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Topic: Album Art Downloader XUI (Read 2318397 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3075
yeah, there appear to have been some changes to the site

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3076
Hello guys.

I would like to use the command line to automatically download cover arts.
I am able to get a couple correct results but I have to save it manually as the UI window opens up and wants me to select and save one of the images found. As far as I have tested it manually, I would be fine picking the first one of the list.

Is there any way to do this?

Best regards

Nevermind, found a solution. Here's an example call I make to do this:
"C:\Program Files\AlbumArtDownloader\aad.exe" /ar "Skindred" /al "Babylon" /p "XYZ:\MyMusicPath\Skindred\Babylon\folder.%extension%" /s "iTunes,Deezer" /mn 500 /mx 1400 /ma 1 /seq 1 /t f

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3077
How do I save the auto-downloaded files?
Downloaded is saved. They will be saved according to the "Specify path to find images" box in the Options for the browser. By default, this will save them as Folder.jpg, but you can change that to whatever you want. The path is relative to the path of the album the art is for.

the problem is that I want to save multiple files - the folder / cover, the back of the cd, the medium etc, all automatically using the 'type' of the image as the name - for example

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3078
New to this app.  I figured out how to get new artwork individually - but I'd like to have the app go through my entire collection with the same basic settings:

- Grab the first result, and just put it in the folder
- Use "Folder" as the file name
- Use jpg as the file format

I find that this works for me for my FLACS and mp3's, using FooBar as my media app.

Any help, guidance, direction with this would be appreciated!

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3079
New to this app.  I figured out how to get new artwork individually - but I'd like to have the app go through my entire collection with the same basic settings:

- Grab the first result, and just put it in the folder
- Use "Folder" as the file name
- Use jpg as the file format

I find that this works for me for my FLACS and mp3's, using FooBar as my media app.

Any help, guidance, direction with this would be appreciated!

Never mind.  Figured it out!

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3080
Hey all. New to the program and it's great. Really. Makes my ADHD/Obsessive brain happy to find a tool that makes fixing my album art easier.

Anyway, I was wondering if there was syntax for the "Save images to:" line that would move the word "the" in a band's name to after the name with a comma? Ex: "The Gossip" would become "Gossip, The". I did look in the forum and was not successful or if I did see it, I didn't recognize it. Thanks for the help in advance.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3081
Anyway, I was wondering if there was syntax for the "Save images to:" line that would move the word "the" in a band's name to after the name with a comma? Ex: "The Gossip" would become "Gossip, The". I did look in the forum and was not successful or if I did see it, I didn't recognize it. Thanks for the help in advance.

I don't know of any option to do that within the AAD program itself. I usually just search for the band name without "The" and avoid that problem entirely. Then again I'm only semi-obsessive and don't bother with whether the artist's proper name contains "The", at least for album art searching purposes. When it comes to tagging the tracks, I do try to use the artist, album, and track names as they are printed on the album.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3082
Alex, the Discogs script is no longer working for me. I tried debugging, and it looks like the format of the JSON for images in the release pages changed. The image info needed is no longer in the "release_schema" element, but rather in a "dsdata" element. If you need more detail or want me to attempt a fix, then send me a DM.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3083
Yeah, looks like discogs is completely changed again. I'll have a go at it when I get some time, probably at the weekend. Or if you fancy it yourself, feel free to have a go! I can get the json block from the release page using Regex("id=\"dsdata\"[^>]+>(?<json>{.+?})</script>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline)

But the json inside is totally different now too, and will need a lot more time to investigate.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3084
Wow, discogs is getting complicated. I'm beginning to think they're doing it on purpose. I've uploaded v0.25 which should work again until they come up with something even more baroque.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3085
Alex, thanks for the Discogs fix. I have been somewhat busy myself but could be enlisted in the future if needed.

It looks like Discogs is developing a new version of their release pages. If you visit a master release page on the site you'll see a "Master Release Beta Version" section with an input to toggle between the old and beta versions. Perhaps the JSON change was part of that, although it appears the same JSON is used on the old and beta pages.

Using their API would avoid having to play whack-a-mole like this but could lead to other problems such as rate limits.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3086
I agree, it would be nice to use the API instead of scraping it out of the html. Rate limiting isn't an issue, or isn't more of an issue, as it already applies to this access too, but the killer issue is that downloading images requires authentication. Unless I require everyone to create an account on Discogs, generate a user token, and paste it into the script before it works, this will not work. Their intended solution is to register the app and obtain a consumer key and secret, but an open-source desktop application is not even in principle compatible with a secret that cannot be disclosed.

So, as they don't offer API access on the same terms as web access, we have to stick with web access.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3087
Managed to get this installed with wine 7.0 stable using some of the hints in this thread - but the %extension% substitutions are not working properly. My existing folder.jpg files are not identified unless I specifically put `folder.jpg` in the path to find images, which would be fine except that all album covers downloaded are forced to have that extension (right or wrong). Any ideas on what might be happening here? If I leave %extension% in the output filename ends up being `folder.jpg;.jpeg;.jfif`, if that gives any clues.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3088
Looks like a bug in Wine. Documentation for IWICBitmapCodecInfo::GetFileExtensions says "Receives a comma delimited list of file name extensions associated with the codec", but what you've apparently got there is a semicolon delimited list of extensions.

I'm not set up for verifying this under wine, but if anyone else is and can confirm that this function is returning ; separated instead of , separated strings then I'm sure the Wine team would appreciate a bug report.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3089
Did anyone manage to get the script working again?

It seems to be broken again, I've tried fixing it to no avail. Not sure how to debug the script so I'm going at it blind :)

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3090
Unless I require everyone to create an account on Discogs, generate a user token, and paste it into the script before it works

At least on this front, instead of requiring editing the boo script could you treat it like the "Path to find images" option from the Local Files script and expose the option in the sources pane? Then if the option is not populated, return from the script.

Mind you, I've never written a boo script for a new source... so I defer to wiser minds. I just know that, for me at least, pasting something into the UI would NOT be a hindrance.

P.S. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for this tool! It has helped me clean up my collection SOOO much!

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3091
Did anyone manage to get the script working again?

It seems to be broken again, I've tried fixing it to no avail. Not sure how to debug the script so I'm going at it blind :)
This is Mordred's script, but I took a look and it's a very small tweak to get it working again. Try v0.8

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3092
I'm not sure if sources have gotten worse, the scripts stopped being upgraded or if it's the app itself at this point?

I only ever get front covers, no other images (other than occasionally discogs), and usually only a few accurate front covers in a sea of irrelevant results.

For example, recent image searches have included front covers from MB, but following links to the MB pages show supplemental images which are not displayed in AAD.

I use the latest app with updated scripts (as far as the app reports them).

It seems there are many script tweaks in this forum, however I do not have time for manual peacemeal maintainence - isn't that what the app is supposed to keep track of? If scripts become garbage, would be great if the app pruned them for me.

Is this the current state of AAD or is my experience way off?

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3093
The number of working scripts has gone down, but most of the time I can find what I'm looking for from Deezer, iTunes/Apple,  Discogs, and MusicBrainz (the latter two mainly for out-of-print albums and non-cover art).

Of the scripts that no longer work, the one I miss the most is Google Play, which usually provided a decent-quality 1200x1200 image at a reasonable file size. At one point I tried to write a script for YouTube Music, which replaced Google Play, but something on the site changed and my script broke. I may revisit that sometime if Deezer or Apple goes away. Another script I wish were functional again is Amazon, which was a good source of large user-uploaded images. When I can't find what I'm looking for via AAD, I sometimes search those sites and download images manually via a browser.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3094

As of quite recently, this website can download .pngs from iTunes now. And I confirmed via ICAT that they are indeed higher quality source files, and not just up-converted from the already existing .jpgs. Can this functionality be added to Album Art Downloader?

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3095
Upon further investigation it seems to be an entirely different path. That website used to fetch the same exact files as AAD, but now it fetches either PNGs or TIFFs if they exist (very few albums have their cover art in this format, I spent quite a while today perusing), or, if it does fetch a JPEG, it's a different file to the one AAD currently fetches: same resolution, smaller size, and very marginally higher quality (although sometimes lower quality). Usually the files are obviously from the same source, while sometimes they seem to be a different source (different colour grading etc). Perhaps this website is instead fetching from Apple Music or something?

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3096
Nice find, Ben Dodson has made his source available too, so I can use the same logic to get the original file when available. It will then fall back on all the existing fall-backs if that isn't there. Please give the attached 0.6 a try to compare with the results you had noticed were different, and see if the quality now matches? Or more importantly if there are any where it gives a worse result!

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3097
Hello Friends...
i use the latest version XUI 1.05 the problem is Discogs search is not working 0 results
Can any one help me

sorry for my bad english

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3098 v0.26 should be working again now.

Re: Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #3099
Hello Alex, thank you and have a nice day

greetings eracer