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Topic: CUERipper gaps handling settings? (Read 2198 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUERipper gaps handling settings?


I am unclear about CUERipper gaps handling, would be grateful for a steer, please.

In CUETools we have various "Gaps handling" options, e.g. "Gaps Appended", "Gaps Prepended" etc.  However, I cannot find similar settings in CUERipper.  Perhaps I have missed them?  Or does CUERipper use the value that has been set in CUETools? Or does it do something else altogether?

Many thanks.

Re: CUERipper gaps handling settings?

Reply #1
CUERipper only has the following options for 'Gaps handling' of individual track rips:
  • Gaps Appended + HTOA  HTOA > 5s (only save HTOA if HTOA is greater than 5 seconds)
    Settings needed:
    Preserve HTOA: True
    UseHTOALengthThreshold=1 in \CUERipper\settings.txt
    This the default in CUERipper 2.2.6
  • Gaps Appended + HTOA
    Settings needed:
    Preserve HTOA: True
    UseHTOALengthThreshold=0 in \CUERipper\settings.txt
  • Gaps Appended
    Settings needed:
    Preserve HTOA: False

Re: CUERipper gaps handling settings?

Reply #2
CUERipper only has the following options for 'Gaps handling' of individual track rips:
  • Gaps Appended + HTOA  HTOA > 5s (only save HTOA if HTOA is greater than 5 seconds)
    Settings needed:
    Preserve HTOA: True
    UseHTOALengthThreshold=1 in \CUERipper\settings.txt
    This the default in CUERipper 2.2.6
  • Gaps Appended + HTOA
    Settings needed:
    Preserve HTOA: True
    UseHTOALengthThreshold=0 in \CUERipper\settings.txt
  • Gaps Appended
    Settings needed:
    Preserve HTOA: False

Many thanks for quick reply. 

Where might I find \CUERipper\settings.txt , please?  I am using a portable install (v.2.2.0) and cannot see it in app folder.  There is not a \CUERipper\ folder.


Re: CUERipper gaps handling settings?

Reply #3
Note: UseHTOALengthThreshold= was first introduced in v2.2.6 so it will not work in v2.2.0

When running portable (user_profiles_enabled was renamed or removed), the \CUERipper subfolder is in the CUETools program folder.
Otherwise (user_profiles_enabled file is present in the CUETools program folder), the location is %appdata%\CUERipper

Re: CUERipper gaps handling settings?

Reply #4
Note: UseHTOALengthThreshold= was first introduced in v2.2.6 so it will not work in v2.2.0

When running portable the \CUERipper subfolder is in the CUETools program folder.

Ah, found it, I was not running it portably after all.  I will upgrade.

Many thanks indeed.

Re: CUERipper gaps handling settings?

Reply #5
I'm (very slowly it seems and not anywhere close to done) working on a wiki page to explain some of the hidden settings in CUERipper.
Temporary link CUERipper settings.txt (http only)
Note: GapsHandling is locked to 3 in CUERipper so don't bother trying to change it.

Re: CUERipper gaps handling settings?

Reply #6
I'm (very slowly it seems and not anywhere close to done) working on a wiki page to explain some of the hidden settings in CUERipper.
Temporary link CUERipper settings.txt (http only)
Note: GapsHandling is locked to 3 in CUERipper so don't bother trying to change it.

Ah, great, thank you.  This wiki will be useful, it will be good to know what else can be tweaked.