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Topic: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases (Read 17537 times) previous topic - next topic
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Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

I have noticed from crash report data that some users run new foobar2000 exe with old DLLs, presumably because they update foobar2000 by copying just the exe manually extracted from the installer.
Please stop doing this.
For one thing, it means that DLL bugs fixed long ago live forever on your system - including any potential security issues with the decoders.
Additionally, some new core features specifically require new DLLs, such as interop between Properties dialog and ReplayGain scanner. Running mismatching versions is likely to break these features creating obscure issues.

Starting with foobar2000 v1.6.3, people who mix DLL versions will get a warning prompt on each startup. The prompt cannot be disabled.

Would you also expect Windows OS to run correctly if you replaced random system files with ones from a different major release?
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #1
That's right,it would be good to decide on an update algorithm that will be clear even to a novice user.
YouTube Music

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #2
it would be good to decide on an update algorithm that will be clear even to a novice user
Run installer and update. Isn't this algorithm clear enough?

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #3
I suspect that people copy folders when setting up fb2k on a "new" computer (like at work), in order to get config and everything copied over. (1) Install new version, (2) copy folders from old version, and therefore end up with this.

In the very least, the warning should tell people to re-run their installer (assuming the installer actually fixes it).

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #4
Rollin,if installing the latest portable version of the player in the root folder of any author's build is the correct method, then this is very good.Personally, I used a different method until the last moment, for fear of violating the user settings of the outdated version of the player.
YouTube Music

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #5
Installer doesn't change user settings.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #6
The startup prompt says:
Corrupted foobar2000 installation - component(s) come from a different version of foobar2000:
<list of DLLs>

Please reinstall foobar2000 to correct this.

Why would the installer change any settings?
And then if you don't trust the installer, why do you trust the software that it installs?
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #7
You're overthinking this one, Peter. You can only idiot-proof things so much...

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #8
And then if you don't trust the installer, why do you trust the software that it installs?
As @NateHigs says, you are overthinking. fb2k appeals to people who want their own customization. "I don't want defaults back" is not the same as "I don't trust the software".

There have been lots of questions raised on how to copy the config from one fb2k install to another. I'm sure that plenty of users have copied their entire folder to foobar2000_bup, upgraded and then copied "something" back until it works and looks like it did. Next time they might have found out that hell, can't I just pull the exe out? Next upgrade ... do what worked.

None of this need to be "distrust". Only good ol'fashioned laziness.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #9
You're overthinking this one, Peter. You can only idiot-proof things so much...
With all due respect, it's useful info, people should be aware of potential issues. Besides, this is clearly an effort to correct a practice that leads to instability and wasted development. I'm sure it's hard enough debugging a normal crash report without having to worry about 'frankenstein' installs. Indeed, anything that streamlines the process, aids overall progress. Furthermore, anything that creates even an impression of instability reflects upon the software and its author. This is a responsible move that protects Foobar's reputation and Peter's time, both of which are highly important. I see this as both a practical and necessary thing to do. After all, this isn't a fashion show with 'accessories' this is an engine with parts. Unless anyone has a better idea for fixing this situation? Just saying. ;~)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #10
As @NateHigs says, you are overthinking.
But I think I misread the rest.

This move won't "idiot proof", it will just tell "idiots" (or lazies) how to easily fix. Good. Works better than than shouting "stop" in a forum.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #11
You're overthinking this one, Peter. You can only idiot-proof things so much...
I hope this is a translation problem :)
YouTube Music

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #12
You're overthinking this one, Peter. You can only idiot-proof things so much...
I see repeating crash reports - tagged as coming from the latest version - that are actually old bugs resurfacing because of the scenario described above.
Even if I didn't really care about users who do weird things, I still have to get these reports out of the way when hunting for valid bugs.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #13
I don't love the idea of this warning message. In my case I'm intentionally using an old version of the ReplayGain component so I can scan my music with the original (non-EBU R128) algorithm.

Would there be any possibility of adding the "classic" RG algorithm back into the RG component as a user-selectable option? Then I could always use the current version of the RG component going forward.

(I suggested this a while back. Maybe you could bury it deep in advanced settings, if there's any concern about it confusing people?)

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #14
I'm using foobar2000 from its very beginning. Out of sudden I get a warning concerning foo_cdda when updating to 1.63. Am I right in assuming that this might happen when users have copied their (old) profile folder  into a clean installation in order to transfer their settings?
This practice was widespread and recommended as you can read in many threads and also here:
In this event:
1. how can I get rid of this warning? Is there a chance to "repair" this issue?
2. is there an official and approved workaround how to transfer settings to a clean installation?



Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #15
2 things:

1) make sure the only components inside [install folder]\components are core components


If you have any 3rd party components inside, remove them and install via the supported method.

2) now check your [user profile]\user-components and make sure this folder does not contain any core components that are listed above. You should remove them if present.

If you need to re-run the installer to get the latest version of any core component that you've removed from the user-components folder, that's fine.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #16
Upgrading components is also non-destructive to configuration, or should be. I can't speak for other developers, but for my own components, if I replace some setting with a new setting, or add extra options that change the meaning of a setting, I try to keep the old setting and upgrade it to a new setting on first run with the old settings still present. If not possible, I at least change the setting's ID value so that it resets to the suggested default.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #17
I don't love the idea of this warning message. In my case I'm intentionally using an old version of the ReplayGain component so I can scan my music with the original (non-EBU R128) algorithm.

Would there be any possibility of adding the "classic" RG algorithm back into the RG component as a user-selectable option? Then I could always use the current version of the RG component going forward.

(I suggested this a while back. Maybe you could bury it deep in advanced settings, if there's any concern about it confusing people?)
I realize that some people do this intentionally for some niche functionality or for troubleshooting - that's why I didn't block you from running foobar2000 entirely.
Most of people who get this don't even realize that there's something wrong with their installs.
( Classic RG feature request noted )

I'm using foobar2000 from its very beginning. Out of sudden I get a warning concerning foo_cdda when updating to 1.63. Am I right in assuming that this might happen when users have copied their (old) profile folder  into a clean installation in order to transfer their settings?
Not sure how you got this, foo_cdda should be never present in user profile folder unless moved by user (why??). Running the installer and making sure that CDDA support is checked should resolve this.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #18
making sure that CDDA support is checked

CDDA was not listed in Preferences: Decoding. So I coudn't check. That's why I did a full install and now CDDA ist listed. But CD Audio Decoder Version has changed from 3.0 to 1.63. Isn't it strange? Downsizing version?


Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #19
All bundled components appear to have version strings identical to the core now.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #21
Huge thank you, Peter, for adding the classic ReplayGain option in 1.6.5! I'm truly grateful.

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #22
Not sure if this works as intended. Tested the following:

* Installed 1.6.6 with the online tagger functionality
* On top of it, installed 1.6.7 unchecking online tagging

foo_freedb2.dll remains in the May 17th version; fb2k does not warn me, and I can still "Get tags from freedb".

Re: Please do not mix files from different foobar2000 releases

Reply #23
Thanks to the domain being redirected to GnuDB, it still picks up tags.