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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_milk2
Last post by oops -
I am going to do more testing this w/e see if I can get it working
Been trying to break it. Still resolves correctly for me to "<profile>\milkdrop2\presets". Try the following: Go into Advanced Preferences, under Display > Visualisations > MilkDrop, right click the Preset directory option and reset it. It'll go <empty>. Hit "Apply" and restart the player. It should repopulate correctly to the above path.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
Which leaves only 1 final issue:

I want to get rid of the wrapping of VU 2024 in a (PSS) wrapper altogether, which would reduce the numbers of PSS panels with 5 more.
I tested this construction. It works fine except when resizing and coming back from fullscreen, when VU 2024 seems to forget where it should display itself and displays itself from parent 0,0 coordinates.
I think I found the problem and implemented a possible fix. Let me test some more. But closing in on the ideal Columns UI fullscreen sequence that also accounts for PSS and JSplitter wrapping as well as transparency.
foobar2000 for Mac / Re: how to install components to MAC footbar2000
Last post by scannt -
All component AFAIK are built for Windows use fb2k API.

Not exactly (although like 99% are). It's true that until September 2023, the fb2k SDK supported only Windows. But since 2023-09-06 SDK release, macOS support was added.
So if you're using a newer version of the SDK when developing a component, you can build it for both Windows and macOS (if you implement your component for both platforms, that is).

That being said, I tried learning to use it during one weekend and well, it has some learning curve, so to say... detailed documentation would be great help, but not sure if it's in the pipeline.
I'm used to code daily for many years, but mostly in Kotlin/Java. Used to work with C++ a bit, but it's long time ago (~7 years), so got to admit I'm a bit rusty with the language.
Anyway, I plan to try some more when I have the free time. It would be nice to see macOS components development take off.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: OpenMPT Module Decoder
Last post by blake++ -
I've been wanting to use this component for a while since it seems like the superior version of the DEAF Module Decoder, but I can't switch because OpenMPT doesn't support writing APE tags to module files. Is there a reason this is the case? (Or am I missing some setting that enables this in OpenMPT?)
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Eva1 -
To me with ui_columns-3.0.0-alpha.5 at the vault?, folding?, bringing? sides of border together, exit crash window and foobar2000 1.6.18 close!
General - (fb2k) / Re: Friendly formatting of frequency
Last post by anamorphic -
I came at it from a different angle (text rather than maths) -

Code: [Select]

$num samplerate to 9 digits, $insert two commas, $right cut the extra digits.

(I love there are always different ways to do things with title formatting)