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Topic: CUE Tools (Read 144409 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUE Tools

Converts between different audio CUE sheet styles. This includes the audio data which means it can split, join, add silence to fill gaps, or remove gaps where necessary. WAV, FLAC, and WavPack are supported for input and output. Output can be optionally offset to compensate for burner write offset. See the ReadMe.txt file included with the binary for help with the options.

Change Log:
Code: [Select]
1.9.1 (2007-Sep-19):
 * Added: Configurable WavPack compression mode and extra mode.
 * Added: Option to preprocess CUE sheets with filename corrector during normal
  and batch mode.
 * Settings and Filename Corrector windows are now centered inside main window
  when opened.
 * Updated FLAC library to 1.2.1 and cleaned up callback code.

1.9.0 (2007-Aug-04):
  * Added: Batch mode.
  * Added: Option to generate output path based on a custom format string.
  * Added: Tool to correct the filenames within CUE sheets based on the audio
    files present in the same folder.
  * Added: Option to preserve HTOA when outputting gaps appended CUE sheets.
  * Added: Advanced settings window.  Write offset has been moved here, and the
    FLAC settings can be changed here without having to manually edit the
    settings file.
  * Compiled with platform target = x86.  Allows FLAC and WavPack DLLs to be
    loaded in 64-bit Windows but requires the x86 version of the .NET
    Framework 2.0.

1.8.0 (2007-Jul-30):
  * Added: Option to offset the output audio.
  * Fixed: Error when stopping with FLAC/WavPack output.
  * Now accepts files that don't end on a CD frame boundary, shows warning.
  * Updated FLAC library to 1.2.0, uses set_compression_level, and changed
    padding to 8k.

1.7.1 (2007-Jul-19):
  * Updated FLAC library to 1.1.4.
  * Updated WavPack library to 4.41.

1.7.0 (2006-Nov-03):
  * Added: WavPack support, both read and write.

1.6.0 (2006-Nov-01):
  * Added: Option to output FLAC files.
  * Fixed: "Index length cannot be 0" error.
  * Fixed: Couldn't handle CUE sheets with data tracks.
  * It's now possible to stop/cancel when writing audio files.

1.5.1 (2006-Mar-01):
  * Fixed: FLAC files weren't being closed completely.
  * Fixed: Possible problem opening FLAC files with strange characters in the
  * Optimized FLAC sample copy loop.

1.5.0 (2006-Feb-28):
  * Added: Support for reading audio from FLAC files.

1.4.3 (2006-Feb-27):
  * Fixed: Small range of extended ASCII characters were being changed for
    filename creation.

1.4.2 (2006-Feb-27):
  * Fixed: Extended ASCII characters weren't working properly.
  * Rejects CUE sheets with POSTGAP command.

1.4.1 (2006-Feb-26):
  * Added: Hidden option to write PREGAP instead of INDEX 00 for the first
    track of a single file CUE sheet (only when the "Create CUE sheet only"
    option is used).

1.4.0 (2006-Feb-26):
  * Added: Converts the WAV files as well by splitting, joining, adding silence
    to fill gaps, or removing gaps where necessary.
  * Added: Option to place the output file(s) in a new subdirectory.

1.3.0 (2006-Feb-25):
  * Added: Conversion to the other 3 CUE sheet styles.
  * Added: Generates audio filenames inside the CUE sheets from the TITLE and
    PERFORMER information based on user-specifiable patterns and settings.
  * ReplayGain information is now removed since it doesn't translate between
    all the CUE sheet styles.

1.2.0 (2006-Feb-22):
  * Fixes a bug with writing timestamps over an hour.
  * Option to generate output filename by appending something to the input
  * Single WAV filename in the output CUE sheet can be customized.

1.1.0 (2006-Feb-21):
  * Uses the directory information inside the CUE if it can't find the audio
    file in the same directory as the CUE.
  * Able to read the length of FLAC files.

1.0.0 (2006-Feb-18):
  * First release.
DownloadBinary, Source (incl. FLACDotNet and WavPackDotNet)

IMPORTANT: .NET Framework 2.0 (x86) required.  If you get a "could not load file or assembly" error message for FLACDotNet or WavPackDotNet, make sure the Visual C++ 2005 SP1 runtime files (x86) are installed.

CUE Tools

Reply #1
just what I was looking for

Thanks a lot!


CUE Tools

Reply #2
Ace stuff, thanks.
Don't forget International Talk Like A Pirate Day! September the 19th!

CUE Tools

Reply #3
why is it that i get this error??

CUE Tools

Reply #4
On a CD each track is required to be a multiple of 588 samples in length.  It would be nice if CUE Tools could pad with silence in this case, but thats not what it does right now .

CUE Tools

Reply #5
On a CD each track is required to be a multiple of 588 samples in length.  It would be nice if CUE Tools could pad with silence in this case, but thats not what it does right now .

hmmm...wat can you suggest me to do? (newbie here.. hehehe) 

CUE Tools

Reply #6
You will have to add some silence yourself in a WAV editor (Audition, Audacity, etc).  For example, if your file is 8500230 samples long, you'd divide that number by 588 which gives you 14456.173.  Round that up to get 14457, multiply that by 588, and now you know the file needs to be 8500716 samples long.

CUE Tools

Reply #7
You could also attempt one of the following lines in shntool....

To PRE-pad a track with silence, do this (-b for "beginning"):
Code: [Select]
shntool pad -b -o wav <infile>

To POST-pad a track with silence, do this (-e for "end"):
Code: [Select]
shntool pad -e -o wav <infile>

    - M.

CUE Tools

Reply #8
Released CUE Tools 1.7.1 to update FLAC to 1.1.4, and WavPack to 4.41.

CUE Tools

Reply #9
An update!

Btw, are there "hidden settings" for WavPack, too, just like there are for FLAC?

CUE Tools

Reply #10
Nope, it always uses the default WavPack encoder settings.

CUE Tools

Reply #11

What was the problem here?  I was trying to split a FLAC image to single-track WAVs.  I got that error no matter what combination of options I had checked (and I tried random stuff just to see).  I was able to circumvent the problem by using Foobar to convert the image back to a WAV with cue sheet then use your program to split that file to single tracks.
"Have you ever been with a woman? It's like death. You moan, you scream and then you start to beg for mercy, for salvation"

CUE Tools

Reply #12
First make sure FLACDotNet.dll is in the same folder as CUETools.exe.  I think it is though, otherwise the error message would be different.  The problem is probably that you don't have the latest Visual C++ runtimes installed, try installing them and let me know if that fixes everything.

CUE Tools

Reply #13
The problem is probably that you don't have the latest Visual C++ runtimes installed, try installing them and let me know if that fixes everything.

That was it.
"Have you ever been with a woman? It's like death. You moan, you scream and then you start to beg for mercy, for salvation"

CUE Tools

Reply #14
CUE Tools 1.8.0 is released.  It adds a feature I've wanted for a while: the option to offset the audio output.  The changes necessary for that also made it easy to work with files that don't end on CD frame boundaries, so you won't get an error for that anymore (it shows a warning when it's done though).  Also updated FLAC to 1.2.0.

CUE Tools

Reply #15
Very nice.

What would be cool is the ability to see if a track that doesn't end on a frame boundary has the potential of containing 4608 additional null samples and give you the option to remove them.  This is actually not that uncommon of a mistake that people make when ripping to lossless using EAC.

...maybe I'll install .NET on my computer for this one! 

CUE Tools

Reply #16
What would be cool is the ability to see if a track that doesn't end on a frame boundary has the potential of containing 4608 additional null samples and give you the option to remove them.  This is actually not that uncommon of a mistake that people make when ripping to lossless using EAC.

That should be pretty easy, I might do that soon.

CUE Tools

Reply #17
Here's a quick build I did with that feature.  It checks if the length of the audio file % (mod) 588 is 492 (because 4608 % 588 = 492).  If so, it ignores the last 4608 samples of that file.  It does not check to make sure those samples are actually silent.  It shows a warning at the end to let you know it ignored some samples.

I will think about putting it in a proper build (1.8.1 probably) but I think I'd want it to check the samples to make sure they're silent and of course have an option to disable it altogether.

CUE Tools

Reply #18
Added: Option to offset the output audio.

Hey, these latest feature additions are quite handy!

CUE Tools

Reply #19
1.9.0 released, lots of new stuff, see the change log.  The readme file explains the variables you can use in the output path format string.

The code to remove 4608 extra samples didn't make it to this release, and the preserve HTOA setting writes the file even if it's all silence.

CUE Tools

Reply #20
...even more good features! Is it planned to add advanced encoder settings for all three codecs?

Then I just wanted to tell you that the offset correction in combination with the batch mode really works well for correcting old rips where I didn't set this correction value. Validating with shows those CDs which are present in the database to be correct now.

EDIT: For those who are wondering how to do it correctly - in case you have left the offset correction value set to "0" and want to correct the rip now, you just have to use the offset correction value for the drive you've used and add it in the advanced settings window of CUETools. In case you've dumped the old drive you can look the correction value up in this list:

The dropbox that corrects the file paths is also very handy. It might have been smarter to also combine it with the batch mode, maybe enabling it via a tickbox in the advanced settings or the folder selection dialog (if that is possible), but maybe that's already planned for one of the next releases?

Anyway using Window's search and then dragging all the cue sheets from the search result onto the dropbox also works, well!

Good work!

CUE Tools

Reply #21
@Fandango: Glad everything is working well for you !

Is it planned to add advanced encoder settings for all three codecs?

It would be nice if the WavPack compression level was configurable.  I don't use WavPack so I was lazy with that .  I'll look into it.

It might have been smarter to also combine it with the batch mode, maybe enabling it via a tickbox in the advanced settings or the folder selection dialog (if that is possible)

Yeah I should have an option to preprocess CUE sheets with the filename corrector before conversion, batch mode or not.  We'll see...

Anyway using Window's search and then dragging all the cue sheets from the search result onto the dropbox also works, well!

Oh yeah, I meant to add a note that you could drop the search results for *.cue to correct a bunch at once, I'll add that next version.

CUE Tools

Reply #22
Any chance you can add the following features?  I need this for a project I'm doing for my sister...

1.  .APE input support

2.  Ability to automatically delete the original input file during batch operation - i.e. I will run out of disk space if I let this run through the whole collection making the data twice as large.

Any workarounds to make the above work now?


CUE Tools

Reply #23
Hello there. Why I am getting "External component has thrown an exception" error every time i hit convert button ???

EDIT: OK I tried some earlier versions and seems like 1.7.1 is latest one which is working. 1.8.0 and 1.9.0 throws that error. I have win xp sp2 fully updated and NET 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 installed and updated.

CUE Tools

Reply #24
Hello there. Why I am getting "External component has thrown an exception" error every time i hit convert button ???

EDIT: OK I tried some earlier versions and seems like 1.7.1 is latest one which is working. 1.8.0 and 1.9.0 throws that error. I have win xp sp2 fully updated and NET 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 installed and updated.

I'm not sure, thats pretty strange.  What format are the input audio files (WAV, FLAC, WavPack), and what format have you set for the output audio files?  Also if you have some files in another format on your drive, maybe you could test them out as well (e.g. if you get an error for FLAC input files, see if it happens with WavPack files as well), and see if changing the output format has any effect.