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Topic: [TOS #8] From: Jitter Listening test files (Read 1572 times) previous topic - next topic
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[TOS #8] From: Jitter Listening test files

It is all just numbers, and in this case I'm not even seeing any absolute numbers, just relative numbers to some product I really know nothing about.

???? Filters are spec'ed with respect to amount of attenuation they provide.  The attenuation is relative to the input amplitude.  To borrow a phrase from our British friends, showing measurements like I did is "bog standard" practice in characterizing DAC PLL jitter.  Here is one of many such references:

As you see they too have the 0 db reference and filtered amount as negative numbers.  And also show the peaking that results in amplification of jitter near corner frequencies. 

It is quite surprising that you think there should be absolute numbers.

To expand, our interest is in the 20 Hz to 20 Khz audible spectrum.  To the extent a device shows no attenuation of jitter in that band, it means its PLL only filters ultrasonic and higher frequency jitter which is good for accurate data extraction but not from audibility point of view.

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