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Topic: foo_uie_single_column_playlist (Read 764388 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #75
Beat me to death but placing this plug-in in the components folder ( foobar, Win XP SP2 ) throws the following error:
Code: [Select]
Failed to load DLL: foo_uie_single_column_playlist.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I have never had any troubles with the program config, but this is beyond me.


Reply #76
@ vonmeth
Thanks a lot for the hint.


Reply #77

Hi there, thanks for this great plugin

theres something i want to point out

when i use this with tabs (foo_uie_tabs) after I switch to other tab and back to the plugin, the column will not display correctly, (totally blank) until i scroll down and up again , it will show up fine again

Request : add transparency option, this would be awesome!

great plugin anyway

yup same here... but as far as ive tested its problem of uie_tabs. the whole port of tabs plugin was quite suspicious and it has some problem with updating/redrawing currently viewed panel. synced lyrics are messed up and if you change somethin in albumlist for example even playlist view is messed before you clik or scroll it... problem is imho in uie_tabs... im planning to invest some time in single_column plugin sou ill abandon uie_tabs scheme and just drop it because of this update issue.

ah ic, thanks for the reply , now i noe its not really a problem with this  strange but changing the row height will fix it  something with the refresh/update I think


Reply #80
ok I am sure someone has said this before but there is a bug where I have it setup and when I first load foobar the single playlist thingy is blank and when I scroll it redraws...

I am not going to use this component till that is fixed... it just confuses my gf too much.. I want my foobar functional and pretty...

once this component is fixed up a little it well may replace the default columns playlist if I can get it all using album art/ fancy formatting etc..



Reply #81
This is a beta so user beware.

That says it all. Wait for it to get stable or read the thread and you will see that ppl before you have the same problem. 

Your (and my) post is not necessary... The developer is trying as hard as he/she can just relax whould'ya?


Reply #82

Hi there, thanks for this great plugin

theres something i want to point out

when i use this with tabs (foo_uie_tabs) after I switch to other tab and back to the plugin, the column will not display correctly, (totally blank) until i scroll down and up again , it will show up fine again

Request : add transparency option, this would be awesome!

great plugin anyway

yup same here... but as far as ive tested its problem of uie_tabs. the whole port of tabs plugin was quite suspicious and it has some problem with updating/redrawing currently viewed panel. synced lyrics are messed up and if you change somethin in albumlist for example even playlist view is messed before you clik or scroll it... problem is imho in uie_tabs... im planning to invest some time in single_column plugin sou ill abandon uie_tabs scheme and just drop it because of this update issue.

ah ic, thanks for the reply , now i noe its not really a problem with this  strange but changing the row height will fix it  something with the refresh/update I think

but true is that single_column suffers from this much more than others... original playlist is at least shown, lyrics work also if not synced, but single_column just stay blank until you move svrollbar... maybe terrestial can include some update procedure to overcome this tabs bug... but its stupid to add code because of someones other mystake


Reply #83
heh we all just have to wait  its up to the developer to decide what they will do
a great addition though, the playlist looks much more neat than the default column ui

and oh, i dont know if anyone has already stated

here are my current list of wanted function , just a suggestion to terrestial

1) transparency option , this might sound abit to personal preference but having a transparent playlist while keeping other component in normal mode is great.

2) ability to drag playlist item, just like the default column

3) a resizeable code window , might be abit cramp if the code is long , am I the only one who notice this? 

EDITED 4) management of single tracks, possibly if with the playlist string -s- (like the navigator suite) or any other method like acedriver did (add Singletrack=1 to files)


Reply #84
I've put the component in the right folder, it appears in my component list, but I don´t see anything to set it up in my preference pannel. I've got the .NET thing and columns also installed.


Reply #85

Go to Column UI layout options and add Playlist Views -> SIngle column view

then right click the single playlist view, and click settings to change settings.

hope that helps


Reply #86
it has !! thank you soo much !


Reply #87

That would be ridiculously insane.

Sorta WMP11 style?

could you post your conf about the single column playlist ?
thanx mate

I said in my appearance thread I'm not releasing anything 'till someone helps me with my CPU issues. (using lots of trackinfo panels brings CPU usage to 80%).

Consider it a friendly ransom.


Reply #88

That would be ridiculously insane.

Sorta WMP11 style?

could you post your conf about the single column playlist ?
thanx mate

I said in my appearance thread I'm not releasing anything 'till someone helps me with my CPU issues. (using lots of trackinfo panels brings CPU usage to 80%).

Consider it a friendly ransom.

my apologies tool++ I didn't notice your statement, I was just amazed from the work you've on the single column playlist only .
good luck with your CPU issues hope everything clears out


Reply #89
Aww don't apologize, makes me feel mean

I'm waiting for mazy to get back to me as to how he did his complex layouts without destroying the CPU :/


Reply #90
Nice component. It would be very useful to have a setting wherein tracks that are not part of a group would not be given a header. Thanks.


Reply #92
(obviously with some nicer formatting)
With clickable/expandable headers.

Figured something like it, I'll work on making it like yours and a new (nice) layout when I wake up;

EDIT: and it is system 5 VS, I got it from deviantart.


Reply #94

Nice component. It would be very useful to have a setting wherein tracks that are not part of a group would not be given a header. Thanks.

I use $if(%singletrack%,,%album%%disc%) for Group by and tagged the files with "SINGLETRACK=1"

Perhaps using $if(%singletrack%,Singles,%album%%disc%) would give them their own header ("Singles")


Reply #95
This plugin is sweet.

we was young an' full of beans


Reply #96
However, I'm having a problem.  Maybe it's something you haven't implemented, or maybe it's dumb scripting on my part, but I'm trying to make a script that handles albums playlists and singles playlists.  For singles playlists, I have an exclamation point (!) precede the playlist name (for example, !Rock), while albums playlists are normally named (for example, Story of the Year).

Here is my code.

Group By
Code: [Select]

should work in the next version.

I love this plugin. I'd like to request a song notifier based on the foo_uie_trackinfo_mod code. It could work like pretty popup but much more customizable. The more consistency between plugins, the better.

Yeah, eventually I want to write one using layered windows....

terrestrial is it possible to make it so that it can handle more formats, pretty much the ones that the current albumart panel is capable of useing?

yes, eventually.

IMO it has a huge potential, but what are your future plans with it? Are you planning to develop it much further, or is it close to satisfactory for your needs? Nothing wrong with the latter, but it would be nice to know before I get too excited and invest too much time. (I really enjoyed coding for foo_looks, but suddenly danZ, the developer, vanished, and it was closed source...  . I wish he was still around.) Is the source available for this plugin, and if not, will you release it at some point?

I intend to develop it further as time permits and I have the will to

The current config isn't dimensioned for advanced layouts. Combining code for graphics, fonts and general formatting, demands structure to be readable and features to reduce redundancy. Currently everything is crammed into three formatting boxes.

Eventually I want to use text files, but for the time being the current boxes work, albeit crudely.

I dont know if this is possible, but could there be group side margins as well as headers?

Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly, but you can already create "margins" using $align...

Some kind of implementation of columns would be great, as well.

you can also fake columns with $align().

I have added your drawrect stuff, more details concerning FONT would be great also.

thanks for maintaining the wiki page

Figured something like it, I'll work on making it like yours and a new (nice) layout when I wake up;

very nice


I've uploaded a new version. Mostly a couple of bug fixes + a few changes.


Reply #97
Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly, but you can already create "margins" using $align...

I mean side margins which would span entire groups, instead of single tracks:


Reply #98
Figured something like it, I'll work on making it like yours and a new (nice) layout when I wake up;

Could you share our code please. I would love to use it as a starting point. Thanks and congrats


Reply #99
I would like to request the ability to disable, hide, or otherwise move the vertical scrollbar which appears on the side of the playlist.