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Topic: DarkOne 4 Theme (Read 1859 times) previous topic - next topic
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DarkOne 4 Theme

Wasted feelings
Broken meanings
Time is fleeting
See what it brings

Hellos, goodbyes, a thousand midnights
Lost in sleepless lullabies

Heaven's dreaming
Thoughtless thoughts, my friends
We know we'll be ghosts again

Sundays shining
Silver linings
Weightless hours
All my flowers

A place to hide the tears that you cried
Everybody says goodbye

Faith is sleeping
Lovers in the end
Whisper we'll be ghosts again

Heaven's dreaming
Thoughtless thoughts, my friends
We know we'll be ghosts again

Faith is sleeping
Lovers in the end
Whisper we'll be ghosts again
What is the opposite of music? ~ Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.