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Topic: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.6 (Read 2070576 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2950
Sorry for triple-posting: Any plans to add UTF-8 log writing?

Thanks I love this program. I use it a lot to process many rips.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2951
edit: I just tested it out:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's alive!  :)

Thanks, after tinkering a bit with wine and playonlinux I got CUETools working with no problems. Fortunately I had my old windows config from the days of winXP floating around with all my presets and everything...

Before this I was running it with mono on linux, but that way only works with WAV files, now I can save an extra step of transcoding and some tagging... and verifying in one step is much easier.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2952
edit: I just tested it out:

- install wine (any version really, it's been working for me for several years, I'm currently using 3.0rc6)
- install wine-mono (or whatever it is called on your distribution)
- create a new win32 prefix (WINEARCH=win32)
- install dotnet20sp2 using winetricks. It shows a couple of errors (i.e. "mono not installed", even though it is), but the process finishes fine
- install vcrun2008
- copy the CUETools folder to your prefix/drive_c/Program Files/
- launch CUETools.exe with WINEPREFIX set to your prefix

It takes a while to launch, but it does launch fine. The only problem I had was that configuring it as I wanted crashed on some steps.
What I did was configure it as I want on a windows machine, then copy the settings.txt to my linux one.
is there any benefit to install wine-mono in first place when dotnet20sp2 gets installed right afterwards? afaik, mono is a replacement for dotnet and gets uninstalled by winetricks when you attempt to install dotnet anyways.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2953
A word of warning to those using CUETools 2.1.6 on linux (WINE): Do not use the libFLAC decoder! For some reason, it doesn't produce valid output. The audio checksum differs on every decoding attempt (verify/encode), and of course no accurateRip/CTDB match is possible.
i just tested and split an accurate flac image of mine with libflac and with cuetools encoder under wine 3.0 rc5.

the result is still accurate, but the bitrate of the libflac encoded files are higher by 2 bits and the encoder is also much faster!

which version of wine do you use? have you tried a new prefix?

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2954
A word of warning to those using CUETools 2.1.6 on linux (WINE): Do not use the libFLAC decoder! For some reason, it doesn't produce valid output. The audio checksum differs on every decoding attempt (verify/encode), and of course no accurateRip/CTDB match is possible.
sanskrit44, did you test using the libFLAC decoder? (I haven't tested myself, just looking for more information)


Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2955
no, i have tested the encoders. no differences between libflac and cuetools on my side. btw it was a wav image that i had split up. my mistake.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2956
ok, i have tested again (flac image this time) and set libflac encoder + decoder and the result is still accurate.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2957
The only problem I had was that configuring it as I wanted crashed on some steps.
What I did was configure it as I want on a windows machine, then copy the settings.txt to my linux one.

Do you know where I find this settings.txt file? I have CUETools running in an XP VM. I would love to not have to use a VM to run CUETools, it's the only WIndows program I use. Thanks!

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2958
Wow, I've been running CUETools 2.1.5 in kvm (Linux VM) with XP for years. Running CUETools 2.1.6 under wine 3.0 on the same system is 7.5x faster (6 seconds vs 45 seconds) for a verify on the same album. Fortunately I did not encounter any crashes using wine, all the config screens worked fine. The font size is microscopically small on my 4K monitor though.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2959
I was wondering if there is any possibility to add a "blank/unknown" option for metadata, or simply a button to erase all the info.

I often encounter some singles that don't have the right information in the DB, but CUEripper will auto-select the first result. Then, I have to remove all the fields one by one (I do just override some, but there are some of the fields I never manually fill in, like barcode, so I still need to delete them).


Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2960
I often start CUETools, and even if my computer is not a beast, I'm noticing the program is a bit slow to start.

I have had unchecked "Check for updates" to avoid network request at startup, but that was not the culprit.

So, I just investigated a bit using Process Monitor:
* One of the main culprit seems to be csc.exe. It seems that at each startup you are compiling stuff on the fly, which is temporarily put in the Windows temp folder. Maybe the compilation results could be cached/stored and reused? (I guess that's what does)
* The form drawing might also takes some time. Maybe raising the .NET Framework version could help? 2.0 is quite outdated... (on a related note, I found an article that might be of interest)

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2961
Yeah, the csc.exe problem was also recently discovered with CUETools EAC plugin. Turns out that how Xml serialisation works in .net - it compiles the data types to an Xml serializer class on the fly and doesn't even cache the result, but it's possible to pre-compile it and ship with the product. It's already fixed in the plugin, will be fixed in the next CUETools release also.

As for WPF/4.0, i've been playing with it, and i plan to do it sometime. CUETools has so many controls though, that creating a WPF UI for it is a LOT of work.
CUETools 2.1.6

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2963
Hey, thanks for the hint, I am interested.
As to you wondering what the update does, the answer can be found in the post right above yours.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2964
I'm only starting with 2.1.7 work. Version bump is the first step so 2.1.6 can be now officially declared the stable version. I'll update the change log at some point, but for now there's not much news, mostly housekeeping. Updated libFLAC version, added support for tagging opus files, switched to using .NET Framework 4.0... I guess the only exciting thing is BLUTools, which is in very early stages, and is meant to extract PCM audio tracks from audio Blurays. Just point it to an input folder with unencrypted Bluray copy, choose output folder, select a title set etc and click the copy button.
CUETools 2.1.6

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2965
How can I connect a new Monkey's Audio 4.33 as an external encoder?

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2966
version 2.1.7 does not copy the images from iso.wv to the folder with the converted CD. In 2.1.6 is OK.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2967
How can I connect a new Monkey's Audio 4.33 as an external encoder?
External encoders must support piping (stdin/stdout).

version 2.1.7 does not copy the images from iso.wv to the folder with the converted CD. In 2.1.6 is OK.
Working here. Front cover was extracted from image.wv to folder.jpg
Prerequisites for 2.1.7

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2969
External encoders must support piping (stdin/stdout).
but it was Monkey's Audio that I failed to get to work
Are you using a patched version that supports stdin/stdout? 
This will work in 2.1.7
mac.exe v3.99 (a special version that is patched to support stdin/stdout)
put mac.exe in CUETools folder
Extention: ape
Path: mac.exe
Parameters: - %O -c%M
Modes: 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Name: mac.exe v3.99

or use the built-in MAC_SDK
If you don't see the built-in MAC_SDK then check the Prerequisites

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2970
External encoders must support piping (stdin/stdout).
but it was Monkey's Audio that I failed to get to work
Are you using a patched version that supports stdin/stdout? 
This will work in 2.1.7
mac.exe v3.99 (a special version that is patched to support stdin/stdout)
put mac.exe in CUETools folder
Extention: ape
Path: mac.exe
Parameters: - %O -c%M
Modes: 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Name: mac.exe v3.99

or use the built-in MAC_SDK
If you don't see the built-in MAC_SDK then check the Prerequisites

I know about the built-in encoder. I was interested in the encoder of the latest version 4.33, but it does not work. Special encoder. to which you gave a link too refuses to work . Exception returned code -1.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2971
IIRC this special version works with stdin on Linux, but not on Windows.

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2972
I'll soon update CUETools to Monkey's Audio 4.33. In my tests it's going to be slightly slower though, due to the lack of assembly optimisations present in the old library. I'm too lazy to port them over.
CUETools 2.1.6

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2973
I'll soon update CUETools to Monkey's Audio 4.33. In my tests it's going to be slightly slower though, due to the lack of assembly optimisations present in the old library. I'm too lazy to port them over.
please still correct copy of images from an iso iso.wv

Re: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #2974
IIRC this special version works with stdin on Linux, but not on Windows.
It was a pointless exercise anyway <edit> beyond showing the OP that a patched exe was needed for stdin/stdout </edit> as that version isn't newer than the current built-in MAC_SDK. I did test the linked exe before posting and it is working here on 2 machines and on both v2.1.6 & v2.1.7 without error.