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Topic: Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders (Read 3702 times) previous topic - next topic
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Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders

Hello. I really love MP3's those encoded by Adobe Flash CS6, and MP3's those encoded by Adobe Media Encoder CS6 are also can be very good at some bitrates (unavailable with Flash), so what are the MP3 encoders those are used in Adobe Flash CS6 and Adobe Media Encoder CS6?

Re: Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders

Reply #1
i would really love to investigate this but i have no CS6 with me.
may check back later, see what's up.

Re: Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders

Reply #2
@Lampion I've uploaded an example 16kbps file by Adobe Flash CS6, maybe this helps. Credit: Frontier by

(I removed the link from here as a moderator said I must do that.)

Re: Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders

Reply #4
mp3guessenc says "Maybe this file is encoded by FhG (ACM or producer pro)"
It would make sense, as Adobe had, AFAIK, licenced their encoder.

Re: Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders

Reply #5
@itisljar Thank you but I want to try this myself and I could not find compiled version of mp3guessenc, how can I get the compiled version of mp3guessenc?

Re: Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders

Reply #7
Yes, for Windows. I was downloaded this but (maybe I'm a dumb) did not notice the win32 folder, thank you very much!


Re: Adobe Flash and Media Encoder CS6 MP3 encoders

Reply #8
if this third-party notice of Adobe Media Encoder (14.0 version tho) is any indication, Adobe's MP3 encoders were licensed from Fraunhofer