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Topic: WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help (Read 1488493 times) previous topic - next topic
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WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1400
samples updated:

-very minor bugfixes/tidy up. existing users should overwrite the marc2003 folder in their profile folder.
-similar artists remove button from each artist. click the text to open the website.
-autoplaylists remove lightning button. clicking the text runs the query.
-rating if foo_playcount is not found, your browser will open on the download page automatically

the mouse pointer changes to a hand when hovering and there are tooltips so you can't really miss these changes.

edit: i just a made a boo boo. if anybody downloaded this in the 30 minutes since i posted, please download and extract the marc2003 folder again.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1402
WSH CoverFlow v1 beta1 now available here : [LINK]

Good Attempt !  I tried it and it works well, just a little slow.

(I want something like the good-old 'Album Art Panel' for scanned artworks.
I use it,this source codes :
$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)*.*\*.*  ..........)

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1403
thanx for feedback, but what do you mean by "slow" ? maybe if you make the panel too big, but it's a panel, not a screen

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1404
WSH CoverFlow v1 beta2


[code]// ==PREPROCESSOR==
// @name "WSH CoverFlow v1"
// @version ""
// @author "Br3tt"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"
// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better  >>
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.2 or better  >>
// [/Requirements]
// [Informations]
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (right click empty space > Properties)
// * double click on album text infos > Show Now Playing album
// * middle click on centered cover > Send album tracks to specific playlist "WSH CoverFlow"
// * keyboard keys : left/right arrows, Home/End, page up/down, spacebar to set focus on the centered album
// [/Informations]
MF_STRING = 0x00000000;
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800;
MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
MF_POPUP = 0x00000010;
IDC_ARROW = 32512;
IDC_IBEAM = 32513;
IDC_WAIT = 32514;
IDC_CROSS = 32515;
IDC_UPARROW = 32516;
IDC_SIZE = 32640;
IDC_ICON = 32641;
IDC_SIZEWE = 32644;
IDC_SIZENS = 32645;
IDC_SIZEALL = 32646;
IDC_NO = 32648;
IDC_HAND = 32649;
IDC_HELP = 32651;
DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
DT_TOP = 0x00000000;
DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;
DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;
DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010;
DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;
DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400;
DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800;
DT_EDITCONTROL = 0x00002000;
DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;
VK_BACK = 0x08;
VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
VK_ALT = 0x12;
VK_PGUP = 0x21;
VK_PGDN = 0x22;
VK_END = 0x23;
VK_HOME = 0x24;
VK_LEFT = 0x25;
VK_UP = 0x26;
VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
VK_DOWN = 0x28;
KMask = {
  none: 0,
  ctrl: 1,
  shift: 2,
  ctrlshift: 3,
  ctrlalt: 4,
  ctrlaltshift: 5,
  alt: 6

function GetKeyboardMask() {
  var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false;
  var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false;
  var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false;
  var b = KMask.none;
  if (c && !a && !s) b = KMask.ctrl;
  if (!c && !a && s) b = KMask.shift;
  if (c && !a && s) b = KMask.ctrlshift;
  if (c && a && !s) b = KMask.ctrlalt;
  if (c && a && s) b = KMask.ctrlaltshift;
  if (!c && a && !s) b = KMask.alt;
  return b
ColorTypeCUI = {
  text: 0,
  selection_text: 1,
  inactive_selection_text: 2,
  background: 3,
  selection_background: 4,
  inactive_selection_background: 5,
  active_item_frame: 6
FontTypeCUI = {
  items: 0,
  labels: 1
ColorTypeDUI = {
  text: 0,
  background: 1,
  highlight: 2,
  selection: 3
FontTypeDUI = {
  defaults: 0,
  tabs: 1,
  lists: 2,
  playlists: 3,
  statusbar: 4,
  console: 5

function StringFormat() {
  var a = 0,
    v_align = 0,
    trimming = 0,
    flags = 0;
  switch (arguments.length) {
  case 3:
    trimming = arguments[2];
  case 2:
    v_align = arguments[1];
  case 1:
    a = arguments[0];
    return 0
  return ((a << 28) | (v_align << 24) | (trimming << 20) | flags)
StringAlignment = {
  Near: 0,
  Centre: 1,
  Far: 2
var lt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);
var ct_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Near);
var rt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);
var lc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Centre);
var cc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Centre);
var rc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Centre);
var lb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Far);
var cb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Far);
var rb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far);

function RGB(r, g, b) {
  return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function RGBA(r, g, b, a) {
  return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function getAlpha(a) {
  return ((a >> 24) & 0xff)

function getRed(a) {
  return ((a >> 16) & 0xff)

function getGreen(a) {
  return ((a >> 8) & 0xff)

function getBlue(a) {
  return (a & 0xff)

function num(a, b) {
  var i;
  var c = a.toString();
  var k = b - c.length;
  if (k > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      c = "0" + c
  return c.toString()

function TrackType(a) {
  var b;
  var c;
  switch (a) {
  case "file":
    b = 1;
    c = 0;
  case "cdda":
    b = 1;
    c = 1;
  case "FOO_":
    b = 0;
    c = 2;
  case "http":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "mms:":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "unpa":
    b = 0;
    c = 4;
    b = 0;
    c = 5
  return c
ButtonStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  down: 2
button = function (d, e, f) {
  this.img = Array(d, e, f);
  this.w = this.img[0].Width;
  this.h = this.img[0].Height;
  this.state = ButtonStates.normal;
  this.update = function (a, b, c) {
    this.img = Array(a, b, c)
  this.draw = function (a, x, y, b) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.img[this.state] && a.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h, 0, b)
  this.display_context_menu = function (x, y, a) {};
  this.repaint = function () {
    window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h)
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y) {
    this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1);
    this.old = this.state;
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "up":
      this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) this.display_context_menu(x, y, id);
    case "move":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "leave":
      this.state = this.isdown ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    if (this.state != this.old) this.repaint();
    return this.state

function get_system_scrollbar_width() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
  return a

function get_system_scrollbar_height() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
  return a
var nocover;
var nocover_img;
var streamcover;
var star_img_off;
var star_img_on;
var star_img_hov;
var star_img_kill;
var toggle_scrollbar;
var menu_button;
cover2load = function () {
  this.create = function (a, b) {
    this.item = a;
    this.timer = window.SetInterval(function () {
      mycover2load[0].item.cover_img = g_image_cache.getit(mycover2load[0].item);
      if ( {
        window.RepaintRect(0, cover.pad_top_mid, ww, wh - cover.pad_top_mid)
      } else { = true
    }, b)
var mycover2load = Array();
image_cache = function () {
  this._cachelist = {};
  this.hit = function (a) {
    var b = this._cachelist[a.cover_path + a.album];
    if (typeof b == "undefined") {
      mycover2load.push(new cover2load);
      mycover2load[mycover2load.length - 1].create(a, (75 + mycover2load.length * 1) * mycover2load.length)
    return b
  this.getit = function (a) {
    var b = refresh_cover(a);
    this._cachelist[a.cover_path + a.album] = b;
    return b
var g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function FormatCover(a, w, h) {
  if (!a || w <= 0 || h <= 0) return a;
  return a.Resize(w, h, 2)

function refresh_cover(a) {
  var b = 0;
  var c;
  var d = (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
  var e = (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
  if (a.track_type != 3) {
    if (a.metadb) {
      c = FormatCover(utils.GetAlbumArtEmbedded(a.metadb.rawpath, b), d, e);
      if (!c) {
        c = FormatCover(utils.GetAlbumArtV2(a.metadb, b), d, e);
        if (!c) {
          c = FormatCover(nocover, d, e);
          a.cover_type = 0
        } else {
          a.cover_type = 1
      } else {
        a.cover_type = 2
  } else if (fb.IsPlaying && fb.PlaybackLength) {
    c = FormatCover(streamcover, d, e);
    a.cover_type = 3
  } else {
    c = FormatCover(nocover, d, e);
    a.cover_type = 0
  return c

function reset_cover_timers() {
  for (var i in mycover2load) {
    mycover2load.timer && window.ClearInterval(mycover2load.timer)
  mycover2load.splice(0, mycover2load.length)
ItemStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  selected: 2
item = function (g, h, j) {
  var i;
  if (typeof == "undefined") {
    if (g < 0) { = g;
      this.idx = h;
      this.gh_id = j;
      this.metadb = false;
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.album = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.cover_path = ""; = "";
      this.genre = ""
    } else { = g;
      this.idx = h;
      this.gh_id = j;
      this.metadb = list.handlelist.Item(;
      if (this.metadb) {
        this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
        this.cover_path = tf_cover_path.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb); = tf_date.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.genre = tf_genre.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
  this.update_infos = function () {
    if (this.metadb) {
      this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
      this.cover_path = tf_cover_path.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb); = tf_date.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.genre = tf_genre.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
    } else {
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.album = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.cover_path = ""; = "";
      this.genre = ""
  this.draw = function (a, b, c, d, e) { = e;
    if (list.mid == c) {
      this.w = cover.w;
      this.h = this.w;
      this.y = cover.pad_top_mid;
      this.x = Math.floor((ww / 2) - (cover.w / 2));
      this.cut = 1
    } else {
      this.w = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 1 : cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2;
      this.h = this.w;
      this.x = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * (this.w - 5)) : Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * this.w);
      this.y = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.pad_top_mid + Math.ceil(cover.normal_delta / 2) : cover.pad_top_mid + cover.normal_delta;
      this.cut = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? 1 : 0
    if ( >= 0 && && cover.visible) {
      this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
      if (e && this.cover_img) {
        a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h * 2 - 2, this.w, -1 * this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255));
        a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w + 0 - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, g_backcolor & 0xccffffff, g_backcolor, 1.0);
        a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w + 0 - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, g_backcolor & 0x66ffffff, g_backcolor, 1.0);
        a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
      } else {
        a.DrawImage(nocover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h * 2 - 2, this.w, -1 * this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255));
        a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w + 0 - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, g_backcolor & 0xccffffff, g_backcolor, 1.0);
        a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w + 0 - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, g_backcolor & 0x66ffffff, g_backcolor, 1.0);
        a.DrawImage(nocover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
      if (this.gh_id == list.selected_gh_id) {
        a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y - 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 2, 2, 2, 3.0, g_backcolor_sel);
        a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 2, this.y - 2, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 4, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60));
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, g_backcolor_sel);
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 40))
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y, b) {
    if ( >= 0 && y > cover.pad_top_mid) {
      this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h)
    } else {
      this.ishover = false
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      if (!list.down_timerID && >= 0) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(fb.ActivePlaylist, {
          if (this.ishover) {
            SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
            g_saved = this
        } else {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
              if (list.focus_id != {
                if (list.SHIFT_start_id != null) {
                } else {
            } else if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
              plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist,, true)
            } else {
              SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
              g_saved = this
    case "dblclk":
      if ( >= 0 && g_saved != null) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(fb.ActivePlaylist, {
          if ( == {
            plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(fb.ActivePlaylist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
            g_saved = null;
    case "mid":
      if (this.ishover && this.idx == list.mid) {
        if (plman.GetPlaylistName(plman.ActivePlaylist) != "WSH CoverFlow") {
          SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
          var c = false;
          var d = 0;
          var e = plman.ActivePlaylist;
          for (var i = 0; i < plman.PlaylistCount; i++) {
            if (plman.GetPlaylistName(i) == "WSH CoverFlow") {
              c = true;
              d = i;
          if (!c) {
            d = plman.PlaylistCount;
            plman.CreatePlaylist(plman.PlaylistCount, "WSH CoverFlow")
          plman.ActivePlaylist = d;
          var f = fb.PlaylistItemCount(d);
          plman.InsertPlaylistItems(d, f, plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(e), false);
          plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(d, 0)
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover && this.idx == list.mid) {
        SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
        new_context_menu(x, y,, this.idx)
    case "up":
    case "move":
      if (this.ishover) {}
    case "leave":
    return this.state
var tf_path = fb.TitleFormat("$left(%_path_raw%,4)");
var tf_cover_path = fb.TitleFormat("$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)");
var tf_tracknumber = fb.TitleFormat("$num($if2(%tracknumber%,1),2)");
var tf_artist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_title = fb.TitleFormat("%title%");
var tf_albumartist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%album artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_album = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,'Single','web radios'))");
var tf_disc = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%discnumber%,0)");
var tf_disc_info = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%discnumber%,$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1,' - [disc '%discnumber%$if(%totaldiscs%,'/'%totaldiscs%']',']'),),)");
var tf_rating = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%rating%,0)");
var tf_playcount = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%play_counter%,$if2(%play_count%,0))");
var tf_length = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%length%,' 0:00')");
var tf_date = fb.TitleFormat("$if2($year(%date%),)");
var tf_genre = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%genre%,'Other')");
var tf_playback_time = fb.TitleFormat("%playback_time%");
var tf_playback_time_remaining = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,-%playback_time_remaining%,'0:00')");
var tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat("%album artist%%album%");
var g_instancetype = window.InstanceType;
var g_font = null;
var g_font_headers = null;
var ww = 0,
  wh = 0;
var mouse_x = 0,
  mouse_y = 0;
var g_textcolor = 0,
  g_textcolor_sel = 0,
  g_textcolor_hl = 0,
  g_backcolor = 0,
  g_backcolor_sel = 0;
var g_metadb;
var bool_on_size = false;
var g_search_string = "";
var incsearch_font = gdi.Font("lucida console", 9, 0);
var incsearch_font_big = gdi.Font("lucida console", 20, 1);
var clear_incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer = false;
var g_saved = null;
panel = {
  max_height: window.GetProperty("panel.maximum.height", 300),
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  button_total: 2,
  show_text: window.GetProperty("", true),
  custom_textcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.normal", ""),
  custom_textcolor_selection: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.selection", ""),
  custom_backcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.background.color", ""),
  custom_textcolor_highlight: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.hightlight", "")
list = {
  first_launch: true,
  total: 0,
  total_gh: 0,
  start_id: 0,
  nbvis: 0,
  mid: 0,
  item: Array(),
  hlist: Array(),
  handlelist: null,
  metadblist_selection: plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(fb.ActivePlaylist),
  focus_id: 0,
  selected_gh_id: 0,
  gh_id: 0,
  mousewheel_timer_value: 50,
  key_timer_value: 60,
  nowplaying: 0,
  SHIFT_start_id: null,
  SHIFT_count: 0,
  inc_search_noresult: false,
  nb_cover_to_draw: 0,
  buttonclicked: false
hscrollbar = {
  theme: false,
  themed: window.GetProperty("list.hscrollbar.themed", true),
  show: window.GetProperty("list.hscrollbar.visible", true),
  visible: true,
  hover: false,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  default_h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  w: 0,
  button_total: 2,
  step: 3,
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  letter: null,
  timerID: false
button_up = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  timerID: false
button_down = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  timerID: false
cursor = {
  bt: null,
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  popup: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  default_w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  hover: false,
  drag: false,
  grap_x: 0,
  timerID: false,
  last_x: 0
cover = {
  show: true,
  visible: true,
  margin: 2,
  w: 0,
  h: 0,
  top_offset: 0,
  pad_top_mid: 35,
  pad_bot_mid: 30,
  normal_delta: 20,
  quality: window.GetProperty("list.covers.quality.percent", 100)

function refresh_spv_cursor(a) {
  var b = (cursor.x - hscrollbar.x) / (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w);
  if (b > 1) b = 1;
  if (b < 0) b = 0;
  var r = Math.round(b * list.total_gh);
  set_gh_id(a, list.hlist[r - 1]);

function set_gh_id(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(b);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    list.gh_id = 0
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))

function scrollup_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r > 0) {
    var s = list.item[0].gh_id;
    if (s > 0) {
      list.item.unshift(new item(list.hlist[s - 1], 0, s - 1))
    } else {
      list.item.unshift(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function scrolldown_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r < list.total_gh - 1) {
    var s = list.item[list.item.length - 1].gh_id;
    if (s > 0 && s < list.total_gh - 1) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[s + 1], 0, s + 1))
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function refresh_spv(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(list.focus_id);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    return true
  list.selected_gh_id = list.gh_id;
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))
  if ( {
    if (list.total_gh < 2) hscrollbar.visible = false;
    else hscrollbar.visible = true
  } else {
    hscrollbar.visible = false
  cursor.w = Math.round(hscrollbar.w / list.total_gh);
  if (cursor.w > hscrollbar.w) cursor.w = hscrollbar.w;
  if (cursor.w < cursor.default_w) cursor.w = cursor.default_w;

function get_gh_id(a) {
  var b = Math.floor(list.total_gh / 2);
  if (a < list.hlist) {
    var c = 0
  } else {
    var c = b
  for (var i = c; i < list.total_gh; i++) {
    if (i < list.total_gh - 1) {
      if (a >= list.hlist && a < list.hlist[i + 1]) {
        return i
    } else {
      if (a >= list.hlist) {
        return i
      } else {
        fb.trace("error: gh_id not found");
        return null

function setcursorx() {
  var a = Math.floor(list.item.length / 2);
  var b = list.item[a].gh_id;
  var c = b / (list.total_gh - 1);
  cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + Math.round(c * (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w))

function init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(fb.ActivePlaylist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
    if (a != b) {
      a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function on_font_changed() {

function on_colors_changed() {
  nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100, (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100);
  g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function on_init() {};

function on_size() {
  if (!window.Width || !window.Height) return;
  window.DlgCode = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
  bool_on_size = true;
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    window.MinWidth = 200;
    window.MinHeight = 170;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    window.MinWidth = 200;
    window.MinHeight = 170;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height
  ww = window.Width;
  wh = window.Height;
  if (wh < 170) wh = 170;
  cover.w = wh - cover.pad_top_mid - cover.pad_bot_mid;
  cover.h = cover.w;
  list.nbvis = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
  if (list.nbvis / 2 == Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)) {
  if (list.nbvis > 13) list.nbvis = 13;
  list.mid = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
  list.nb_cover_to_draw = list.nbvis;
  if (hscrollbar.themed) {
    hscrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar")
  } else {
    hscrollbar.theme = false
  button_up.x = 0;
  button_up.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  button_down.x = ww - button_down.w;
  button_down.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  hscrollbar.x = button_up.w;
  hscrollbar.w = ww - button_up.w - button_down.w;
  cursor.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
  nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100, (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100);
  if (list.first_launch) {
    list.first_launch = false;
  } else {
    g_image_cache = new image_cache;
    refresh_spv(fb.ActivePlaylist, true);

function on_paint(a) {
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, wh, 90, g_backcolor, g_backcolor & 0xd0ffffff, 0.3);
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var b;
    var c = (list.nb_cover_to_draw - 1) / 2;
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    for (var d = 1; d < list.mid + 1; d++) {
      if (d > 1 && d <= c) {
        b = true
      } else {
        b = false
      mid2 = list.mid - d;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, d, b)
      mid2 = list.mid + d;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, d * -1, b)
    mid2 = list.mid - 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, 1, true)
    mid2 = list.mid + 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, -1, true)
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    if (panel.show_text) {
      var f = 30;
      var g = ww - 60;
      if (list.item[list.mid].id >= 0) {
        if (list.item[list.mid].date.length > 0) {
          a.GdiDrawText(list.item[list.mid].albumartist + " | " + list.item[list.mid].album + " (" + list.item[list.mid].date + ")", g_font, g_textcolor, f, 0, g, cover.pad_top_mid - 4, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
        } else {
          a.GdiDrawText(list.item[list.mid].albumartist + " | " + list.item[list.mid].album, g_font, g_textcolor, f, 0, g, cover.pad_top_mid - 4, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    try {
      hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(4, 1);
      hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h - 1, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10))
    } catch (e) {
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, g_backcolor);
      a.FillGradRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100), g_backcolor, 0.5);
      a.FillGradRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, 0, 0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0.5);
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h - 1, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10))
    try {, cursor.x, cursor.y, 255)
    } catch (e) {};
    try {
      hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(8, 1);
      hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, cursor.x, wh - hscrollbar.h + 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
    } catch (e) {};
    for (i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        hscrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_up.x, button_up.y, 255);
      case 1:
        hscrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_down.x, button_down.y, 255);
    if (cursor.drag) {
      hscrollbar.letter = list.item[Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2)].albumartist.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
      cursor.popup && a.DrawImage(cursor.popup, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
      cursor.popup && a.GdiDrawText(hscrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height - 5, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 5, 5, 255);
    case 1:
      panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - 22 - 5, 5, 255);
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor & 0x25ffffff, 0.5)

function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("down", x, y, i)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    if ("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
      cursor.drag = true;
      cursor.grap_x = x - cursor.x;
      cursor.last_x = cursor.x
    if (hscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
      if (x < cursor.x) {
        if (!list.buttonclicked) {
          list.buttonclicked = true;
          button_up.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            button_up.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x > mouse_x) {
            }, list.key_timer_value)
          }, 400)
      } else {
        if (!list.buttonclicked) {
          list.buttonclicked = true;
          on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step);
          button_down.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step);
            button_down.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x + cursor.w < mouse_x) {
                  on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step)
            }, list.key_timer_value)
          }, 400)
    for (i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            button_up.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              button_up.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, list.key_timer_value)
            }, 400)
      case 1:
        if (hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            button_down.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              button_down.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, list.key_timer_value)
            }, 400)
  for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
    case 1:
      if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
        if (list.total_gh >= 2) {
 = !;
          if ( {
            hscrollbar.visible = true
          } else {
            hscrollbar.visible = false
        } else {
          hscrollbar.visible = false

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, a) {
  if (y < cover.pad_top_mid) {} else if (y < wh - cover.pad_bot_mid) {
    for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
      list.item.checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i)
  } else {
    on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
  list.buttonclicked = false;
  hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
  hscrollbar.timerID = false;
  button_up.first_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(button_up.first_timerID);
  button_up.first_timerID = false;
  button_down.first_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(button_down.first_timerID);
  button_down.first_timerID = false;
  button_up.timerID && window.ClearInterval(button_up.timerID);
  button_up.timerID = false;
  button_down.timerID && window.ClearInterval(button_down.timerID);
  button_down.timerID = false;
  if (list.total_gh > 0) {"up", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y)
    for (var i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y)
    if (cursor.drag) {
      window.RepaintRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      cursor.drag = false
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("up", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_mbtn_down(x, y, a) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("mid", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("right", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
  if (x == mouse_x && y == mouse_y) return true;
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    hscrollbar.hover = (y >= wh - hscrollbar.h && y <= wh && x >= hscrollbar.x && x <= hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w);
    cursor.hover = (x >= cursor.x && x <= cursor.x + cursor.w && y >= cursor.y && y <= cursor.y + cursor.h);"move", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("move", x, y)
    if (cursor.drag && mouse_x != x) {
      cursor.x = x - cursor.grap_x;
      if (cursor.x < hscrollbar.x) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
      if (cursor.x > hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w;
      if (!cursor.timerID) {
        cursor.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          cursor.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(cursor.timerID);
          cursor.timerID = false
        }, 30)
  for (var j = 0; j < panel.arr_buttons.length; j++) {
    panel.arr_buttons[j].checkstate("move", x, y)
  mouse_x = x;
  mouse_y = y

function on_mouse_wheel(a) {
  if (!hscrollbar.timerID) {
    if (Math.abs(a) >= 1) {
      if (a > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(a); i++) {
        hscrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
          hscrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)
      } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(a); i++) {
        hscrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
          hscrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)

function on_mouse_leave() {
  for (i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("leave", 0, 0, i)

function on_playlist_switch() {
  if (fb.ActivePlaylist < 0 || fb.ActivePlaylist > fb.PlaylistCount) {
    if (fb.PlaylistCount > 0) {
      fb.ActivePlaylist = 0
  list.focus_id = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(fb.ActivePlaylist);
  if (list.focus_id < 0) {
    list.focus_id = 0
  refresh_spv(fb.ActivePlaylist, true);

function on_playlist_items_added(a) {
  if (a == fb.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_playlist_items_reordered(a) {
  if (a == fb.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_selection_changed(a) {};

function on_playlist_items_selection_change() {};

function on_playlists_changed() {};

function on_item_focus_change(a, b, c) {
  list.focus_id = c;
  refresh_spv(fb.ActivePlaylist, bool_on_size);
  bool_on_size = false;

function on_metadb_changed(a, b) {
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {

function on_focus(a) {};

function on_key_up(a) {};

function on_key_down(a) {
  var b = GetKeyboardMask();
  if (b == KMask.none) {
    switch (a) {
    case VK_SHIFT:
      list.SHIFT_count = 0;
    case VK_BACK:
    case VK_ESCAPE:
    case 222:
    case VK_SPACEBAR:
      var c = list.item[Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2)].id;
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(fb.ActivePlaylist, c);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, c, true);
    case VK_LEFT:
    case VK_RIGHT:
    case VK_PGUP:
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
    case VK_PGDN:
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
      on_mouse_wheel(hscrollbar.step * -1);
    case VK_RETURN:
      plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(fb.ActivePlaylist, list.focus_id);
    case VK_END:
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(fb.ActivePlaylist, - 1);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, - 1, true);
    case VK_HOME:
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(fb.ActivePlaylist, 0);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, 0, true);
    case VK_DELETE:
      if (!fb.IsAutoPlaylist(fb.ActivePlaylist)) {
        plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(fb.ActivePlaylist, false);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(fb.ActivePlaylist), true)
  } else {
    switch (b) {
    case KMask.shift:
    case KMask.ctrl:
      if (a == 65) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Select all");
      if (a == 70) {
      if (a == 78) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/New playlist")
      if (a == 79) {
      if (a == 80) {
      if (a == 83) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Save playlist...")
    case KMask.alt:
      if (a == 65) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Always on Top")

function on_playback_new_track(a) {
  g_metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying();

function on_playback_stop(a) {
  if (a == 0) {
    g_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();

function on_playback_pause(a) {};

function on_playback_time(a) {};

function get_font() {
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    g_font = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.items);
    g_font_headers = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.labels)
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    g_font = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.playlists);
    g_font_headers = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.tabs)

function get_colors() {
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    g_textcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.text);
    g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_text);
    g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.active_item_frame);
    g_backcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.background);
    g_backcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_background)
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    g_textcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.text);
    g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.selection);
    g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.highlight);
    g_backcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.background);
    g_backcolor_sel = g_textcolor_sel
  try {
    if (panel.custom_textcolor.length > 0) g_textcolor = eval(panel.custom_textcolor);
    if (panel.custom_textcolor_selection.length > 0) g_textcolor_sel = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_selection);
    if (panel.custom_backcolor.length > 0) g_backcolor = eval(panel.custom_backcolor);
    if (panel.custom_textcolor_highlight.length > 0) g_textcolor_hl = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_highlight)
  } catch (e) {};
  g_backcolor_R = getRed(g_backcolor);
  g_backcolor_G = getGreen(g_backcolor);
  g_backcolor_B = getBlue(g_backcolor)

function set_scroller() {
  var a;
  try {
    cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    cursor.h = cursor.default_h;
    cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h)
  a = cursor.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(2, 1);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 1, cursor.h - 3, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25))
  cursor.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
  a = cursor.img_hover.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(2, 2);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 70));
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 1, cursor.h - 3, g_textcolor & 0x99ffffff);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50))
  cursor.img_hover.ReleaseGraphics(a); = new button(cursor.img_normal, cursor.img_hover, cursor.img_hover)

function init_hscrollbar_buttons() {
  var i, gb;
  cursor.popup = gdi.CreateImage(22, 27);
  gb = cursor.popup.GetGraphics();
  gb.FillRoundRect(0, 0, 22 - 1, 22 - 1, 3, 3, g_textcolor);
  gb.DrawRoundRect(0, 0, 22 - 1, 22 - 1, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150));
  var a = Array(7, 22 - 2, 11, 22 - 2 + 6, 22 - 7, 22 - 2);
  gb.FillPolygon(g_textcolor, 0, a);
  gb.DrawPolygon(RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150), 1.0, a);
  gb.FillSolidRect(6, 22 - 4, 22 - 10, 3, g_textcolor);
  button_up.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = button_up.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 9);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 1, button_up.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0, 1, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_up.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = button_up.img_hover.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 10);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 70));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 1, button_up.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x99ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50), 0, 1, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_up.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = button_up.img_down.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 11);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 1, button_up.h - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0, 1, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_down.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
  gb = button_down.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 13);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 1, button_down.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0, 1, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_down.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
  gb = button_down.img_hover.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 14);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 70));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 1, button_down.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x99ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50), 0, 1, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_down.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
  gb = button_down.img_down.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 15);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 1, button_down.h - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 1, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 1, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0, 1, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat)
  hscrollbar.arr_buttons.splice(0, hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length);
  for (i = 0; i < hscrollbar.button_total; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.push(new button(button_up.img_normal, button_up.img_hover, button_up.img_down));
    case 1:
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.push(new button(button_down.img_normal, button_down.img_hover, button_down.img_down));

function init_icons() {
  var a;
  var b = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 15, 0);
  nocover = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
  a = nocover.GetGraphics();
  a.FillSolidRect(0, 0, 200, 200, g_textcolor);
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, 200, 200, 90, g_backcolor & 0xbbffffff, g_backcolor, 1.0);
  b = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 132, 0);
  a.DrawString("x", b, RGB(0, 0, 0), 1, -2, 200, 200, cc_stringformat);
  a.DrawString("x", b, RGB(255, 255, 255), 1, 2, 200, 200, cc_stringformat);
  a.DrawString("x", b, g_backcolor, 1, 0, 200, 200, cc_stringformat);
  a.DrawString("x", b, g_textcolor & 0x88ffffff, 1, 0, 200, 200, cc_stringformat);
  streamcover = gdi.CreateImage(200, 200);
  a = streamcover.GetGraphics();
  a.FillSolidRect(0, 0, 200, 200, g_textcolor);
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, 200, 200, 90, g_backcolor & 0xbbffffff, g_backcolor, 1.0);
  b = gdi.F

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1405
samples updated:

thumbs: the thumbnails in grid mode are now horizontally centred. also added new thumbnail size: 250px.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1406
WSH CoverFlow v1 beta3 (optimized and new settings in properties!)

[code]// ==PREPROCESSOR==
// @name "WSH CoverFlow v1"
// @version ""
// @author "Br3tt"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"

// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better  >>
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.2 or better  >>
// [/Requirements]

// [Informations]
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (right click empty space > Properties)
// * for custom colors in Properties, use e.g. RGB(255,255,255) for white color, RGB(0,0,0) for black color, ...
// * double click on album text infos > Show Now Playing album
// * middle click on centered cover > Send album tracks to specific playlist "WSH CoverFlow"
// * keyboard keys : left/right arrows, Home/End, page up/down, spacebar to set focus on the centered album
// [/Informations]

MF_STRING = 0x00000000;
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800;
MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
MF_POPUP = 0x00000010;
IDC_ARROW = 32512;
IDC_IBEAM = 32513;
IDC_WAIT = 32514;
IDC_CROSS = 32515;
IDC_UPARROW = 32516;
IDC_SIZE = 32640;
IDC_ICON = 32641;
IDC_SIZEWE = 32644;
IDC_SIZENS = 32645;
IDC_SIZEALL = 32646;
IDC_NO = 32648;
IDC_HAND = 32649;
IDC_HELP = 32651;
var DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
var DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
var DT_TOP = 0x00000000;
var DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;
var DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;
var DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010;
var DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;
var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400;
var DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800;
var DT_EDITCONTROL = 0x00002000;
var DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;
var VK_BACK = 0x08;
var VK_RETURN = 0x0D;
var VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
var VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
var VK_ALT = 0x12;
var VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B;
var VK_PGUP = 0x21;
var VK_PGDN = 0x22;
var VK_END = 0x23;
var VK_HOME = 0x24;
var VK_LEFT = 0x25;
var VK_UP = 0x26;
var VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
var VK_DOWN = 0x28;
var VK_INSERT = 0x2D;
var VK_DELETE = 0x2E;
var VK_SPACEBAR = 0x20;
var KMask = {
  none: 0,
  ctrl: 1,
  shift: 2,
  ctrlshift: 3,
  ctrlalt: 4,
  ctrlaltshift: 5,
  alt: 6

function GetKeyboardMask() {
  var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false;
  var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false;
  var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false;
  var b = KMask.none;
  if (c && !a && !s) b = KMask.ctrl;
  if (!c && !a && s) b = KMask.shift;
  if (c && !a && s) b = KMask.ctrlshift;
  if (c && a && !s) b = KMask.ctrlalt;
  if (c && a && s) b = KMask.ctrlaltshift;
  if (!c && a && !s) b = KMask.alt;
  return b
ColorTypeCUI = {
  text: 0,
  selection_text: 1,
  inactive_selection_text: 2,
  background: 3,
  selection_background: 4,
  inactive_selection_background: 5,
  active_item_frame: 6
FontTypeCUI = {
  items: 0,
  labels: 1
ColorTypeDUI = {
  text: 0,
  background: 1,
  highlight: 2,
  selection: 3
FontTypeDUI = {
  defaults: 0,
  tabs: 1,
  lists: 2,
  playlists: 3,
  statusbar: 4,
  console: 5

function StringFormat() {
  var a = 0,
    v_align = 0,
    trimming = 0,
    flags = 0;
  switch (arguments.length) {
  case 3:
    trimming = arguments[2];
  case 2:
    v_align = arguments[1];
  case 1:
    a = arguments[0];
    return 0
  return ((a << 28) | (v_align << 24) | (trimming << 20) | flags)
StringAlignment = {
  Near: 0,
  Centre: 1,
  Far: 2
var lt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);
var ct_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Near);
var rt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);
var lc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Centre);
var cc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Centre);
var rc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Centre);
var lb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Far);
var cb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Far);
var rb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far);

function RGB(r, g, b) {
  return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function RGBA(r, g, b, a) {
  return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function getAlpha(a) {
  return ((a >> 24) & 0xff)
function getRed(a) {
  return ((a >> 16) & 0xff)
function getGreen(a) {
  return ((a >> 8) & 0xff)
function getBlue(a) {
  return (a & 0xff)
function num(a, b) {
  var i;
  var c = a.toString();
  var k = b - c.length;
  if (k > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      c = "0" + c
  return c.toString()

function TrackType(a) {
  var b;
  var c;
  switch (a) {
  case "file":
    b = 1;
    c = 0;
  case "cdda":
    b = 1;
    c = 1;
  case "FOO_":
    b = 0;
    c = 2;
  case "http":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "mms:":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "unpa":
    b = 0;
    c = 4;
    b = 0;
    c = 5
  return c
ButtonStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  down: 2
button = function (d, e, f) {
  this.img = Array(d, e, f);
  this.w = this.img[0].Width;
  this.h = this.img[0].Height;
  this.state = ButtonStates.normal;
  this.update = function (a, b, c) {
    this.img = Array(a, b, c)
  this.draw = function (a, x, y, b) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.img[this.state] && a.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h, 0, b)
  this.display_context_menu = function (x, y, a) {};
  this.repaint = function () {
    window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h)
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y) {
    this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1);
    this.old = this.state;
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "up":
      this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) this.display_context_menu(x, y, id);
    case "move":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "leave":
      this.state = this.isdown ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    if (this.state != this.old) this.repaint();
    return this.state

function get_system_scrollbar_width() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
  return a

function get_system_scrollbar_height() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
  return a
var nocover;
var nocover_img;
var streamcover;
var star_img_off;
var star_img_on;
var star_img_hov;
var star_img_kill;
var toggle_scrollbar;
var menu_button;
cover2load = function (a, b) {
  this.item = a;
  this.timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
    if (mycover2load.length > 0) {
      mycover2load[0].timer && window.ClearTimeout(mycover2load[0].timer);
      utils.GetAlbumArtAsync(window.ID, mycover2load[0].item.metadb, 0, true, false, false)
  }, b)
var mycover2load = Array();
image_cache = function () {
  this._cachelist = {};
  this.hit = function (a) {
    var b = this._cachelist[a.cover_path + a.album];
    if (typeof b == "undefined") {
      mycover2load.push(new cover2load(a, (80 * (mycover2load.length > 0 ? 1 : 0)) + (10 * mycover2load.length)))
    return b
  this.getit = function (a) {
    var b = refresh_cover(a);
    this._cachelist[a.cover_path + a.album] = b;
    return b
var g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function FormatCover(a, w, h) {
  if (!a || w <= 0 || h <= 0) return a;
  return a.Resize(w, h, 2)

function refresh_cover(a) {
  var b = 0;
  var c;
  var d = (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
  var e = (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
  if (a.track_type != 3) {
    if (a.metadb) {
      c = FormatCover(utils.GetAlbumArtEmbedded(a.metadb.rawpath, b), d, e);
      if (!c) {
        c = FormatCover(utils.GetAlbumArtV2(a.metadb, b), d, e);
        if (!c) {
          c = FormatCover(nocover, d, e);
          a.cover_type = 0
        } else {
          a.cover_type = 1
      } else {
        a.cover_type = 2
  } else if (fb.IsPlaying && fb.PlaybackLength) {
    c = FormatCover(streamcover, d, e);
    a.cover_type = 3
  } else {
    c = FormatCover(nocover, d, e);
    a.cover_type = 0
  return c

function reset_cover_timers() {
  for (var i in mycover2load) {
    mycover2load.timer && window.ClearInterval(mycover2load.timer)
  mycover2load.splice(0, mycover2load.length)

function on_get_album_art_done(a, b, c, d) {
  for (var i = 0; i < mycover2load.length; i++) {
    if (mycover2load[0].item.metadb.Compare(a)) {
      mycover2load.item.cover_img = g_image_cache.getit(mycover2load.item, c, d);
      if ( {
        window.RepaintRect(mycover2load.item.x - 15, cover.pad_top_mid, mycover2load.item.w + 30, wh - cover.pad_top_mid)
      } else { = true
      mycover2load.splice(i, 1);
ItemStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  selected: 2
item = function (g, h, k) {
  var i;
  if (typeof == "undefined") {
    if (g < 0) { = g;
      this.idx = h;
      this.gh_id = k;
      this.metadb = false;
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.album = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.cover_path = "";
      this.group_info = ""
    } else { = g;
      this.idx = h;
      this.gh_id = k;
      this.metadb = list.handlelist.Item(;
      if (this.metadb) {
        this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
        this.cover_path = tf_cover_path.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
  this.update_infos = function () {
    if (this.metadb) {
      this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
      this.cover_path = tf_cover_path.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
    } else {
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.album = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.cover_path = "";
      this.group_info = ""
  this.draw = function (a, b, c, d, e) { = e;
    if (list.mid == c) {
      this.w = cover.w;
      this.h = this.w;
      this.y = cover.pad_top_mid;
      this.x = Math.floor((ww / 2) - (cover.w / 2));
      this.cut = 1
    } else {
      this.w = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 1 : cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2;
      this.h = this.w;
      this.x = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * (this.w - 5)) : Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * this.w);
      this.y = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.pad_top_mid + Math.ceil(cover.normal_delta / 2) : cover.pad_top_mid + cover.normal_delta;
      this.cut = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? 1 : 0
    if ( >= 0) {
      this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
      if ( && typeof (this.cover_img) != "undefined") {
        var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
        if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
          a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h * 2 - cover.margin - 1, this.w, -1 * this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
          if (cover.draw_border) {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
          } else {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
          a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
        a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        if (cover.draw_border) {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
        } else {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
        if (cover.draw_shadows) {
          if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
            for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
              if (this.gh_id > 0) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
              if (this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
      } else {
        var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
        if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
          a.DrawImage(nocover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h * 2 - cover.margin - 1, this.w, -1 * this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
          if (cover.draw_border) {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
          } else {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
          a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
        a.DrawImage(nocover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        if (cover.draw_border) {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
        } else {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
        if (cover.draw_shadows) {
          if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
            for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
              if (this.gh_id > 0) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
              if (this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
      if (cover.draw_focus_border && this.gh_id == list.selected_gh_id) {
        a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y - 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 2, 2, 2, 3.0, g_backcolor_sel);
        a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 2, this.y - 2, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 4, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60));
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, g_backcolor_sel);
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 40))
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y, b) {
    if ( >= 0 && y > cover.pad_top_mid) {
      this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h)
    } else {
      this.ishover = false
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      if (!list.down_timerID && >= 0) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(fb.ActivePlaylist, {
          if (this.ishover) {
            SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
            g_saved = this
        } else {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
              if (list.focus_id != {
                if (list.SHIFT_start_id != null) {} else {}
            } else if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
              plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist,, true)
            } else {
              SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
              g_saved = this
    case "dblclk":
      if ( >= 0 && g_saved != null) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(fb.ActivePlaylist, {
          if ( == {
            plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(fb.ActivePlaylist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
            g_saved = null;
    case "mid":
      if (this.ishover && this.idx == list.mid) {
        if (plman.GetPlaylistName(plman.ActivePlaylist) != "WSH CoverFlow") {
          SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
          var c = false;
          var d = 0;
          var e = plman.ActivePlaylist;
          for (var i = 0; i < plman.PlaylistCount; i++) {
            if (plman.GetPlaylistName(i) == "WSH CoverFlow") {
              c = true;
              d = i;
          if (!c) {
            d = plman.PlaylistCount;
            plman.CreatePlaylist(plman.PlaylistCount, "WSH CoverFlow")
          plman.ActivePlaylist = d;
          var f = fb.PlaylistItemCount(d);
          plman.InsertPlaylistItems(d, f, plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(e), false);
          plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(d, 0)
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover && this.idx == list.mid) {
        SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id);
        new_context_menu(x, y,, this.idx)
    case "up":
    case "move":
      if (this.ishover) {}
    case "leave":
    return this.state
var tf_path = fb.TitleFormat("$left(%_path_raw%,4)");
var tf_cover_path = fb.TitleFormat("$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)");
var tf_albumartist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%album artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_album = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,'Single','web radios'))");
var tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group Key", "%album artist%%album%"));
var tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
var g_instancetype = window.InstanceType;
var g_font = null;
var g_font_headers = null;
var ww = 0,
  wh = 0;
var mouse_x = 0,
  mouse_y = 0;
var g_textcolor = 0,
  g_textcolor_sel = 0,
  g_textcolor_hl = 0,
  g_backcolor = 0,
  g_backcolor_sel = 0;
var g_metadb;
var bool_on_size = false;
var g_search_string = "";
var incsearch_font = gdi.Font("lucida console", 9, 0);
var incsearch_font_big = gdi.Font("lucida console", 20, 1);
var clear_incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer = false;
var g_saved = null;
panel = {
  max_height: window.GetProperty("panel.maximum.height", 300),
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  button_total: 2,
  show_text: window.GetProperty("", true),
  custom_textcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.normal", ""),
  custom_textcolor_selection: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.selection", ""),
  custom_backcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.background.color", ""),
  custom_textcolor_highlight: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.hightlight", "")
list = {
  first_launch: true,
  total: 0,
  total_gh: 0,
  start_id: 0,
  nbvis: 0,
  mid: 0,
  item: Array(),
  hlist: Array(),
  handlelist: null,
  metadblist_selection: plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(fb.ActivePlaylist),
  focus_id: 0,
  selected_gh_id: 0,
  gh_id: 0,
  mousewheel_timer_value: 20,
  key_timer_value: 60,
  nowplaying: 0,
  SHIFT_start_id: null,
  SHIFT_count: 0,
  inc_search_noresult: false,
  nb_cover_to_draw: 0,
  buttonclicked: false
hscrollbar = {
  theme: false,
  themed: window.GetProperty("list.hscrollbar.themed", true),
  show: window.GetProperty("list.hscrollbar.visible", true),
  visible: true,
  hover: false,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  default_h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  w: 0,
  button_total: 2,
  step: 3,
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  letter: null,
  timerID: false
button_up = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  timerID: false
button_down = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  timerID: false
cursor = {
  bt: null,
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  popup: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  default_w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  hover: false,
  drag: false,
  grap_x: 0,
  timerID: false,
  last_x: 0
cover = {
  margin: 2,
  w: 0,
  h: 0,
  top_offset: 0,
  pad_top_mid: 35,
  pad_bot_mid: 30,
  normal_delta: 20,
  quality: window.GetProperty("list.covers.quality.percent", 100),
  draw_border: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.border", true),
  draw_reflection: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.reflection", true),
  reflect_strength_percent: window.GetProperty("cover.reflection.percent", 25),
  draw_shadows: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.shadows", true),
  draw_focus_border: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.focus.border", true)

function refresh_spv_cursor(a) {
  var b = (cursor.x - hscrollbar.x) / (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w);
  if (b > 1) b = 1;
  if (b < 0) b = 0;
  var r = Math.round(b * list.total_gh);
  set_gh_id(a, list.hlist[r - 1]);
function set_gh_id(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(b);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    list.gh_id = 0
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))

function scrollup_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r > 0) {
    var s = list.item[0].gh_id;
    if (s > 0) {
      list.item.unshift(new item(list.hlist[s - 1], 0, s - 1))
    } else {
      list.item.unshift(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function scrolldown_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r < list.total_gh - 1) {
    var s = list.item[list.item.length - 1].gh_id;
    if (s > 0 && s < list.total_gh - 1) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[s + 1], 0, s + 1))
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function refresh_spv(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(list.focus_id);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    return true
  list.selected_gh_id = list.gh_id;
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))
  if ( {
    if (list.total_gh < 2) hscrollbar.visible = false;
    else hscrollbar.visible = true
  } else {
    hscrollbar.visible = false
  cursor.w = Math.round(hscrollbar.w / list.total_gh);
  if (cursor.w > hscrollbar.w) cursor.w = hscrollbar.w;
  if (cursor.w < cursor.default_w) cursor.w = cursor.default_w;

function get_gh_id(a) {
  var b = Math.floor(list.total_gh / 2);
  if (a < list.hlist) {
    var c = 0
  } else {
    var c = b
  for (var i = c; i < list.total_gh; i++) {
    if (i < list.total_gh - 1) {
      if (a >= list.hlist && a < list.hlist[i + 1]) {
        return i
    } else {
      if (a >= list.hlist) {
        return i
      } else {
        fb.trace("error: gh_id not found");
        return null

function setcursorx() {
  var a = Math.floor(list.item.length / 2);
  var b = list.item[a].gh_id;
  var c = b / (list.total_gh - 1);
  cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + Math.round(c * (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w))

function init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(fb.ActivePlaylist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
    if (a != b) {
      a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function on_font_changed() {

function on_colors_changed() {
  nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100, (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100);
  g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function on_init() {};

function on_size() {
  if (!window.Width || !window.Height) return;
  window.DlgCode = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
  bool_on_size = true;
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    window.MinWidth = 200;
    window.MinHeight = 170;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    window.MinWidth = 200;
    window.MinHeight = 170;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height
  ww = window.Width;
  wh = window.Height;
  if (wh < 170) wh = 170;
  var a = window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  if (a == "") window.SetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
  cover.w = wh - cover.pad_top_mid - cover.pad_bot_mid;
  cover.h = cover.w;
  list.nbvis = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
  if (list.nbvis / 2 == Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)) {
  if (list.nbvis > 23) list.nbvis = 23;
  list.mid = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
  list.nb_cover_to_draw = list.nbvis;
  if (hscrollbar.themed) {
    hscrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar")
  } else {
    hscrollbar.theme = false
  button_up.x = 0;
  button_up.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  button_down.x = ww - button_down.w;
  button_down.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  hscrollbar.x = button_up.w;
  hscrollbar.w = ww - button_up.w - button_down.w;
  cursor.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
  nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100, (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100);
  if (list.first_launch) {
    list.first_launch = false;
  } else {
    g_image_cache = new image_cache;
    refresh_spv(fb.ActivePlaylist, true);

function on_paint(a) {
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, wh, 90, g_backcolor, g_backcolor & 0xd0ffffff, 0.3);
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var b, mid2;
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    for (var c = 1; c < list.mid + 1; c++) {
      if (c > 1 && c <= list.mid) {
        b = true
      } else {
        b = false
      mid2 = list.mid - c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c, b)
      mid2 = list.mid + c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c * -1, b)
    mid2 = list.mid - 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, 1, true)
    mid2 = list.mid + 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, -1, true)
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    if (panel.show_text) {
      var d = 30;
      var f = ww - 60;
      if (list.item[list.mid].id >= 0) {
        a.GdiDrawText(list.item[list.mid].group_info, g_font, g_textcolor, d, 0, f, cover.pad_top_mid - 4, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    try {
      hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(4, 1);
      hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h - 1, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10))
    } catch (e) {
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, g_backcolor);
      a.FillGradRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100), g_backcolor, 0.5);
      a.FillGradRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, 0, 0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0.5);
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h - 1, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10))
    try {, cursor.x, cursor.y, 255)
    } catch (e) {};
    try {
      hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(8, 1);
      hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, cursor.x, wh - hscrollbar.h + 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
    } catch (e) {};
    for (i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        hscrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_up.x, button_up.y, 255);
      case 1:
        hscrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_down.x, button_down.y, 255);
    if (cursor.drag) {
      hscrollbar.letter = list.item[Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2)].albumartist.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
      cursor.popup && a.DrawImage(cursor.popup, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
      cursor.popup && a.GdiDrawText(hscrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height - 5, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 5, 5, 255);
    case 1:
      panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - 22 - 5, 5, 255);
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor & 0x25ffffff, 0.5)

function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("down", x, y, i)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    if ("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
      cursor.drag = true;
      cursor.grap_x = x - cursor.x;
      cursor.last_x = cursor.x
    if (hscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
      if (x < cursor.x) {
        if (!list.buttonclicked) {
          list.buttonclicked = true;
          button_up.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            button_up.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x > mouse_x) {
            }, list.key_timer_value)
          }, 400)
      } else {
        if (!list.buttonclicked) {
          list.buttonclicked = true;
          on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step);
          button_down.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step);
            button_down.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x + cursor.w < mouse_x) {
                  on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step)
            }, list.key_timer_value)
          }, 400)
    for (i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            button_up.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              button_up.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, list.key_timer_value)
            }, 400)
      case 1:
        if (hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            button_down.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              button_down.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, list.key_timer_value)
            }, 400)
  for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
    case 1:
      if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
        if (list.total_gh >= 2) {
 = !;
          if ( {
            hscrollbar.visible = true
          } else {
            hscrollbar.visible = false
        } else {
          hscrollbar.visible = false

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, a) {
  if (y < cover.pad_top_mid) {} else if (y < wh - cover.pad_bot_mid) {
    for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
      list.item.checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i)
  } else {
    on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
  list.buttonclicked = false;
  hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
  hscrollbar.timerID = false;
  button_up.first_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(button_up.first_timerID);
  button_up.first_timerID = false;
  button_down.first_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(button_down.first_timerID);
  button_down.first_timerID = false;
  button_up.timerID && window.ClearInterval(button_up.timerID);
  button_up.timerID = false;
  button_down.timerID && window.ClearInterval(button_down.timerID);
  button_down.timerID = false;
  if (list.total_gh > 0) {"up", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y)
    for (var i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y)
    if (cursor.drag) {
      window.RepaintRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      cursor.drag = false
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("up", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_mbtn_down(x, y, a) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("mid", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("right", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
  if (x == mouse_x && y == mouse_y) return true;
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    hscrollbar.hover = (y >= wh - hscrollbar.h && y <= wh && x >= hscrollbar.x && x <= hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w);
    cursor.hover = (x >= cursor.x && x <= cursor.x + cursor.w && y >= cursor.y && y <= cursor.y + cursor.h);"move", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("move", x, y)
    if (cursor.drag && mouse_x != x) {
      cursor.x = x - cursor.grap_x;
      if (cursor.x < hscrollbar.x) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
      if (cursor.x > hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w;
      if (!cursor.timerID) {
        cursor.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          cursor.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(cursor.timerID);
          cursor.timerID = false
        }, 30)
  for (var j = 0; j < panel.arr_buttons.length; j++) {
    panel.arr_buttons[j].checkstate("move", x, y)
  mouse_x = x;
  mouse_y = y

function on_mouse_wheel(a) {
  if (!hscrollbar.timerID) {
    if (Math.abs(a) >= 1) {
      if (a > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(a); i++) {
        hscrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
          hscrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)
      } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(a); i++) {
        hscrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
          hscrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)

function on_mouse_leave() {
  for (i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("leave", 0, 0, i)

function on_playlist_switch() {
  if (fb.ActivePlaylist < 0 || fb.ActivePlaylist > fb.PlaylistCount) {
    if (fb.PlaylistCount > 0) {
      fb.ActivePlaylist = 0
  list.focus_id = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(fb.ActivePlaylist);
  if (list.focus_id < 0) {
    list.focus_id = 0
  refresh_spv(fb.ActivePlaylist, true);

function on_playlist_items_added(a) {
  if (a == fb.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_playlist_items_reordered(a) {
  if (a == fb.ActivePlaylist) {

function on_selection_changed(a) {};

function on_playlist_items_selection_change() {};

function on_playlists_changed() {};

function on_item_focus_change(a, b, c) {
  list.focus_id = c;
  refresh_spv(fb.ActivePlaylist, bool_on_size);
  bool_on_size = false;

function on_metadb_changed(a, b) {
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {

function on_focus(a) {};

function on_key_up(a) {};

function on_key_down(a) {
  var b = GetKeyboardMask();
  if (b == KMask.none) {
    switch (a) {
    case VK_SHIFT:
      list.SHIFT_count = 0;
    case VK_BACK:
    case VK_ESCAPE:
    case 222:
    case VK_SPACEBAR:
      var c = list.item[Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2)].id;
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(fb.ActivePlaylist, c);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, c, true);
    case VK_LEFT:
    case VK_RIGHT:
    case VK_PGUP:
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
    case VK_PGDN:
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
      on_mouse_wheel(hscrollbar.step * -1);
    case VK_RETURN:
      plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(fb.ActivePlaylist, list.focus_id);
    case VK_END:
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(fb.ActivePlaylist, - 1);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, - 1, true);
    case VK_HOME:
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(fb.ActivePlaylist, 0);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, 0, true);
    case VK_DELETE:
      if (!fb.IsAutoPlaylist(fb.ActivePlaylist)) {
        plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(fb.ActivePlaylist, false);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(fb.ActivePlaylist, plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(fb.ActivePlaylist), true)
  } else {
    switch (b) {
    case KMask.shift:
    case KMask.ctrl:
      if (a == 65) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Select all");
      if (a == 70) {
      if (a == 78) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/New playlist")
      if (a == 79) {
      if (a == 80) {
      if (a == 83) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Save playlist...")
    case KMask.alt:
      if (a == 65) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Always on Top")

function on_playback_new_track(a) {
  g_metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying();

function on_playback_stop(a) {
  if (a == 0) {
    g_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();

function on_playback_pause(a) {};

function on_playback_time(a) {};

function get_font() {
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    g_font = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.items);
    g_font_headers = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.labels)
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    g_font = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.playlists);
    g_font_headers = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.tabs)

function get_colors() {
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    g_textcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.text);
    g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_text);
    g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.active_item_frame);
    g_backcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.background);
    g_backcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_background)
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    g_textcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.text);
    g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.selection);
    g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.highlight);
    g_backcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.background);
    g_backcolor_sel = g_textcolor_sel
  try {
    if (panel.custom_textcolor.length > 0) g_textcolor = eval(panel.custom_textcolor);
    if (panel.custom_textcolor_selection.length > 0) g_textcolor_sel = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_selection);
    if (panel.custom_backcolor.length > 0) g_backcolor = eval(panel.custom_backcolor);
    if (panel.custom_textcolor_highlight.length > 0) g_textcolor_hl = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_highlight)
  } catch (e) {};
  g_backcolor_R = getRed(g_backcolor);
  g_backcolor_G = getGreen(g_backcolor);
  g_backcolor_B = getBlue(g_backcolor)

function set_scroller() {
  var a;
  try {
    cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    cursor.h = cursor.default_h;
    cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h)
  a = cursor.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(2, 1);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 1, cursor.h - 3, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25))
  cursor.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
  a = cursor.img_hover.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(2, 2);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 0, cursor.h - 2, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 70));
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 1, cursor.w - 1, cursor.h - 3, g_textcolor & 0x99ffffff);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, g_backcolor);
    a.FillSolidRect(1, 2, cursor.w - 2, cursor.h - 4, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50))
  cursor.img_hover.ReleaseGraphics(a); = new button(cursor.img_normal, cursor.img_hover, cursor.img_hover)

function init_hscrollbar_buttons() {
  var i, gb;
  cursor.popup = gdi.CreateImage(22, 27);
  gb = cursor.popup.GetGraphics();
  gb.FillRoundRect(0, 0, 22 - 1, 22 - 1, 3, 3, g_textcolor);
  gb.DrawRoundRect(0, 0, 22 - 1, 22 - 1, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150));
  var a = Array(7, 22 - 2, 11, 22 - 2 + 6, 22 - 7, 22 - 2);
  gb.FillPolygon(g_textcolor, 0, a);
  gb.DrawPolygon(RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150), 1.0, a);
  gb.FillSolidRect(6, 22 - 4, 22 - 10, 3, g_textcolor);
  button_up.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = button_up.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 9);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 1, button_up.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0, 1, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_up.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = button_up.img_hover.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 10);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 70));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 1, button_up.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x99ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50), 0, 1, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_up.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = button_up.img_down.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 11);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_up.w - 1, button_up.h - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_up.w - 2, button_up.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0, 1, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(".", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_up.w - 0, button_up.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_down.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
  gb = button_down.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 13);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 1, button_down.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 0, 1, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_down.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
  gb = button_down.img_hover.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 14);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 70));
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 1, button_down.h - 1, g_textcolor & 0x99ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 2, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50));
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 50), 0, 1, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString(",", gui_font, g_textcolor, 0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_down.img_down = gdi.CreateImage(button_down.w, button_down.h);
  gb = button_down.img_down.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 15);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_down.w, button_down.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_textcolor & 0x77ffffff);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 0, button_down.h - 0, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(0, 0, button_down.w - 1, button_down.h - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 100));
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 1, g_backcolor);
    gb.FillSolidRect(1, 1, button_down.w - 2, button_down.h - 1, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25));

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1407
Falstaff, is your coverflow script horizontal scrolling only?  If so, any chance for a vertical scrolling one?

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1408
only horizontal for now. maybe a vertical one later, i can't say when.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1409
WSH CoverFlow v1 beta4

What's New in beta4:
- lock current playlist button: allow you to use the coverflow as an album browser, in your playlist, when lock is on, you only have the tracks of the selected cover album!
- scrollbar button replaced by a menu button
- cover loading engine modded to get better perfs.
- new scrollbar style (not themed one)
- many tweaks ... i can't remember all the changes since beta3

[code]// ==PREPROCESSOR==
// @name "CoverFlow View v1"
// @version ""
// @author "Br3tt"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"

// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better  >>
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.2 or better  >>
// [/Requirements]

// * !!! Keep a reasonable size for the panel to avoid bad perf! Loading and Displaying too big or too much covers can be a nightmare for your CPU!

// [Informations]
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (right click empty space > Properties)
// * for custom colors in Properties, use e.g. RGB(255,255,255) for white color, RGB(0,0,0) for black color, ...
// * double click on album text infos > Show Now Playing album
// * middle click on centered cover > Send album tracks to specific playlist "CoverFlow View"
// * keyboard keys : left/right arrows, Home/End, page up/down, spacebar to set focus on the centered album
// [/Informations]

MF_STRING = 0x00000000;
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800;
MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
MF_POPUP = 0x00000010;
IDC_ARROW = 32512;
IDC_IBEAM = 32513;
IDC_WAIT = 32514;
IDC_CROSS = 32515;
IDC_UPARROW = 32516;
IDC_SIZE = 32640;
IDC_ICON = 32641;
IDC_SIZEWE = 32644;
IDC_SIZENS = 32645;
IDC_SIZEALL = 32646;
IDC_NO = 32648;
IDC_HAND = 32649;
IDC_HELP = 32651;
var DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
var DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
var DT_TOP = 0x00000000;
var DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;
var DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;
var DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010;
var DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;
var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400;
var DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800;
var DT_EDITCONTROL = 0x00002000;
var DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;
var VK_BACK = 0x08;
var VK_RETURN = 0x0D;
var VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
var VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
var VK_ALT = 0x12;
var VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B;
var VK_PGUP = 0x21;
var VK_PGDN = 0x22;
var VK_END = 0x23;
var VK_HOME = 0x24;
var VK_LEFT = 0x25;
var VK_UP = 0x26;
var VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
var VK_DOWN = 0x28;
var VK_INSERT = 0x2D;
var VK_DELETE = 0x2E;
var VK_SPACEBAR = 0x20;
var KMask = {
  none: 0,
  ctrl: 1,
  shift: 2,
  ctrlshift: 3,
  ctrlalt: 4,
  ctrlaltshift: 5,
  alt: 6

function GetKeyboardMask() {
  var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false;
  var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false;
  var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false;
  var b = KMask.none;
  if (c && !a && !s) b = KMask.ctrl;
  if (!c && !a && s) b = KMask.shift;
  if (c && !a && s) b = KMask.ctrlshift;
  if (c && a && !s) b = KMask.ctrlalt;
  if (c && a && s) b = KMask.ctrlaltshift;
  if (!c && a && !s) b = KMask.alt;
  return b
ColorTypeCUI = {
  text: 0,
  selection_text: 1,
  inactive_selection_text: 2,
  background: 3,
  selection_background: 4,
  inactive_selection_background: 5,
  active_item_frame: 6
FontTypeCUI = {
  items: 0,
  labels: 1
ColorTypeDUI = {
  text: 0,
  background: 1,
  highlight: 2,
  selection: 3
FontTypeDUI = {
  defaults: 0,
  tabs: 1,
  lists: 2,
  playlists: 3,
  statusbar: 4,
  console: 5

function StringFormat() {
  var a = 0,
    v_align = 0,
    trimming = 0,
    flags = 0;
  switch (arguments.length) {
  case 3:
    trimming = arguments[2];
  case 2:
    v_align = arguments[1];
  case 1:
    a = arguments[0];
    return 0
  return ((a << 28) | (v_align << 24) | (trimming << 20) | flags)
StringAlignment = {
  Near: 0,
  Centre: 1,
  Far: 2
var lt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);
var ct_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Near);
var rt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);
var lc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Centre);
var cc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Centre);
var rc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Centre);
var lb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Far);
var cb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Far);
var rb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far);

function RGB(r, g, b) {
  return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function RGBA(r, g, b, a) {
  return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function getAlpha(a) {
  return ((a >> 24) & 0xff)
function getRed(a) {
  return ((a >> 16) & 0xff)
function getGreen(a) {
  return ((a >> 8) & 0xff)
function getBlue(a) {
  return (a & 0xff)
function num(a, b) {
  var i;
  var c = a.toString();
  var k = b - c.length;
  if (k > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      c = "0" + c
  return c.toString()

function TrackType(a) {
  var b;
  var c;
  switch (a) {
  case "file":
    b = 1;
    c = 0;
  case "cdda":
    b = 1;
    c = 1;
  case "FOO_":
    b = 0;
    c = 2;
  case "http":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "mms:":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "unpa":
    b = 0;
    c = 4;
    b = 0;
    c = 5
  return c
ButtonStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  down: 2
button = function (d, e, f) {
  this.img = Array(d, e, f);
  this.w = this.img[0].Width;
  this.h = this.img[0].Height;
  this.state = ButtonStates.normal;
  this.update = function (a, b, c) {
    this.img = Array(a, b, c)
  this.draw = function (a, x, y, b) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.img[this.state] && a.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h, 0, b)
  this.display_context_menu = function (x, y, a) {};
  this.repaint = function () {
    window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h)
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y) {
    this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1);
    this.old = this.state;
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "up":
      this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) this.display_context_menu(x, y, id);
    case "move":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "leave":
      this.state = this.isdown ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    if (this.state != this.old) this.repaint();
    return this.state

function get_system_scrollbar_width() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
  return a

function get_system_scrollbar_height() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
  return a
var nocover;
var nocover_img;
var streamcover;
var star_img_off;
var star_img_on;
var star_img_hov;
var star_img_kill;
var toggle_scrollbar;
var menu_button;
cover2load = function (a, b) {
  this.item = a;
  this.timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
    if (mycover2load.length > 0) {
      mycover2load[0].timer && window.ClearTimeout(mycover2load[0].timer);
      utils.GetAlbumArtAsync(window.ID, mycover2load[0].item.metadb, 0, true, false, false)
  }, b)
var mycover2load = Array();
image_cache = function () {
  this._cachelist = {};
  this.hit = function (a) {
    var b = this._cachelist[a.cover_path + a.album];
    if (list.drag_stop && typeof b == "undefined") {
      mycover2load.push(new cover2load(a, (80*(mycover2load.length>0?1:0))+(9*mycover2load.length)));
    return b
  this.getit = function (a, b) {
    var c;
    var d = (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
    var e = (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
    if (a.track_type != 3) {
      if (a.metadb) {
        c = FormatCover(b, d, e);
        if (!c) {
          c = FormatCover(nocover, d, e);
          a.cover_type = 0
        } else {
          a.cover_type = 1
    } else if (fb.IsPlaying && fb.PlaybackLength) {
      c = FormatCover(streamcover, d, e);
      a.cover_type = 3
    } else {
      c = FormatCover(nocover, d, e);
      a.cover_type = 0
    this._cachelist[a.cover_path + a.album] = c;
    return c
var g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function FormatCover(a, w, h) {
  if (!a || w <= 0 || h <= 0) return a;
  if (cover.draw_glass_effect) {
    var b = a.Resize(w, h, 2);
    var c = b.GetGraphics();
    c.FillGradRect(0, 0, w, h, 90, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60), RGBA(255, 255, 255, 10), 1.0);
    c.FillEllipse(-20, 25, w * 2 + 40, h * 2, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 30));
    return b
  } else {
    return a.Resize(w, h, 2)

function refresh_cover(a, b) {
  var c = 0;
  var d;
  var e = (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
  var f = (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
  if (a.track_type != 3) {
    if (a.metadb) {
      d = FormatCover(b, e, f);
      if (!d) {
        d = FormatCover(nocover, e, f);
        a.cover_type = 0
      } else {
        a.cover_type = 1
  } else if (fb.IsPlaying && fb.PlaybackLength) {
    d = FormatCover(streamcover, e, f);
    a.cover_type = 3
  } else {
    d = FormatCover(nocover, e, f);
    a.cover_type = 0
  return d

function reset_cover_timers() {
  for (var i in mycover2load) {
    mycover2load.timer && window.ClearTimeout(mycover2load.timer)
  mycover2load.splice(0, mycover2load.length)

function on_get_album_art_done(a, b, c, d) {
  for (var i = 0; i < mycover2load.length; i++) {
    if (mycover2load.item.metadb.Compare(a)) {
      mycover2load.item.cover_img = g_image_cache.getit(mycover2load.item, c);
      if ( {
        window.RepaintRect(mycover2load.item.x - 2, cover.pad_top_mid, mycover2load.item.w + 4, wh - cover.pad_top_mid)
      } else { = true
      mycover2load.splice(i, 1);
ItemStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  selected: 2
item = function (g, h, k) {
  var i;
  if (typeof == "undefined") {
    if (g < 0) { = g;
      this.idx = h;
      this.gh_id = k;
      this.metadb = false;
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.album = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.cover_path = "";
      this.group_info = ""
    } else { = g;
      this.idx = h;
      this.gh_id = k;
      this.metadb = list.handlelist.Item(;
      if (this.metadb) {
        this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
        this.cover_path = tf_cover_path.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
  this.update_infos = function () {
    if (this.metadb) {
      this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.album = tf_album.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
      this.cover_path = tf_cover_path.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
    } else {
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.album = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.cover_path = "";
      this.group_info = ""
  this.draw = function (a, b, c, d, e) { = e;
    if (list.mid == c) {
      this.w = cover.w;
      this.h = this.w;
      this.y = cover.pad_top_mid;
      this.x = Math.floor((ww / 2) - (cover.w / 2));
      this.cut = 1
    } else {
      this.w = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 1 : cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2;
      this.h = this.w;
      this.x = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * (this.w - 5)) : Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * this.w);
      this.y = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.pad_top_mid + Math.ceil(cover.normal_delta / 2) : cover.pad_top_mid + cover.normal_delta;
      this.cut = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? 1 : 0
    if ( >= 0) {
      this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
      if ( && typeof (this.cover_img) != "undefined") {
        var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
        if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
          a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h * 2 - cover.margin - 1, this.w, -1 * this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
          if (cover.draw_border) {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
          } else {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
          a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
        a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        if (cover.draw_border) {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
        } else {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
        if (cover.draw_shadows) {
          if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
            for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
              if (this.gh_id > 0) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
              if (this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
      } else {
        var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
        if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
          a.DrawImage(nocover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h * 2 - cover.margin - 1, this.w, -1 * this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
          if (cover.draw_border) {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
          } else {
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
          a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
        a.DrawImage(nocover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
        if (cover.draw_border) {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 1, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 1, 2.0, RGB(0, 0, 0));
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(255, 255, 255))
        } else {
          a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w - cover.margin * 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2, 1.0, RGB(127, 127, 127))
        if (cover.draw_shadows) {
          if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
            for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
              if (this.gh_id > 0) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
              if (this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
      if (cover.draw_focus_border && this.gh_id == list.selected_gh_id) {
        list.focus_id_item_idx = this.idx;
        a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y - 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 2, 2, 2, 3.0, g_backcolor_sel);
        a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 2, this.y - 2, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 4, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60));
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, g_backcolor_sel);
        a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 40))
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y, b) {
    if ( >= 0 && y > cover.pad_top_mid) {
      this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h)
    } else {
      this.ishover = false
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      if (!list.down_timerID && >= 0) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(panel.active_playlist, {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (panel.lock_playlist) {
              this.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
            SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
            g_saved = this;
            refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, bool_on_size)
        } else {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
              if (list.focus_id != {
                if (list.SHIFT_start_id != null) {} else {}
            } else if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
              if (panel.lock_playlist) {
                this.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
              } else {
                SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true)
            } else {
              SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
              g_saved = this;
              if (panel.lock_playlist) {
                g_saved.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
    case "dblclk":
      if ( >= 0 && g_saved != null) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(panel.active_playlist, {
          if (panel.lock_playlist) {
            if ( == {
              plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(panel.active_playlist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
              g_saved = null
          } else {
            if ( == {
              plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(panel.active_playlist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
              g_saved = null;
    case "mid":
      if (this.ishover) {
        if (plman.GetPlaylistName(panel.active_playlist) != "CoverFlow View") {
          SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
          var c = false;
          var d = 0;
          var e = panel.active_playlist;
          for (var i = 0; i < plman.PlaylistCount; i++) {
            if (plman.GetPlaylistName(i) == "CoverFlow View") {
              c = true;
              d = i;
          if (!c) {
            d = plman.PlaylistCount;
            plman.CreatePlaylist(plman.PlaylistCount, "CoverFlow View")
          plman.ActivePlaylist = d;
          var f = fb.PlaylistItemCount(d);
          plman.InsertPlaylistItems(d, f, plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(e), false);
          plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(d, 0)
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) {
        SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, false);
        new_context_menu(x, y,, this.idx)
    case "up":
    case "move":
      if (this.ishover) {}
    case "leave":
    return this.state
var tf_path = fb.TitleFormat("$left(%_path_raw%,4)");
var tf_cover_path = fb.TitleFormat("$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)");
var tf_albumartist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%album artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_album = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,'Single','web radios'))");
var tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group Key", "%album artist%%album%"));
var tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
var g_instancetype = window.InstanceType;
var g_font = null;
var g_font_headers = null;
var ww = 0,
  wh = 0;
var mouse_x = 0,
  mouse_y = 0;
var g_textcolor = 0,
  g_textcolor_sel = 0,
  g_textcolor_hl = 0,
  g_backcolor = 0,
  g_backcolor_sel = 0;
var g_metadb;
var bool_on_size = false;
var g_search_string = "";
var incsearch_font = gdi.Font("lucida console", 9, 0);
var incsearch_font_big = gdi.Font("lucida console", 20, 1);
var clear_incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer = false;
var g_saved = null;
panel = {
  max_height: window.GetProperty("panel.maximum.height", 300),
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  button_total: 3,
  show_text: window.GetProperty("", true),
  custom_textcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.normal", ""),
  custom_textcolor_selection: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.selection", ""),
  custom_backcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.background.color", ""),
  custom_textcolor_highlight: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.hightlight", ""),
  lock_playlist: window.GetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", false),
  active_playlist: window.GetProperty("", 0)
list = {
  first_launch: true,
  total: 0,
  total_gh: 0,
  start_id: 0,
  nbvis: 0,
  mid: 0,
  item: Array(),
  hlist: Array(),
  handlelist: null,
  metadblist_selection: plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(panel.active_playlist),
  focus_id: 0,
  focus_id_item_idx: 0,
  selected_gh_id: 0,
  gh_id: 0,
  mousewheel_timer_value: 20,
  key_timer_value: 60,
  nowplaying: 0,
  SHIFT_start_id: null,
  SHIFT_count: 0,
  inc_search_noresult: false,
  nb_cover_to_draw: 0,
  buttonclicked: false,
  drag_stop: true,
  drag_timer: false
hscrollbar = {
  theme: false,
  themed: window.GetProperty("list.hscrollbar.themed", true),
  show: window.GetProperty("list.hscrollbar.visible", true),
  visible: true,
  hover: false,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  default_h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  w: 0,
  button_total: 2,
  step: 3,
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  letter: null,
  timerID: false
button_up = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  timerID: false
button_down = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  timerID: false
cursor = {
  bt: null,
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  popup: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  default_w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  hover: false,
  drag: false,
  grap_x: 0,
  timerID: false,
  last_x: 0
cover = {
  margin: 2,
  w: 0,
  h: 0,
  top_offset: 0,
  default_pad_top_mid: 35,
  default_pad_bot_mid: 30,
  pad_top_mid: 35,
  pad_bot_mid: 30,
  normal_delta: 20,
  quality: window.GetProperty("list.covers.quality.percent", 100),
  draw_border: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.contrasted.border", false),
  draw_reflection: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.ground.reflection", true),
  reflect_strength_percent: window.GetProperty("cover.ground.reflection.percent", 20),
  draw_shadows: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.shadows", true),
  draw_focus_border: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.focus.border", true),
  draw_glass_effect: window.GetProperty("", false)

function refresh_spv_cursor(a) {
  var b = (cursor.x - hscrollbar.x) / (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w);
  if (b > 1) b = 1;
  if (b < 0) b = 0;
  var r = Math.round(b * list.total_gh);
  set_gh_id(a, list.hlist[r - 1]);
function set_gh_id(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(b);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    list.gh_id = 0
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))

function scrollup_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r > 0) {
    var s = list.item[0].gh_id;
    if (s > 0) {
      list.item.unshift(new item(list.hlist[s - 1], 0, s - 1))
    } else {
      list.item.unshift(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function scrolldown_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r < list.total_gh - 1) {
    var s = list.item[list.item.length - 1].gh_id;
    if (s > 0 && s < list.total_gh - 1) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[s + 1], 0, s + 1))
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function refresh_spv(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(list.focus_id);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    return true
  list.selected_gh_id = list.gh_id;
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))
  if ( {
    if (list.total_gh < 2) hscrollbar.visible = false;
    else hscrollbar.visible = true
  } else {
    hscrollbar.visible = false
  cursor.w = Math.round(hscrollbar.w / list.total_gh);
  if (cursor.w > hscrollbar.w) cursor.w = hscrollbar.w;
  if (cursor.w < cursor.default_w) cursor.w = cursor.default_w;

function get_gh_id(a) {
  var b = Math.floor(list.total_gh / 2);
  if (a < list.hlist) {
    var c = 0
  } else {
    var c = b
  for (var i = c; i < list.total_gh; i++) {
    if (i < list.total_gh - 1) {
      if (a >= list.hlist && a < list.hlist[i + 1]) {
        return i
    } else {
      if (a >= list.hlist) {
        return i
      } else {
        return null

function setcursorx() {
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var a = Math.floor(list.item.length / 2);
    var b = list.item[a].gh_id;
    var c = b / (list.total_gh - 1);
    cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + Math.round(c * (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w))
  } else {
    cursor.x = hscrollbar.x

function init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  var c;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(panel.active_playlist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    if (i > 0 && i < - 1) {
      b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
      if (a != b) {
        if (i > 0) {
          c = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i - 1));
          if (a != c) {
            list.hlist.push(i - 1)
          if (c != b) {
        } else {
        a = b
    } else {
      b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
      if (a != b) {
        a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function old_init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(panel.active_playlist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
    if (a != b) {
      a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function on_font_changed() {

function on_colors_changed() {
  nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100, (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100);
  g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function on_init() {};

function on_size() {
  if (!window.Width || !window.Height) return;
  window.DlgCode = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
  bool_on_size = true;
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    window.MinWidth = 200;
    window.MinHeight = 170;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    window.MinWidth = 200;
    window.MinHeight = 170;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height
  ww = window.Width;
  wh = window.Height;
  if (wh < 170) wh = 170;
  var a = window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  if (a == "") window.SetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
  if ( {
    cover.pad_bot_mid = cover.default_pad_bot_mid
  } else {
    cover.pad_bot_mid = cover.default_pad_bot_mid - hscrollbar.default_h
  if (panel.show_text) {
    cover.pad_top_mid = cover.default_pad_top_mid
  } else {
    cover.pad_top_mid = cover.default_pad_top_mid - 16
  cover.w = wh - cover.pad_top_mid - cover.pad_bot_mid;
  cover.h = cover.w;
  list.nbvis = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
  if (list.nbvis / 2 == Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)) {
  list.mid = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
  list.nb_cover_to_draw = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
  if (hscrollbar.themed) {
    hscrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar")
  } else {
    hscrollbar.theme = false
  button_up.x = 0;
  button_up.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  button_down.x = ww - button_down.w;
  button_down.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  hscrollbar.x = button_up.w;
  hscrollbar.w = ww - button_up.w - button_down.w;
  cursor.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
  cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
  nocover_img = FormatCover(nocover, (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100, (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100);
  if (list.first_launch) {
    list.first_launch = false;
  } else {
    g_image_cache = new image_cache;
    refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, true)

function on_paint(a) {
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, wh, 90, g_backcolor, g_backcolor & 0xd0ffffff, 0.3);
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var b, mid2;
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    for (var c = 1; c < list.mid + 1; c++) {
      if (c > 1 && c <= list.mid) {
        b = true
      } else {
        b = false
      mid2 = list.mid - c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c, b)
      mid2 = list.mid + c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c * -1, b)
    mid2 = list.mid - 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, 1, true)
    mid2 = list.mid + 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, -1, true)
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    if (panel.show_text) {
      var d = panel.lock_playlist ? 32 : 60;
      var f = panel.lock_playlist ? ww - 64 : ww - 120;
      if (list.item[list.mid].id >= 0) {
        a.GdiDrawText(list.item[list.mid].group_info, g_font, g_textcolor, d, 0, f, cover.pad_top_mid - 4, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    try {
      hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(4, 1);
      hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h - 1, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10))
    } catch (e) {
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, g_backcolor & 0x77ffffff);
      a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 20))
    try {, cursor.x, cursor.y, 255)
    } catch (e) {};
    try {
      hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(8, 1);
      hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, cursor.x, wh - hscrollbar.h + 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
    } catch (e) {};
    for (i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        hscrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_up.x, button_up.y, 255);
      case 1:
        hscrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_down.x, button_down.y, 255);
    if (cursor.drag) {
      hscrollbar.letter = list.item[Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)].albumartist.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
      cursor.popup && a.DrawImage(cursor.popup, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
      cursor.popup && a.GdiDrawText(hscrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height - 5, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      if (!panel.lock_playlist) {
        panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 30, 5, 255)
    case 1:
      panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - 22 - 5, 5, 255);
    case 2:
      panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 5, 5, 255);
  a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor & 0x15ffffff, 0.5)

function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("down", x, y, i)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    if ("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
      cursor.drag = true;
      cursor.grap_x = x - cursor.x;
      cursor.last_x = cursor.x
    if (hscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
      if (x < cursor.x) {
        if (!list.buttonclicked) {
          list.buttonclicked = true;
          button_up.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            button_up.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x > mouse_x) {
            }, list.key_timer_value)
          }, 400)
      } else {
        if (!list.buttonclicked) {
          list.buttonclicked = true;
          on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step);
          button_down.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step);
            button_down.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x + cursor.w < mouse_x) {
                  on_mouse_wheel(-1 * hscrollbar.step)
            }, list.key_timer_value)
          }, 400)
    for (i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            button_up.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              button_up.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, list.key_timer_value)
            }, 400)
      case 1:
        if (hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            button_down.first_timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              button_down.timerID = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, list.key_timer_value)
            }, 400)
  for (var i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, a) {
  if (y < cover.pad_top_mid) {} else if (y < wh - cover.pad_bot_mid) {
    for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
      list.item.checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i)
  } else {
    on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
  list.buttonclicked = false;
  hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
  hscrollbar.timerID = false;
  button_up.first_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(button_up.first_timerID);
  button_up.first_timerID = false;
  button_down.first_timerID && window.ClearTimeout(button_down.first_timerID);
  button_down.first_timerID = false;
  button_up.timerID && window.ClearInterval(button_up.timerID);
  button_up.timerID = false;
  button_down.timerID && window.ClearInterval(button_down.timerID);
  button_down.timerID = false;
  if (list.drag_timer) {
    list.drag_timer = false;
    list.drag_stop = true
  if (list.total_gh > 0) {"up", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y)
    for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
      case 1:
        if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
          settings_menu(x, y)
      case 2:
        if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
          if (panel.lock_playlist) {
            panel.lock_playlist = false;
            window.SetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", panel.lock_playlist);
            plman.ActivePlaylist = panel.active_playlist
          } else {
            panel.lock_playlist = true;
            window.SetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", panel.lock_playlist);
            panel.active_playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist;
            window.SetProperty("", panel.active_playlist);
            var a = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
            a = list.focus_id_item_idx;
            list.item[a].checkstate("mid", list.item[a].x + 5, list.item[a].y + 5, a)
          if (panel.lock_playlist) {
            panel.arr_buttons[2].update(lock_button_normal, lock_button_hover, lock_button_down)
          } else {
            panel.arr_buttons[2].update(unlock_button_normal, unlock_button_hover, unlock_button_down)
    if (cursor.drag) {
      window.RepaintRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      cursor.drag = false
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("up", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_mbtn_down(x, y, a) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("mid", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("right", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
  if (x == mouse_x && y == mouse_y) return true;
  if (cursor.drag) {
    list.drag_stop = false;
    if (list.drag_timer) {
      list.drag_timer = false
    list.drag_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
      list.drag_stop = true;
      list.drag_timer = false;
    }, 260)
  } else {
    list.drag_stop = true
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && hscrollbar.visible && {
    hscrollbar.hover = (y >= wh - hscrollbar.h && y <= wh && x >= hscrollbar.x && x <= hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w);
    cursor.hover = (x >= cursor.x && x <= cursor.x + cursor.w && y >= cursor.y && y <= cursor.y + cursor.h);"move", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < hscrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      hscrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("move", x, y)
    if (cursor.drag && mouse_x != x) {
      cursor.x = x - cursor.grap_x;
      if (cursor.x < hscrollbar.x) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
      if (cursor.x > hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w;
      if (!cursor.timerID) {
        cursor.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          cursor.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(cursor.timerID);
          cursor.timerID = false
        }, 30)
  for (var j = 0; j < panel.arr_buttons.length; j++) {
    panel.arr_buttons[j].checkstate("move", x, y)
  mouse_x = x;
  mouse_y = y

function on_mouse_wheel(a) {
  if (!hscrollbar.timerID) {
    if (Math.abs(a) >= 1) {
      if (a > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(a); i++) {
        hscrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
          hscrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)
      } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(a); i++) {
        hscrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          hscrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(hscrollbar.timerID);
          hscrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)

function on_mouse_leave() {
  for (i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("leave", 0, 0, i)

function on_playlist_switch() {
  if (!panel.lock_playlist) {
    panel.active_playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist
  if (plman.ActivePlaylist < 0 || plman.ActivePlaylist > fb.PlaylistCount) {
    if (fb.PlaylistCount > 0) {
      plman.ActivePlaylist = 0
  list.focus_id = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(panel.active_playlist);
  if (list.focus_id < 0) {
    list.focus_id = 0
  refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, true);

function on_playlist_items_added(a) {
  if (a == panel.active_playlist) {

function on_playlist_items_reordered(a) {
  if (a == panel.active_playlist) {

function on_selection_changed(a) {};

function on_playlist_items_selection_change() {};

function on_playlists_changed() {
  if (panel.lock_playlist) {
    panel.lock_playlist = !panel.lock_playlist;
    window.SetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", panel.lock_playlist);
    plman.ActivePlaylist = panel.active_playlist

function on_item_focus_change(a, b, c) {
  if (a == panel.active_playlist) {
    list.focus_id = c;
    refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, bool_on_size);
    bool_on_size = false;

function on_metadb_changed(a, b) {
  for (var i = 0; i < list.item.length; i++) {

function on_focus(a) {};

function on_key_up(a) {};

function on_key_down(a) {
  var b = GetKeyboardMask();
  if (b == KMask.none) {
    switch (a) {
    case VK_SHIFT:
      list.SHIFT_count = 0;
    case VK_BACK:
    case VK_ESCAPE:
    case 222:
    case VK_SPACEBAR:
      if (panel.lock_playlist) {
        plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(panel.active_playlist, d);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(panel.active_playlist, d, true);
        var c = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
        list.item[c].checkstate("mid", list.item[c].x + 5, list.item[c].y + 5, c)
      } else {
        var d = list.item[Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)].id;
        SelectGroupItems(d, get_gh_id(d), true)
    case VK_LEFT:
    case VK_RIGHT:
    case VK_PGUP:
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
    case VK_PGDN:
      hscrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
      if (hscrollbar.step < 1) hscrollbar.step = 1;
      on_mouse_wheel(hscrollbar.step * -1);
    case VK_RETURN:
      plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(panel.active_playlist, list.focus_id);
    case VK_END:
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(panel.active_playlist, - 1);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(panel.active_playlist, - 1, true);
    case VK_HOME:
      plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(panel.active_playlist, 0);
      plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(panel.active_playlist, 0, true);
    case VK_DELETE:
      if (!fb.IsAutoPlaylist(panel.active_playlist)) {
        plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(panel.active_playlist, false);
        plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(panel.active_playlist, plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(panel.active_playlist), true)
  } else {
    switch (b) {
    case KMask.shift:
    case KMask.ctrl:
      if (a == 65) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Select all");
      if (a == 70) {
      if (a == 78) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/New playlist")
      if (a == 79) {
      if (a == 80) {
      if (a == 83) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Save playlist...")
    case KMask.alt:
      if (a == 65) {
        fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Always on Top")

function on_playback_new_track(a) {
  g_metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying();

function on_playback_stop(a) {
  if (a == 0) {
    g_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();

function on_playback_pause(a) {};

function on_playback_time(a) {};

function get_font() {
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    g_font = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.items);
    g_font_headers = window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.labels)
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    g_font = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.playlists);
    g_font_headers = window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.tabs)

function get_colors() {
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    g_textcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.text);
    g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_text);
    g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.active_item_frame);
    g_backcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.background);
    g_backcolor_sel = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.selection_background)
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    g_textcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.text);
    g_textcolor_sel = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.selection);
    g_textcolor_hl = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.highlight);
    g_backcolor = window.GetColorDUI(ColorTypeDUI.background);
    g_backcolor_sel = g_textcolor_sel
  try {
    if (panel.custom_textcolor.length > 0) g_textcolor = eval(panel.custom_textcolor);
    if (panel.custom_textcolor_selection.length > 0) g_textcolor_sel = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_selection);
    if (panel.custom_backcolor.length > 0) g_backcolor = eval(panel.custom_backcolor);
    if (panel.custom_textcolor_highlight.length > 0) g_textcolor_hl = eval(panel.custom_textcolor_highlight)
  } catch (e) {};
  g_backcolor_R = getRed(g_backcolor);
  g_backcolor_G = getGreen(g_backcolor);
  g_backcolor_B = getBlue(g_backcolor)

function set_scroller() {
  var a;
  try {
    cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    cursor.h = cursor.default_h;
    cursor.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h)
  a = cursor.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(2, 1);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 3, cursor.w, cursor.h - 5, g_textcolor & 0x44ffffff)
  cursor.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(cursor.w, cursor.h);
  a = cursor.img_hover.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(2, 2);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
  } catch (e) {
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 3, cursor.w, cursor.h - 5, g_textcolor & 0x88ffffff)
  cursor.img_hover.ReleaseGraphics(a); = new button(cursor.img_normal, cursor.img_hover, cursor.img_hover)

function init_hscrollbar_buttons() {
  var i, gb;
  cursor.popup = gdi.CreateImage(22, 27);
  gb = cursor.popup.GetGraphics();
  gb.FillRoundRect(0, 0, 22 - 1, 22 - 1, 3, 3, g_textcolor);
  gb.DrawRoundRect(0, 0, 22 - 1, 22 - 1, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150));
  var a = Array(7, 22 - 2, 11, 22 - 2 + 6, 22 - 7, 22 - 2);
  gb.FillPolygon(g_textcolor, 0, a);
  gb.DrawPolygon(RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150), 1.0, a);
  gb.FillSolidRect(6, 22 - 4, 22 - 10, 3, g_textcolor);
  button_up.img_normal = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = button_up.img_normal.GetGraphics();
  try {
    hscrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(1, 9);
    hscrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(gb, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h)
  } catch (e) {
    gui_font = gdi.Font("guifx v2 transports", 12, 0);
    gb.DrawString("<", gui_font, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 25), 1, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h, cc_stringformat);
    gb.DrawString("<", gui_font, g_textcolor & 0x44ffffff, 0, 0, button_up.w, button_up.h, cc_stringformat)
  button_up.img_hover = gdi.CreateImage(button_up.w, button_up.h);
  gb = bu

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1410
marc2003: Could you please help me to add a little space between the stars in your ratings script?

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1411
using you could make the images with a gap around the edge. you need to edit on.png and off.png in the marc2003\images folder. image menu>canvas size and make sure the anchor is in the middle. then select and delete the border so it's transparent.

then update the bw and bh variables at the top of the script to the size of these new images.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1412
That was simple. Thanks.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1413
WSH CoverFlow v1 beta6

[code]// ==PREPROCESSOR==
// @name "CoverFlow View v1 beta6"
// @version ""
// @author "Br3tt"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"

// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better  >>
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.2 or better  >>
// [/Requirements]

// * !!! Keep a reasonable size for the panel to avoid bad perf! Loading and Displaying too big or too much covers can be a nightmare for your CPU!

// [Informations]
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (right click empty space > Properties)
//  e.g. for custom colors in Properties, use e.g. RGB(255,255,255) for white color, RGB(0,0,0) for black color, ...
// * middle click on cover > Send album tracks to specific playlist "CoverFlow View"
// * keyboard keys : left/right arrows, Home/End, page up/down, spacebar to set focus on the centered album, Return key to play ...
// [/Informations]

MF_STRING = 0x00000000;
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800;
MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
MF_POPUP = 0x00000010;
IDC_ARROW = 32512;
IDC_IBEAM = 32513;
IDC_WAIT = 32514;
IDC_CROSS = 32515;
IDC_UPARROW = 32516;
IDC_SIZE = 32640;
IDC_ICON = 32641;
IDC_SIZEWE = 32644;
IDC_SIZENS = 32645;
IDC_SIZEALL = 32646;
IDC_NO = 32648;
IDC_HAND = 32649;
IDC_HELP = 32651;
var DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
var DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
var DT_TOP = 0x00000000;
var DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;
var DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;
var DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010;
var DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;
var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400;
var DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800;
var DT_EDITCONTROL = 0x00002000;
var DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;
var VK_BACK = 0x08;
var VK_RETURN = 0x0D;
var VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
var VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
var VK_ALT = 0x12;
var VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B;
var VK_PGUP = 0x21;
var VK_PGDN = 0x22;
var VK_END = 0x23;
var VK_HOME = 0x24;
var VK_LEFT = 0x25;
var VK_UP = 0x26;
var VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
var VK_DOWN = 0x28;
var VK_INSERT = 0x2D;
var VK_DELETE = 0x2E;
var VK_SPACEBAR = 0x20;
var KMask = {
  none: 0,
  ctrl: 1,
  shift: 2,
  ctrlshift: 3,
  ctrlalt: 4,
  ctrlaltshift: 5,
  alt: 6

function GetKeyboardMask() {
  var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false;
  var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false;
  var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false;
  var b = KMask.none;
  if (c && !a && !s) b = KMask.ctrl;
  if (!c && !a && s) b = KMask.shift;
  if (c && !a && s) b = KMask.ctrlshift;
  if (c && a && !s) b = KMask.ctrlalt;
  if (c && a && s) b = KMask.ctrlaltshift;
  if (!c && a && !s) b = KMask.alt;
  return b
ColorTypeCUI = {
  text: 0,
  selection_text: 1,
  inactive_selection_text: 2,
  background: 3,
  selection_background: 4,
  inactive_selection_background: 5,
  active_item_frame: 6
FontTypeCUI = {
  items: 0,
  labels: 1
ColorTypeDUI = {
  text: 0,
  background: 1,
  highlight: 2,
  selection: 3
FontTypeDUI = {
  defaults: 0,
  tabs: 1,
  lists: 2,
  playlists: 3,
  statusbar: 4,
  console: 5

function StringFormat() {
  var a = 0,
    v_align = 0,
    trimming = 0,
    flags = 0;
  switch (arguments.length) {
  case 3:
    trimming = arguments[2];
  case 2:
    v_align = arguments[1];
  case 1:
    a = arguments[0];
    return 0
  return ((a << 28) | (v_align << 24) | (trimming << 20) | flags)
StringAlignment = {
  Near: 0,
  Centre: 1,
  Far: 2
var lt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);
var ct_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Near);
var rt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);
var lc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Centre);
var cc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Centre);
var rc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Centre);
var lb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Far);
var cb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Far);
var rb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far);

function RGB(r, g, b) {
  return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function RGBA(r, g, b, a) {
  return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function getAlpha(a) {
  return ((a >> 24) & 0xff)
function getRed(a) {
  return ((a >> 16) & 0xff)
function getGreen(a) {
  return ((a >> 8) & 0xff)
function getBlue(a) {
  return (a & 0xff)
function num(a, b) {
  var i;
  var c = a.toString();
  var k = b - c.length;
  if (k > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      c = "0" + c
  return c.toString()

function TrackType(a) {
  var b;
  var c;
  switch (a) {
  case "file":
    b = 1;
    c = 0;
  case "cdda":
    b = 1;
    c = 1;
  case "FOO_":
    b = 0;
    c = 2;
  case "http":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "mms:":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "unpa":
    b = 0;
    c = 4;
    b = 0;
    c = 5
  return c
ButtonStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  down: 2
button = function (d, e, f) {
  this.img = Array(d, e, f);
  this.w = this.img[0].Width;
  this.h = this.img[0].Height;
  this.state = ButtonStates.normal;
  this.update = function (a, b, c) {
    this.img = Array(a, b, c)
  this.draw = function (a, x, y, b) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.img[this.state] && a.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h, 0, b)
  this.display_context_menu = function (x, y, a) {};
  this.repaint = function () {
    window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h)
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y) {
    this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1);
    this.old = this.state;
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "up":
      this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) this.display_context_menu(x, y, id);
    case "move":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "leave":
      this.state = this.isdown ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    if (this.state != this.old) this.repaint();
    return this.state

function get_system_scrollbar_width() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
  return a

function get_system_scrollbar_height() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
  return a
var nocover;
var nocover_img;
var streamcover;
var streamcover_img;
var loading;
var loading_img;
var star_img_off;
var star_img_on;
var star_img_hov;
var star_img_kill;
var toggle_scrollbar;
var menu_button;
image_cache = function () {
  this._cachelist = {};
  this.hit = function (a) {
    var b = this._cachelist[a.metadb.Path];
    if (list.drag_stop && typeof b == "undefined") {
      if (!cover.load_timer) {
        cover.load_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          utils.GetAlbumArtAsync(window.ID, a.metadb, 0, true, false, false);
          cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
          cover.load_timer = false
        }, 35)
    return b
  this.getit = function (a, b) {
    var c;
    var d = (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
    var e = (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
    if (a.track_type != 3) {
      if (a.metadb) {
        c = FormatCover(b, d, e);
        if (!c) {
          c = nocover_img;
          a.cover_type = 0
        } else {
          a.cover_type = 1
    } else if (fb.IsPlaying && fb.PlaybackLength) {
      c = streamcover_img;
      a.cover_type = 3
    } else {
      c = nocover_img;
      a.cover_type = 0
    this._cachelist[a.metadb.Path] = c;
    return c
var g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function FormatCover(a, w, h) {
  if (!a || w <= 0 || h <= 0) return a;
  if (cover.draw_glass_effect) {
    var b = a.Resize(w, h, 2);
    var c = b.GetGraphics();
    c.FillGradRect(0, 0, w, h, 90, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60), RGBA(255, 255, 255, 10), 1.0);
    c.FillEllipse(-20, 25, w * 2 + 40, h * 2, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 30));
    return b
  } else {
    var b = a.Resize(w, h, 2);
    var c = b.GetGraphics();
    c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 2.0, RGB(110, 110, 110));
    return b

function reset_cover_timers() {
  cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
  cover.load_timer = false

function on_get_album_art_done(a, b, c, d) {
  var e = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) {
    if (list.item.metadb) {
      if (list.item.metadb.Compare(a)) {
        list.item.cover_img = g_image_cache.getit(list.item, c);
        if ( {
          if (panel.vertical_mode) {
            window.RepaintRect(cover.pad_left_mid, list.item.y - 2, ww - cover.pad_left_mid, list.item.h + 4)
          } else {
            window.RepaintRect(list.item.x - 2, cover.pad_top_mid, list.item.w + 4, wh - cover.pad_top_mid)
        } else {
 = true
ItemStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  selected: 2
item = function (h, k, l) {
  var i;
  if (typeof == "undefined") {
    if (h < 0) { = h;
      this.idx = k;
      this.gh_id = l;
      this.metadb = false;
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.group_info = ""
    } else { = h;
      this.idx = k;
      this.gh_id = l;
      this.metadb = list.handlelist.Item(;
      if (this.metadb) {
        this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
        this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
  this.update_infos = function () {
    if (this.metadb) {
      this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
      this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
    } else {
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.group_info = ""
  this.draw = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) { = e;
      if (list.mid == c) {
        this.h = cover.h;
        this.w = cover.h;
        this.x = cover.pad_left_mid;
        this.y = Math.floor((wh / 2) - (cover.h / 2));
        this.cut = 1
      } else {
        this.h = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 1 : cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 2;
        this.w = this.h;
        this.y = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? Math.floor((wh / 2) - (this.h / 2)) - (d * (this.h - 5)) : Math.floor((wh / 2) - (this.h / 2)) - (d * this.h);
        this.x = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.pad_left_mid + Math.ceil(cover.normal_delta / 2) : cover.pad_left_mid + cover.normal_delta;
        this.cut = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? 1 : 0
      if ( >= 0) {
        this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
        if ( && typeof (this.cover_img) != "undefined") {
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - j - cover.margin + 1, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + this.h - cover.margin + j - 2, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
          a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, this.x, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255)
        } else {
          a.DrawImage(loading_img, this.x, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255);
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - j - cover.margin + 1, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + this.h - cover.margin + j - 2, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
        if (this.gh_id == list.selected_gh_id) {
          list.focus_id_item_idx = this.idx;
          if (cover.draw_focus_border) {
            a.DrawRoundRect(this.x - 1, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 2, 2, 2, 3.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRoundRect(this.x - 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - 2, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 4, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60));
            a.DrawRect(this.x + 1, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRect(this.x + 1, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 40))
    } else { = e;
      if (list.mid == c) {
        this.w = cover.w;
        this.h = cover.w;
        this.y = cover.pad_top_mid;
        this.x = Math.floor((ww / 2) - (cover.w / 2));
        this.cut = 1
      } else {
        this.w = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 1 : cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2;
        this.h = this.w;
        this.x = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * (this.w - 5)) : Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * this.w);
        this.y = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.pad_top_mid + Math.ceil(cover.normal_delta / 2) : cover.pad_top_mid + cover.normal_delta;
        this.cut = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? 1 : 0
      if ( >= 0) {
        this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
        if ( && typeof (this.cover_img) != "undefined") {
          var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
          if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
            a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w, this.y + this.h - cover.margin - 1, -1 * this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 180, 255);
            a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 2, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
          a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255)
        } else {
          var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
          if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
            a.DrawImage(loading_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w, this.y + this.h - cover.margin - 1, -1 * this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 180, 255);
            a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y + this.h - 1, this.w - this.cut, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 2, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
          a.DrawImage(loading_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255)
        if (this.gh_id == list.selected_gh_id) {
          list.focus_id_item_idx = this.idx;
          if (cover.draw_focus_border) {
            a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y - 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 2, 2, 2, 3.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 2, this.y - 2, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 4, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60));
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 40))
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y, b) {
    if ( >= 0) {
      this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h)
    } else {
      this.ishover = false
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      if (!list.down_timerID && >= 0) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(panel.active_playlist, {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (panel.lock_playlist) {
              this.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
            SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
            g_saved = this;
            refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, bool_on_size)
        } else {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
              if (list.focus_id != {
                if (list.SHIFT_start_id != null) {} else {}
            } else if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
              if (panel.lock_playlist) {
                this.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
              } else {
                SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true)
            } else {
              SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
              g_saved = this;
              if (panel.lock_playlist) {
                g_saved.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
    case "dblclk":
      if ( >= 0 && g_saved != null) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(panel.active_playlist, {
          if (panel.lock_playlist) {
            if ( == {
              plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(panel.active_playlist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
              g_saved = null
          } else {
            if ( == {
              plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(panel.active_playlist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
              g_saved = null;
    case "mid":
      if (this.ishover) {
        if (plman.GetPlaylistName(panel.active_playlist) != "CoverFlow View") {
          SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
          var c = false;
          var d = 0;
          var e = panel.active_playlist;
          var f = plman.PlaylistCount;
          for (var i = 0; i < f; i++) {
            if (plman.GetPlaylistName(i) == "CoverFlow View") {
              c = true;
              d = i;
          if (!c) {
            panel.adding_coverflow_playlist = true;
            d = plman.PlaylistCount;
            plman.CreatePlaylist(plman.PlaylistCount, "CoverFlow View")
          plman.ActivePlaylist = d;
          var g = fb.PlaylistItemCount(d);
          plman.InsertPlaylistItems(d, g, plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(e), false);
          plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(d, 0)
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) {
        SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, false);
        new_context_menu(x, y,, this.idx)
    case "up":
    case "move":
      if (this.ishover) {}
    case "leave":
    return this.state
var tf_path = fb.TitleFormat("$left(%_path_raw%,4)");
var tf_albumartist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%album artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_album = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,'Single','web radios'))");
var tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group Key", "%album artist%%album%"));
var tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
var g_instancetype = window.InstanceType;
var g_font = null;
var g_font_headers = null;
var ww = 0,
  wh = 0;
var mouse_x = 0,
  mouse_y = 0;
var g_textcolor = 0,
  g_textcolor_sel = 0,
  g_textcolor_hl = 0,
  g_backcolor = 0,
  g_backcolor_sel = 0;
var g_metadb;
var bool_on_size = false;
var g_search_string = "";
var incsearch_font = gdi.Font("lucida console", 9, 0);
var incsearch_font_big = gdi.Font("lucida console", 20, 1);
var clear_incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer = false;
var g_saved = null;
panel = {
  max_width: 250,
  max_height: 250,
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  button_total: 3,
  show_text: window.GetProperty("", true),
  custom_textcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.normal", ""),
  custom_textcolor_selection: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.selection", ""),
  custom_backcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.background.color", ""),
  custom_textcolor_highlight: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.hightlight", ""),
  lock_playlist: window.GetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", false),
  active_playlist: window.GetProperty("", 0),
  adding_coverflow_playlist: false,
  vertical_mode: true
list = {
  first_launch: true,
  total: 0,
  total_gh: 0,
  start_id: 0,
  nbvis: 0,
  mid: 0,
  item: Array(),
  hlist: Array(),
  handlelist: null,
  metadblist_selection: plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(panel.active_playlist),
  focus_id: 0,
  focus_id_item_idx: 0,
  selected_gh_id: 0,
  marker_id: 0,
  gh_id: 0,
  mousewheel_timer_value: 20,
  key_timer_value: 60,
  nowplaying: 0,
  SHIFT_start_id: null,
  SHIFT_count: 0,
  inc_search_noresult: false,
  nb_cover_to_draw: 0,
  buttonclicked: false,
  drag_stop: true,
  drag_timer: false
scrollbar = {
  theme: false,
  themed: window.GetProperty("list.scrollbar.themed", false),
  show: window.GetProperty("list.scrollbar.visible", true),
  visible: true,
  default_step: window.GetProperty("list.scrollbar.step", 3),
  step: 3,
  letter: null,
  button_total: 2,
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  timerID: false
hscrollbar = {
  hover: false,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  default_h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  w: 0
vscrollbar = {
  hover: false,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  default_w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
  w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
  h: 0
scrollbarbt = {
  timerID1: false,
  timerID2: false,
  timer1_value: 400,
  timer2_value: 60
button_up = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h
button_down = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h
cursor = {
  bt: null,
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  popup: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  default_w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  hover: false,
  drag: false,
  grap_x: 0,
  timerID: false,
  last_x: 0
cover = {
  margin: 2,
  w: 0,
  h: 0,
  top_offset: 0,
  default_pad_top_mid: 35,
  default_pad_bot_mid: 30,
  pad_top_mid: 35,
  pad_bot_mid: 30,
  default_pad_left_mid: 15,
  default_pad_right_mid: 28,
  pad_left_mid: 15,
  pad_right_mid: 28,
  normal_delta: 20,
  quality: window.GetProperty("list.covers.quality.percent", 100),
  draw_reflection: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.ground.reflection", true),
  reflect_strength_percent: window.GetProperty("cover.ground.reflection.percent", 20),
  draw_shadows: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.shadows", true),
  draw_focus_border: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.focus.border", true),
  draw_glass_effect: window.GetProperty("", false),
  load_timer: false

function refresh_spv_cursor(a) {
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    var b = (cursor.y - vscrollbar.y) / (vscrollbar.h - cursor.h)
  } else {
    var b = (cursor.x - hscrollbar.x) / (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w)
  if (b > 1) b = 1;
  if (b < 0) b = 0;
  var r = Math.round(b * list.total_gh);
  set_gh_id(a, list.hlist[r - 1]);
function set_gh_id(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(b);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    list.gh_id = 0
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))

function scrollup_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r > 0) {
    var s = list.item[0].gh_id;
    if (s > 0) {
      list.item.unshift(new item(list.hlist[s - 1], 0, s - 1))
    } else {
      list.item.unshift(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  var b = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function scrolldown_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r < list.total_gh - 1) {
    var s = list.item[list.item.length - 1].gh_id;
    if (s > 0 && s < list.total_gh - 1) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[s + 1], 0, s + 1))
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  var b = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function refresh_spv(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(list.focus_id);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    return true
  list.selected_gh_id = list.gh_id;
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))
  if ( {
    if (list.total_gh < 2) scrollbar.visible = false;
    else scrollbar.visible = true
  } else {
    scrollbar.visible = false
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    cursor.h = Math.round(vscrollbar.h / list.total_gh);
    if (cursor.h > vscrollbar.h) cursor.h = vscrollbar.h;
    if (cursor.h < cursor.default_w) cursor.h = cursor.default_w
  } else {
    cursor.w = Math.round(hscrollbar.w / list.total_gh);
    if (cursor.w > hscrollbar.w) cursor.w = hscrollbar.w;
    if (cursor.w < cursor.default_w) cursor.w = cursor.default_w

function get_gh_id(a) {
  var b = Math.floor(list.total_gh / 2);
  if (a < list.hlist) {
    var c = 0
  } else {
    var c = b
  for (var i = c; i < list.total_gh; i++) {
    if (i < list.total_gh - 1) {
      if (a >= list.hlist && a < list.hlist[i + 1]) {
        return i
    } else {
      if (a >= list.hlist) {
        return i
      } else {
        return null

function setcursorx() {
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var a = Math.floor(list.item.length / 2);
    var b = list.item[a].gh_id;
    var c = b / (list.total_gh - 1);
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      cursor.y = vscrollbar.y + Math.round(c * (vscrollbar.h - cursor.h))
    } else {
      cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + Math.round(c * (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w))
  } else {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      cursor.y = vscrollbar.y
    } else {
      cursor.x = hscrollbar.x

function init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  var c;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(panel.active_playlist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    if (i > 0 && i < - 1) {
      b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
      if (a != b) {
        if (i > 0) {
          c = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i - 1));
          if (a != c) {
            list.hlist.push(i - 1)
          if (c != b) {
        } else {
        a = b
    } else {
      b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
      if (a != b) {
        a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function old_init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(panel.active_playlist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
    if (a != b) {
      a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function on_font_changed() {

function on_colors_changed() {
  g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function on_init() {};

function on_size() {
  if (!window.Width || !window.Height) return;
  window.DlgCode = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
  bool_on_size = true;
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    window.MinWidth = 170;
    window.MinHeight = 170
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    window.MinWidth = 170;
    window.MinHeight = 170
  ww = window.Width;
  wh = window.Height;
  if (ww > wh) {
    panel.vertical_mode = false;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height;
    window.MaxWidth = 2000;
    if (wh < 170) wh = 170
  } else {
    panel.vertical_mode = true;
    window.MaxWidth = panel.max_width;
    window.MaxHeight = 2000;
    if (ww < 170) ww = 170
  var a = window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  if (a == "") window.SetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    if ( {
      cover.pad_right_mid = cover.default_pad_right_mid
    } else {
      cover.pad_right_mid = cover.default_pad_right_mid - vscrollbar.default_w
    cover.h = ww - cover.pad_left_mid - cover.pad_right_mid;
    cover.w = cover.h;
    list.nbvis = Math.floor(wh / (cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
    if (list.nbvis / 2 == Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)) {
    list.mid = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
    list.nb_cover_to_draw = Math.floor(wh / (cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
    if (scrollbar.themed) {
      scrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar")
    } else {
      scrollbar.theme = false
    button_up.x = ww - button_up.w;
    button_up.y = 0;
    button_down.x = ww - button_down.w;
    button_down.y = wh - button_down.h;
    vscrollbar.y = button_up.h;
    vscrollbar.h = wh - button_up.h - button_down.h;
    cursor.x = ww - vscrollbar.w;
    cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
    cursor.w = vscrollbar.w
  } else {
    if ( {
      cover.pad_bot_mid = cover.default_pad_bot_mid
    } else {
      cover.pad_bot_mid = cover.default_pad_bot_mid - hscrollbar.default_h
    if (panel.show_text) {
      cover.pad_top_mid = cover.default_pad_top_mid
    } else {
      cover.pad_top_mid = cover.default_pad_top_mid - 16
    cover.w = wh - cover.pad_top_mid - cover.pad_bot_mid;
    cover.h = cover.w;
    list.nbvis = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
    if (list.nbvis / 2 == Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)) {
    list.mid = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
    list.nb_cover_to_draw = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
    if (scrollbar.themed) {
      scrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar")
    } else {
      scrollbar.theme = false
    button_up.x = 0;
    button_up.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
    button_down.x = ww - button_down.w;
    button_down.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
    hscrollbar.x = button_up.w;
    hscrollbar.w = ww - button_up.w - button_down.w;
    cursor.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
    cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
    cursor.h = hscrollbar.h
  if (list.first_launch) {
    list.first_launch = false;
  } else {
    g_image_cache = new image_cache;
    refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, true)

function on_paint(a) {
  a.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_backcolor);
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var b, mid2;
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    for (var c = 1; c < list.mid + 1; c++) {
      if (c > 1 && c <= list.mid) {
        b = true
      } else {
        b = false
      mid2 = list.mid - c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c, b)
      mid2 = list.mid + c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c * -1, b)
    mid2 = list.mid - 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, 1, true)
    mid2 = list.mid + 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, -1, true)
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    if (!panel.vertical_mode) {
      if (panel.show_text) {
        var d = panel.lock_playlist ? 32 : 60;
        var f = panel.lock_playlist ? ww - 64 : ww - 120;
        if (list.item[list.mid].id >= 0) {
          a.GdiDrawText(list.item[list.mid].group_info, g_font, g_textcolor, d, 0, f, cover.pad_top_mid - 4, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && scrollbar.visible && {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh)
      } catch (e) {
        a.FillSolidRect(ww - vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh, g_backcolor & 0x77ffffff);
        a.FillSolidRect(ww - vscrollbar.w, 0, 1, wh, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 20))
      };, ww - vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, 255);
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(9, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, cursor.w, cursor.h)
      } catch (e) {};
      for (i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
        switch (i) {
        case 0:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, button_up.y, 255);
        case 1:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, button_down.y, 255);
      if (cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.letter = list.item[Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)].albumartist.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
        cursor.popup && a.DrawImage(cursor.popup, ww - vscrollbar.w - cursor.popup.Width - 00, cursor.y + Math.floor(cursor.h / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height / 2), cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
        cursor.popup && a.GdiDrawText(scrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, ww - vscrollbar.w - cursor.popup.Width - 00, cursor.y + Math.floor(cursor.h / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height / 2), cursor.popup.Width - 5, cursor.popup.Height, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
    } else {
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(4, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
        a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h - 1, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10))
      } catch (e) {
        a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, g_backcolor & 0x77ffffff);
        a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 20))
      try {, cursor.x, cursor.y, 255)
      } catch (e) {};
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(8, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, cursor.x, wh - hscrollbar.h + 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
      } catch (e) {};
      for (i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
        switch (i) {
        case 0:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_up.x, button_up.y, 255);
        case 1:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_down.x, button_down.y, 255);
      if (cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.letter = list.item[Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)].albumartist.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
        cursor.popup && a.DrawImage(cursor.popup, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
        cursor.popup && a.GdiDrawText(scrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height - 5, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      if (!panel.lock_playlist) {
        if (panel.vertical_mode) {
          panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 5, 30, 255)
        } else {
          panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 30, 5, 255)
    case 1:
      if (panel.vertical_mode) {
        panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 5, wh - 22 - 5, 255)
      } else {
        panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - 22 - 5, 5, 255)
    case 2:
      panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 5, 5, 255);
  if (!panel.vertical_mode) {
    a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor & 0x15ffffff, 0.5)

function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  var a = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < a; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("down", x, y, i)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && scrollbar.visible && {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      if ("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
        cursor.drag = true;
        cursor.grap_y = y - cursor.y;
        cursor.last_y = cursor.y
      if (vscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
        if (scrollbar.step < 1) scrollbar.step = 1;
        if (y < cursor.y) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_x > ww - vscrollbar.w && cursor.y > mouse_y) {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
        } else {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_x > ww - vscrollbar.w && cursor.y + cursor.h < mouse_y) {
                    on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step)
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
    } else {
      if ("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
        cursor.drag = true;
        cursor.grap_x = x - cursor.x;
        cursor.last_x = cursor.x
      if (hscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
        if (scrollbar.step < 1) scrollbar.step = 1;
        if (x < cursor.x) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x > mouse_x) {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
        } else {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x + cursor.w < mouse_x) {
                    on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step)
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
    for (i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
      case 1:
        if (scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
  for (var i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, a) {
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    if (x < cover.pad_left_mid) {} else if (x < ww - cover.pad_right_mid) {
      var b = list.item.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i)
    } else {
      on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)
  } else {
    if (y < cover.pad_top_mid) {} else if (y < wh - cover.pad_bot_mid) {
      var b = list.item.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i)
    } else {
      on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
  list.buttonclicked = false;
  scrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbar.timerID);
  scrollbar.timerID = false;
  scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
  scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
  scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
  scrollbarbt.timerID2 = false;
  if (list.drag_timer) {
    list.drag_timer = false;
    list.drag_stop = true
  if (list.total_gh > 0) {"up", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y)
    for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
      case 1:
        if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
          settings_menu(x, y)
      case 2:
        if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
          if (panel.lock_playlist) {
            panel.lock_playlist = false;
            window.SetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", panel.lock_playlist);
            plman.ActivePlaylist = panel.active_playlist
          } else {
            panel.lock_playlist = true;
            window.SetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", panel.lock_playlist);
            panel.active_playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist;
            window.SetProperty("", panel.active_playlist);
            var a = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
            a = list.focus_id_item_idx;
            list.item[a].checkstate("mid", list.item[a].x + 5, list.item[a].y + 5, a)
          if (panel.lock_playlist) {
            panel.arr_buttons[2].update(lock_button_normal, lock_button_hover, lock_button_down)
          } else {
            panel.arr_buttons[2].update(unlock_button_normal, unlock_button_hover, unlock_button_down)
    if (cursor.drag) {
      window.RepaintRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      cursor.drag = false
    } else {
      var b = list.item.length;
      for (i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("up", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_mbtn_down(x, y, a) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  var b = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("mid", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  var a = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < a; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("right", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
  if (x == mouse_x && y == mouse_y) return true;
  if (cursor.drag) {
    list.drag_stop = false;
    if (list.drag_timer) {
      list.drag_timer = false
    list.drag_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
      list.drag_stop = true;
      list.drag_timer = false;
    }, 25)
  } else {
    list.drag_stop = true
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && scrollbar.visible && {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      vscrollbar.hover = (x >= ww - vscrollbar.w && x <= ww && y >= vscrollbar.y && y <= vscrollbar.y + vscrollbar.h);
      cursor.hover = (x >= cursor.x && x <= cursor.x + cursor.w && y >= cursor.y && y <= cursor.y + cursor.h);"move", x, y);
      for (var i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
        scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("move", x, y)
      if (cursor.drag && mouse_y != y) {
        cursor.y = y - cursor.grap_y;
        if (cursor.y < vscrollbar.y) cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
        if (cursor.y > vscrollbar.y + vscrollbar.h - cursor.h) cursor.y = vscrollbar.y + vscrollbar.h - cursor.h;
        if (!cursor.timerID) {
          cursor.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            cursor.timerID = false
          }, 30)
    } else {
      hscrollbar.hover = (y >= wh - hscrollbar.h && y <= wh && x >= hscrollbar.x && x <= hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w);
      cursor.hover = (x >= cursor.x && x <= cursor.x + cursor.w && y >= cursor.y && y <= cursor.y + cursor.h);"move", x, y);
      for (var i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
        scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("move", x, y)
      if (cursor.drag && mouse_x != x) {
        cursor.x = x - cursor.grap_x;
        if (cursor.x < hscrollbar.x) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
        if (cursor.x > hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w) cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + hscrollbar.w - cursor.w;
        if (!cursor.timerID) {
          cursor.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
            cursor.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(cursor.timerID);
            cursor.timerID = false
          }, 30)
  for (var j = 0; j < panel.arr_buttons.length; j++) {
    panel.arr_buttons[j].checkstate("move", x, y)
  mouse_x = x;
  mouse_y = y

function on_mouse_wheel(a) {
  var b = Math.abs(a);
  if (!scrollbar.timerID) {
    if (b >= 1) {
      if (a > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        scrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          scrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbar.timerID);
          scrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)
      } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        scrollbar.timerID = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          scrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbar.timerID);
          scrollbar.timerID = false
        }, list.mousewheel_timer_value)

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1414
WSH CoverFlow v1 beta7

[!--sizeo:1--][span style=\"font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]click me![/size]

[code]// ==PREPROCESSOR==
// @name "CoverFlow View v1 beta7"
// @version ""
// @author "Br3tt"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"

// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better  >>
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.2 or better  >>
// [/Requirements]

// * !!! Keep a reasonable size for the panel to avoid bad perf!

// [Informations]
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (right click empty space > Properties)
//  e.g. for custom colors in Properties, use e.g. RGB(255,255,255) for white color, RGB(0,0,0) for black color, ...
// * middle click on cover > Send album tracks to specific playlist "CoverFlow View"
// * keyboard keys : left/right arrows, Home/End, page up/down, spacebar to set focus on the centered album, Return key to play ...
// [/Informations]

MF_STRING = 0x00000000;
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800;
MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
MF_POPUP = 0x00000010;
IDC_ARROW = 32512;
IDC_IBEAM = 32513;
IDC_WAIT = 32514;
IDC_CROSS = 32515;
IDC_UPARROW = 32516;
IDC_SIZE = 32640;
IDC_ICON = 32641;
IDC_SIZEWE = 32644;
IDC_SIZENS = 32645;
IDC_SIZEALL = 32646;
IDC_NO = 32648;
IDC_HAND = 32649;
IDC_HELP = 32651;
var DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
var DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
var DT_TOP = 0x00000000;
var DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;
var DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;
var DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010;
var DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;
var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400;
var DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800;
var DT_EDITCONTROL = 0x00002000;
var DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;
var VK_BACK = 0x08;
var VK_RETURN = 0x0D;
var VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
var VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
var VK_ALT = 0x12;
var VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B;
var VK_PGUP = 0x21;
var VK_PGDN = 0x22;
var VK_END = 0x23;
var VK_HOME = 0x24;
var VK_LEFT = 0x25;
var VK_UP = 0x26;
var VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
var VK_DOWN = 0x28;
var VK_INSERT = 0x2D;
var VK_DELETE = 0x2E;
var VK_SPACEBAR = 0x20;
var KMask = {
  none: 0,
  ctrl: 1,
  shift: 2,
  ctrlshift: 3,
  ctrlalt: 4,
  ctrlaltshift: 5,
  alt: 6

function GetKeyboardMask() {
  var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false;
  var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false;
  var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false;
  var b = KMask.none;
  if (c && !a && !s) b = KMask.ctrl;
  if (!c && !a && s) b = KMask.shift;
  if (c && !a && s) b = KMask.ctrlshift;
  if (c && a && !s) b = KMask.ctrlalt;
  if (c && a && s) b = KMask.ctrlaltshift;
  if (!c && a && !s) b = KMask.alt;
  return b
ColorTypeCUI = {
  text: 0,
  selection_text: 1,
  inactive_selection_text: 2,
  background: 3,
  selection_background: 4,
  inactive_selection_background: 5,
  active_item_frame: 6
FontTypeCUI = {
  items: 0,
  labels: 1
ColorTypeDUI = {
  text: 0,
  background: 1,
  highlight: 2,
  selection: 3
FontTypeDUI = {
  defaults: 0,
  tabs: 1,
  lists: 2,
  playlists: 3,
  statusbar: 4,
  console: 5

function StringFormat() {
  var a = 0,
    v_align = 0,
    trimming = 0,
    flags = 0;
  switch (arguments.length) {
  case 3:
    trimming = arguments[2];
  case 2:
    v_align = arguments[1];
  case 1:
    a = arguments[0];
    return 0
  return ((a << 28) | (v_align << 24) | (trimming << 20) | flags)
StringAlignment = {
  Near: 0,
  Centre: 1,
  Far: 2
var lt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);
var ct_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Near);
var rt_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);
var lc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Centre);
var cc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Centre);
var rc_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Centre);
var lb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Far);
var cb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Centre, StringAlignment.Far);
var rb_stringformat = StringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far);

function RGB(r, g, b) {
  return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function RGBA(r, g, b, a) {
  return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b))

function getAlpha(a) {
  return ((a >> 24) & 0xff)
function getRed(a) {
  return ((a >> 16) & 0xff)
function getGreen(a) {
  return ((a >> 8) & 0xff)
function getBlue(a) {
  return (a & 0xff)
function num(a, b) {
  var i;
  var c = a.toString();
  var k = b - c.length;
  if (k > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      c = "0" + c
  return c.toString()

function TrackType(a) {
  var b;
  var c;
  switch (a) {
  case "file":
    b = 1;
    c = 0;
  case "cdda":
    b = 1;
    c = 1;
  case "FOO_":
    b = 0;
    c = 2;
  case "http":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "mms:":
    b = 0;
    c = 3;
  case "unpa":
    b = 0;
    c = 4;
    b = 0;
    c = 5
  return c
ButtonStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  down: 2
button = function (d, e, f) {
  this.img = Array(d, e, f);
  this.w = this.img[0].Width;
  this.h = this.img[0].Height;
  this.state = ButtonStates.normal;
  this.update = function (a, b, c) {
    this.img = Array(a, b, c)
  this.draw = function (a, x, y, b) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.img[this.state] && a.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h, 0, b)
  this.display_context_menu = function (x, y, a) {};
  this.repaint = function () {
    window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h)
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y) {
    this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1);
    this.old = this.state;
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "up":
      this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) this.display_context_menu(x, y, id);
    case "move":
      switch (this.state) {
      case ButtonStates.normal:
      case ButtonStates.hover:
        this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal;
    case "leave":
      this.state = this.isdown ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal;
    if (this.state != this.old) this.repaint();
    return this.state

function get_system_scrollbar_width() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
  return a

function get_system_scrollbar_height() {
  var a = utils.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
  return a
var nocover;
var nocover_img;
var streamcover;
var streamcover_img;
var loading;
var loading_img;
var star_img_off;
var star_img_on;
var star_img_hov;
var star_img_kill;
var toggle_scrollbar;
var menu_button;
image_cache = function () {
  this._cachelist = {};
  this.hit = function (a) {
    var b = this._cachelist[a.metadb.Path];
    if (list.drag_stop && typeof b == "undefined") {
      if (!cover.load_timer) {
        cover.load_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
          utils.GetAlbumArtAsync(window.ID, a.metadb, 0, true, false, false);
          cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
          cover.load_timer = false
        }, 35)
    return b
  this.getit = function (a, b) {
    var c;
    var d = (cover.w - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
    var e = (cover.h - cover.margin * 2) * cover.quality / 100;
    if (a.track_type != 3) {
      if (a.metadb) {
        c = FormatCover(b, d, e);
        if (!c) {
          c = nocover_img;
          a.cover_type = 0
        } else {
          a.cover_type = 1
    } else {
      c = streamcover_img;
      a.cover_type = 3
    this._cachelist[a.metadb.Path] = c;
    return c
var g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function FormatCover(a, w, h) {
  if (!a || w <= 0 || h <= 0) return a;
  if (cover.draw_glass_effect) {
    var b = a.Resize(w, h, 2);
    var c = b.GetGraphics();
    c.FillGradRect(0, 0, w, h, 90, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60), RGBA(255, 255, 255, 10), 1.0);
    c.FillEllipse(-20, 25, w * 2 + 40, h * 2, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 30));
    return b
  } else {
    var b = a.Resize(w, h, 2);
    var c = b.GetGraphics();
    c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 2.0, g_backcolor);
    c.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 2.0, g_textcolor & 0x33ffffff);
    return b

function reset_cover_timers() {
  cover.load_timer && window.ClearTimeout(cover.load_timer);
  cover.load_timer = false

function on_get_album_art_done(a, b, c, d) {
  var e = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) {
    if (list.item.metadb) {
      if (list.item.metadb.Compare(a)) {
        list.item.cover_img = g_image_cache.getit(list.item, c);
        if ( {
          if (panel.vertical_mode) {
            window.RepaintRect(cover.pad_left_mid, list.item.y - 2, ww - cover.pad_left_mid, list.item.h + 4)
          } else {
            window.RepaintRect(list.item.x - 2, cover.pad_top_mid, list.item.w + 4, wh - cover.pad_top_mid)
        } else {
 = true
ItemStates = {
  normal: 0,
  hover: 1,
  selected: 2
item = function (h, k, l) {
  var i;
  if (typeof == "undefined") {
    if (h < 0) { = h;
      this.idx = k;
      this.gh_id = l;
      this.metadb = false;
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.group_info = ""
    } else { = h;
      this.idx = k;
      this.gh_id = l;
      this.metadb = list.handlelist.Item(;
      if (this.metadb) {
        this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
        this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
        this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
  this.update_infos = function () {
    if (this.metadb) {
      this.albumartist = tf_albumartist.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb);
      this.track_type = TrackType(this.metadb.rawpath.substring(0, 4));
      this.group_info = tf_group_info.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb)
    } else {
      this.albumartist = "";
      this.track_type = null;
      this.group_info = ""
  this.draw = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) { = e;
      if (list.mid == c) {
        this.h = cover.h;
        this.w = cover.h;
        this.x = cover.pad_left_mid;
        this.y = Math.floor((wh / 2) - (cover.h / 2));
        this.cut = 1
      } else {
        this.h = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 1 : cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 2;
        this.w = this.h;
        this.y = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? Math.floor((wh / 2) - (this.h / 2)) - (d * (this.h - 5)) : Math.floor((wh / 2) - (this.h / 2)) - (d * this.h);
        this.x = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.pad_left_mid + Math.ceil(cover.normal_delta / 2) : cover.pad_left_mid + cover.normal_delta;
        this.cut = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? 1 : 0
      a.FillSolidRect(this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - 4, this.h - 4, g_backcolor);
      if ( >= 0) {
        this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
        if ( && typeof (this.cover_img) != "undefined") {
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - j - cover.margin + 1, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + this.h - cover.margin + j - 2, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
          a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, this.x, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255)
        } else {
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - j - cover.margin + 1, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(this.x + cover.normal_delta / 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + this.h - cover.margin + j - 2, this.w - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
          a.DrawImage(loading_img, this.x, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255)
        if (this.gh_id == list.selected_gh_id) {
          list.focus_id_item_idx = this.idx;
          if (cover.draw_focus_border) {
            a.DrawRoundRect(this.x - 1, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 2, 2, 2, 3.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRoundRect(this.x - 2, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y - 2, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 4, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60));
            a.DrawRect(this.x + 1, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRect(this.x + 1, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 40))
    } else { = e;
      if (list.mid == c) {
        this.w = cover.w;
        this.h = cover.w;
        this.y = cover.pad_top_mid;
        this.x = Math.floor((ww / 2) - (cover.w / 2));
        this.cut = 1
      } else {
        this.w = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 1 : cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2;
        this.h = this.w;
        this.x = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * (this.w - 5)) : Math.floor((ww / 2) - (this.w / 2)) - (d * this.w);
        this.y = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? cover.pad_top_mid + Math.ceil(cover.normal_delta / 2) : cover.pad_top_mid + cover.normal_delta;
        this.cut = Math.abs(d) == 1 ? 1 : 0
      a.FillSolidRect(this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - 4, this.h - 4, g_backcolor);
      if ( >= 0) {
        this.cover_img = g_image_cache.hit(this);
        if ( && typeof (this.cover_img) != "undefined") {
          var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
          if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
            a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w, this.y + this.h - cover.margin - 1, -1 * this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 180, 255);
            a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 2, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
          a.DrawImage(this.cover_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255)
        } else {
          var f = 255 - Math.floor(cover.reflect_strength_percent * 2.55);
          if (cover.draw_reflection && f > 0 && cover.reflect_strength_percent > 0) {
            a.DrawImage(loading_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w, this.y + this.h - cover.margin - 1, -1 * this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 180, 255);
            a.FillGradRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y + this.h, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h + 1, 90, RGBA(g_backcolor_R, g_backcolor_G, g_backcolor_B, f), g_backcolor, 1.0)
          if (cover.draw_shadows) {
            if (d == 0 || d == 1 || d == -1) {
              for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                if (d != -1 && this.gh_id > 0) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - j - cover.margin + 1, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
                if (d != 1 && this.gh_id < list.total_gh - 1) {
                  a.FillSolidRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + this.w - cover.margin + j - 2, this.y + cover.normal_delta / 2, 1, this.h - cover.normal_delta - cover.margin - 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150 - j * 25))
          a.DrawImage(loading_img, Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, cover.w * cover.quality / 100, cover.h * cover.quality / 100, 0, 255)
        if (this.gh_id == list.selected_gh_id) {
          list.focus_id_item_idx = this.idx;
          if (cover.draw_focus_border) {
            a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 1, this.y - 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 2, 2, 2, 3.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRoundRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x - 2, this.y - 2, this.w - cover.margin * 2 + 4, this.h - cover.margin * 2 + 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 60));
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, g_backcolor_sel);
            a.DrawRect(Math.floor(cover.margin / 2) + this.x + 1, this.y + 1, this.w - cover.margin * 2 - 2, this.h - cover.margin * 2 - 2, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 40))
  this.checkstate = function (a, x, y, b) {
    if ( >= 0) {
      this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h)
    } else {
      this.ishover = false
    switch (a) {
    case "down":
      if ( >= 0) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(panel.active_playlist, {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (panel.lock_playlist) {
              this.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
            } else {
              SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true)
            g_saved = this;
            refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, bool_on_size)
        } else {
          if (this.ishover) {
            if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
              if (list.focus_id != {
                if (list.SHIFT_start_id != null) {} else {}
            } else if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) {
              if (panel.lock_playlist) {
                this.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
              } else {
                SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true)
            } else {
              SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
              g_saved = this;
              if (panel.lock_playlist) {
                g_saved.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
    case "dblclk":
      if ( >= 0 && g_saved != null) {
        if (plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(panel.active_playlist, {
          if (panel.lock_playlist) {
            if ( == {
              plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(panel.active_playlist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
              g_saved = null
          } else {
            if ( == {
              plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(panel.active_playlist, list.hlist[g_saved.gh_id]);
              g_saved = null;
    case "mid":
      if (this.ishover) {
        if (plman.GetPlaylistName(panel.active_playlist) != "CoverFlow View") {
          SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true);
          var c = false;
          var d = 0;
          var e = panel.active_playlist;
          var f = plman.PlaylistCount;
          for (var i = 0; i < f; i++) {
            if (plman.GetPlaylistName(i) == "CoverFlow View") {
              c = true;
              d = i;
          if (!c) {
            bypass.on_playlists_changed = true;
            d = plman.PlaylistCount;
            plman.CreatePlaylist(plman.PlaylistCount, "CoverFlow View")
          plman.ActivePlaylist = d;
          var g = fb.PlaylistItemCount(d);
          plman.InsertPlaylistItems(d, g, plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(e), false);
          plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(d, 0)
    case "right":
      if (this.ishover) {
        if (panel.lock_playlist) {
          list.selected_gh_id = this.gh_id;
          list.focus_id =;
          bypass.on_item_focus_change = true;
          this.checkstate("mid", x, y, b)
        } else {
          list.selected_gh_id = this.gh_id;
          list.focus_id =;
          bypass.on_item_focus_change = true;
          SelectGroupItems(, this.gh_id, true)
    case "up":
    case "move":
    case "leave":
    return this.ishover
var tf_path = fb.TitleFormat("$left(%_path_raw%,4)");
var tf_albumartist = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%length%,%album artist%,'Stream')");
var tf_album = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,'Single','web radios'))");
var tf_group_key = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group Key", "%album artist%%album%"));
var tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
var g_instancetype = window.InstanceType;
var g_font = null;
var g_font_headers = null;
var ww = 0,
  wh = 0;
var mouse_x = 0,
  mouse_y = 0;
var g_textcolor = 0,
  g_textcolor_sel = 0,
  g_textcolor_hl = 0,
  g_backcolor = 0,
  g_backcolor_sel = 0;
var g_metadb;
var bool_on_size = false;
var g_search_string = "";
var incsearch_font = gdi.Font("lucida console", 9, 0);
var incsearch_font_big = gdi.Font("lucida console", 20, 1);
var clear_incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer = false;
var incsearch_timer_lock = false;
var g_saved = null;
var hand = false;
bypass = {
  on_item_focus_change: false,
  on_playlists_changed: false
panel = {
  max_width: 250,
  max_height: 250,
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  button_total: 3,
  show_text: window.GetProperty("", true),
  custom_textcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.normal", ""),
  custom_textcolor_selection: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.text.color.selection", ""),
  custom_backcolor: window.GetProperty("panel.custom.background.color", ""),
  lock_playlist: window.GetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", false),
  active_playlist: window.GetProperty("", 0),
  vertical_mode: false
list = {
  first_launch: true,
  total: 0,
  total_gh: 0,
  start_id: 0,
  nbvis: 0,
  mid: 0,
  item: Array(),
  hlist: Array(),
  handlelist: null,
  metadblist_selection: plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(panel.active_playlist),
  focus_id: 0,
  focus_id_item_idx: 0,
  selected_gh_id: 0,
  marker_id: 0,
  gh_id: 0,
  mousewheel_timer_value: 20,
  key_timer_value: 60,
  nowplaying: 0,
  SHIFT_start_id: null,
  SHIFT_count: 0,
  inc_search_noresult: false,
  nb_cover_to_draw: 0,
  buttonclicked: false,
  drag_stop: true,
  drag_timer: false
scrollbar = {
  theme: false,
  themed: window.GetProperty("list.scrollbar.themed", false),
  show: window.GetProperty("list.scrollbar.visible", true),
  visible: true,
  default_step: window.GetProperty("list.scrollbar.step", 3),
  step: 3,
  letter: null,
  button_total: 2,
  arr_buttons: Array(),
  timerID: false
hscrollbar = {
  hover: false,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  default_h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  h: get_system_scrollbar_height(),
  w: 0
vscrollbar = {
  hover: false,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  default_w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
  w: get_system_scrollbar_width(),
  h: 0
scrollbarbt = {
  timerID1: false,
  timerID2: false,
  timer1_value: 400,
  timer2_value: 60
button_up = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h
button_down = {
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h
cursor = {
  bt: null,
  img_normal: null,
  img_hover: null,
  img_down: null,
  popup: null,
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  w: hscrollbar.default_h,
  h: hscrollbar.default_h,
  default_w: hscrollbar.default_h + 3,
  hover: false,
  drag: false,
  grap_x: 0,
  timerID: false,
  last_x: 0
cover = {
  margin: 2,
  w: 0,
  h: 0,
  top_offset: 0,
  default_pad_top_mid: 35,
  default_pad_bot_mid: 30,
  pad_top_mid: 35,
  pad_bot_mid: 30,
  default_pad_left_mid: 24,
  default_pad_right_mid: 20,
  pad_left_mid: 24,
  pad_right_mid: 20,
  normal_delta: 20,
  quality: window.GetProperty("list.covers.quality.percent", 100),
  draw_reflection: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.ground.reflection", true),
  reflect_strength_percent: window.GetProperty("cover.ground.reflection.percent", 20),
  draw_shadows: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.shadows", true),
  draw_focus_border: window.GetProperty("cover.draw.focus.border", true),
  draw_glass_effect: window.GetProperty("", false),
  load_timer: false

function refresh_spv_cursor(a) {
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    var b = (cursor.y - vscrollbar.y) / (vscrollbar.h - cursor.h)
  } else {
    var b = (cursor.x - hscrollbar.x) / (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w)
  if (b > 1) b = 1;
  if (b < 0) b = 0;
  var r = Math.round(b * list.total_gh);
  set_gh_id(a, list.hlist[r - 1]);
function set_gh_id(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(b);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    list.gh_id = 0
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))

function scrollup_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r > 0) {
    var s = list.item[0].gh_id;
    if (s > 0) {
      list.item.unshift(new item(list.hlist[s - 1], 0, s - 1))
    } else {
      list.item.unshift(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  var b = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function scrolldown_spv(a) {
  var r = list.item[list.mid].gh_id;
  if (r < list.total_gh - 1) {
    var s = list.item[list.item.length - 1].gh_id;
    if (s > 0 && s < list.total_gh - 1) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[s + 1], 0, s + 1))
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, 0, -1))
  var b = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
    list.item.idx = i

function refresh_spv(a, b) {
  list.item.splice(0, list.item.length);
  if (list.total_gh <= 0) return true;
  list.gh_id = get_gh_id(list.focus_id);
  if (list.gh_id == null) {
    return true
  list.selected_gh_id = list.gh_id;
  var r = list.gh_id - list.mid;
  if (r < 0) {
    list.start_id = Math.abs®;
    r = 0
  } else {
    list.start_id = 0
  for (var k = 0; k < list.nbvis; k++) {
    if (k >= list.start_id && r < list.total_gh) {
      list.item.push(new item(list.hlist[r], k, r));
    } else {
      list.item.push(new item(-1, k, -1))
  if ( {
    if (list.total_gh < 2) scrollbar.visible = false;
    else scrollbar.visible = true
  } else {
    scrollbar.visible = false
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    cursor.h = Math.round(vscrollbar.h / list.total_gh);
    if (cursor.h > vscrollbar.h) cursor.h = vscrollbar.h;
    if (cursor.h < cursor.default_w) cursor.h = cursor.default_w
  } else {
    cursor.w = Math.round(hscrollbar.w / list.total_gh);
    if (cursor.w > hscrollbar.w) cursor.w = hscrollbar.w;
    if (cursor.w < cursor.default_w) cursor.w = cursor.default_w

function get_gh_id(a) {
  var b = Math.floor(list.total_gh / 2);
  if (a < list.hlist) {
    var c = 0
  } else {
    var c = b
  for (var i = c; i < list.total_gh; i++) {
    if (i < list.total_gh - 1) {
      if (a >= list.hlist && a < list.hlist[i + 1]) {
        return i
    } else {
      if (a >= list.hlist) {
        return i
      } else {
        return null

function setcursorx() {
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var a = Math.floor(list.item.length / 2);
    var b = list.item[a].gh_id;
    var c = b / (list.total_gh - 1);
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      cursor.y = vscrollbar.y + Math.round(c * (vscrollbar.h - cursor.h))
    } else {
      cursor.x = hscrollbar.x + Math.round(c * (hscrollbar.w - cursor.w))
  } else {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      cursor.y = vscrollbar.y
    } else {
      cursor.x = hscrollbar.x

function init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  var c;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(panel.active_playlist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    if (i > 0 && i < - 1) {
      b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
      if (a != b) {
        if (i > 0) {
          c = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i - 1));
          if (a != c) {
            list.hlist.push(i - 1)
          if (c != b) {
        } else {
        a = b
    } else {
      b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
      if (a != b) {
        a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function old_init_active_pls() {
  var a;
  var b;
  list.hlist.splice(0, list.hlist.length);
  list.handlelist = plman.GetPlaylistItems(panel.active_playlist); = list.handlelist.Count;
  for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    b = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadb(list.handlelist.Item(i));
    if (a != b) {
      a = b
  list.total_gh = list.hlist.length

function on_font_changed() {

function on_colors_changed() {
  g_image_cache = new image_cache;

function on_init() {};

function on_size() {
  if (!window.Width || !window.Height) return;
  window.DlgCode = DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
  bool_on_size = true;
  if (g_instancetype == 0) {
    window.MinWidth = 170;
    window.MinHeight = 170
  } else if (g_instancetype == 1) {
    window.MinWidth = 170;
    window.MinHeight = 170
  ww = window.Width;
  wh = window.Height;
  if (ww > wh) {
    panel.vertical_mode = false;
    window.MaxHeight = panel.max_height;
    window.MaxWidth = 2000;
    if (wh < 170) wh = 170
  } else {
    panel.vertical_mode = true;
    window.MaxWidth = panel.max_width;
    window.MaxHeight = 2000;
    if (ww < 170) ww = 170
  var a = window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  if (a == "") window.SetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]");
  tf_group_info = fb.TitleFormat(window.GetProperty("_group TF text info", "%album artist%[ | %album%][ | %date%]"));
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    if ( {
      cover.pad_right_mid = cover.default_pad_right_mid + vscrollbar.default_w
    } else {
      cover.pad_right_mid = cover.default_pad_right_mid
    cover.h = ww - cover.pad_left_mid - cover.pad_right_mid;
    cover.w = cover.h;
    list.nbvis = Math.floor(wh / (cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2 + 10;
    if (list.nbvis / 2 == Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)) {
    list.mid = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
    list.nb_cover_to_draw = Math.floor(wh / (cover.h - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
    if (scrollbar.themed) {
      scrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar")
    } else {
      scrollbar.theme = false
    button_up.x = ww - button_up.w;
    button_up.y = 0;
    button_down.x = ww - button_down.w;
    button_down.y = wh - button_down.h;
    vscrollbar.y = button_up.h;
    vscrollbar.h = wh - button_up.h - button_down.h;
    cursor.x = ww - vscrollbar.w;
    cursor.y = vscrollbar.y;
    cursor.w = vscrollbar.w
  } else {
    if ( {
      cover.pad_bot_mid = cover.default_pad_bot_mid
    } else {
      cover.pad_bot_mid = cover.default_pad_bot_mid - hscrollbar.default_h
    if (panel.show_text) {
      cover.pad_top_mid = cover.default_pad_top_mid
    } else {
      cover.pad_top_mid = cover.default_pad_top_mid - 16
    cover.w = wh - cover.pad_top_mid - cover.pad_bot_mid;
    cover.h = cover.w;
    list.nbvis = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2 + 10;
    if (list.nbvis / 2 == Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)) {
    list.mid = Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2);
    list.nb_cover_to_draw = Math.floor(ww / (cover.w - cover.normal_delta * 2)) + 2;
    if (scrollbar.themed) {
      scrollbar.theme = window.CreateThemeManager("scrollbar")
    } else {
      scrollbar.theme = false
    button_up.x = 0;
    button_up.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
    button_down.x = ww - button_down.w;
    button_down.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
    hscrollbar.x = button_up.w;
    hscrollbar.w = ww - button_up.w - button_down.w;
    cursor.y = wh - hscrollbar.h;
    cursor.x = hscrollbar.x;
    cursor.h = hscrollbar.h
  if (list.first_launch) {
    list.first_launch = false;
  } else {
    g_image_cache = new image_cache;
    refresh_spv(panel.active_playlist, true)

function on_paint(a) {
  a.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_backcolor);
  if (list.item.length > 0) {
    var b, mid2;
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    for (var c = 1; c < list.mid + 1; c++) {
      if (c > 1 && c <= list.mid) {
        b = true
      } else {
        b = false
      mid2 = list.mid - c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c, b)
      mid2 = list.mid + c;
      if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
        list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, c * -1, b)
    mid2 = list.mid - 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, 1, true)
    mid2 = list.mid + 1;
    if (mid2 >= 0 && mid2 <= list.item.length - 1) {
      list.item[mid2].draw(a, list.item[mid2].id, mid2, -1, true)
    list.item[list.mid].draw(a, list.item[list.mid].id, list.mid, 0, true);
    if (!panel.vertical_mode) {
      if (panel.show_text) {
        var d = 32;
        var f = ww - 64;
        if (list.item[list.mid].id >= 0) {
          a.GdiDrawText(list.item[list.mid].group_info, g_font, g_textcolor, d, 0, f, cover.pad_top_mid - 4, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  } else {
    if (fb.PlaylistCount > 0) {
      var g = fb.GetPlaylistName(fb.ActivePlaylist);
      var h = "This playlist is empty"
    } else {
      var g = "Br3tt's WSH CoverFlow";
      var h = "Create a playlist to start!"
    a.DrawString(g, gdi.Font("Tahoma", 17, 0), g_textcolor, 0, -20, ww, wh, cc_stringformat);
    a.DrawString(h, gdi.Font("Tahoma", 13, 0), g_textcolor, 0, 20, ww, wh, cc_stringformat);
    a.FillGradRect(40, Math.floor(wh / 2), ww - 80, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor, 0.5);
    a.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_backcolor & 0xbbffffff)
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && scrollbar.visible && {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(6, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh)
      } catch (e) {
        a.FillSolidRect(ww - vscrollbar.w, 0, vscrollbar.w, wh, g_backcolor & 0x77ffffff);
        a.FillSolidRect(ww - vscrollbar.w, 0, 1, wh, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 20))
      };, ww - vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, 255);
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(9, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, cursor.y, cursor.w, cursor.h)
      } catch (e) {};
      for (i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
        switch (i) {
        case 0:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, button_up.y, 255);
        case 1:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - vscrollbar.w, button_down.y, 255);
      if (cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.letter = list.item[Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)].albumartist.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
        cursor.popup && a.DrawImage(cursor.popup, ww - vscrollbar.w - cursor.popup.Width - 00, cursor.y + Math.floor(cursor.h / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height / 2), cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
        cursor.popup && a.GdiDrawText(scrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, ww - vscrollbar.w - cursor.popup.Width - 00, cursor.y + Math.floor(cursor.h / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Height / 2), cursor.popup.Width - 5, cursor.popup.Height, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
    } else {
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(4, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, 0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
        a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h - 1, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10))
      } catch (e) {
        a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h, g_backcolor & 0x77ffffff);
        a.FillSolidRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 20))
      try {, cursor.x, cursor.y, 255)
      } catch (e) {};
      try {
        scrollbar.theme.SetPartAndStateId(8, 1);
        scrollbar.theme.DrawThemeBackground(a, cursor.x, wh - hscrollbar.h + 0, cursor.w, cursor.h)
      } catch (e) {};
      for (i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
        switch (i) {
        case 0:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_up.x, button_up.y, 255);
        case 1:
          scrollbar.arr_buttons.draw(a, button_down.x, button_down.y, 255);
      if (cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.letter = list.item[Math.floor(list.nbvis / 2)].albumartist.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
        cursor.popup && a.DrawImage(cursor.popup, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 0, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height, 0, 155);
        cursor.popup && a.GdiDrawText(scrollbar.letter, gdi.Font("segoe ui", 14, 0), g_backcolor, cursor.x + Math.floor(cursor.w / 2) - Math.floor(cursor.popup.Width / 2), wh - hscrollbar.h - cursor.popup.Height, cursor.popup.Width, cursor.popup.Height - 5, DT_CENTER | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX)
  for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      if (!panel.lock_playlist) {
        panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 4, 4, (list.total_gh > 0) ? 255 : 80)
    case 1:
      if (panel.vertical_mode) {
        panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 4, wh - 22 - 4, (list.total_gh > 0) ? 255 : 80)
      } else {
        panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, ww - 22 - 4, 4, (list.total_gh > 0) ? 255 : 80)
    case 2:
      if (panel.lock_playlist) {
        if (panel.vertical_mode) {
          panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 4, 4, 255)
        } else {
          panel.arr_buttons.draw(a, 4, 4, 255)
  if (!panel.vertical_mode) {
    a.FillGradRect(0, 0, ww, 1, 0, 0, g_textcolor & 0x15ffffff, 0.5)
  if (g_search_string.length > 0) {
    var j = Math.floor((ww / 2) - ((g_search_string.length * 13) + (10 * 2)) / 2);
    var k = Math.floor(wh / 2) - 30;
    var l = ((g_search_string.length * 13) + (10 * 2));
    var m = 60;
    a.FillRoundRect(j, k, l, m, 5, 5, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150));
    a.DrawRoundRect(j, k, l, m, 5, 5, 2.0, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200));
    a.DrawRoundRect(j + 2, k + 2, l - 4, m - 4, 3, 3, 1.0, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 150));
    a.GdiDrawText(g_search_string, incsearch_font_big, RGB(0, 0, 0), j + 1, k + 1, l, m, DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER);
    a.GdiDrawText(g_search_string, incsearch_font_big, list.inc_search_noresult ? RGB(255, 75, 75) : RGB(250, 250, 250), j, k, l, m, DT_CENTER | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_CALCRECT | DT_VCENTER)

function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  var a = list.item.length;
  var b = 0;
  if (!list.item[list.mid].checkstate("down", x, y, list.mid)) {
    for (var i = 1; i < list.mid + 1; i++) {
      b = list.mid - i;
      if (b >= 0 && b <= a - 1) {
        if (list.item.checkstate("down", x, y, b)) {
      b = list.mid + i;
      if (b >= 0 && b <= a - 1) {
        if (list.item.checkstate("down", x, y, b)) {
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && scrollbar.visible && {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      if ("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
        cursor.drag = true;
        cursor.grap_y = y - cursor.y;
        cursor.last_y = cursor.y
      if (vscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
        if (scrollbar.step < 1) scrollbar.step = 1;
        if (y < cursor.y) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_x > ww - vscrollbar.w && cursor.y > mouse_y) {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
        } else {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_x > ww - vscrollbar.w && cursor.y + cursor.h < mouse_y) {
                    on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step)
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
    } else {
      if ("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
        cursor.drag = true;
        cursor.grap_x = x - cursor.x;
        cursor.last_x = cursor.x
      if (hscrollbar.hover && !cursor.drag) {
        scrollbar.step = Math.floor(list.nb_cover_to_draw / 2);
        if (scrollbar.step < 1) scrollbar.step = 1;
        if (x < cursor.x) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x > mouse_x) {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
        } else {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
                if (hscrollbar.hover) {
                  if (mouse_y > wh - hscrollbar.h && cursor.x + cursor.w < mouse_x) {
                    on_mouse_wheel(-1 * scrollbar.step)
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
    for (i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
      case 1:
        if (scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y) == ButtonStates.down) {
          if (!list.buttonclicked) {
            list.buttonclicked = true;
            scrollbarbt.timerID1 = window.SetTimeout(function () {
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
              scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearInterval(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
              scrollbarbt.timerID2 = window.SetInterval(function () {
              }, scrollbarbt.timer2_value)
            }, scrollbarbt.timer1_value)
  if (list.total_gh > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (!panel.lock_playlist) {
          panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y)
        panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("down", x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, a) {
  if (panel.vertical_mode) {
    if (x < cover.pad_left_mid) {} else if (x < ww - cover.pad_right_mid) {
      var b = list.item.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i)
    } else {
      on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)
  } else {
    if (y < cover.pad_top_mid) {} else if (y < wh - cover.pad_bot_mid) {
      var b = list.item.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("dblclk", x, y, i)
    } else {
      on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
  list.buttonclicked = false;
  scrollbar.timerID && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbar.timerID);
  scrollbar.timerID = false;
  scrollbarbt.timerID1 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID1);
  scrollbarbt.timerID1 = false;
  scrollbarbt.timerID2 && window.ClearTimeout(scrollbarbt.timerID2);
  scrollbarbt.timerID2 = false;
  if (list.drag_timer) {
    list.drag_timer = false;
    list.drag_stop = true
  if (list.total_gh > 0) {"up", x, y);
    for (var i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      scrollbar.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y)
    for (i = 0; i < panel.arr_buttons.length; i++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
        if (!panel.lock_playlist) {
          if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
      case 1:
        if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
          settings_menu(x, y)
      case 2:
        if (panel.lock_playlist) {
          if (panel.arr_buttons.checkstate("up", x, y) == ButtonStates.hover) {
            panel.lock_playlist = false;
            window.SetProperty("panel.lock.playlist.enabled", panel.lock_playlist);
            plman.ActivePlaylist = panel.active_playlist
    if (cursor.drag) {
      window.RepaintRect(0, wh - hscrollbar.h, ww, hscrollbar.h);
      cursor.drag = false
    } else {
      var a = list.item.length;
      for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {
        list.item.checkstate("up", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_mbtn_down(x, y, a) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  var b = list.item.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < b; i++) {
    list.item.checkstate("mid", x, y, i)

function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x, y) {
  bool_on_size = false;
  var a = list.item.length;
  var b = false;
  var c = list.mid;
  if (list.item[list.mid].checkstate("right", x, y, list.mid)) {
    b = true
  } else {
    for (var i = 1; i < list.mid + 1; i++) {
      c = list.mid - i;
      if (c >= 0 && c <= a - 1) {
        if (list.item[c].checkstate("right", x, y, c) == true) {
          b = true;
      c = list.mid + i;
      if (c >= 0 && c <= a - 1) {
        if (list.item[c].checkstate("right", x, y, c) == true) {
          b = true;
  if (b) {
    new_context_menu(x, y, list.item[c].id, list.item[c].idx)

function on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y) {
  if (!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) {
    return true

function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
  if (x == mouse_x && y == mouse_y) return true;
  hand = false;
  if (cursor.drag) {
    list.drag_stop = false;
    if (list.drag_timer) {
      list.drag_timer = false
    list.drag_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () {
      list.drag_stop = true;
      list.drag_timer = false;
    }, 25)
  } else {
    list.drag_stop = true
  if (list.total_gh > 0 && scrollbar.visible && {
    if (panel.vertical_mode) {
      vscrollbar.hover = (x >= ww - vscrollbar.w && x <= ww && y >= vscrollbar.y && y <= vscrollbar.y + vscrollbar.h);
      cursor.hover = (x >= cursor.x && x <= cursor.x + cursor.w && y >= cursor.y && y <= cursor.y + cursor.h);"move", x, y);
      for (var i = 0; i < scrollbar.arr_buttons.length; i++) {

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1415
The panel crashes when 1. playlist is empty and 2. the option button (upper right corner) is pressed.

The size of the ui-elemnt is locked when it reaches a certain size: i can't make it bigger. Therefore (when it is placed in a tabstack) all other tabs are limited to coverflow maximum size. Somehow annoying!


WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1416
The panel crashes when 1. playlist is empty and 2. the option button (upper right corner) is pressed.

The size of the ui-elemnt is locked when it reaches a certain size: i can't make it bigger. Therefore (when it is placed in a tabstack) all other tabs are limited to coverflow maximum size. Somehow annoying!

it seems the paste in this forum has added unwanted characters, that's weird, so, download this script from here:

e.g: "if ( c ) {" is translated "if © {", that make the script crashing of course.

all is fine there.

yep, i've limited size to 300 pixel height.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1417
The panel crashes when 1. playlist is empty and 2. the option button (upper right corner) is pressed.

The size of the ui-elemnt is locked when it reaches a certain size: i can't make it bigger. Therefore (when it is placed in a tabstack) all other tabs are limited to coverflow maximum size. Somehow annoying!

it seems the paste in this forum has added unwanted characters, that's weird, so, download this script from here:

e.g: "if ( c ) {" is translated "if © {", that make the script crashing of course.

all is fine there.

yep, i've limited size to 300 pixel height.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1418
I downloaded it from your link and did it once again, but still crashes!

Any chance to make the panel sizeable again but without making the thumbnails larger than necessary, means: than in 300 pixel panel? I have no space to place it outside a tabstack.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1419
I seem to get a lot of crashes on line 378 (vertical mode) and line 380 (horizontal mode) in CUI when switching between layouts with and without the panel. But I haven't encountered them yet in DUI when switching between tabs. Otherwise it's excellent work & fast too.

Code: [Select]
Error: WSH Panel Mod (CoverFlow View v1 beta7 v0.0.7.20120401.1646 by Br3tt): Microsoft JScript runtime error:
File: <main>
Ln: 378, Col: 13
<source text only available at compile time>

Error: WSH Panel Mod (CoverFlow View v1 beta7 v0.0.7.20120401.1646 by Br3tt): Microsoft JScript runtime error:
File: <main>
Ln: 380, Col: 13
<source text only available at compile time>

Also it doesn't always identify the correct now playing cover, especially if minimise foobar2000, use another program and then return to foobar2000 after a track change. It sometimes gets stuck on the previous track's cover. Even pressing the music note button causes it to highlight the wrong cover.  Again CUI & seen in horizontal mode.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1420
Ah, sorry: forgot the console output

Code: [Select]
Error: WSH Panel Mod (CoverFlow View v1 beta7 v0.0.7.20120401.1646 by Br3tt): Laufzeitfehler in Microsoft JScript:
'list.item[...]' ist Null oder kein Objekt
File: <main>
Ln: 1329, Col: 3
<source text only available at compile time>

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1421
thanx for feedback, i've mainly tested it on DUI, i'll check your reports to see what's the issue.

EDIT: with the paste problem on this topic, i'd be sure every use the same script, so, please, thanx to test it again from here this time (i've made a little fix about the lines pointed by WilB):

btw, i can't reproduce any crash on DUI or CUI from my side.

thanx by advance.

Any chance to make the panel sizeable again but without making the thumbnails larger than necessary, means: than in 300 pixel panel? I have no space to place it outside a tabstack.

i will remove this limitation, asap all your issues will be fixed

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1422
Thanks for your fast response. Unfortunately, the crashes are still occurring (e.g. line 380 when in vertical mode). I also spotted another issue added as an edit to my previous post.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1423
Thanks for your fast response. Unfortunately, the crashes are still occurring (e.g. line 380 when in vertical mode). I also spotted another issue added as an edit to my previous post.

before getting further, i'd like to know if you test my panel in a config that conatins other WSH panels? i ask that because if timers are badly handled in them, it can (often) affect other WSH panels as the CoverFlow panel that use timers too.

could you tell me what's your situation please?

btw, replacing line 380 by these 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
                        try {
                            window.RepaintRect(cover.pad_left_mid, list.item[i].y - 2, ww - cover.pad_left_mid, list.item[i].h + 4);
                        } catch(e) {};

and line 384 by these 3 lines:
Code: [Select]
                        try {
                            window.RepaintRect(list.item[i].x - 2, cover.pad_top_mid, list.item[i].w + 4, wh - cover.pad_top_mid);
                        } catch (e) {};

should avoid crash for you... at least at these lines

EDIT: any other feedback from new user would be really appreciated, especially when it works fine too. So thanx by advance.

WSH Panel Mod script discussion/help

Reply #1424
here the console output with the script from pastebin:

Error: WSH Panel Mod (CoverFlow View v1 beta7.1 v0.0.7.20120401.2320 by Br3tt): Laufzeitfehler in Microsoft JScript:
'list.item[...]' ist Null oder kein Objekt
File: <main>
Ln: 1333, Col: 2
<source text only available at compile time>