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Topic: Text Display (foo_textdisplay) (Read 233996 times) previous topic - next topic
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Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #50
I'm trying to get  proper format string to display something like years, months, days since added to the library. Is this even possible and if so can someone help me out with the formatting? I have a separate %dateadded% tag in the format yyyymmdd in all my files. I would prefer to use that since %added% seems to have a mind of its own on all my old files.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #51
Not possible. There is no syntax which grabs todays date and/or time. If that was possible, you could create a syntax which calculated the difference between today's date/time and the date_added date/time.

If you want to update it manually everyday, you can create a syntax in which you have to change today's date/time manually everyday again.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #52
foosion, would it be possible to add an option (just a checkbox in the prefs) that would automatically save the now-playing info to a txt file once per second ?

My goal would be to use foo_textdisplay to display now playing info in a LCD display, and my LCD display driver can read the contents of a txt file.

Unless there's a simpler solution of course, provided it doesn't need to use other too-complicated now-playing plugins : I just need a simple solution to save titleformatted now-playing info to a txt file.

Thank you.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #53
Maybe foo_np_simple.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #54
Yirkha, unfortunately I have already tried foo_np_simple. It would be perfect, if only it was able to update the text file once per second, which it does not AFAIK (so when you want to output timing info like %playback_time% it doesn't work since the text file seems to be only updated once at the beginning of the song - I've tried closing and opening the file several times during the song's playback but the timing info is not updated).

And Skipy Rich doesn't seem to answer these days (please see here, last post : ).

Of course it would be great if Skipy could improve his little component. But until he does (eventually), I'll have to find another solution, and that's why I've decided to ask foosion.

Last but not least, foosion's component is "official" (made for DUI, reliable for the future), and if foosion could implement this small feature (which means a single checkbox, so no added complexity I guess), then there would be no need for an additional component.

Just my two cents of course.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #55
I love this component, just what I have been searching for a while

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #56
I second what aliumalik said about the alignment- when there's a scrollbar the text has more padding on the right than the left, and it looks a bit odd.

Also, would it be possible to wrap long words, instead of having them disappear off the sides of the panel? So when text is centered, long words are left aligned then wrap onto a new line when they reach the other side.

Also also, $rgb() would be really nice

One other thing that might be worth mentioning: when you have a text display panel and a playlist view panel in two different tabs, it is impossible to display track info when no track is playing- %title% returns '?' along with other fields. However, this also happens with the album art display (it says [no selection]) so it might be a problem with DUI.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #57
1)  Is it possible to have this UI element load the contents of a text file?

2)  Is it possible for this UI element to NOT word wrap?

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #58
1)  Is it possible to have this UI element load the contents of a text file?
2)  Is it possible for this UI element to NOT word wrap?

Currently (1.0 RC 3), the answer to both questions is no.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #59
Displaying textfiles is not only a gimmick but an amazing feature if you have collected many information (Album review, Biography and many more) and stored them as textfiles. Storing that information inside tags has three disadvantages: 1. A relative huge text is stored umpteen times, 2. Newly added files has to be tagged again and again and 3. you can't view and edit the text from windows explorer.

I would like to make a suggestion how a senseful and simple implementation could look like:
  • In preferences a sheet where you can add type of textfile (f.e. Biography) and source (%artist%_biography.txt)
  • In context menu comands like Edit text->Biography which opens existing textfile in editor or even create new textfiles so that the info can be edited/added easily from foobar.
    Edit: Maybe better than opening editor would be an own and simple window and a big button for pasting clipboard
  • A way in the format box to link to the source

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #60
Also also, $rgb() would be really nice

I second this! With only this command added you would provide all the functionality one had in the times of foo_uie_trackinfo (without mod), but with the default UI. What does the developer think?

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #61

is there any way to show some playlist information in foobar_textdisplay?

I`d like to see a text which shows at what position the currently playing track is in the tracklist.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #62
I just found this component tonight, and I am not sure whether anyone else would find these particular settings useful, but I wanted a dynamic display according to whether anything is actually selected, and showing a progress bar with both elapsed and remaining durations. Here is what works for me:
Code: [Select]
$if2("%title%",'['title unknown']')$char(10)
$if2(%playback_time%,0:00) $progress(%playback_time_seconds%, %length_seconds%, 53,'▪','◦') $if3(-%playback_time_remaining%,-%length%,∞)$char(10)
$if2(%artist%,'['artist unknown']') ◊ $if2(%album%[ ... disc %discnumber%],'['album unknown']'),
◦ f o o b a r 2 0 0 0 ◦

    - M.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #63
1)  Is it possible to have this UI element load the contents of a text file?

I would like to make a feature proposal: I am reluctant to store album/artist-wide information (biography, album review) to the files' tags just to be able to view them. For such information I would like to be able to display the contents of a text file whose path should be configurable through a line of title formatting like shown in those examples:

Album review:
Code: [Select]

Artist biography:
Code: [Select]

How are the chances of this getting implemented?

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #64
I would like to make a feature proposal: I am reluctant to store album/artist-wide information (biography, album review) to the files' tags just to be able to view them. For such information I would like to be able to display the contents of a text file whose path should be configurable through a line of title formatting like

An alternative could also be to use a database instead of textfiles. But however, i agree: tags are the wrong place for some obvious reasons. You can use foo_textfile to display textfiles in textdisplay.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #65
i use this to read the lyrics from %unsynced lyrics% field... it would be awesome if i could directly edit the lyrics within the text box...

amazing plugin, btw

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #66
i use this to read the lyrics from %unsynced lyrics% field... it would be awesome if i could directly edit the lyrics within the text box...

amazing plugin, btw

This feature is would rock my world.


Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #67
Some thoughts on the requested ability to display text/textfiles:

I said here in the thread some time ago that i would like to see in each selection info viewer the feature to set the source for display: selection or now playing track. Meantime i am rather convinced that how the selection properties or albumart viewer uielement work is perfect - means: no need for an extra tracking mode as a simple doubleclick on status bar brings to your eyes what you want if you like to see info about playing track.

As foo_textdisplay was released two wishes from DefaultUis userbase became fullfilled: 1. display of now playing info in big letters and 2. display of text stored in tags. The current design of textdisplay is perfect to realize the first point. However, i think that the display of text could be offered in a more convenient way that wouldn't require writing Title Formatting anymore: i am thinking about defining textname and its sources (tag, file or database) in preferences and that's all. Then an Uielement could display all the text and by context menu we could choose the sources (either like in album art viewer or in selection properties). Wouldn't that fit better into DefaultUi?

On the other side that part of textdisplay that we know now could be reduced to now playing info, could show album cover and be categorized under "utility" instead of "selection info viewer".

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #69
I don't know what to write to get the lyrics to show, could anyone help me?

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #70
In what field are your lyrics?

If, field = lyrics,  then [%lyrics%]


Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #71
In what field? I don't know. I'm using foo_lyricsdb for the lyrics. I'm really new at this.

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #72
Well, I do not use foo_lyricsdb and am not going to read discussions or documentation for you.
However, a quick look at this
shows that at one time the field name was lyrics.

Why not try %lyrics% and see what happens.


Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #73
is it possible to change the edge type to grey? it seems to me like it is set to sunken...

Text Display (foo_textdisplay)

Reply #74

small request: left/right alignment would look much better, if there were a little space between text and border (configurable or not). I prefer left alignment, but unfortunately the text sticks too much to the left panel side. Or is there any title formatting syntax to solve this problem?