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Topic: TAudioConverter (Read 349094 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #176
Man that was quick!

Some thoughts:
1.  In WMA, Standard is misspelled.
2.  It'd be nice if there were approximate bitrates next all the settings.  For those of us who don't know what each quality level means in bitrate.
3.  If I transcode 11 tracks, it'll say 1 of 22 done.  Does TAC transcode to another format then target format?
4.  For encoding options, why are some drop down boxes others sliders?  ex MPC.  I like the slider.  Quickly see min and max.

Great program!  And I love the KDE icons over the Gnome ones!


Reply #177
1. LOL I wrote it in Turkish.
2. I could not find information about that, I will make some tests and put my results there.
3. It is like this because every track must be decoded to wav first. For each track there are two steps (decode and encode) (three if you enable Sox Options). And TAC monitors number of jobs done to show progress, so total progress is number of tracks times two (three if you enable Sox Options).
4. I do not have answer to that. Now I think about it, it does not make sense to me either. Maybe I'll change all quality settings to sliders.


Reply #178
I just tried FHG AAC (VBR 6) and none of the files had tags on them.


Reply #179
I downloaded TAC( and now I have 2 questions:

1) why use aften? AFAIK it was superseded by FFmpeg AC3 encoder.
2) there's a newer TTA encoder:
2011-05-12: TTA1 development libraries has been updated. The new TTA ANSI-C library version 2.1 and TTA C++ library version 2.1 are now available, with updated console frontends which are included in binary package of each library


Reply #180
@antman fhgaacenc.exe does not offer any tag options. But I'll try to use neroAACTag after fhgaacenc.exe finishes. If it works it will be available with the next release.

1. I was suppose to change that ages ago.
2. Thanks for the hint.


Reply #181
"-Added: Donation button" used it with paypal  - hope you received it.

Thanks again for the program.


Reply #183
Would it be possible to parse all metadata text fields from the source (FLAC) to (QAAC) or (ALAC)? eg Album Artist, Album Artist Sort, Artist Sort, Album Sort etc.

Sorry I missed this post. It seems with QAAC only "Album Artist" can be implemented (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). In command line help it says something about "iTunes Pre-defined tags" but i do not know what they are.

@o-l-a-v, I've changed controls' behaviours so that they get greyed too. Trimming would require a preview tool, maybe MPlayer can be used for it.

Hi ozok,

might help with aac and alac tag options for you




Reply #184
hi cyberdux,

when you open your files with mediainfo do you see Album Artist, Album Artist Sort, Artist Sort, Album Sort? Perhaps you can send me a sample with these tags?

Thanks for the link btw.


Reply #185
hi cyberdux,

when you open your files with mediainfo do you see Album Artist, Album Artist Sort, Artist Sort, Album Sort? Perhaps you can send me a sample with these tags?

Thanks for the link btw.

Thanks ozok.

The tags that are written are: Artist, Album, Date, Composer, Track Number, Track Titile, Genre.
The tags that are not written are: Album Artist, ***Sort  Fields, Comment, Disc Number, Total Track, Total Disc, Style or any other tag like Accurate Rip, Conductor etc.

This is not critical because I can re-do the tags in mp3tag but it would be time saving if they were written.

(How do I send examples?)

kind regards



Reply #186
Hi cyberdux,

If you can't see said fields with MediaInfo, I'm afraid TAC cannot read them. You can use and PM me the link.



Reply #187
I use audio converters a lot to downsize the bitrate of audiobooks (MP3 to MP3).
Yours is the ONLY SOFTWARE anywhere I've found that allows one to include the directory tree and the album art.
I note with full approval the feedback and rapid response on this forum and this is why I'm more than happy to contribute. Your app threatens to blow away all the competition!
However there are still IMHO one or two possible improvements (this is on a Windows 7 64-bit system with an Intel i7 processor):

Album Art
When a single file is converted (only one entry in the TAC list) the album art is copied faithfully to the target file.
When a group of individual files are converted together (as a list in TAC, the album art is taken from the first one and copied to each individual file, whereby the album art of the 2nd, 3rd ... files are lost in the targets.
The same applies when you select a directory to convert. This is OK if you want to apply the same album art to all files in a single album directory.
However the correct behaviour in all cases would be to retain the album art of each individual file in all cases regardless of whether you select a group of files or a directory.
Extraction of album art: maybe the extraction of the album arts from individual files should be made in every case in a set of individual files for each file converted (e.g. folder1.jpg, folder2.jpg etc and NOT just a single folder.jpg, as you do now). The user can then choose after conversion to delete the duplicates - or you could retain the existing behaviour as an option (i.e. between individual art extraction for each single file or just first file art extraction).

Occasional Deletion of Source Files
Twice I've found than source files are deleted from the source when I convert individual files as a group, which is very bad news.
Sorry, but I haven't been able subsequently to reproduce this however hard I try.

Target Directory Name
When I downsize MP3s to an intermediate target directory, maintaining their directory structure, I note than "_lame" is added to the names of the final leaves of the directory tree. It would be nice to make the addition of "_lame" an option, as it would then be possible to  convert a full directory tree and then copy the (intermediate) target structure to the original one (copy-paste in Windows), without having to eliminate each "_lame" in the directory names beforehand.

Nice to have: use the Graphics Processor
TAC's ability to specify up to 8 processes allows optionally good exploitation of a multicore processor - well done!
I've also seen some conversion programs that on top of this allow use of the  graphics processor, at least for my NVIDIA graphics chip..
Maybe you could incorporate some of the NVIDIA CUDA Tollkit to do this.


Reply #188
Hi javmaclean and thanks for suggestions.

1. What you say about artwork seems to make sense. I'll add an option about that.
2. I heard about that before but could not reproduce it or get any more info from users about it. Do report it if it happens again.
3. Again, I'll add an option about that directory naming thing.
4. Using GPU is not possible. TAC just does file level parallelization. Unless one of the encoders support it, there isn't much I can do about it. Also it may not be possible to do audio encoding with GPU at all.



Reply #190
@carpman I've seen this before but apparently forgotten about it.


Reply #191
-Added: NeroAACTag will be used to write tags to files encoded with FHGAAC
-Added: FFMpeg will be used for AC3 encoding (thx to lvqcl)
-Added: Option to copy external artwork (jpg, jpeg and png)
-Added: Option to download lyrics for converted files from
-Added: Option to enable/disable adding suffix to created folders (thx to javmaclean)
-Added: Option to rename extracted artwork to match file's name
-Removed: Aften

I did not update tta because I could not get new version to work. It says it "can't open file" no matter what I tried.
Any feedback about lyricdownloader would be welcome.


Reply #192
Gave the latest portable version a quick test and no issues to report. TAK encoded nicely without stalling as before.

One small thing which would be nice is to add the max switches for TAK (-p4m etc ...):

Nice work!

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)


Reply #193
I did not update tta because I could not get new version to work. It says it "can't open file" no matter what I tried.

tta differs from ttaenc:

ttaenc.exe -e input.wav -o output.tta
tta.exe -e input.wav output.tta



Reply #194
Ozok: When encoding from FLAC to Opus, there seem to be some tag-problems.
"Track Number" and "Total Tracks" are forgotten + "Track Number" gets a new tag in the opus file, <TRACKNO>.
Also, the "Composer"-field in the FLAC was blank, in the Opus file it gets filled with "Unknown". I'd rather have the Composer-tag blank than filled with "Unknown"
Same thing happens Flac->Flac

Lame removes "Total Tracks". Also happens with QAAC, FAAC and OGG Vorbis

MPC did not manage to encode 24/92 FLAC. (When i manually set bit-depth and sampling rate it works. Maybe it should automatically downsample files that MPC does not support?)
Code: [Select]
[size="1"][10.02.2013 12:26:43] Started deleting temp files...
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Temp Folder: C:\Users\Olav\AppData\Local\Temp\TAudioConverter\
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Deleted 1 file(s).
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Finished deleting temp files.

[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Trying to detect bit depth: B6 - Year of tha Boomerang.flac [Depth is: 24]

[10.02.2013 12:26:43Number of commands per process are as follows:
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder1: 2
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder2: 0
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder3: 0
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder4: 0
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder5: 0
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder6: 0
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder7: 0
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Encoder8: 0
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Starting encoding process
[10.02.2013 12:26:43] Command lines:
-y -i "C:\Users\Olav\Desktop\B6 - Year of tha Boomerang.flac" -threads 0 -vn -acodec pcm_s24le -f wav   "C:\Users\Olav\AppData\Local\Temp\TAudioConverter\B6 - Year of tha Boomerang.wav"
--quality 5.00 --unicode  --artist "Rage Against The Machine" --album "Evil Empire" --tag "comment"="Music On Vinyl 180g LP" "C:\Users\Olav\AppData\Local\Temp\TAudioConverter\B6 - Year of tha Boomerang.wav" "C:\Users\Olav\Desktop\B6 - Year of tha Boomerang.mpc"

----Encoding Summary----
        -Number of processes: 2
        -Copy tags: True
        -Extract artwork: False
        -Encoder: MPC
        -Quality: 5.00
        -Bit Depth: Original
Temp: C:\Users\Olav\AppData\Local\Temp\TAudioConverter\
Output: C:\Users\Olav\Desktop\TAC(\
----Encoding Summary----

[10.02.2013 12:26:47] Cannot find output file C:\Users\Olav\Desktop\B6 - Year of tha Boomerang.mpc[/size]

Flac->MPC forgets almost all the tags

When encoding QAAC tvbr, TAudioConverter says TVBR 90 (for instance) is "TVBR 90 kbps", which is not true at all. Remove "kbps" from "TVBR: 90 kbps"?

Flac->Alac removes "Comment" and "Total Tracks"

In all samples i have not touched settings that has to do with tagging. It's stock v0.7.7


Reply #195
@lvqcl I actually tried that but still could not get it to work. I'll look into it more carefully.

@o-l-a-v I'm looking at these issues now. Also please post "Encoder1" log.


Reply #196
@lvqcl I actually tried that but still could not get it to work. I'll look into it more carefully.

@o-l-a-v I'm looking at these issues now. Also please post "Encoder1" log.

Where can i find that? And it's for the 24/96 mpc i assume?

Edit, found it
Edit2: Removed code, you probably got it now


Reply #197
If you are using portable version and enabled saving logs after TAC is closed log_encoder1.txt should be created. You can also see it from here:

Edit: Maybe you could use DropBox and just post link here.
Edit2: I did some testing with a 24/96 FLAC>MPC and only way to get it work was to set bit depth to 16 and sampling rate to 44.1KHz.


Reply #198
@cyberdux and @o-l-a-v try this exe. Please note that this is not portable version.

-I tried to add ArtistSort, AlbumSort, ComposerSort, AlbumArtistSort, NameSort to QAAC and ALAC. Although no error occurs while encoding, MediaInfo shows "soal" instead of "ALBUMSORT".
-Opus should show track info properly now.
-QAAC and ALAC will now have comment tags copied.
-I added more tag fields to musepack.

Where can I get a list of ape tag fields?


Reply #199
Great work Ozok. I will test

One more thing:
I like how the program can be dragged to the sides, and auto fill half the screen. And drag to top to get fullscreen. Thats nice 
But when its maximized you can not drag it which with normal windows (Explorer for instance) will reduce the size again. (Restore Down).
Could you add that?