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Topic: Linear Phase Subwoofer (Read 42073 times) previous topic - next topic
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Linear Phase Subwoofer

Please try this plugin with different parameters and feedback your experiences.

- fast fir processing
- adjustable slope with linear phase
- delay control
- mono, stereo, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 input support

Download here

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #1
new in version 1.1.0 :
- adding 3 continuous filters;
- increased the size of the chart window.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #2
new in version 1.2.0:
- adding "Edge" filter slope as "Gaussian" with Gamma=0.5;
- adding "Circular" filter slope;
- change "Gamma" parameter range to 1 .. 2.5

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #3
Could you give more information please? I don't understand how to use it. I'm not even sure about what it is supposed to do.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #4
This plugin extracts bass from the source signal using low-pass filter and send it to the separate channel (LFE).
It can be useful if you have 2.1 or 5.1 audio system.
Standard realization of this task used IIR or analog filters, which fast, but produce phase shifting.
The high-quality filtering needs linear-phase characteristic, which can be achieved only by using digital FIR filter.
This plugin also allows to use various type of filters, not only Linkwitz-Riley, which often using for split frequences. The filter slopes builds using piecewise functions in logarithmic scale. If you need a Linkwitz-Riley filter, select "HyperTangent" - their slopes are identical.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #6
Chibisteven, is it first install or after previous version?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #8
Find the problem.  The plugin conflicts with Winamp Bridge (which I seldomly use) resulting in crashes.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #9
Conflict with Matrix Mixer (foo_dsp_mm) also found (this one I use a lot) and if in the DSP Chain with your Subwoofer plugin and you seek a song using the progress bar it results in a crash.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #10
Chibisteven, thanks for it. I try to reproduce this crash first.
According to your failure report, crash raised when logarithm function calculated.
Even if the argument is illegal,  foobar not crashed on my pc.
 I can try to use another math lib.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #11
Chibisteven, on my Win8.1 with Foobar 1.3.10 any combination of Subwoofer / Matrix Mixer / Winamp DSP Bridge works well, no any conflict found.
May be problem plugin is not mine.
Did you can send me a full content of your "foobar2000" folder, including "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000"?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #12
Check your Private Messages.

I'm running a fresh install of Windows 10 Pro - 64 bit on Windows 7 era machine without issues.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #13
Please try this plugin with different parameters and feedback your experiences. I used my own formula to generate the frequency response, and I'm interested in opinion from other people.

- fast fir processing
- adjustable slope with linear phase
- mono, stereo, triple and quadro input support
- double bass array output support

Download here

Hi, Thanks so much for your work,  I was looking for a plugin like this, I had to disable Resampler(PPHS) to avoid foobar  crashes when changing songs.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #14
I just tried this today, it worked great.  I'm using the SoX resampler before it with no issues.  One feature that I'd like to see is the option not to high pass the main channels.  I typically run my main speakers full range and low pass the subs.

Thanks for a great component!

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #15
I have a couple more feature requests that would really make this easy to use and set up:

  • LFE level control - the ability to adjust the volume of the subwoofer relative to the main speakers
  • LFE delay - plus or minus time delay to allow putting the subs where desired, behind or in front of the mains, minus delay would delay the mains
  • Presets - the ability to store two or so presets that can be switched between quickly
  • Bypass mode or save settings - it would be great to be able to either leave the DSP in the active list and just bypass it or keep your settings if you remove it from the active list so when you put it back into the active list you don't have to start over

OK, more than a couple.  The first two in particular would allow you to dial in the system from your listening chair as well as providing greater flexibility for sub placement.

Thanks for any consideration you may give to these.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #16
Someone pointed out to me on another thread that you can save DSP chains so the request for the plugin to remember settings goes away.  One down!

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #17
I've been using this component for a little over a week on two different PCs and I have to say that I'm getting the best sub/main integration I've ever had.  Sound quality seems unchanged, no glitches or issues of any kind.

I tried using channel mixer component to adjust the level and delay of the LFE channel but Foobar crashed as soon as I tried to view the DSP window.  Reporting the incident gave the message that channel mixer was a known buggy component so it got promptly removed.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #18
xsdaver, thanks for your feedback! I will add the ability for LFE delay and disable high-pass filtering a bit later.
I think, the LFE digital level control is not good idea, because for prevent clipping it can be only quiet.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #19
Thanks for the reply.  The ability to adjust the LFE level relative to the main channels is pretty important for me.  In my case, I'm driving three subwoofers.  While I can adjust the level of each, each is independent so I will either have to match them every time I adjust the overall LFE level or live with them at different levels.  In the end, this may not be all that big a deal if they are close, but I'd prefer to have them as close as possible.  If I can go through the exercise of matching the level of the three together once and then adjust the overall level through the software it works out much better, at least for me.

If clipping is a concern, perhaps the ability to attenuate both the LFE and main channel is the best way to go.  Thoughts?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #20
I was getting set up to balance the subs and mains.  I had generated a pink noise track in Audacity so I can play it through FooBar and have it processed like a music track.  Only FooBar with this subwoofer component separates the bass so I can send the bass to LFE outputs.  If this component is loaded in the DSP stack only bass comes out.  If I remove it, the mains work, but of course no bass.  It is the only active DSP.  I'm baffled.  Any suggestions?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #21
I was getting set up to balance the subs and mains.  I had generated a pink noise track in Audacity so I can play it through FooBar and have it processed like a music track.  Only FooBar with this subwoofer component separates the bass so I can send the bass to LFE outputs.  If this component is loaded in the DSP stack only bass comes out.  If I remove it, the mains work, but of course no bass.  It is the only active DSP.  I'm baffled.  Any suggestions?
Sorry, but i can't understand what your problem.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #22
If I play a track that is pink noise, nothing comes out of left and right, only the LFE channel has the noise.  The LFE channel noise is filtered so it is only the low frequencies and seems to be getting through the plug-in correctly.  There is no sound coming out of the main left and right speakers.  With music it works great, with noise nothing out of left and right.  If I take the subwoofer plug-in out of the DSP stack the left and right work, but of course no subwoofer.

You can download the noise file I used here;

or create one with Audacity, or I'm sure there are plenty on the web if you don't happen to have one.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #23
Your file "Pink Noise 96kHz -0_8.flac" is mono. On mono files, plugin produce two-channels output - one center and one subwoofer. You have not sound at left and right speakers because it sounds at center speaker. To solve this, convert input signal to stereo before subwoofer plugin.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #24
I figured if I did not have the create center channel box checked it would not create a center channel.  Apparently it does?  Now that I know what it is doing I can route the center channel to left and right to get the output I'm looking for.