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Topic: Components for Mac (Read 704 times) previous topic - next topic
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Components for Mac

So the recent version of foobar for mac now has component support, but there are only a handful of components that are available. Is this because the components needs to be developed for mac or does it have something to do with newer chip architecture on Mac's and more recently on PCs not being support? I suppose my question is, at what pace does the community expect the variety of components to be available on Mac, 1) quickly, if active developers are trying to keep pace with technology changes that affect all or users, or 2) slowly or perhaps never if they need to develop specifically for a niche audience.

I recently had to switch from PC to Mac for reason beyond my control and if avoidable I hope to not be in the trenches of my non-optimazed foobar. Thank you

Re: Components for Mac

Reply #1
Unfortunately it’s 2.


Re: Components for Mac

Reply #2
I guess there is something like Wine for Macs?
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.