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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466244 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1425
I don't think that italic bit (custom format fields) was ever gathered by foo_discogs. It could be added though.

Maybe. That's not crucial, anyway.

Just observed the same issue as previously reported:

For release:

Style: "Field recording" becomes "Fielc Recording"

worked fine for me. Try to update the component from this post.


Reply #1426
[This is my first attempt at using the plug-in. It's installed and Oauth is setup. My example is Muse, The Resistance, 2009]

Configuration>Album/artist art settings: What's recommended here? Can someone recommend some over all settings to help get me started?

For this specific example, there seem to be 3 releases? What's the general guide to deciding between them?

EDIT: I used the plug-in again. There seem to be many more releases than the first time I used it?


Reply #1427
Thanks so much for the quick updating of this plugin!
I'm trying to authorize OAuth and I just can't get it to connect. Maybe is down (it's responding to pings but not direct http requests)? Or otherwise, I've done something wrong (but I have renamed the old foo_discogs.dll.cfg)



Reply #1428
I tried it a little but now does not seem to crash.
Maybe it does not work now support proxy server?


Reply #1429
Thanks so much for the quick updating of this plugin!
I'm trying to authorize OAuth and I just can't get it to connect. Maybe is down (it's responding to pings but not direct http requests)? Or otherwise, I've done something wrong (but I have renamed the old foo_discogs.dll.cfg)


According to the discogs forums there has been service connectivity issues in the past hours. It should work now.


Reply #1430
According to the discogs forums there has been service connectivity issues in the past hours. It should work now.

It did work for me this evening - awesome!
Thanks bubbleguuum for your original dev and thanks to zoomorph for your quick updating! It's awesome to have Discogs tagging working again - an essential part of the foobar2000 experience  (Actually a really indispensable part of my pretty much daily workflow when listening to new music)


Reply #1431
HUGE thanks to bubbleguuum and zoomorph!!  It's working perfectly with v1.3.3 on Windows 7 Pro x64.  OAuth setup was smooth as butter.  Having used, and continuing to use, foo_discogs to tag many thousands of albums, it is sooo appreciated! 


Reply #1432
Good to hear that lucido!

Here's another build that uses the JSON API exclusively. (According to their website, the rest of the XML API will be shut off on Aug 22.)

I've not tackled OAuth support as they've bumped the deadline to Oct 14.

Thanks for your work! I've updated the components site with your version (1.33).
It will be picked by the foobar2000 auto-updater.
If you make new updates make sure to bump the version number and I'll upload it to the components site.

That's good news OAuth has been pushed back as it give more time to add support for it.

It works great for me but where is the album cover art ?

Even the last version 1.36 doesn't fetch album cover art. Why?


Reply #1433
It works great for me but where is the album cover art ?

Even the last version 1.36 doesn't fetch album cover art. Why?

There are two things.

One, I think that there's an issue on the Discogs server side of things right now.  I was having no problem downloading art just a few hours ago.  Now I get this type of error:

  foo_discogs: error: could not save url=, skipping...

Two, when I installed the new version all the check boxes under the "Album/artist art" tab in the foo_discogs configuration were unchecked.  I just went back in and checked the ones I wanted and it worked perfectly.

Anyway, as long as the apparent server problem is resolved and you have those boxes checked, you should be in business.


Reply #1435
>> You must authenticate to access this resource.

we've hit a limit.

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Reproxy-Status: yes
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate
Content-Type: text/plain
X-RateLimit-Limit: 1000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
X-RateLimit-Reset: 4420
X-RateLimit-Type: image
Server: lighttpd
Content-Length: 21
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:52:54 GMT
X-Varnish: 2283323027
Age: 0
Via: 1.1 varnish
Connection: close

Rate limit exceeded.


Reply #1436
It works great for me but where is the album cover art ?

Even the last version 1.36 doesn't fetch album cover art. Why?

There are two things.

One, I think that there's an issue on the Discogs server side of things right now.  I was having no problem downloading art just a few hours ago.  Now I get this type of error:

  foo_discogs: error: could not save url=, skipping...

Two, when I installed the new version all the check boxes under the "Album/artist art" tab in the foo_discogs configuration were unchecked.  I just went back in and checked the ones I wanted and it worked perfectly.

Anyway, as long as the apparent server problem is resolved and you have those boxes checked, you should be in business.

Although I have re-checked the check-boxes about fetching album art images in the configuration and I have authorized OAuth, I still can't get any cover images....
And right now the search stopped working as in the old version of the plugin. 


Reply #1437
working again for me and one other person.


Reply #1438
working again for me and one other person.

Yes, and for me just right now without making any changes.  So, I guess maybe it was a server problem...



Reply #1439
So is the image downloading problem coming to end? I have no error now but albumart is not fetched.


Reply #1440
After updating from version 1.32 to 1.36 I've got message:     

"Failed to load DLL: foo_discogs.dll
Reason: Unknown error code (3221225501)"

My system: Windows XP SP3, Pentium III

I will appreciate any advices and suggestions.


Reply #1441
i see a reference to "shared.dll" but i not have it in my system. Do it important? It is working for now.


Reply #1442
i see a reference to "shared.dll" but i not have it in my system. Do it important? It is working for now.
The "shared.dll" is important and you definitely have in your system. If not, you would complain that your foobar2000 ist not working. The dll is part of your foobar2000 installation and you will find it in your foobar2000 program folder.


Reply #1443
After updating from version 1.32 to 1.36 I've got message:     

"Failed to load DLL: foo_discogs.dll
Reason: Unknown error code (3221225501)"

My system: Windows XP SP3, Pentium III

Modern compilers use SSE2 instructions by default. Your CPU doesn't support them.
But it's possible to build foo_discogs that it doesn't require SSE/SSE2.


Reply #1444
I feel like the plugin needs some more fixing yet. Got hanged at "(fetching additional artist information...)" stage for release 1341431.
Other releases go fine


Reply #1445
I faced the issue that the tag field "DISCOGS LABEL LINK" doesn't write the actual label but a different number for each label.


Reply #1446
Discogs now gave all labels unique indexes. This field is used for technical reason to get to label page from Discogs menu in foobar. Label is written into Publisher field by default.

The only problem I have now is timeout errors with downloading artwork, but this is because of slow connection at work. On retry the artwork is downloaded. Maybe you just need to do this mechanism tough. Or add retry button to error dialog.
Listen to WMRI...


Reply #1447
Thanks zoomorph for making this great plugin work again!


Reply #1448
After updating from version 1.32 to 1.36 I've got message:     

"Failed to load DLL: foo_discogs.dll
Reason: Unknown error code (3221225501)"

My system: Windows XP SP3, Pentium III

Modern compilers use SSE2 instructions by default. Your CPU doesn't support them.
But it's possible to build foo_discogs that it doesn't require SSE/SSE2.

Try this one:

I built it with no enhanced instructions.


Reply #1449
>> You must authenticate to access this resource.

we've hit a limit.

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Reproxy-Status: yes
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate
Content-Type: text/plain
X-RateLimit-Limit: 1000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
X-RateLimit-Reset: 4420
X-RateLimit-Type: image
Server: lighttpd
Content-Length: 21
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:52:54 GMT
X-Varnish: 2283323027
Age: 0
Via: 1.1 varnish
Connection: close

Rate limit exceeded.

Unfortunately I don't think there's much that can be done about this other than adding a check and alerting an error.