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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by Majestyk -
In 0.8.0 I'm having a problem with the Tuning menu when selecting an option and then using the scroll wheel. With the exception of ZERO and GAIN, the scroll wheel does not operate properly.
Try 0.8.1. Zero and Gain are special because they can use all of the other modifier keys. Sorry for the breakage.

Thanks! The issue seems to be fixed.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by Majestyk -

I think I got it close enough. Sharing the tuning parameters in case it helps others:

Code: [Select]
Mode	Stereo
Levels RMS
Range 0.00
Decay 1.25
Rise   0.17
Jitter 0.11
Gain +9dB
Window 40ms
FPS      25

I'm a little perplexed by this. I thought the Tuning option that had the check mark would be the only active one. These settings imply otherwise. Does it really matter what the non selected Tuning option is set to?
General - (fb2k) / Re: Title formatting/syntax for proper bitdepth
Last post by Porcus -
(Is it plausible that the Pacific chip had something like that?)
I don't know how advanced device it was, but 32-bit or 16-bit are the guesses I'd go with.
(Why not 24? ... cf how the Pacific was marketed, see )

I'd think the Microsoft implementation is close to actual hardware
One rough idea about how much they cared for that ... see if its de-emphasis EQ curve is close to the spec? Not saying that is exact science, they were implemented at different times in WMP's history, and WMP didn't even get track lengths ripped right ...

Anyway, when the Pacific devices touted 120 dB resolution - pretty much 20 bits, and HDCD touted 19.2 - that may have explained why some application stopped at 20. Rightfully or not. Or - still "rightfully or not"! - produce > 20 bits but don't care squat whether the extra bits are right, because anything 20 or more is "close to actual hardware" when 20 is all you can get out on the analog side.

By the way, does that humpty-bump around 20 kHz at  relate to the flaws you have found?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Youtube Source - streaming Live channels, not working
Last post by pr49 -

The Youtube Source component stopped streaming live channels. It used to work fine, I believe the problem started with the latest version 3.9.6.
When I add a live youtube link, it tries to open the link and after a minute or so it gives the error
Code: [Select]
Unable to open item for playback (Youtube Source: foo_youtube: Stream not found | ffmpeg: Stream not found | foobar2000: Unsupported file format):

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
The name mismatch was bigger. In the code your component is called "VU Meter Visualisation" and in the repository "Analog VU Meter Visualisation". This makes the update checker think it's a different component.

Btw, the libebur128 has a crash bug with extreme samplerates.
Thank you. Integrated workaround into 0.8.1.

In 0.8.0 I'm having a problem with the Tuning menu when selecting an option and then using the scroll wheel. With the exception of ZERO and GAIN, the scroll wheel does not operate properly.
Try 0.8.1. Zero and Gain are special because they can use all of the other modifier keys. Sorry for the breakage.

Yikes, I just noticed the same thing here.  Oops mentioned that he added different ways of accessing the tuning menu ("Add `Escape` and `RAlt/AltGr` as modifier keys on the mouse wheel to change tuning parameter") but the once you get there you can only change the VALUE of "gain", otherwise the wheel just cycles the parameter NAMES without allowing a value change.
Try 0.8.1. I rewrote the state machine. Apologize for the inconvenience. Also, added reading the INI file placed besides the BIN.
Polls / Re: 2023 Lossless format poll
Last post by btc -
I suggest to open a new 'Lossless poll 2025' with compression  options.

Open to suggestions.

FLAC -0 -1 ... -8, and '8p or slower'
WAVPACK  -f, [-], -h, -hh, -x4f, -x4, -x4h, -x4hh .  fast/normal/high/extra high? + x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6?
TAK - -p0, -p0e, -p0m, -p1, -p1e, -p1m, -p2, -p2e, -p2m, -p3, -p3e, -p3m, -p4, -p4e, -p4m . Does it make sense to have  them all separate  or group like  (p0/p0e/p0m), (p1/p1e/p1m)?
ALAC - fast and default
Monkey Audio- -c1000, -c2000, -c3000, -c4000, -c5000 or Fast, Normal, High, Extra High, Insane.
Optimfrog -  Only two votes in 2023, so it makes sense to keep one single option - 'Put in comments your Optimfrog compression settings'
WAV uncompressed
General - (fb2k) / -3dB gain
Last post by Gabriel Schwartz -
I want to substract 3db from the volume (-3dB gain).
There are a few options and I wanted to check which is used when and if there's a difference between them.
The idea of -3dB is to "match" the volume between PCM and DSD as I found that PCM is louder.

  • Add Amplifier DSP (foo_dsp_amp) to DSP Manager and set -3dB
  • Set -3dB in Playback for With RG info: and Without RG info:

I also use ReplayGain
Source mode: track
Processing: apply gain and prevent clipping according to level