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Topic: [Not My Release] EsPlaylist (Read 353819 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #575
You can enable search in a specific column.
Right click on the column header for one you want to search in and select Column Options > Enable Typing Search.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #576
Is it possible to change the font size and style like $font(Segoe UI,9,Normal)? in the Title of the Grouping Layer Settings of EsPlaylist
$rgb(0,102,213)$if2(['('Halo $num(%HALO%,2)')' ]['('Null $num(%NULL%,2)')' ]['('Sigil $num(%SIGIL%,2)')' ]['('%date%')' ],)[['('Online Radio')' %url%][%album%]]

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #577
IIRC, you can change it if you're using columns UI. it should be in the main CUI font preferences.

if you're using default UI, then no.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #578
i'm using Esplaylist as autoplaylist - is it possible to make ONLY currently played album visible in separate panel?
here is illustration below:

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #579
you could configure the your large panel to show your entire library. (right click>browse>browse library). then the playlist at the bottom could be standard playlist and it can be populated by whatever you configure under the EsPlaylist behaviour preferences. (right click>grouping>preferences>behaviour tab)

if you want to filter the library, you can right click>options>apearance and enable show search bar.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #580
Okay, I'm using the following value for grouping and title in my Album Artist preset:

$puts(ini,$left($stripprefix(%album artist%),1))$select($es_char_type($get(ini)),0-9,$caps($get(ini)),$get(ini),Others)

As I understand it, the checking order for %album artist% is "album artist", "artist", "composer", "performer."

2 Predicaments:

Predicament 1:
If I have 2 album artists (like in a Split EP), how would I be able to separate the two album artists in the "Album Artist" grouping?
My goal is to have them appear as two different album artists, but upon clicking either artist, produce the split album in which they both appear.

Album: Bright Eyes/Squad Car 96
Album Artist: Bright Eyes; Squad Car 96
I want to be able to click on Bright Eyes and see the album "Bright Eyes/Squad Car 96" listed, and upon clicked the album from this second menu, see that all the songs by Squad Car 96 from the aforementioned album are there.

Predicament 2:
If I do not have an album artist, but rather 2 artists in the "artist" field, I would like my sorting to do the same thing.

Predicament 1 is more of a priority than Predicament 2.
My best guess in solving both of these predicaments is the utilization of the $meta() function, but I wouldn't know where to start, given my current grouping code.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #581
When I select artists from my entire library, it will only show albums by that artist in the EsPlaylist (Which is what I want).
But when I select artists from a playlist it will select all the albums by that artist, but still shows all the other albums by other artists.

Is there any way to make it so it only shows the selected artist's albums?

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #582
Preferences > Tools > EsPlaylist > Grouping tab

Select the appropriate entry under Preset setting, click the Edit button, tick the box next to Show only focused group, click OK, click Apply and then OK.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #583
Preferences > Tools > EsPlaylist > Grouping tab

Select the appropriate entry under Preset setting, click the Edit button, tick the box next to Show only focused group, click OK, click Apply and then OK.

Sweet, just what I wanted. Thanks Ben.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #584
I wonder if there is a way to get this behavior:
For example - I have Michael Jackson discography in MJ playlist playing and playlist tabs on top of EsPlaylist, i change to another playlist to edit it.
Actual behavior i have - on song change, selected playlist starts to play instead of already playing one. When i check 'Follow currently playing' option, playlist tabs stop working.

Is there a way to be able to edit playlist while playing another one with EsPlaylist?


[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #585
Playback menu>untick playback follows cursor.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #586
Preferences > Tools > EsPlaylist > Grouping tab

Select the appropriate entry under Preset setting, click the Edit button, tick the box next to Show only focused group, click OK, click Apply and then OK.

Sweet, just what I wanted. Thanks Ben.

Wait, I messed up. I tested this out at work, but I forgot that I don't have any playlists at work, just the library section. So I thought it was working.

I'm trying it at home again, and just like before the library selection works, but if I go into a playlist like favourites it still just selects the albums, but still shows everything else.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #587
Playback menu>untick playback follows cursor.

Awesome, thanks a lot.

I found another detail that I'd like to change - when I have album art that's not exactly a square EsPlaylist vertically align it to the middle of a square created by longer edge of the image.
Image will say more:

Is there a way to have all images on the top like it is with the Forever Michael album?

Thanks again

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #588

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #589
Maybe not bug.
it seems that you should disable "Preferences->Media Library->Library Viewer Selection Playlist->Enabled"

Ahh this did the trick. I dunno why I didn't have this enabled. Thanks for the help too Ben.

EDIT: NOPE. Still not working.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #590
I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that you'll also have to switch Facets from playlist mode to library mode.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #591
I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that you'll also have to switch Facets from playlist mode to library mode.

But if I do that then it will show every artist in my library even if I'm in a playlist. I want it to show only the artists of that playlist so I have it on auto. It's not too bad really. I'd just rather see only the albums by the selected artist but I guess it's impossible on a playlist.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #592
I've tried a several things and I wonder if there's a way to make certain grouping rules optional.
(Tried $if(%discnumber%, %discnumber%))

I have several albums divided in two discs and if the discnumber is present, I'd like to create another subgroup, possibly with different album art for each disc (but behavior like this will be enough)

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #593
i think you're in the wrong thread. that sure looks like simplaylist.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #594
i think you're in the wrong thread. that sure looks like simplaylist.

No, I'm using EsPlaylist, that was just for demonstration. I'm not able to get this behavior with EsPlaylist. So back to my previous post, is this possible with EsP?

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #595
no. subgroups are either on or off.

but you could put the album/date/other info in the subgroup instead so single disc albums would look alright. i know it's not as elegant as simplaylist...

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #596
Wow! Thats exactly what i want to achieve, how did you split album into discs? using %discnumber% as grouping option and showing album name in title instead of grouping by %album%?

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #597

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #598
Awesome, thanks again

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #599
Anyone has clues about how to contact the author now? The mail address on the release page has been invalid.

Here is several problem problems I can't work out, and I think they should be bugs / missing features / design fails:

1. Select something in the library.
2. Play something in the generated playlist (L​ibrary View Selection).
3. Select something else in the library.
4. If the new playlist also contains the song being played(for example, choose All Music), Other playlist UI plugins (including the official playlist view) will show playing icon and %playback_time%(in case it's showed in some column) are displayed correctly. But EsPlaylist can't do this.
Also, when the new playlist does not contain the song, switching back or switching to another library item which contains the song being played, they are displayed in other playlist UI plugins, but EsPlaylist can't do it, either.

1. Select something in the library
2. Select something in the generated playlist (L​ibrary View Selection).
3. Select something else in the library, which also contains the selection in step 2.
4. Other playlist UI plugins will scroll the playlist to center the selection.

1. Select something in other playlist view(which contains same playlist, for example, the active playlist)
2. All playlist views(except for playlist views using by EsPlaylist) should notice the selection change, if the selection is not within window range, they will scroll the playlist to center the selection.

So does anyone have clues on this issue or about the author's contact? Please help me.

In case the author is in this forum, here is the japanese text with almost same content(about the issue):
EsPlaylist Playlist(L​ibrary View Selection)​はライブラリで切り替​え後の動作に関して

1. ライブラリで何かを選択
2. プレイリストで何かを再生
3. ライブラリで他の何かを選択、プレイリストの内容が変わるはず
4. 新たなプレイリストが再生中の曲を含む場合は、他のPlaylist UI Plugin(オフィシャルのPlaylist Viewも込み)は該当項目の再生中アイコンまたは%playback_time%(カラムに入った場合)を正しく表示する。EsPlaylistはその項目に対して何の動作もない。

1. ライブラリで何かを選択
2. プレイリストで何かを選択
3. ライブラリでプレイリストの選ぶ項目を含む他の何かを選択
4. 他のPlaylist UI Pluginはプレイリスト該当項目を中心してスクロールする。

1. 同じプレイリスト(例えば、アクティブプレイリスト)を表示する他のPlaylist viewで何かを選択
2. 他のPlaylist UI Pluginはプレイリスト該当項目を中心してスクロールする。


The playlist is scrolled to center the selection, not the song being played.
Also about the selection, when the selection changes(in another playlist view or something), the new selection should also be centered.
The post above is therefore edited.