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Topic: foo_vis_simple_spectrum (Read 98128 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
foo_vis_manager is contained in the foobar2000 installer. You have to reinstall foobar2000 and explicitly select it.


Reply #51
Some bug fixes (thanks to kode54 to pointing out the resource leak when resizing the window/panel): now with scrolling a panel version (single instance)
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=251855"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Polite rant - I spend four days scouring these forums looking for this link, and when I finally find it, it's dead (the panel link, I mean).

- edit - My apologies.  The link in post #1 works.  Oops...
voted 'Most likely to veer your thread' three straight years!


Reply #52
Any chance of an 0.9 panel version?


Reply #53
And a non-panel 0.9 version too would be great.

I'll try to port it myself now.
- Eugene 'HMage' Bujak


Reply #54
Has this thing died? It's the only thing keeping me from updating to 0.9.


Reply #56
I badly want this plugin.
Was anything similar developed for fb2k 0.9?


Reply #58
I would like to see this plugin ported to 0.9 too.

It was really handy and fine.
"The brightest flame burns quickest..."


Reply #59
Probably hopeless to post a comment from the looks of things, but what the heck. Can't hurt to try. Both the wife and I love this plug-in, and personally I still hope it will be ported some day. I'm almost tempted to go back to 0.8.3 just to have it back again sometimes. I've always found it to be very useful as a tool and not just a gimmic. It provides a very quick, easy analysis of tracks on the fly. Ok, I'll admit that it's just plain fun to watch sometimes too. Peaceful almost, kind of like watching fish in a fish tank.


Reply #60
Probably hopeless to post a comment from the looks of things, but what the heck. Can't hurt to try. Both the wife and I love this plug-in, and personally I still hope it will be ported some day. I'm almost tempted to go back to 0.8.3 just to have it back again sometimes. I've always found it to be very useful as a tool and not just a gimmic. It provides a very quick, easy analysis of tracks on the fly. Ok, I'll admit that it's just plain fun to watch sometimes too. Peaceful almost, kind of like watching fish in a fish tank.

I still haven't switched from 0.8.3 because I don't want to lose this plugin. I've been seriously strongly considering trying the port myself, and I know absolutely nothing about foobar plugins.


Reply #64

still waiting....

Oh really?

Yup... and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and...

There's an early alpha here. It looks very much like the old simple spectrum plugin but it is quite CPU hungry and doesn't have many features yet. Still, looks promising.

<edit>Link removed</edit>



Reply #65
If I do not link something on the public pages, then it is on purpose. I have removed the page and the DLL from my site and would appreciate if you did not spread the version you have downloaded. Thanks.


Reply #66
If I do not link something on the public pages, then it is on purpose. I have removed the page and the DLL from my site and would appreciate if you did not spread the version you have downloaded. Thanks.

Sorry, I was not aware it was not for public testing, I found it using google.



Reply #67
any news?


Reply #68
No new version for 0.9 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I want it.


Reply #69
I want it.

Now this is the best way for NOT getting an update  there's nothing more annoying for a developer than reading "I wand it" and "come on" in forums... be patient...


Reply #72
Is this project abandoned? Nobody is interested in developing for fb2k 0.9?


Reply #73
Yes... this is one of my favourite plugins... I and lots of my friends are waiting for this plugin since Foobar 0.9 came out. Please, someone port this to new Foobar


Reply #74
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could update this.