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Topic: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder (Read 94077 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder

Reply #600
@KevinB52379, could you please give this GCC x64 build a try? All my previous GCCx64 offerings had the 'msvcrt' dependency whereas this one has the 'ucrt' dependency which the Clang compiles also depend on. Will it make any difference? I guess we're about to find out!

I appreciate your efforts, I really do...but unfortunately, this compile is one that causes one of the worst system freezes/hanging I've seen to date.  The "Abort" and "Pause" button don't even appear on the dialog box during conversion with foobar.  The file progress list never changes, however the progress bar does, albeit slower than a Helix compile that works fine on my system.

Thanks for trying though :)

Re: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder

Reply #601
Ah well, some you win and some you don't!! Thanks for trying it out.

Re: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder

Reply #602
When experimenting with web radio usage, it turned out that hmp3 would create very bursty output, with many MP3 frames being emitted every few seconds. That's because by default, hmp3 fetches ~3 seconds of input data, then encodes and outputs that audio, then fetches another big chunk of audio. For file-based use cases, that's desirable to avoid I/O-overhead.

For web radio, that's potentially problematic. Thus hmp3 now switches to a "low delay" mode when outputting to stdout. In this mode, input audio is consumed and encoded in small chunks (as few bytes as the encoder expects for a complete MP3 frame), which lowers the delay and creates a more evenly spaced stream of packets.

Re: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder

Reply #603
Lastest dev builds:
GCC x64:
CLang x64:

Re: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder

Reply #604
@KevinB52379, could you please give this GCC x64 build a try? All my previous GCCx64 offerings had the 'msvcrt' dependency whereas this one has the 'ucrt' dependency which the Clang compiles also depend on. Will it make any difference? I guess we're about to find out!

I appreciate your efforts, I really do...but unfortunately, this compile is one that causes one of the worst system freezes/hanging I've seen to date.  The "Abort" and "Pause" button don't even appear on the dialog box during conversion with foobar.  The file progress list never changes, however the progress bar does, albeit slower than a Helix compile that works fine on my system.

Thanks for trying though :)
Did the encoding complete in expected time window when it causes the system to hang?
(i.e. did the encoding time consumption of hang/no-hang situation roughly the same?)

If you use single thread will the system still hang?


Re: Resurrecting/Preserving the Helix MP3 encoder

Reply #605
@KevinB52379, could you please give this GCC x64 build a try? All my previous GCCx64 offerings had the 'msvcrt' dependency whereas this one has the 'ucrt' dependency which the Clang compiles also depend on. Will it make any difference? I guess we're about to find out!

I appreciate your efforts, I really do...but unfortunately, this compile is one that causes one of the worst system freezes/hanging I've seen to date.  The "Abort" and "Pause" button don't even appear on the dialog box during conversion with foobar.  The file progress list never changes, however the progress bar does, albeit slower than a Helix compile that works fine on my system.

Thanks for trying though :)
Did the encoding complete in expected time window when it causes the system to hang?
(i.e. did the encoding time consumption of hang/no-hang situation roughly the same?)

If you use single thread will the system still hang?

The elapsed time/time remaining never shows up, neither do the "Pause" and "Abort" buttons.  The progress bar is the only thing that changes, and it is much, much slower than versions that works for does however successfully create mp3s once the encoding is done and the system becomes responsive again.