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Topic: New iPods! (Read 29511 times) previous topic - next topic
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New iPods!

Seems the 4th gen iPods will debut Monday July 19th..

Mag Cover

20 & 40 GB for $299 and $399 respectively.

New iPods!

Reply #2
Yeah, given Apple's exagerated battery capacity in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if the 4th generation version lasts only 20 - 30% longer than the 3rd gen model, rather than the claimed 50%. But it will be interesting to see what happens when the review sites start testing them. I'm sure some sites like or ipodlounge will try and do accurate tests of battery capacity.

Personally the US$100 price reduction is the best 'feature' enhancement. Hopefully that means that now the 40 GB model will be available for around AUD$600 which is much more reasonable than AUD$800. It means that assuming it doesn't have any major flaws, a 4th generation 40GB iPod will be on my wish list for Christmas ;-)

New iPods!

Reply #3
Yeah, given Apple's exagerated battery capacity in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if the 4th generation version lasts only 20 - 30% longer than the 3rd gen model, rather than the claimed 50%. But it will be interesting to see what happens when the review sites start testing them. I'm sure some sites like or ipodlounge will try and do accurate tests of battery capacity.

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=226982"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

In the Newsweek article, it mentions the longer battery life as being a result of more efficient energy-saving features, not a new, higher-capacity battery. Apple's quoted battery life of 8 hours for the 3rd gen model never held true for me, since that figure represents continuous play (i.e., no changing songs manually, using the backlight, or touching the controls). Thus, I'd be interested to see how the new model holds up under "normal" use....if one changes songs frequently, turns on the backlight for a few seconds, or plays with the volume, do these "energy saving" features become moot?

New iPods!

Reply #4
I almost purchased a 20GB third-generation iPod yesterday.

No I am going to wait for this.

I really hope the new supposed battery life holds true. And thet there isn't anything broken on the new generation. And that they remain as good looking as always 
I'm the one in the picture, sitting on a giant cabbage in Mexico, circa 1978.
Reseñas de Rock en Español:

New iPods!

Reply #5
Even with a $100 price drop, they are still bloody expensive.

I'll agree to spend $400 on an hifi audio component, but that's just too much for a portable device that may have a usable lifespan of 3-4 years. I am the type of person who really should have an iPod, but I've drawn the line in the sand because I'm simply cautious with my money.

New iPods!

Reply #6
but that's just too much for a portable device that may have a usable lifespan of 3-4 years.

I disagree, but only on general principles. For you your statement may be true, but if I didn't already have a 3rd gen iPod I'd buy the 4th gen model because I use mine all the time (well not quite, but getting there.)

There are many reasons to buy an iPod...and many reasons not to... and they vary heavily from person to person.
Hip-hop looks like it's having more fun than you are - Chuck D

New iPods!

Reply #7
but that's just too much for a portable device that may have a usable lifespan of 3-4 years.

I agree that $300-$400 is a lot of money, however, if it was too much to be asking of the iPod then nobody would be buying it.  However, millions of people are getting iPods so obviously are willing to shell out the money for one.  There are cheaper portables out there and now that Apple has lowered the prices on the iPod that should force its competitors to lower their prices even more.  Watch the next Rio Karma be around $200 to compete with the iPod.

The 4th gen iPod doesn't really look like a major improvement over the 3rd gen.  They added some of the functionality of the iPod mini and 4 more hours of battery life mixed with a few minor features built into the player.  I own a 3rd gen 20GB iPod and I don't see myself upgrading to the 4th gen unless my iPod dies and I get a 4th gen for free at Circuit City.

New iPods!

Reply #8
I just hope it's more scratch resistant than the 3rd gens. The mini is great in this regard, but the magazine picture seems to show that the 4th gen models retain the shiny, scratch-prone exterior.

New iPods!

Reply #9
but that's just too much for a portable device that may have a usable lifespan of 3-4 years.
I agree that $300-$400 is a lot of money, however, if it was too much to be asking of the iPod then nobody would be buying it.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=227035"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
I strongly disagree. Because the HDD/MP3 player market (the MP3 market, if you ask me) is still in its infancy, people really don't have any clue that there are other options on the market, let alone better, cheaper ones.

New iPods!

Reply #10
How about "better looking"? Or "easy to use"?

The iPod, besides having "first-born advantage" is also one of the most beautiful pieces of electronics ever built (Apple has had that advantage for some time now) and it is also very easy to use, both in itself and when connected to a computer.

There might be better stuff out there, but I think these are the two points companies making HD-based MP3/AAC players out there should adress first, even before price.
I'm the one in the picture, sitting on a giant cabbage in Mexico, circa 1978.
Reseñas de Rock en Español:

New iPods!

Reply #11
I have a 2nd Generation 20G iPod that I use every day.  I listen to it at work.  I listen to it while I work out at the gym.  It is awesome.  I realize that some folks balk at the price.  I bought my iPod on ebay when the 3rd Generation came out.  I have been extremely happy with my purchase.  In fact, I got my wife a mini-ipod as well.


New iPods!

Reply #12
Looks good.  I especially like the slightly longer battery life, which was one of the complaints I've read about it.  They don't have the 15 GB version anymore.  Hopefully the 20 GB isn't too expensive...I wonder what's the educational price.  The 15 GB was AUD$403

New iPods!

Reply #13
What I'm especially hoping for with this new iPod range, is that something has been done about the distortion issue to the playback of 320 kbps CBR and -B 320 VBR MP3s. Which is the major downside to the iPod, in my view.


New iPods!

Reply #14
I prefer the iPod mini, fits in your pocket easier as is about half the height of an iPod. Plus it can charge from USB (iPod only from firewire), this means going on holiday with a laptop means just 1 usb cable (no charger).

New iPods!

Reply #15
Its weird, i just dont listen to music like this.  I cant stand the sound from in ear phones - yes decent ones. (or even having them in my ears), and im not going to stick my huge sennheisers on to go for a run, not really portable.    Plus I find ipods in particular way over priced.  If it had a digital out id consider it - the iriver ihp-140 makes more sense to me.

New iPods!

Reply #16
do these "energy saving" features become moot?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=226986"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I think most energy saving will come from its new processor, dsp chip, new harddrive and electrical design. I'm not sure that they use the same processor as the mini or even the newer one. I've read somewhere the current drain of the mni is significantly less than the 3rd gen (on both playback from buffer and during disk access).

New iPods!

Reply #17
I wonder what's the educational price.  The 15 GB was AUD$403
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=227111"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

If the Australian prices for the 4G models remain equated with the US prices for 3G models, then it looks like the education price for the 40GB 4G model will be AUD$540, which to me is much more reasonable than the $720 it is currently (only $79 saving over standard retail price). However who knows what the pricing structure will be. I reckon the AUD$399 asking price for the iPod mini is rather unrealistic. However I understand that people who get one are paying extra for the small size.

New iPods!

Reply #18
What I'm especially hoping for with this new iPod range, is that something has been done about the distortion issue to the playback of 320 kbps CBR and -B 320 VBR MP3s. Which is the major downside to the iPod, in my view.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=227132"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I agree that it is a concern that it has playback issues on high bit rate MP3, and you'd like to think that it is something that would be of high concern to the firmware developers. However, it is my intention to get a 40 GB model and then to use a medium bitrate AAC setting in iTunes, say around 160K for most of my files, maybe a bit higher on albums I know that will be hard to compress. My only great wish now is for a new version of iTunes with a nicely tuned VBR version of the AAC encoder. By looks of it that isn't going to be too far off given the recent new beta of OSX.

I am in process of re-ripping all my CDs to FLAC. I have done most of my absolute favourites first. But in order to do my whole collection I need to invest in a new 200 GB hard disc first :-)  I guess the next step is to find a simple method for going from FLAC to iTunes AAC, whilst retaining all tags etc.

Edit: typos

New iPods!

Reply #19
That sounds pretty neat... but now I have to justify buying it. Any ideas?
-=MusePack... Living Audio Compression=-

Honda - The Power of Dreams

New iPods!

Reply #20
I wonder what's the educational price.  The 15 GB was AUD$403
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=227111"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

If the Australian prices for the 4G models remain equated with the US prices for 3G models, then it looks like the education price for the 40GB 4G model will be AUD$540, which to me is much more reasonable than the $720 it is currently (only $79 saving over standard retail price). However who knows what the pricing structure will be. I reckon the AUD$399 asking price for the iPod mini is rather unrealistic. However I understand that people who get one are paying extra for the small size.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=227168"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Cool.  What do you think about the 20 GB 4G iPod?  That's the one I'm considering as it is replacing the 15 GB?

New iPods!

Reply #21
Does any user here know if it's possible to plug on one both a PC and a Mac you own ? I fear I could only use it with one or the other but not both computers...

Are there people working on an alternative firmware that would support other codec/containers ? (Vorbis, WavPack to name the ones I want)

New iPods!

Reply #22
(off topic)

I guess the next step is to find a simple method for going from FLAC to iTunes AAC, whilst retaining all tags etc.[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=227170"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

EAC 2 FLAC and AAC simultaneously: Mareo.
FLAC 2 AAC: Speek's Multi frontend.

New iPods!

Reply #23
FrEaKy! I went back to the Apple Education store that I can access (For Flinders University S.A.) and it is now showing only two models, the 20 GB, and the 40 GB. Within the space of 3 hours or so the 15 GB model has been removed! Sadly the price is not quite as good as what I hoped, it is $584.10 for the 40 GB model (I speculated it would be $540), and $448.80 for the 20 GB model. It does not state that these are prices for the 4G models, instead it says "w/click wheel". I should point out that it only says the dock is included for the 40 GB model, NOT the 20 GB model, that may simply be wrong, I'm sure more info will come to light in the next few days. Neither models state that they come with a remote. I would've hoped the 40 GB version at least would come with the remote.

All prices are AUD$.

New iPods!

Reply #24
I should point out that it only says the dock is included for the 40 GB model, NOT the 20 GB model, that may simply be wrong, I'm sure more info will come to light in the next few days.[{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

[a href="]Apple Store[/url] lists the new 20GB iPod's without a dock too. The dock is only included with the 40GB version it seems. -