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General - (fb2k) / Re: Raise the 30,000 characters limit?
Last post by macak -
I'm honestly dying to know what the formula was that required 30k characters. I've had some long ones, but my longest is still only 2.5k chars.

lol it's so long because it uses many different tags (I just counted - 21 different tags - all of them custom). It is used to generate the title of the classical music works, so it has to use the tags that are specific to classical music only. But at the same time all 21 tags are must-have if you want to cover all possible variatiants that can arise and that do exist in the real world.

It's quite a deep rabbit hole, it required a lot of research and I had to start all over again several times because I would find an example that couldn't fit into the formula, so I would have to add a tag that is missing and start from the scratch 😤 (it's faster that way, trust me). This time finally it has everything it needs to have 🙌

So the goal is to display the title correctly every time with whatever combination of the tags is put in. So you just fill in the tags and you will get perfectly displayed title (perfectly in a sense of recommended by Apple Style Guide and if not defined there, then most often used (used mostly streaming services for reference), since there is no hard set rules in classical music). It adds uniformity to the library, makes tagging easier (duh), adds customizability (you have option to show/not show opus, featured instrument, key and tempo + adds some other customizability when having opus and catalogue numbers at the same time), and since the generated title is made of different tags, each one of them can be of different color (shade), so like Opus name is of one shade, key of other, work name of another, etc so it's not 1 boring ugly line of the same color + it's friendly with ReFacets where you can list all the tracks by tempo, key, opus, featured instruments, etc using their respective tags, while if it was only one title tag, that would be impossible/possible only in some cases. It also reads genre tag, so if you have like opera or ballet as the genre, it changes the generated title as in these cases the title is silightly differently formatted (but not if it containes word suite in the name). And also it's not finished yet (>95% finished, but I need to finish the testing since there are so many different possibilities). Although I did automate some of the testing, it still takes a lot of time 😫

PS: regarding character count, actually it still cuts when above 30k (I think i didn't test it properly), but it doesn't matter as it won't be above 30k for sure. The problem is, I have to have a test copy of the formula where every element like space, comma, dot,function, etc has a name assigned to it so that I can find the problem because if there is eg. in some variation a space where it shouldn't be, to find out wich one space is it i have to look at the copy with named elements and say oh it's this one (say 'space180') because otherwise I couldn't be able to find it since there are like 200 of them 😅
And that test sheet is above 30k chars because of the additional naming of those elements (i can get around it). But the main formula is under 27k, so it's ok
MP3 - General / Re: Split mp3 without re-transcoding?
Last post by Replica9000 -
Edit: I think simply using -c copy will copy ALL streams in the file regardless of type. 
Try the attachment. Does with your build?

It does with -map 0 added.  Sorry, I left that out.
Code: [Select]
ffmpeg  -i lotslots.mka -c copy -map 0 lotslots-2.mka

You can also combine files with the map option
Code: [Select]
ffmpeg -i lotslots.flac -i lotslots.m4a -i lotslots.mp3 -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -map 2 lotslots.mka
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Air KEN -
grr i can't find my appdata folder to import aimp folder so sorry
By default in Windows the folder where foobar stores its the configuration data is hidden.
You need to enable show hidden files in Windows Explorer to be able to browse to the foobar configuration folder.
@Defender Thanks.
I have just described a simple way to do it.

Reply #1926:,110516.msg1053632.html#msg1053632

Launch foobar2000. Shift key + menu "File" > Browse configuration folder will open.
The foobar2000-v2 folder will open.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Air KEN -
Is this an error about "{deployed} album_art [properties].txt"? How about this one?
It has nothing to do with the AIMP Analog VU Meter. The questioner already has it.

AIMP Analog VU Meter.7z

It's not an error, but rather the skin that is loaded first. Can't you press OK and select the skin by right-clicking?
It's already done.
Could you please show me the foobar2000 AIMP Analog VU Meter Panel?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
Thanks for the clarification. Fixed a couple more minor issues: 0.5.2

Since all of the fixes/changes are getting smaller and more targeted and I have not experienced any bad behavior or crashes in a while, this might be the final release candidate.