that updating this information is SLOW once the file is on the iPod, this isn't too much of a big deal since I hardly use this metadata anyway, but if it were easier to input it, I might start.

2) Add support for m4v container, we know they don't differ much from mp4 and it is Handbrake's default container for iPhone/iPod video which is what I use to convert most of my videos to iPhone format before copying them over using foobar, this is more important than #1 but it is a low priority request since I can tell Handbrake to use MP4 as the default container, it would just be nice to be able to use m4v as well so that I don't have to re-encode if I forget to set it to use MP4.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2182
Sorry if this has already been asked/addressed, but I didn't see anything.

I recently started using Foobar -- liking it so far, but can't get the iPod syncing working right. I'm using a second gen I-pod touch running iPhone OS 3.0. if I sync using something other than the iPod view playlist, it re-syncs every song and takes a very long time. However, I can't edit tags for music in the iPod view playlist. What should I do to properly sync the iPod s.t. I can still use tagging features (and take advantage of playlists based off tags) but not have to re download all my songs every time? Now that I think of it, I gave all the songs a tag. Would that cause them to come up as different and so require a sync?

Also I realize the statistics is a different component, but is there any way to make the iPod syncing update the play count/raiting stats?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2183
Hey musicmusic (and all!), just a quick question.

My music library is entirely FLAC, and I'd like to keep the files on my iPod lossless (ALAC would be best, I suppose).  I also see that Nero AAC and LAME don't do lossless conversion.  Do you have a recommendation for a good lossless audio encoder that I can use directly from the "Conversion" tab of foo_dop?  I've done research online for the past couple of hours and found dBpoweramp as well as the command line instructions, but couldn't quite figure out how to get them working and couldn't find any further documentation.  Any info you might have on dBpoweramp or another ALAC encoder would be greatly appreciated.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2184
At my time dbpoweramp was only ALAC encoder besides itunes. Its very easy to use, since its command line program, but you will need to use paid version :/

encoder: coreconverter.exe
extension: m4a
parameters: infile="%path%" -outfile="$replace(%path%,.flac,.m4a)" -convert_to="Apple Lossless"

I guess you will need to experiment a little bit since i dont know how adding extensions works in foobar's converter, and this code is nonethless super-non-elegant, it will work only for FLACs. Some time ago i used this with foo_run, never tried with converter. Dunno why

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2185
The only thing I don't see working so far is the video thumbnails, back in (I believe) it would only show thumbs for the last video (I usually add ~4 a day and watch them on the way to and from work), now on I no longer have to go to iTunes (which is great!) but I now have no thumbs, I'm sure you'll get to it soon but just as an FYI, this is only for Videos, the folder.jpg file is applied properly for albums.
I can see why they might not be displayed at a season/series level. Is that what you refer to?

If it is at an episode level (I don't know how exactly they are displayed on the touch/iPhone), do they have a 'yes' in the artwork column in Manage contents?

One feature suggestion. How about automatically enabling "Remember playback position" on files longer than a definable length. This would be great for gapless DJ sets and audio books that are not in the m4b format.
It is a reasonable request.. I will note it

New version works great with my 3.0 3G. Thanks for the hard work.

1) Allow the user to input video information BEFORE copying to the iPod
Ah, but that is what you are meant to do..

2) Add support for m4v container
Unfortunately foobar2000 itself needs to recognise it first.

Would that cause them to come up as different and so require a sync?

Also I realize the statistics is a different component, but is there any way to make the iPod syncing update the play count/raiting stats?
They do communicate to each, I would hope it is working with current version but I don't have an iPod touch/iPhone so it can be a bit of a minefield..

Hey musicmusic (and all!), just a quick question.

My music library is entirely FLAC, and I'd like to keep the files on my iPod lossless (ALAC would be best, I suppose).  I also see that Nero AAC and LAME don't do lossless conversion.  Do you have a recommendation for a good lossless audio encoder that I can use directly from the "Conversion" tab of foo_dop?  I've done research online for the past couple of hours and found dBpoweramp as well as the command line instructions, but couldn't quite figure out how to get them working and couldn't find any further documentation.  Any info you might have on dBpoweramp or another ALAC encoder would be greatly appreciated.

ffmpeg is one option.

If you grab the latest build:

Use extension m4a, and parameters:
Code: [Select]
-i - -acodec alac %d
it should just about work.

In the past I did have issues with piped in content coming out a different length, though one I tried now seemed to come out OK.

If you want to try dbPowerAmp, I would guess the following params are more likely to work (but not tried..):
Code: [Select]
-infile=- -outfile=%d -convert_to="Apple Lossless"

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2186
Tried newest version, it can remove stuff from my iPod, but I still see tags of removed stuff :I Example: I remove an album > go to iPod > It still think it is there, but when clicking some of the songs = loads two secs and goes back to previous page.

edit: but after restart they disappeared o/ great work !

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2187
Hey musicmusic.  I've been using foobar2000 with foo_dop since around February and I think it's been working terrifically.  I think all of us in this forum can agree that your prompt and tireless effort to maintain foo_dop through all of Apple's inane iPhone OS changes has benefited us greatly in that we are free from the shackles of the bloatware known as iTunes.  I just wanted to let you know that the latest version has been running extremely well on my iPhone 3G with OS3.0 and that through foo_dop (and, of course, foobar2000) I've been able to transition my library from 192-256kbps mp3 to the awesomeness that is FLAC.  Your component's simple interface, yet powerful coding beneath is a clear example of what should be in all programs and where the future of software interaction should be.
Kudos and I look forward to many more great releases of the component! 

I guess the one issue I have (although it's not really a big deal) is how to specify that certain songs should not be synced to the iPhone (I had some FLAC songs that, when converted, would kill music playback on the iPhone if played in iTunes).  Actually that last part was really weird, it would not only kill audio coming from that song (iPod function would show the track place moving as if the song was playing, but there would be no audio) but it would then kill audio from other songs that I knew played fine on the iPhone.  The only solution was to do a hard reset on the phone to get music functionality back.  I haven't checked to see if this problem has been resolved from a more recent sync, but the ability to specify certain songs not to be synced by foo_dop would be great!

Again, thanks for the great work (especially respectable since you don't even have an iPhone/iTouch to work with while doing all of this!)

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2188
The only thing I don't see working so far is the video thumbnails, back in (I believe) it would only show thumbs for the last video (I usually add ~4 a day and watch them on the way to and from work), now on I no longer have to go to iTunes (which is great!) but I now have no thumbs, I'm sure you'll get to it soon but just as an FYI, this is only for Videos, the folder.jpg file is applied properly for albums.
I can see why they might not be displayed at a season/series level. Is that what you refer to?

If it is at an episode level (I don't know how exactly they are displayed on the touch/iPhone), do they have a 'yes' in the artwork column in Manage contents?
They do have a 'yes' in the artwork column in manage contents, but the iPod does not show the thumbnails for any of the videos (this is at an episode level) except the last one when adding more than one video. EDIT: I just tagged the video before sending to the iPhone, it shows up properly tagged etc, but no thumbnail shows up in the iPod view, however Foobar reports having taken the thumbnail (and I saw the MatroskaSplitter icon show up indicating the file was loaded) - the thumbnail did not show up even after a respring indicating it wasnt written properly or at all? Hope this helps.

1) Allow the user to input video information BEFORE copying to the iPod
Ah, but that is what you are meant to do..
I see, makes sense

2) Add support for m4v container
Unfortunately foobar2000 itself needs to recognise it first.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2189
Hey musicmusic.  I've been using foobar2000 with foo_dop since around February and I think it's been working terrifically.  I think all of us in this forum can agree that your prompt and tireless effort to maintain foo_dop through all of Apple's inane iPhone OS changes has benefited us greatly in that we are free from the shackles of the bloatware known as iTunes.  I just wanted to let you know that the latest version has been running extremely well on my iPhone 3G with OS3.0 and that through foo_dop (and, of course, foobar2000) I've been able to transition my library from 192-256kbps mp3 to the awesomeness that is FLAC.  Your component's simple interface, yet powerful coding beneath is a clear example of what should be in all programs and where the future of software interaction should be.
Kudos and I look forward to many more great releases of the component! 

I guess the one issue I have (although it's not really a big deal) is how to specify that certain songs should not be synced to the iPhone (I had some FLAC songs that, when converted, would kill music playback on the iPhone if played in iTunes).  Actually that last part was really weird, it would not only kill audio coming from that song (iPod function would show the track place moving as if the song was playing, but there would be no audio) but it would then kill audio from other songs that I knew played fine on the iPhone.  The only solution was to do a hard reset on the phone to get music functionality back.  I haven't checked to see if this problem has been resolved from a more recent sync, but the ability to specify certain songs not to be synced by foo_dop would be great!

Again, thanks for the great work (especially respectable since you don't even have an iPhone/iTouch to work with while doing all of this!)

If we are talking about arbitrary tracks, then being able to set a metafield such as IPOD_EXCLUDED to exclude them would be one solution. (In fact, I'm sure someone else ended up using that with an autoplaylist and just sync'd with that, though I realise that won't be adequate for everyone.)

The alternative would be keeping track of it in a database (rather than files' tags), but I think that would be a bit too much work and possibly not in the scope of this component..

They do have a 'yes' in the artwork column in manage contents, but the iPod does not show the thumbnails for any of the videos (this is at an episode level) except the last one when adding more than one video. EDIT: I just tagged the video before sending to the iPhone, it shows up properly tagged etc, but no thumbnail shows up in the iPod view, however Foobar reports having taken the thumbnail (and I saw the MatroskaSplitter icon show up indicating the file was loaded) - the thumbnail did not show up even after a respring indicating it wasnt written properly or at all? Hope this helps.
I can't see any obvious reason why that might be happening.

If you can backup your iTunes_Control\Artwork\ArtworkDB and iTunes_Control\iTunes\iTunes library.itlp\Library.itdb files, and point out a video with a thumbnail and one without I can see if there are any differences there. Do the ones without show as some kind of placeholder image? Something else you could check is if you use a normal artwork file (folder.jpg etc.) that would be used instead of creating a thumbnail through DirectShow, it shouldn't make any difference but it at least rules some stuff out..

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2190
Tried newest version, it can remove stuff from my iPod, but I still see tags of removed stuff :I Example: I remove an album > go to iPod > It still think it is there, but when clicking some of the songs = loads two secs and goes back to previous page.

edit: but after restart they disappeared o/ great work !
Seems like the device had some problem receiving the sync notification(s). Has the problem reoccurred?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2191
If we are talking about arbitrary tracks, then being able to set a metafield such as IPOD_EXCLUDED to exclude them would be one solution. (In fact, I'm sure someone else ended up using that with an autoplaylist and just sync'd with that, though I realise that won't be adequate for everyone.)

Yeah, that would be a good idea since it's this one album I have (a DVD-Audio rip of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours) that must be encoded through NeroAAC to something iTunes recognizes, but can't play (probably b/c the original is 24-bit, which is higher than normal audio encoding).  Is IPOD_EXCLUDED something already implemented in foo_dop?  Sorry if that's a pointless question, I don't see documentation on it and I think it's a good idea to have implemented for people who run into these silly issues like myself.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2192
No it isn't, I was just proposing a way of implementing it. I will add it at some point..

I think it could be the sample rate that is causing the issue, resampling on my side is something to be added also..

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2193
Tried newest version, it can remove stuff from my iPod, but I still see tags of removed stuff :I Example: I remove an album > go to iPod > It still think it is there, but when clicking some of the songs = loads two secs and goes back to previous page.

edit: but after restart they disappeared o/ great work !
Seems like the device had some problem receiving the sync notification(s). Has the problem reoccurred?

No. Those which didn´t go away was added with iTunes. Now when everything has added with foobar, it works straight without reboot.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2194
on iPod Touch 1G everything is working smoothly and with no bugs so far. "Writing iPod SQLite database" part seems to be lasting a bit long, though. But it's how OS 3.0 works probably....

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2195
They do have a 'yes' in the artwork column in manage contents, but the iPod does not show the thumbnails for any of the videos (this is at an episode level) except the last one when adding more than one video. EDIT: I just tagged the video before sending to the iPhone, it shows up properly tagged etc, but no thumbnail shows up in the iPod view, however Foobar reports having taken the thumbnail (and I saw the MatroskaSplitter icon show up indicating the file was loaded) - the thumbnail did not show up even after a respring indicating it wasnt written properly or at all? Hope this helps.
I can't see any obvious reason why that might be happening.

If you can backup your iTunes_Control\Artwork\ArtworkDB and iTunes_Control\iTunes\iTunes library.itlp\Library.itdb files, and point out a video with a thumbnail and one without I can see if there are any differences there. Do the ones without show as some kind of placeholder image? Something else you could check is if you use a normal artwork file (folder.jpg etc.) that would be used instead of creating a thumbnail through DirectShow, it shouldn't make any difference but it at least rules some stuff out..

Added a single MP4 file that I placed in a folder with a folder.jpg file as requested and neither the thumbnail it should have taken from the video or the image that I named folder.jpg was set as the thumbnail for the video on the iPod, this was before AND after I disabled "create thumbnails for videos" in the options (both times yielded the same result). Also, now (since no thumbnails are created at all. If I add a single video or more than one, whereas before when I could see at least the last thumbnail this time no thumbnails are added.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2196
on iPod Touch 1G everything is working smoothly and with no bugs so far.

"Writing iPod SQLite database" part seems to be lasting a bit long, though. But it's how OS 3.0 works probably....
It will depend on how large your library is. I may be able to make it a little bit faster, but I'm not sure how much yet..

Added a single MP4 file that I placed in a folder with a folder.jpg file as requested and neither the thumbnail it should have taken from the video or the image that I named folder.jpg was set as the thumbnail for the video on the iPod, this was before AND after I disabled "create thumbnails for videos" in the options (both times yielded the same result). Also, now (since no thumbnails are created at all. If I add a single video or more than one, whereas before when I could see at least the last thumbnail this time no thumbnails are added.
I found something relevant. Try with next build when released.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2197
Just got an ipod and have been using foobar for years. I installed foo pod but foobar still can't detect the ipod. When I go to the foobar file/ipod/ and select any option I get "No Ipod found". If I add mp3's to a playlist and right click than select "ipod" i only get a menu that say's "video properties".

I'm running Vista 64 so was wondering if this is my problem.
Any ideas???

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2198
Hmm.. have you tried closing foobar, removing your iPod from PC, starting foobar and then adding it back ? It usually works for me in that situation.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2199
Hi guys, I just found a bug, but it's probably all Apples fault and has nothing to do with the plugin.
So, I've got two different albums, from different artists with same titles ("Greatest Hits", that's why it happened. Yes, I know discs like that are crap )). When I add them to my iPod Touch 1G they merge together in the vertical browsing mode. In landscape mode everything is fine. Also, if you pick up the album out from Artists list everything is fine as well. I tried adding those albums from iTunes - iTunes library recognized them correctly, they didn't merge, but when copied to the player same problem occurred.
AFAIS, this is some internal 3.0 OS bug, but I'm not sure if this is new to 3.0 OS or existed in older firmwares. Did anyone else encountered this?