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Topic: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls (Read 464010 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #125
Deskband Controls v 0.3.1

New stuff:
   - foobar plugin now checks deskband version on startup - it must be the same
   - restore foobar window if user double-clicks album art or text area
   - context menu
   - text1 and text2 now both have width
   - if no cover-art exists and no stub image defined in foobar deskband will show its stub image

Download: Link 1 Link 2

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #126
i just decided to try this for the first time and it's very cool. thanks.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #127
Thanks for the new version.
Quick note - with the new foobar2000 1.1.11 beta, you can no longer install components directly from dll.
You need to distribute the relevant dll (foo_deskband_controls) inside a zip (foo_*.zip) or the new *.fb2k-component (a renamed zip).

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #128
Quick note - with the new foobar2000 1.1.11 beta, you can no longer install components directly from dll.
You need to distribute the relevant dll (foo_deskband_controls) inside a zip (foo_*.zip) or the new *.fb2k-component (a renamed zip).

Thanks, I've updated it to be a zip for now.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #129
i was just wondering why this doesn't display all the album art patterns i have set in the display preferences and i found this earlier post....

I double-checked my code - everything is correct. This is limitation of foobar2000 API - it does not support configurable paths in album art exposed to plugins. Paths are hard-coded in foobar itself and there are two of them: "folder.jpg" and "cover.jpg". So, if you name your file folder.jpg or cover.jpg it will display in deskband. Nothing I can do here, sorry.

i do not believe this a limitation of the SDK as many other 3rd party components can display them just fine. ESPlaylist, ELPlaylist, WSH panel mod and facets are just some of the ones i know of.

i can't embed or use cover/folder.jpg because some of my preferences are for radio streams. if you could find out how to add support, that would be great.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #130
If I upgrade from .0.3 to 0.3.1 will I lose my settings? Foobar isn't finding the update for it when I search for updates.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #131
i can't embed or use cover/folder.jpg because some of my preferences are for radio streams. if you could find out how to add support, that would be great.

If i find how to implement this, I will do. For now I was unable to find a documentation or working code example. If you know any open-source plugin that can show such art - let me know.

If I upgrade from .0.3 to 0.3.1 will I lose my settings? Foobar isn't finding the update for it when I search for updates.

No, you will not loose your settings. Plugin preserves existing configuration, but just in case you can backup deskband controls configuration file - it is located at

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #132
If I upgrade from .0.3 to 0.3.1 will I lose my settings? Foobar isn't finding the update for it when I search for updates.
No, you will not loose your settings. Plugin preserves existing configuration, but just in case you can backup deskband controls configuration file - it is located at

Thanks how do I go about installing the new version, do I have to uninstall the old one?

Edit: The new one has instructions in the Read Me on how to uninstall and install the newest version, everything is working great!

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #134
With the new version now when I right click on the area circled in red in the picture below the context menu shows up now even though I am not right clicking on deskband, any way I can fix this considering that is the only area on my taskbar that I have to right click on.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #135
marc2003: tnahks, i'll take a look.

StealthX: i think that you turned off album art display but didn't move buttons to the left so the space is left unused.
Also, in taskbar options (in the context menu) uncheck "Lock the taskbar" and you will see real deskband dimensions.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #136
eldarien: Thanks I did turn off the album art I guess I have to move everything to the left now!

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #137
I restarted my computer and now the "Text 2" seems to be bold, any way I can fix this?

Before the restart it looked like this

The text I am referring to is the time on the right

Edit: Deselecting the toolbar from the taskbar and then turning it back on seems to have fixed it. Is this a bug?

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #138
I restarted my computer and now the "Text 2" seems to be bold, any way I can fix this?

Just hide deskband and show it again (from taskbar Toolbars menu). This glitch can occur when you change windows theme from aero to basic and back.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #139
I restarted my computer and now the "Text 2" seems to be bold, any way I can fix this?

Just hide deskband and show it again (from taskbar Toolbars menu). This glitch can occur when you change windows theme from aero to basic and back.

Weird I never change my Win7 theme, maybe it changes when loading after a restart?

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #140
It sometimes changes when you run full-screen app - video or game for example. This is known problem, but I have no idea how to fix it.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #141
Deskband Controls v 0.3.2

   - new album art extraction code - should work correctly with custom paths
   - context menu fixes

Download: Link 1 Link 2


foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #142
thx eldarien, I'll give it a try !

Even though I will just try it, I ask myself if in the meantime foo_winamp_spam is required or not..

Beside of such a question it would make sense to revise post#1, changelogs etc., IMHO

*thumbs up* 

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #144
first of all plugin is excellent, unfortunatelly i am using classic windows theme @ windows7 and all bars don't draws properly.
Instead of now playing position on seek bar i have black line. The same is on volume bar although I can change volume and seek tracks.

example screenshot

any idea why this doesn't work like it should (other screens with windows aero)?

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #145
It works for me, you must be using some non-standard themes or settings? Can you share them? Did you try to turn deskband off and on again (from taskbar menu)?
If you tell me how to reproduce I will try to fix it.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #146
Hi eldarien,
Thanks for 0.3.2, there seems to be a problem with deskband_controls_x64.dll, I get error while extracting.

* EDIT *
Forget it, file was locked by explorer, that's all.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #147
Hi eldarien,
Thanks for 0.3.2, there seems to be a problem with deskband_controls_x64.dll, I get error while extracting.

* EDIT *
Forget it, file was locked by explorer, that's all.

I was also just coming to comment that you may want to add to the Read Me txt that if you can not delete the old deskband_controls_x64.dll before installing the latest version of deskband_controls_x64.dll with the latest version of Deskband Controls to close explorer.exe in task manager first, then re-open it in task manager by going to File>New Task (Run...)>explorer.exe and then the file should be able to be deleted.

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #148
eldarien, i've tried almost everything. Rebooting, turning off, on. Even on my clean standard instalation of winxp sp2 on virtual machine i have same problem.
The strangest thing is that sometimes it looks like on your screenshoot (i think it could be connected with fact  that i have focus follow mouse on my win7).

Here are my classic win7 theme:

and another screen

foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #149
Hi .misiek. I managed to reproduce it, thanks for the report.