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Topic: documentation for vorbis encoder (Read 18017 times) previous topic - next topic
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documentation for vorbis encoder

Hi all,
I am new to this forum and currently working on developing vorbis encoder, downloaded the libvorbis-aotuv_b6.03 as i have many doubts.  i would like to know where i can get related documents for vorbis compression algorithm.

Thanks in advance,


documentation for vorbis encoder

Reply #1
Have you tried this one?
Music: sounds arranged such that they construct feelings.

documentation for vorbis encoder

Reply #2
Have you tried this one?

hi thanks for your reply,
yes i tried that, but i found docs related only to specifications and the compression algorithm is not explined much. Basically i am searching for some documenation which explains the whole compression algorithm (used in refernce encoder) in detail for eg: psychoacoustic model, channeel coupling and encoding of residue etc...

Thanks in advance

documentation for vorbis encoder

Reply #3
Why not read the Wikipedia Vorbis page's Technical section and follow the references to technical web pages and scholarly papers describing things further. These give a lot more detail. There's also some information in Xiph's CELT and Opus blogs regarding certain techniques (e.g. Constrained Band Energy, Band Folding, Pyramidal Vector Quantization etc.).

Actually, most of that's in the Specification. If you want to know about Psychoacoustic Models, the general principles are explained in numerous places with reference to other codecs, and most of these techniques are applicable to the tools available in Vorbis. You might also want to look into AoTuV source code versus libvorbis to spot differences in tuning. I think the libvorbis source code is probably pretty good documentation, then search Wikipedia, Google Scholar, and finally Google generally, to understand terms you don't recognise.
Dynamic – the artist formerly known as DickD

documentation for vorbis encoder

Reply #4
Why not read the Wikipedia Vorbis page's Technical section and follow the references to technical web pages and scholarly papers describing things further. These give a lot more detail. There's also some information in Xiph's CELT and Opus blogs regarding certain techniques (e.g. Constrained Band Energy, Band Folding, Pyramidal Vector Quantization etc.).

Actually, most of that's in the Specification. If you want to know about Psychoacoustic Models, the general principles are explained in numerous places with reference to other codecs, and most of these techniques are applicable to the tools available in Vorbis. You might also want to look into AoTuV source code versus libvorbis to spot differences in tuning. I think the libvorbis source code is probably pretty good documentation, then search Wikipedia, Google Scholar, and finally Google generally, to understand terms you don't recognise.

Hi Thank you very much for your suggestions..


documentation for vorbis encoder

Reply #7
Hi Vinod,

I was just checking something out about how SILK works, and was reminded that another good resource is the PDF version of a LibreOffice or OpenOffice Impress presentation which is probably the one used by Jean-Marc Valin in his talk "Opus - The Swiss Army Knife Of Audio Codecs". (That PDF was for a gstreamer-related presentation)

This contains links to relevant Wikipedia articles and illustrative graphics. You can also find the video under Presentations on the website. (The specific presentation materials for that talk are linked in that page and are very similar to the gstreamer link I gave above)

You'll find a good bit of detail including the LP filters coefficients that mirror the vocal tract, the way they're converted to Line Spectral Frequencies before quantization, and the combination of fixed codebooks and scalar and vector quantization, all with helpful diagrams and a fair number of equations and wikipedia links to further info, plus references that you can follow up.
Dynamic – the artist formerly known as DickD

documentation for vorbis encoder

Reply #8


I just realised I posted links to Opus documentation and you want Vorbis. Some of it is relevant (e.g. Pyramid Vector Quantization) but a lot of it is different and reflects the lessons learned in Vorbis development (e.g. Opus/CELT explicitly encodes the band energy, Vorbis indirectly reflects this by the noise curve) and specifics relating to speech coding and low latency that Vorbis doesn't have to worry about.
Dynamic – the artist formerly known as DickD

documentation for vorbis encoder

Reply #10
Hi Vinod,

I was just checking something out about how SILK works, and was reminded that another good resource is the PDF version of a LibreOffice or OpenOffice Impress presentation which is probably the one used by Jean-Marc Valin in his talk "Opus - The Swiss Army Knife Of Audio Codecs". (That PDF was for a gstreamer-related presentation)

This contains links to relevant Wikipedia articles and illustrative graphics. You can also find the video under Presentations on the website. (The specific presentation materials for that talk are linked in that page and are very similar to the gstreamer link I gave above)

You'll find a good bit of detail including the LP filters coefficients that mirror the vocal tract, the way they're converted to Line Spectral Frequencies before quantization, and the combination of fixed codebooks and scalar and vector quantization, all with helpful diagrams and a fair number of equations and wikipedia links to further info, plus references that you can follow up.

Hi, Thank you very much for the information provided above.
