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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466244 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #875
I've use this on four albums now and each time I seem to get art but am always getting this error.

There were some errors.
Look in foobar's console for details.

I see in the console that it looks like files did not come through but I do get album art.

Also changes album name from that which I named it when I ripped it.


Reply #876
I just want the art work, I don't want this program to rewrite what I have written as the names of the album.  I got arttwork for The Beatles Anthology 3, but had it named Anthology 3 disc 1 and it just delted the disc 1 text.

In the configure tag mappings dialog, uncheck "write tag" for every tag in the list


Reply #877
In the configure tag mappings dialog, uncheck "write tag" for every tag in the list
for "every tag" and one by one. And if the next time you want more than only the covers, you'll have to check "every tag", one by one.
it is one of the reasons i've suggested this

The main purpose of presets would be to save and recall which tag are checked or not.
Preset 1: Default Mapping
Preset 2: All uncheck (for covers)
Preset 3: (User's definition, e.g:) classic tags, without discogs
Preset 4: (User's definition, e.g:) only track credits, album comment... etc...

bad idea? too complicated to implement? nonsense? usefull?


Reply #879
I'm not going to implement it myself
If I had skill for anything more than Titleformat abuse for skinning, I would had tried to make it. Ok, anyway, thanks for answer and maintaining this component up.


Reply #880
Would there be any way to use index tracks for tagging? For example, see

This would also help tagging files that are mixes of individual tracks (ie. continuous mixes). In addition, if a track is part of an index track, it would helpful for future reference (ie. file moving operations) to have an identifier describing it.

A simple way that I thought of would be as follows:

Using the discogs release above, we have the following tracklisting (i'm going to self-reference tracks with the first number. the second number is the track number in discogs itself):

1 - 1: Inferno (Unleash The Fire)   
2 - 2: Wicked
3 - 3: Incantations Of The Apprentice
4 - 4: Accolade II    
5 - 5: King Of Terrors   
6 - 6: The Turning   
7 - 7: Awakenings
8 - The Odyssey
9 -      8a: -Part I: Odysseus' Theme / Overture       
10 -    8b: -Part II: Journey To Ithaca
11 -    8c: -Part III: The Eye       
12 -    8d: -Part IV: Circe (Daughter And Son)       
13 -    8e: -Part V: Sirens       
14 -    8f: -Part VI: Scylla And Charybdis       
15 -    8g: -Part VII: The Fate Of The Suitors / Champion Of Ithaca

Track #8 is the index track and tracks 9-15 are the subtracks. My idea would be that a file can be assigned to an index track or any of its subtracks.

If a file is assigned to a subtrack, a field called DISCOGS_IDX_TITLE should be set. In this example, tracks 9-10 should have the field DISCOGS_IDX_TITLE set to "The Odyssey" and maybe even a field of the track # itself.

This can be extremely helpful when tagging multi-disc releases (ie. the cd name, if any, is always given as an index track).

Thanks again!


Reply #881
I just want the art work, I don't want this program to rewrite what I have written as the names of the album.  I got arttwork for The Beatles Anthology 3, but had it named Anthology 3 disc 1 and it just delted the disc 1 text.

In the configure tag mappings dialog, uncheck "write tag" for every tag in the list

Did it rewrite to my original .flac tracks or files that I made with EAC?  Or is this "tag" something that just the program keeps it's own file for?  I notice that it did change the name of the album in Foobar2000 but in the folder where I store my music it is still the same as before.


Reply #882
Would there be any way to use index tracks for tagging? For example, see http:
This can be extremely helpful when tagging multi-disc releases (ie. the cd name, if any, is always given as an index track).

Your proposal makes sense and I may implement it, but I want to know first if other people are interested in this way of handling index tracks.

Did it rewrite to my original .flac tracks or files that I made with EAC?  Or is this "tag" something that just the program keeps it's own file for?  I notice that it did change the name of the album in Foobar2000 but in the folder where I store my music it is still the same as before.

Tagging files alter  the files but if you uncheck all tag writes as I suggested your file won't be changed.


Reply #883
Did it rewrite to my original .flac tracks or files that I made with EAC?  Or is this "tag" something that just the program keeps it's own file for?  I notice that it did change the name of the album in Foobar2000 but in the folder where I store my music it is still the same as before.

Tagging files alter  the files but if you uncheck all tag writes as I suggested your file won't be changed.

OK I did uncheck all the tagging options by right clicking All Music > Tagging > Discogs > Edit Tag Mappings...

Now the Albums that were tagged by Discogs, is there an easy way to reverse the tagging that Discogs did?

Or maybe this is a question I should ask in the General Foobar2000 forum...


Reply #884
How does the plugin search discogs? I am not sure if this question is clear enough, but most meta-data services have ways to identify a CD. Discogs doesn't, so how do you search discogs?


Reply #886
Having issues with this release, it's not showing any track titles.  Is there something weird with the way this was entered into Discogs?

What exactly do you mean? All the tracks are listed as "Untitled" on discogs because there is obviously no title information for this release.


Reply #887
How does the plugin search discogs? I am not sure if this question is clear enough, but most meta-data services have ways to identify a CD. Discogs doesn't, so how do you search discogs?

The plugin searches by artist, then list the releases of that artist. Note that this is not the only way to search on discogs: you can search album names if you want
But there no way to lookup an entry by a CD indentifier.

Having issues with this release, it's not showing any track titles.  Is there something weird with the way this was entered into Discogs?

The returned XML for this release contains no tracklisting, so this is a discogs bug.


Reply #888
Having issues with this release, it's not showing any track titles.  Is there something weird with the way this was entered into Discogs?

What exactly do you mean? All the tracks are listed as "Untitled" on discogs because there is obviously no title information for this release.

No, I mean when I run that release ID through the plugin, no tracks are recognized in the data from discogs.  Not just titles, but the information itself...


Reply #889
I got foo_discogs so I could get album art,
When I use foo_discogs to get art, it downloads the art, but in the "album art viewer" tab, the message Unsupported format or corrupted file is always displayed... 




Reply #890
I got foo_discogs so I could get album art,
When I use foo_discogs to get art, it downloads the art, but in the "album art viewer" tab, the message Unsupported format or corrupted file is always displayed...

Upgrade to foo_discogs 1.25 which corrects a bug of previous versions that were retrieving corrupted album art. Unfortunately that won't fix the existing corrupted files. You may want to try this script that scan and fixes the corrupted files:;hl=foo_discogs


Reply #891
Upgrade to foo_discogs 1.25 which corrects a bug of previous versions that were retrieving corrupted album art. Unfortunately that won't fix the existing corrupted files. You may want to try this script that scan and fixes the corrupted files:;hl=foo_discogs

I only really started using foobar 2 days I guess the link I used for foo_discogs was outdated.

I don't need to bother using that scrip to fix the corrupted art as I only tried it with 3 things


Reply #892
Hey again. I'm currently tagging my entire music collection with foo_discogs and I have another suggestion or two that should be easy to implement.

1) Allow the option of seeing the discogs track position in the release dialog. Right now, it only shows this for vinyl releases. It would make tagging multi-disc releases a lot easier if this were the case.

2) Allow the option to save the track length specified in the discogs database (if any) as a tag and/or show the track length in the release dialog of both the discogs entries and the files. I often have to compare track lengths to determine which track belongs to which release (if the track has been released under different releases).

While I'm at it, it might eventually be a good idea to have an option where the user can specify a titleformat string for the entries in the release dialogue. just a suggestion.

I appreciate your work on this awesome plugin. It's finally allowing me to actually organize my music.

On a side note, if you can use a hand or two, I have programmed before in C++ although not extensively. (I used to do web developement mainly in perl and PHP but occasionally I would write a c++ binary for speed improvements).

Thanks again,


Reply #893
Is anyone else having problems with foo_discogs not retrieving information?


Reply #895
Same here.  Waiting to see who's side the problem is on.  I had some trouble searching on the Discogs site, so maybe it's just a temp problem.  *fingers crossed*


Reply #896
Well, I couldn't get it to find a release I was tagging, but adding the release ID number manually got it to gather the information.


Reply #897
Well, I couldn't get it to find a release I was tagging, but adding the release ID number manually got it to gather the information.

That's what I ended up doing.  Tried fb2k 1.0.3 and 1.1 just for kicks.  I don't know why this seems to happen when I have the greatest amount of tagging to do.    Ah well...


Reply #898
Well, I couldn't get it to find a release I was tagging, but adding the release ID number manually got it to gather the information.

That's what I ended up doing also (thanks for the tip). It's annoying having to manually search for the release ID number.