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Topic: New High DPI Monkey's Audio Testers Wanted (Read 11280 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: New High DPI Monkey's Audio Testers Wanted

Reply #25
I just released an update the builds the options dialogs totally on the fly instead of using stored things in the resource file.  That way they should work well at any scale.

Thanks again for the help.

Re: New High DPI Monkey's Audio Testers Wanted

Reply #27
Thanks for the screenshots.  They look pretty good.

Next build I'll make this little tweak:
Changed: Made options a little wider and also the list of choices wider to avoid truncation on high DPI.


Re: New High DPI Monkey's Audio Testers Wanted

Reply #28
I've got these changes slated to go out:
Changed: Made the options list a little wider to avoid truncation on high DPI.
Changed: Made output directory level recreation a combobox instead of an edit (since only a few values would be chosen, it seemed unnecessary to allow typing).
Changed: Put the browse directory button right next to the path selection in options instead of below it.
Changed: Put the APL naming help button back to the right of the combobox in Options.

I'll wait to release to see if there are any more suggestions.  Thanks again for the help.

Re: New High DPI Monkey's Audio Testers Wanted

Reply #29
Just put another update out.  Thanks again.

Re: New High DPI Monkey's Audio Testers Wanted

Reply #30
There were reports that the options dialog looked too wide on regular DPI so I cut another update that adjusts the width using a scaled number (instead of the number just being baked in).