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Topic: foo_uie_queuemanager (Read 473621 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #100

But I have .NET framework 2.0 and I verify that it's being used by repairing it to see a notification dialog for closing the relative applications 1st b4 repairing.
I really don't see a UI element called "queue manager" in "Add New UI Element" dialog in 0.9.5


Reply #101
I don't know, I have now problems with Queue Manager, foobar2000 0.9.5 and Columns UI.

Versions I have are 0.2.3 of Queue Manager and latest alpha version of Columns UI 0.2.1.


Reply #102
Can you please add an option to reset "Stop after queue"?


Reply #103
Thx, I finally found the Queue Manager~

There seems to be a problem when an album list or a playlist manager is with a queue manager in the same tab stack.
It clears the view of album list or playlist manager as fb2k is just launched.
You have to recover the vision by switching to queue manager 1st.

refresh it:

Put the Quene Manager b4 album list or playlist manager

or place it into a single container to avoid the problem:

fb2k 0.9.5, Column UI 0.2.1 alpha 10 v4 (today's? update?)


Reply #104
really need drag and drop, new version soon?


Reply #105
Same here. But development seems to have stopped since a long time


Reply #106
Sorry - I don't use the queue any more (and for what I use foo_cwb_hooks provides all I need). And after all it was a bad Idea to write a foobar component with .Net anyways .


Reply #107
Then can you please release the source code so perhaps someone else could work on this?


Reply #108
As stated on my Foobar Page, my sourcecode is available to everyone.


Reply #109
Well, I can give you a little excerpt of the concept:

Completely locked playlist (no remove, no reorder etc.)
Only two possibilities to add songs to the playlist - adding songs to the very end or adding songs at a random position after the current one

You can't add a song that's already in the playlist (having been played within the last x minutes or in playlist after the currently playing song)
Maybe more settings here - like only allow x songs per artist per y minutes etc.

Randomize functionality - shuffles all songs in the playlist after the current playing one.

"Backup playlist" - if the playing list only has one song left, 5 songs are taken from this backup playlist (that you have created before the party begun) - so music never stops playing

Database search panel - just like database search, but as a columns ui panel

Password field panel - as long as a set password is written in this field, all restrictions are removed

Combine this with a correctly set up UI (no menu panel, no context menu, only very few hotkeys only you know) and you are ready to party.

is this mod still under development or canceled?


Reply #110
sorry, but this mod is canceled. I don't have the time to develop it.


Reply #111
Cheers, nice component, now how do you make foobar allow drag and drop files from the playlist to the que?!


Reply #112
The new version of foobar 0.9.6 beta 1 doesn't support this component anymore. It seems that you have to recompile it... can you do this ?

Failed to load DLL: foo_uie_queuemanager.dll
Reason: This component is not compatible with this version of Windows and needs to be recompiled with a newer version of the foobar2000 SDK; please contact the author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.


Reply #113
If so, than my question would be still important for me:

Can you please add an option to reset "Stop after queue"?


Reply #114
I can't compile anything for the current foobar version, as I do not own Windows XP.

Further more development of this component is stopped. Anybody is free to pick it up anytime he wants to.


Reply #115
can somebody ask for SRC from Chronial and recompile this plug?


Reply #116
Well, here's the current source code. This is not the 0.2.3 source code but contains some changes.

It will most likely not compile as I stopped development while implementing some changes. The original sourcecode of 0.2.3 is not available any more, sry.

I don't think anyone wants to put up with this mess - but if you want to, have a go.


Reply #117
(If someone decides to take over and continue using managed code, don't.)
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #118
Is there an alternative to this? Sorry for bumping