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Topic: foo_uie_single_column_playlist (Read 764395 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #650
Is somewhere comprehensive manual for scripting functions and macros for this pluging on the internet with explainig what parametrs and what for are used??
look here
and here


Reply #652
Doesn't work

Odd its working for me.
Have you got the latest version?
Did you place anything after that last ')'? If there is anything additional to !noheader! I don't think it will work.
Did you replace NORMAL with what you normally group by?

Can't think of anything else...


Reply #653
BUG 1:Foobar crach when I double click on empty space on playlist
BUG 2:When Im pressing key ARROW DOWN selection jumps over header (thats OK) but when Im pressing key ARROW UP selection steps into header (it should also jumped over it)


Reply #654
Already posted a few times, terrstrial hasn't responded yet.



Reply #655
I'm using a modified version of Mazy's code but I can't get the text to truncate (re: show ellipses) when the window is too narrow for the album title or song title.

Here is the code I'm using for each section:

Code: [Select]
$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-005-005-005 pencolor-null))

$font(calibri bold,9,$if(%isplaying%,underline,),255-255-255)
$replace(%title%,'(',$font(,,bold italic,204-204-204)'(')

[%length% | ]
[%bitrate% kbps]

$if(%cwb_queueindex%, '['%cwb_queueindexes%/%cwb_queuelength%']')

$font(Wingdings,9,glow-190-190-190 glowexpand-1,250-250-250)

Code: [Select]

$align(left,center)$font(calibri bold,9,,255-255-255)
$font(,,bold ,)
%artist% '('%album%')'

[%date% | ][%genre%]


Reply #656
I'm waiting for mazy to get back to me as to how he did his complex layouts without destroying the CPU :/

Same here, this plug slow my machine (CPU), even without covers

Windows Server 2003
Sempron 1.8GHz


Reply #657
I'm using a modified version of Mazy's code but I can't get the text to truncate (re: show ellipses) when the window is too narrow for the album title or song title.

AFAIK uie_single_column does not truncate text with dots at the end. You can only make it cut the text using alignabs.

(I am working on a routine that will truncate the text and add dots.)


Reply #658
Concerning the images-can't-be-on-other-physical-drive thing, I think I've found a workaround using a feature available to NTFS filesystems : the junction (same thing as a hard link on *nix). All my music is at D:\public\music\<artist>\<year><album> and my foobar is at c:\program files\foobar2000, and each cover is in the album's directory. So I junction "d:\public\music" to "c:\program files\foobar2000\music" using SysInternal's freeware junction.exe, and Foobar can access the d:\public\music, thinking it's in its own directory on C:. That's quite a geeky tweak, but it works a treat! No need to copy all album art to C: when my music is on D:, after all.


Reply #659
I'll just add thats possible by nature in vista, As it comes with its own advanced NTFS tools.


Reply #660
Concerning the images-can't-be-on-other-physical-drive thing, I think I've found a workaround using a feature available to NTFS filesystems : the junction (same thing as a hard link on *nix). All my music is at D:\public\music\<artist>\<year><album> and my foobar is at c:\program files\foobar2000, and each cover is in the album's directory. So I junction "d:\public\music" to "c:\program files\foobar2000\music" using SysInternal's freeware junction.exe, and Foobar can access the d:\public\music, thinking it's in its own directory on C:. That's quite a geeky tweak, but it works a treat! No need to copy all album art to C: when my music is on D:, after all.

You could also use imageabs2 which uses absolute path. Works perfectly for me


Reply #661
IMO "the images-can't-be-on-other-physical-drive thing" is no longer an issue since $imageabs2() has been added. I routinely load images on different drives using explicit paths.


Reply #662
Whoops, should have read more deeply before posting ^^ I've been disconnected for the two last months and many things happened since ! I only learnt about the new single_columns_playlist yesterday and start fiddling with it, that's really awesome.

... and now, another problem with $imageabs2. I am trying to add a subtle shade to the group title, this is how I intend to do it :
1) paint the whole layer blue, red, green, whatever
2) add a semi-transparent PNG layer, consisting of a 1px-wide gradient from transparent black to transparent white, stretched along the whole group.

So here's the code I use :
Code: [Select]
$puts(profile,c:\profils\rheuh\application data\foobar2000\)
$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-$get(groupcolor) pencolor-null)

But it won't work. I tried :
$imageabs2(1,64,,,,,,,...) ==> OK, 1px wide at top-left corner
$imageabs2(2,64,,,,,,,...) ==> KO, still 1px wide at top-left corner even if I specify 2px
$imageabs2(3,64,,,,,,,...) ==> KO, nothing is displayed when 1st variable is > 2
I also tried specifying the original gradient's size with $imageabs2(%_width%,64,,,1,64,,,$get(...),) and it still doesn't work.

That's confusing, because resizing works great with covers :
Code: [Select]

I noticed that stretching is only proportionnal for the covers : if the CD cover is, say, 1000x500px (front and inside, unfolded), then the thumbnail's size will be 64x32 instead of 64x64 as I specified (but the 64x32 image will be centered in the 64x64 frame).

Is $imageabs2() weird, or is my formatting string wrong ?


Reply #663

I'm using a modified version of Mazy's code but I can't get the text to truncate (re: show ellipses) when the window is too narrow for the album title or song title.

AFAIK uie_single_column does not truncate text with dots at the end. You can only make it cut the text using alignabs.

(I am working on a routine that will truncate the text and add dots.)

Cool, I'll try using alignabs and I eagerly awaite your ellipses code routine.

EDIT: the wiki doesn't explain how to use alignabs (the only mention of it is in Mazy's example code).  Any pointers?


Reply #664
Is anyone else experiencing this bug? When I use quicksearch, the results look like this:

As soon as I switch playlists and then switch back, it looks fine, though.

I've got some feature requests, also.
-Some way of having a custom sort within the groups and for tracks with !noheader!
-Reordering of tracks (by dragging)
-Dragging tracks outside of playlist using the right mouse button (like columns_ui)

Thanks again for this awesome plugin!


Reply #665
^ yup it seems a few people get that, just like me.


Reply #666
Is anyone else experiencing this bug? When I use quicksearch, the results look like this:

As soon as I switch playlists and then switch back, it looks fine, though.

i confirm that too.

a Bug:
- single column playlist scrolls down a little when adding/changing tags (rating for example) on active Autoplaylist window. The locked playlist isn't sorted by rating btw


Reply #667
when singlecolumnplaylist changes tracks it simply scrolls the playlist until the newly playing track is visible, usually resulting in that track appearing at the top or bottom depending on wich direction it needed to scroll. If you prefer the track to appear more centered like in the default playlist or columnsui playlist I would suggest you stop by the foo_uie_single_column_playlist thread and making a feature request.

thats what im doing right now

please add a feature to make the next track automatically show up in the middle of the panel.

brgds/ henn1ng
- creative x-fi extreme music
- sennheiser 650hd
- F U B A R++


Reply #668
Hi. How do I add a function to the playlist which checks if the folder which contains the songs in current album starts with VA - so it would change the %artist% to Various Artists ?



Reply #669
Never actually used quicksearch, but isn't the normal Ctrl+F faster? ;/


Reply #670
Hi. How do I add a function to the playlist which checks if the folder which contains the songs in current album starts with VA - so it would change the %artist% to Various Artists ?


if you tag the files in a various artists album with %album artist% set to "various artists" then you could simply use this to display the artist

%album artist%

if the %album artist% tag does not exist, it will simply display %artist%


Reply #671
Cool, I'll try using alignabs and I eagerly awaite your ellipses code routine.

EDIT: the wiki doesn't explain how to use alignabs (the only mention of it is in Mazy's example code).  Any pointers?

this is pretty simple and functional:

Code: [Select]

checks to see if the title is longer than 55 characters, if it is then it cuts it to 50 and puts "..." at the end, otherwise it just displays the title.

Hi. How do I add a function to the playlist which checks if the folder which contains the songs in current album starts with VA - so it would change the %artist% to Various Artists ?


I use this:

Code: [Select]
$if($stricmp($substr($directory(%path%,1),0,9),%date%' - VA'),'Various Artists', %artist%)

My VA folders are name as such though "year - VA - album name". if yours starts with "VA " then change the 9 in the code above to a 2 and change the "%date%' - VA'" to just "VA" and it should work.


Reply #672
It would be nice if it there was possobility to export playlist look to html format with covers copied to same directory 


Reply #673
updated with a couple of small bug fixes... haven't had time for too much else.


Reply #674
Thanks for your dedication, Though

EDIT: a small bug introduced with this update, it seems. I can't get it to focus on the playing item when changing tracks anymore.