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Topic: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg) (Read 6588 times) previous topic - next topic
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Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Next chapter in the series "Porcus does the testing so that you won't have to construct these stupid signals to feed that stupid encoder" is: Support for more than the WAVE size limit - 4 GiB PCM or more?
TL;DR: I got pretty much everything to create misbehaved files. In some cases it is by (re-) construction, but even then I would wish for better warning messages.

Initial test: Can the formats accommodate 4 GiB and can the encoders do it right?

I created some files that were altogether too big for the 4GiB PCM size, and concatenated them using foobar2000 outputting to ALAC-in-m4a, FLAC, TAK -e -p0  -ihs -wm0 - %d or dropping -wm0 also tested, TTA -eb - %d, WavPack - and .wav, where fb2k creates invalid .wav file. 
Also tried Monkey's and OptimFrog, let us do away with those once and for all:
* OptimFROG doesn't support piping, and the only way it supports 4 GiB is as .raw and decoding to .raw.  If you try to trick it using --incorrectheader, it will warn you first and scream error at you afterwards.  Don't blame it, it warned you both before and after. Acceptable behaviour indeed.
* Monkey's Audio does apparently not support > 4 GiB at all, and although something might hang if you try to force it, it will not output anything wrong (nor right). Acceptable behaviour although a bit annoying.
Then the rest:
* ALAC, FLAC, WavPack: files are fine, play fine. 
* TAK: TAK seems to have a bound at 2^31 samples per channel.  That coincides with 2^32=4Gi for mono with 16 bits (= 2 bytes) per sample).   On one hand, that means some 36 GiB at 5.1 surround and 24 bits/sample - but for 8 bits mono the limit is down to 2 GiB.
Above those 2^31, the encoded file is "Undecodable".  Encoding files you cannot decode is hardly well-behaved (ffmpeg can salvage the audio, see below).
* TTA by tta.exe: The enfant terrible again.  First, using the necessary "-eb" option that ignores chunk sizes, it will build a temp file with all the audio, and then encode the first size MOD 2^32.  That is: if the audio is 17 seconds too long, it will behave as an odometer going full circle, declare the audio to be "17 seconds", encode that, and discard the rest.  
Also the -eb is needed even from 2 GiB, because tta.exe seems to think that signed long integer is a good idea - slightly above 2 GiB you will see it claiming to buffer a negative number of samples.
* TTA by ffmpeg: just fine!  (Beware what i just learned: you cannot use ffmpeg to encode from 8-bit FLAC or WavPack.  Well who really wants to encode to TTA ... something that is already in a better format?)

Then the WAVE files:
* foobar2000 will for large enough signals create a too long ".wav" and without any warning unless you set it to show output file and notice the little question mark.
* ffmpeg will also create a too long ".wav" (unless you permit rf64) - but at least it will warn.

Next test: Can the decoders decode their formats' too-large-for-4GiB-PCM files?

* refalac: Will decode too large files to RF64, call it ".wav" and give no warning that it isn't your usual .wav.  Is that ... good?
* FLAC: Will throw "ERROR: stream is too big to fit in a single WAVE file".  Or similar if you specify -o outfile.aiff.  It can decode to RF64 or .w64, but you need to know that.  Maybe it is fine not to uncritically advocate those formats.  However, there is a risk that users will resort to ffmpeg, which defaults to its own sample-format (that is, does not default to lossless, but to something which "by coincidence" happens to be lossless for most files) ...
* WavPack will default to recreating the input file bit by bit.  That is, if you concatenated together a bunch of files with foobar2000, then fb2k will pass to WavPack an invalid WAVE header, and WavPack will output an invalid .wav file which foobar2000 will show as question mark duration again. Fair enough for an application that writes "restores" and does that, but ...
--> what about a warning?
If you try to encode this .wav file again, you will get an error that WavPack cannot encode non-standard .wav files ... which it can, with -i.
-->  what about a 'try -i'?
* TAK, the "Undecodable" files:  Nopes.
--> Use ffmpeg, it works! But beware again of ffmpeg's behaviour - which also of course deletes RIFF chunks, but you probably didn't have anything significant there if you concatenated together stuff for a too big file? Oh, and if you are dealing with 8-bits TAK: ffmpegging 8-bit to FLAC will result in a 16-bits file.
* TTA.exe & TAK, the decodable-but-too-big: While TAK attempts at restoring the file bit-by-bit, it changes the invalid length to another wrong length: TAK's odometer will go full circle and display the 17 seconds too long file as "17 seconds".  However, that is the time stamp only - the file contains all the audio, and can be salvaged. TTA does the same. TTA/TAK seem to produce same audio, but files might not be identical due to TAK trying to write the WAV header.
Also, if you use tta.exe and/or foo_input.tta (whether the official one or kode54's update), not everything is supported at all. 8 bits in a codec that boasts 8/16/24 bit support? Naaah ...
So, again: ffmpeg. With the same reservations as for TAK except RIFF chunks which you don't have in .tta in any case.

Next test: Salvaging audio from bad .wav output. Since foobar2000/ffmpeg/takc.exe/tta.exe output each their own invalid .wav files: who will get the audio out?
TL;DR: Use WavPack -i (the problem will return if you wvunpack, but at least you have your audio).

For maximum sadism, I created a 5-channel 24-bit file.  Reason: a sample per channel occupies 15 bytes, and the WAVE upper bound 2^32-1 is a multiple of 15.  Thus a sample won't be split across the boundary - sneaking under the radar of FLAC's "partial sample" error ... or as it turned out, that depends on the reported (possibly wrong) sample count.
Encoded it, decoded it using the respective encoders. Took the output .wav and tried to encode it with the application in the left column:
* No FLAC/refalac output, as I didn't get them to output anything invalid.
* No WavPack output, as WavPack only outputs what it encodes, and so that will be bit-identical to something else tested.
* Seems that tta.exe/takc.exe output are the same if TAK was called with -wm0, discarding the RIFF chunks
* MP3tag: just opened it, didn't try to write anything.
* "rejects" and "fixes" should be self-explanatory
* "truncates" means that they get the 2^32-1 length (fb2k sometimes displays slightly more or less) and the final 17 seconds are discarded.
* "destroys": encoding only the initial 17 seconds and discarding the remaining 4 GiB (or 8 GiB for even larger files).
* "How blue" I gave "error" depends a bit on how (subjectively!) clearly the error message is pushed in my face.

written by fb2k or ffmpegwritten by takc or tta.exe
refalactruncatesfixessame with -D, output to rf64
flac truncateserrormsg/destroys(*)see note
flac --ignor...fixesfixes--ignore-chunk-sizes gives a blanket warning
wavpackrejectsrejects... but please improve the error message to inform about the -i!
wavpack -ifixesfixes
takc -erejectsrejects
tta.exedestroysdestroysNo warning. Rejects ffmpeg-generated without -bitexact
foobar2000 to wave64error/truncatesdestroyswarns on the truncated, not on the destroyed
ffmpegfixes/errormsgwarns/destroysalthough it appears to hang on the latter, "be patient" (or not)
mp3tagno dataPCM "17 sec"
The files that become truncated, are the ones produced by foobar2000 and ffmpeg.  (Are fb2k's question marks actully a substitute for 2^32-1?)  foobar2000, refalac and FLAC truncate these files.
* FLAC will throw an error if it hits EOF OR the 4 GiB limit in the middle of the sample.  That was the reason to use a 24-bit (= 3 bytes) five-channel file: the max size 2^32-1 is divisible by fifteen, and so FLAC sees 286331153 samples (per channel) and happily declares that the end of it.  Avoiding this error at 4 GiB should then only be possible for 24-bit five-channel, 24-bit mono or 8-bit 5-channel/3-channel/mono; I tested a bit of those, but not completely. The asterisked result was initially surprising: here it cries foul even if the number of is divisible by fifteen ... only, the sample count written by takc.exe/tta.exe is not. (Try if you like: created one with max wave size + 1 sample.)
Note though that even if it throws error, it does produce a file. Maybe it shouldn't. Maybe there should be a "-F" without which nothing would be produced.
* For the ffmpeg-produced .wav it does not matter whether "-bitexact" is passed - except for tta.exe which refuses .wav's without.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #1
I must say, I really appreciate the amount of effort you're putting into this. Even that formatted and colour-coded table... *chef's kiss*.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #2
Thanks. And thanks to this spreadsheet-paste to BBcode table converter.

appreciate the amount of effort
Literally I don't! I mean, that effort I "had to" put into it when a new can of worms opened - no, appreciate it I certainly didn't, but I, uh, I thought I was already nearly done ...
And then by coincidence, those divergences in attempting to salvage audio caught my attention.

One clue was how refalac can convert from wavpack directly (with the appropriate dll), and using the decoding command (-D) it doesn't have to even go by way of ALAC. -D will even "decode" .wav to .wav. Why even think of that? Because refalac can split by cuesheet (even WavPack with cuesheet embedded). And if you want to split by cuesheet, it makes all sense to let -D take whatever input and output .wav. Note, refalac's ".wav" output is RF64 whenever it has to be.

But, some fun results might sometimes come out of it. I found out how horrible ALAC is at compressing silence. (Like, it does not get below 1/3 of uncompressed PCM - that's mono though. And then NTFS compression gets the the .m4a down by 94 percent.)

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #3
I must say, I really appreciate the amount of effort you're putting into this. Even that formatted and colour-coded table... *chef's kiss*.
Yeah I wish HA had a thumb up or heart counter for posts, so I could express appreciation without polluting with comments.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #4
I must say, I really appreciate the amount of effort you're putting into this. Even that formatted and colour-coded table... *chef's kiss*.
Yeah I wish HA had a thumb up or heart counter for posts, so I could express appreciation without polluting with comments.
Please do this
a fan of AutoEq + Meier Crossfeed

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #5

Next test: Salvaging audio from bad .wav output. Since foobar2000/ffmpeg/takc.exe/tta.exe output each their own invalid .wav files: who will get the audio out?
TL;DR: Use WavPack -i (the problem will return if you wvunpack, but at least you have your audio).
Actually flac --ignore-chunk-sizes might be just as good - I should maybe not have been that frightened at its blanket warning.
(WavPack's default behaviour of roundtripping to exactly the same may or may not be what you ultimately want, but it is "safe" in that it is constructed not to change any information.)

For maximum sadism, I created a 5-channel 24-bit file.
Oh, but wait ... the channels may come out allocated different.

I actually tried stereo before I came up with how 1ch&5ch 24-bit and 1/3/5ch 8-bit could - in some cases - fool flac.exe, and it seems .tta-to-wav being bit-identical to -wm0 created .tak-to-wav is not necessarily true above 2 channels.

Apparently that issue is not related to size at all. Different topic. (Ugh. Don't want to.)

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #6
* OptimFROG doesn't support piping, and the only way it supports 4 GiB is as .raw and decoding to .raw.  If you try to trick it using --incorrectheader, it will warn you first and scream error at you afterwards.
Bollocks, the frog does support piping indeed but then you have to apply the --incorrectheader.
And then it will ...
... not necessarily scream:
If you pipe it the malformed .wav files produced by fb2k/ffmpeg/takc/tta, the frog will truncate. Like flac.exe, you can get under the radar of its partial sample error message by when 2^32-1 bytes form an integer number of samples per channel - and "per channel" then has to be one, as OptimFROG doesn't support anything above stereo.

And since a test with 8 bits ribbited out a different error message, "Invalid access to memory location", it means you need to take to heart for all those days when you cannot help yourself concatecatecatecatecatecatenating together 24 bits mono in invalidly big .wav: the frog will not watch over you.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #7
Monkey's gets 4 GB support.
Two days ago, this Sunday.  And RF64 support on Saturday. Also on Saturday, different release ... allegedly with .caf support. (Which I don't get to work at all.)
And, whooshed me: AU/SND support last year - I think it is the only lossless codec that supports it. 

So, after some hours of the CPU fan spinning up while monkeying and demonkeying large near-silent PCM files, here are the updates:

** Large files:
* Monkey's will work ... often.  Not always.  Which is certainly quite normal in this thread, as I have been feeding them encoders noncompliant .wav files. Here also non-compliant .au files.
* Furthermore, the .ape files can - usually - be decoded with ffmpeg.  (5.0 for Windows - new, these Monkey's versions are newer!) 
* It fixes the malformed too-large .wav files generated by foobar2000 and ffmpeg.  It rejects those generated by takc.exe and tta.exe. No truncation observed for .wav.
* Monkey's misbehaves on "large" 8-bit .wav files - and does so already at 2 GB. Try the attachment (2 GB near-silence compressed to 4 kilobytes)
* Stay away from too large .au files.   I encountered bitrates of 2626 kbit/s for near-silence (PCM was 4608, WavPack was 3 kbit/s), truncation without warning, 158857129wk 4d 23:48:40.960 (0 samples) but still jolly happy about the output - and at least one file repaired.  But, even when Monkey's can handle a too large .au file and reconstruct it by decoding, ffmpeg cannot necessarily.

File format quirks that appear to be size-independent:
* Monkey's seems to reject some ffmpeg-generated RF64 files lying around since previous test. Also attached. Produced with -bitexact or something?
* I don't get it to work with .caf at all.  Regardless of endianness.
And don't let anything loose on 8-bit .au files without listening to the result. As far as I understand, 8-bit .au are signed, unlike 8-bit .wav ... anyway, it seems that when they have gone through fb2k (to convert .wav to .au), Monkey's to .ape and ffmpeg's to convert .ape to .wv ... the audio must have changed more than once.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #8
I was slow to see this, but thanks for the files!

Both issues fixed here:

If you have any other issues, please email me at mail at monkeysaudio dot com since I don't often check here.

Thanks again!

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #9
I tried the ffmpeg decoder wrapper and found the latest 5.1.2 ffmpeg files, but collectively, they still can't play back .tak files in Foobar2000 V2.0 beta 10. Please come to the rescue. Thanks.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #10
You'll want foo_input_tak for fb2k v2.0.

edit: since OptimFrog is being mentioned in this thread, I made a compile of foo_input_ofr for fb2k v2.0 (32bit and 64bit here),123015.msg1016204.html#msg1016204

64bit version manages triple digit decoding speeds. WOW.  ;D

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #11
I'm having a hard time understanding the information here. Surely my own fault, but:
It's said that FLAC and WavPack (the only two LL formats I actually use personally), do fine with +4GB data (stringing several WAVs into one continuous output, for example), but if I try to conver the resulting flac/wv to W64 with foobar, it won't work past the WAV limit? I'm confused.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #12
Not "to W64". To WAV. That said, I have not checked the last few months' foobar2000 versions.

Also, fb2k doesn't need a bigger .flac or .wv - you can take audio in several tracks (or the same track several times!) and choose to convert to one big file. That was what I did. And if you select WAV as output format, and it is too long, what happens then? Either you get a file with too little audio, or you get a file that doesn't conform to the specification. fb2k does (/did?) the latter.

And then, - you got a so-called "WAV" that is not compliant because it is too big, but it has all the audio - can the encoder get you all the audio? And will its default operation either
(1) get you the audio, hoping it is correct, no warning, or
(2) tell you that "something is wrong, try this and check the result" and get you the audio if you do, or
(3) scream "I cannot do this" or
(4) give you something less than the full audio, yet pretend that everything is OK

The latter behaviour is bad. Likely the best is (2) - whether you have to run it another time to confirm "yes I have seen the issue and I know the risk, give it to me!" or whether it actually produces it with a warning and leaves it up to you to read it. (I have opinions on that as well.)

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #13
@radorn , sorry, you read what I wrote better than I did myself.

Not "to W64". To WAV.
Yes, I also tried whether fb2k could save the non-compliant ".wav" file  - and then I sent the output to W64 as output format, that is correct. My bad.
And it is not the way to try to save things.
Use wavpack with -i or possibly flac with --ignore-chunk-sizes. And if you are paranoid, try both and run a foo_bitcompare and listen for noise at the end.

Best is of course not to create such "WAVE" files in the first place. But it turned out that several decoders would do so if you managed to make them encode that much.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #14
There seems to be some miscommunication, so I'll ask another way.

A) If you take a bunch of PCM files that, together, ammount to more data than a single WAV file can hold, and string them together into into a single output stream with, say, the foobar converter, and encode that to FLAC or WavPak... the resulting file is OK, right?

B) If you then take the resulting wv/flac file from "A" and convert it to W64, not WAV, also with foobar, will that work? My doubt is related to your table in the initial post.
foobar2000 to wave64error/truncatesdestroyswarns on the truncated, not on the destroyed

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #15
The easy answer first:
B) Yes! That line is about whether foobar2000 can salvage an invalid .wav file by converting - but then I had to ensure it would encode to something that can handle > 4 GB. So read that as
foobar2000 on invalid .wav (to suitable output format)

But on A) I probably need to be clearer. I hope this is. Some of it is patched up by memory, I admit.
A) How did I "string them together"? By fb2k's converter.
- choosing FLAC as output format, fb2k automatically inserts the --ignore-chunk-sizes, and we get a nice and valid FLAC file, no problems: reference FLAC can decode it (but you should decode to a format that can support the length)
- choosing WavPack as output format, fb2k automatically inserts the -i and [same situation as FLAC]
- choosing ALAC: sure, fine that one too; if you ask refalac to decode it, you automatically get an RF64 with the ".wav" extension
- choosing TAK as output format: here I have to it set the encoding executable (namely, official takc.exe) and the encoding parameters manually, -ihs ignores chunk sizes. The file is generated, but: TAK has an upper bound on the number of samples it can decode, and so the takc-generated .tak file may be "Undecodable" by takc. That is bad: takc generated files it could not decode. (But ffmpeg could decode it.)
- choosing TTA as output format, using official Windows executable: Terrible. When the file is 17 seconds too long, TTA produces a 17 seconds file and is jolly happy about it.
- choosing TTA as output format, using instead ffmpeg: works.
- choosing WAV as output format. That gives one of the two troublesome ".wav" files below.

I got "the other" troublesome ".wav" file by trying to convert a .flac or a .wv (with too much audio) to .wav by ffmpeg. Actually that makes two, one using "-bitexact" and the other without. IIRC, one of them was identical to fb2k output; not only in audio, but in headers and all. So down to two.

But then it turns out, I got two more troublesome .wav files:
- One by taking a "too long for .wav but not too long to be 'Undecodable'" .tak file and having takc.exe decode it to .wav (takc can only decode to stdout or to .wav, no other file format). takc.exe will output a non-compliant .wav - which, it turns out, has all the audio. Can this be salvaged?
- One by taking a "too long" .tta file - generated by ffmpeg this one - and having the official TTA decoder decode it to .wav; like for TAK, there is no other output file format available. Just like takc.exe, TTA will output a non-compliant .wav with all the audio. Indeed, the TAK-generated and the TTA-generated .wav files are bit-identical. I don't mean just audio - headers and all.

So basically I got three different invalid .wav files. (Table has two columns as fb2k-generated and ffmpeg-generated always were treated the same.)
Question is: can the audio be saved? Tried multiple encoders - and tried foobar2000. With foobar2000 I chose a different unrelated output format, namely W64. But the result has nothing to do with W64 being used, only to the fact that W64 can carry the long signal.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #16
Oh! I see now: That table shows the results of trying to salvage the audio from non-standard +4GB WAVs produced in an earlier step, and W64 is chosen as the destination to safely discard the output format as a possible point of failure.
I misunderstood that, sorry.

Rather unrelated anecdote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #17
Yep. Also W64 was chosen for not being any of the compressed codecs I wanted to test - even after the test had shown what I expected about WavPack being able to handle it. I wouldn't want a confusion between what the codec could handle and what fb2k could handle (well if I got, the confusion would be about Wave64 ... appointing a scapegoat, moi?)

"Best" and clearest would probably have been to choose no output "format", i.e. to output raw - which fb2k doesn't do, at least not out of the box.

Also on your anecdote: According to AVI had the same issue, but a revision would allow streams after one another - so when one hits the size limitation, start the next.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #18
You'll want foo_input_tak for fb2k v2.0.

edit: since OptimFrog is being mentioned in this thread, I made a compile of foo_input_ofr for fb2k v2.0 (32bit and 64bit here),123015.msg1016204.html#msg1016204

64bit version manages triple digit decoding speeds. WOW.  ;D

Many thanks. I swore I had tried TAK_2.3.3_Beta_3 and TAK Decoder v0.5.7 before I raised the issue. Maybe I also did something else subsequently. Can't remember. It's finally playing back my tak files in foobar2000 v2.0 beta which is supposed to support .tak files right out of the bat?

I also realized foobar2000 v2.0 beta 10 kinda coexist with v1.6.12 now. The x64 is in the "program files" folder whereas the x86 is in the "program files (x86)" folder. However, my start menu can only take me to v1.6.12. Guess I'll pin 2.0 to my taskbar.

Re: Tested: > 4 GiB handling by lossless codecs/encoders (including fb2k/ffmpeg)

Reply #19
I think @Case did not increment the build number

On that webpage, 0.5.7 is listed as being released on 15th July and there is a corresponding entry on the 1.4 component page.

The new version for fb2k v2 released 28th August has the same version number and there is no changelog entry.