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Topic: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates (Read 180699 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Here are some suggestions for future foobar updates.
And of course, this is a no rush thread so I’m not expecting these improvements to come with the first next update. ;)

1. Option to minimize ReplayGain / Converter window during scanning / updating / converting files.
If big amount of files are selected and sent to replay gain scan or to converter process it may take a while to finish. Option to minimize that window while not interrupting replay gain scan / converter process would be nice.

2. Option to display album art (cover art) whether it is embedded or not (but maybe embedded would make more sense) in properties window of file.

3. Option to configure which metadata fields are displayed in selection properties component.
This is possible in Columns UI, so I guess it would be nice to have that option available in Default UI too.
Somewhere, there's someone dying in a foreign land
Meanwhile, the world is crying stupidity of man
Tell me why, tell me why

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #1
Three great ideas. +1 (3)

Speaking of Selection Properties, I always found it strange that Playback Statistics is displayed under 'Other' on there, whereas if you look under File Properties > Details tab, they look much cooler listed under 'Playback Statistics'. So if that element is being updated...  ;)

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #2
Hi there!
I suggest the following feature especially for fans of streaming links:
add function %country% and function %flag% to display country's and flags at the playlist for a link source.
I created the picture in editor (see attached pic.) for example.
Probably display the flag of the country will not work, but the name of the country is possible (I think so).


Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #3
I would like to be able to organize tracks in the playlist in folders. For example, one folder could contain say 20 songs, another contain 30, etc., and each folder could be opened and played as needed.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #4
 I would like an admonitory dialog in Library > "send to playlist", like "This would eliminate all the content in your playlist. Are you sure?", because after many years using foobar I still clic very often in send to playlist when I want add to playlist.


Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #5
Hi there!
I would like the module pattern visualization panel for CUI
( ;) and I think, not only me, but also all tracker music fans, who prefer CUI)

Thanks to @kode54 for DUI version!

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #6
Display embedded pictures of any "type", not just front, back, artist and disc, especially if there is only one picture attached.
"Band logotype" would be particularly useful for me, as I receive files like this regularly (podcasts).
Thanks in advance.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #7
File verification and tag updating could be more efficient. I think there are ways to speed up the workflow without introducing more security issues than there already are when a file is written to:

* First, why not let the RG scanning report errors?  It has to decode through the entire file anyway.  (I consider verification a core functionality, though I know foo_verifier is an external component.) Often I want to do both.
* If I want to add tags using (file) Properties AND add RG tags, that could take time for a big file.  Suggestion: Add RG scanner options under file Properties, the Tools button. RG tags committed upon OK or Apply.  (Errors reported when scanning is done.)
* AFAIunderstand, fb2k need not overwrite the entire file if the new set of tags do not take more space than old (incl. old padding)?  Yet, I see cases where merely removing tags trigger tmpfile writing - is that necessary? (It could be - IDK whether fb2k tags different ways than say, ffmpeg ...)
* Aborting tag write while a (big) tempfile is written does take a helluvalotoftime, that cannot be necessary?

Case in point: I encapsulate music video in fb2k-readable format (mkv or mp4), in order to play the file as audio.  Biggg file then.  Suppose I want to verify integrity, scan and tag ReplayGain, and do some other tag fixes - that could take ages due to file size, and the fact that fb2k requires multiple reads/writes.

* The presentation of foo_verifier output could be better. Now, the Status column is too narrow to tell whether there is more than one error, and the Warnings too narrow to tell how inaccurate timing is. (I would have wanted fb2k to distinguish between "Reported length is inaccurate" and "Reported length is very wrong" too ...). And, I cannot sort by Status or Warning or crop down to troublemakers - though I can if I write a report, luckily.
* If I try to change tags in a number of write-protected files, it gives me error messages for all files selected, even for those that have no changes and should not be overwritten, true?
* By the way: Setting file permissions to Read Only only prevents fb2k from changing file content, not from moving or deleting it ... is there a way to flag files as "do not (re)move this"?

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #8
Hiyas, having an old wish:
- Make the album art manager available for multiselection (show if artwork same or varies similarly as properties dialog)
  + show more artwork details (resolution, size, format, colour depth at least)
  + add drag&drop support in both directions
- When picking artwork for multiselection in mixed directories, set the starting folder to folder of first item.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #9
- Make the album art manager available for multiselection (show if artwork same or varies similarly as properties dialog)

At least, say "[image varies]" rather than "[no image]" when the latter is not true ...

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #10
here is an old wish of mine:

+ select default playlist export-format (->>> .m3u8)

+ export to linux-conform playlists with relative paths (../folder/to/music/track.flac)

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #11
3. Option to configure which metadata fields are displayed in selection properties component.
This is possible in Columns UI, so I guess it would be nice to have that option available in Default UI too.

This is already possible. Go to Preferences -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties Window.
You can disable current defaults, add own tags with own names, change order, etc.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #12
^ Yeah, that works, thanks. Only possibly problem could be that it also affects the general tags and properties window. But in my situation I just wanted to disable comment tag to be displayed in selection properties so I deleted comment tag from there.
Somewhere, there's someone dying in a foreign land
Meanwhile, the world is crying stupidity of man
Tell me why, tell me why

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #13
text labels in addition to images for toolbar buttons in the DUI, please
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #14
Please implement the automatic сharacter encoding detection and conversion from ANSI to Unicode for dynamic track titles
(for correct display contents of Title/Artist fields when playback URL radio).
For other language we see abracadabra now :(
Other refs:,116604.msg962445/topicseen.html#new


Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #15
* A "Repository for uninstalled components" folder, and so that the Install button defaults to opening that folder. Suggestion: append version to filename, and touch the "last modified" timestamp to uninstall time.

Sometimes one needs to debug crashes by removing components one by one until the issue disappears. If that is the seventh component, ...
And, I guess is only healthy to get rid of unneeded components from time to time, and then the user can be less cautious about what to uninstall.
In both cases, letting the file explorer sort by uninstall time (= modification time) makes everything easier, I guess.

* And with a folder for "previous versions".

Any subfolder organization can be done by the user in the file explorer, and the user can also delete - no reason for fb2k to keep a database.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #16
A feature to disable components instead of uninstalling them would do quite nice both for this purpose and in general.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #18
In RIP dialoge a button for select all / deselect all tracks like in EAC.!!!!

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #19
Just a small change: In Spectrogram Visualization allow more FFT Size settings, at least 32768 and 65536.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #20
Combination of Album gain and Track gain
as already discussed years ago here,98042.0.html

Given a Replay Gain tagged file, at playback time there's usually the choice between applying the album gain or the track gain. Both have their pros and cons but in general neither strategy seems to be perfect.

If we consider album gain as the "natural strategy" because it preserves the loudness difference between an album's individual tracks we may consider track gain as some kind of "deviation" from the "natural strategy" aiming to correct some flaws of the "natural strategy".

Viewed this way the question rises why there shouldn't be a measure allowing us to control the "deviation" in a smooth way from 0% (album gain) to 100% (track gain)? The latest version with the FFSoX Player plugin for WA implements the idea:

What do you think about it? Do you find it useful?

I think it's a good idea, thought I think there are too many choices.  25%, 50% and 75% should be adequate, 20% steps will definitely be adequate.

edit: minor spelling

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #22
We would like to save and load the Extended M3U playlists with saving #EXTINF content (including a name of net radio or streaming video channel).
Other refs:,116414.0.html


Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #23
A rather simple suggestion...
Two additional context menu commands in tagging segment: "Copy tags" and "Paste tags".
It will ease and speed up transferring tags between groups of files.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #24
Dark theme

Now that after decades Microsoft finally got around making explorer dark, maybe, just maybe, we could have it transplanted into foobar's UI instead of the ugly 90s white+grey?