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Topic: foo_vis_simple_spectrum (Read 98127 times) previous topic - next topic
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I have written this plugin for my own use and have no intentions to maintain or develop it on a regular basis. If it works for you and you like it, well, great. If it causes problems for you, you have the choice to
1) stop using it, or
2) try to fix it yourself.

Download links (updated for latest version) (normal version) (source code for normal version) (panel version) (source code for panel version)

Documentation (a bit outdated)
You need to have foo_vis_manager.dll installed for this plugin to work.
To enable it, activate visualization processing (under "Preferences->Visualization"), and make sure that the "Simple spectrum" entry in the components menu is checked.
If the plugin is enabled, the window with the spectral view will pop up when you start playing music. It will vanish after two seconds, if playback is stopped. In case seeking takes longer than two seconds, it will vanish as well.
Left clicking on the window cycles through the following display modes:
- all channels: displays all channels
- mixdown: all channels are mixed down to mono
- mean squared difference: computes the mean of all channels, and displays the mean squared difference of all channels from this mean value
Right clicking on the window opens the configuration for the plugin.

Missing features
If someone has a feature request or wants to implement a feature, I suggest to post a message to this thread. I'll start with some missing features:
- make the window resizable
- add configuration for the energy range
- add configuration for intermediate colors in the energy display (the implementation already supports this)


Reply #1
If it causes problems for you, you have the choice to
1) stop using it, or
2) try to fix it yourself.

I obviously forgot one option:
3) Report the problem in this thread.

Problem 1 (flashing window): While playing music, the window disappears every two seconds, and immediately pops up again. This is triggered by flushing the pipeline (i.e. seeking or stopping playback) while the plugin is disabled.

This should be solved now.


Reply #2
more fixes to remedy window flashing after massive seeking..

download meeee

(no src included.. just added KillTimer to g_flush())
A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.


Reply #3
request: decode whole file and show result as in CEP.


Reply #4
fixed channel order (left channel is displayed at the top of the window now etc)

A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.


Reply #5
request: decode whole file and show result as in CEP.

Would be a nice feature, but after all, this is a vis plugin. I don't know if the vis api supports something like this.


Reply #6
You could make that a context menu feature for a single file, using the input helper to decode the file. It was also suggested that it be possible to save a print of the entire file as one big PNG file.

Have fun.


Reply #7
It was also suggested that it be possible to save a print of the entire file as one big PNG file.

... and this suggests using diskwriter service 


Reply #8
updated compile for most recent betas:

foo_vis_simple_spectrum for fb2k 0.7b29+ --> download here

A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.


Reply #9
New version (still for 0.7b29+):
source code

1) integrated ssamadhi97's new energy->color mapping into my source (puts more emphasis on low energy values)
2) "Ignore lagged chunks" option replaced by "Process no more than {n} consecutive lagged chunks", where {n} is an input box.
3) added experimental option to try to compensate for windowing artifacts from the FFT.


Reply #10
The lagged chunks option was broken (thanks goes to the spinner control ). The spinner control is no more. After all, pressing the down arrow to increment the value wasn't that intuitive...


Reply #11
made vis window resizable:
source code

What? The display looks crappy after shrinking and immediately re-enlarging the window? Well, don't do this then.


Reply #12
A very nice improvement, thanks 


Reply #13
d'yo know this winampish vis_nsfs.dll? there's oscilliscope w/configurable color and vertical usage %% along with voiceprint. So i want ocsilliscope and autoscroll too as i don't want winamp.

EDIT: eehh... we need to involve Ryan Geiss to vis programming... But Geiss leaves much to be desired as the person (I had bad experience of dialogue with him about two years ago). Or I simply lucky/stupid?
who | grep -i blonde | date; cd ~; unzip; touch; strip; finger; mount; gasp; yes; uptime; umount; sleep


Reply #14
d'yo know this winampish vis_nsfs.dll?


there's oscilliscope w/configurable color and vertical usage %% along with voiceprint. So i want ocsilliscope and autoscroll too as i don't want winamp.

Take the source and add it, that's ok with me.
As I have stated earlier, I use this plugin as a tool, so it's unlikely that I'll add any "fancy stuff". (So it does not have the look&feel of CEP, but that's ok, since it isn't CEP.) I might add autoscrolling, but don't hold your breath.

Disappointed? Dont give up hope, there are more vis programmers than just Ryan Geiss (perhaps even some good ones).


Reply #15
@foosion: I use this plugin quite alot, but IMHO a scale would be nice. I was thinking of an optinal, vertical scale on the left side to make it easier to place the cut off and other details.

Btw: I downloaded version 0.1.1 from your plugin page, but foobar reports it to be v0.1.0. Not a big deal, but I just thought I should let you know, in case you uploaded an older version or something by accident.


Reply #16
Btw: I downloaded version 0.1.1 from your plugin page, but foobar reports it to be v0.1.0. Not a big deal, but I just thought I should let you know, in case you uploaded an older version or something by accident.

0.1.1 claims to be 0.1.0, doh.


Reply #17
fixed channel order (left channel is displayed at the top of the window now etc)

OK, is this still so? Later in this thread foosion announced a new version, mentioning implementing other changes made by ssamadhi97, but not this one. So, what is the channel order in the vis? 

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']I think I made a mistake in my own vis's channel ordering, but can't quite see it in my own source...maybe checking against simple_spectrum will help me...[/span]
Life is Real...
(But not in audio :) )


Reply #18
fixed channel order (left channel is displayed at the top of the window now etc)

OK, is this still so?

It is.


Reply #19
Thanks, foosion. There was some mixup with the channels in my own vis, and I wanted to double-check with your vis. All is fine now
Life is Real...
(But not in audio :) )


Reply #20
Just a small update: now with scrolling a panel version (single instance)

Both versions contain several known glitches like frequency scale not redrawing and colors not changing after you edit them; the latter can be fixed be selecting a new color interpolation or by reselecting the old one. Fixing these could reasonably only be done by rewriting the component from scratch, and I'm not planning to do that in the near future. Also if you want some new features, you'll have to add them yourself or find someone else to add them for you (but not me ).


Reply #21
Love it! Especially the panel. 

Edit: No need for a quote...


Reply #22
How come the panel version is so much brighter? IIRC, I use the default coloring, and  in the window version the lowest level is close to black, but in the panel it's (medium) purple.

png (142kB)
jpg (24kB)

Not that important, just curious. 


Reply #23
I think there is a bug in the panel plugin when resizing the columns ui sidebar. Just add the simple spectrum to the sidebar and then minimize the width. When the sidebar is about a few pixels wide the plugin will crash.


Reply #24
is there any chance of geting a panel version of VU meter (foo_vis_vu_meter) ?

*runs and hides in the corner awaiting objects to be thrown at him
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.