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Topic: Trackpad Gestures (Read 966 times) previous topic - next topic
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Trackpad Gestures

First time using foobar2000. Starting to get the hang of it, but I haven’t been able to find how to disable trackpad gestures. Any help with this would be great.

Re: Trackpad Gestures

Reply #1

Re: Trackpad Gestures

Reply #2
I suppose I am actually interested in disabling the horizontal scroll feature that causes the current track to change to either the next or previous track. On my touchpad, whenever I try to scroll vertically, it is often misinterpreted as a horizontal scroll and I inadvertently change the song.

Re: Trackpad Gestures

Reply #3
Which OS? Which hardware? Some trackpad gesture software reports horizontal scrolling as the mouse4/mouse5 forward/back buttons when there is no horizontal scrolling. The only way to disable this is to ignore mouse4/mouse5.

Re: Trackpad Gestures

Reply #4
I’m running Arch Linux on a 2007 MacBook Pro.


Re: Trackpad Gestures

Reply #5
Even further out of his control, since foobar2000 doesn't implement trackpad gestures for track skipping, or for anything else, for that matter. I did find that when my Linux desktop environment had horizontal scrolling enabled, and I did it on a Wine listview that had no horizontal scrollbar to speak of, it would instead send previous/next item (track, in this case) events to the player. You have to blame your desktop environment on this one.

Or foobar2000, for implementing mouse4/5 event handlers for track skipping.