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Recent Posts
Support - (fb2k) / Re: White noise from my PC
Last post by Case -
Getting off topic, but if your PC runs non-home Windows you can use Remote Desktop to access your PC from the phone and see foobar2000 100% as it runs natively. No third party software needed on the PC. For home version and other OSes you can achieve pretty much the same with VNC for free, and if you don't mind paying there are tools like TeamViewer and AnyDesk.

If you don't need identical UI you can take a look at foo_beefweb.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: White noise from my PC
Last post by Pehachem -
I've introduced the suggested settings. It works now. I don't know if it's optimal, but it works for me. I'll be sure to let you know if I find a new, more satisfactory configuration. Thanks again for the help

If I can still benefit from your skills ... Is there a way to control the media library on the PC from my telephone while keeping the Foobar interface (it works with Upnp but the interface is not very user-friendly)?

Have a nice day
FLAC / Re: FLAC v1.5.x Performance Tests
Last post by Hakan Abbas -
First of all, I have a serious lack of knowledge about what FLAC does. So I can talk about the things I do, but this subject belongs to FLAC. So, I will speak more generally without going too far off topic.

You can see a graph of the LPC in the image on the left below. Here the dots show the sample values. The colored line shows how close the LPC gets to them. At the bottom you can see the LPC coefficients and average error values. The image on the right is something more special. It is an adaptive solution, so it works symmetrically, but the prediction accuracy is much better. And interestingly, the parameters obtained for a small block of audio data can be valid for a very large number of other different blocks. I have not used it in a real application as it might be a bit slow in terms of speed (2x or 3x).
With the coefficients from the linear estimation stage we can roughly represent the graph of our audio data. The higher the coefficients, the better the results, but they have to be kept as side information. This is a penalty. The resulting coefficients are double 64-bit (8 byte) floating points. However, 32 bit (4 byte) floats can also be obtained. In my early work I used these parameters in 4 bytes each, but later I reduced this to 2 bytes. There was no significant difference between the compression results obtained. Because on the one hand, even if the compression efficiency decreased, the amount of side information per block decreased. This balance needs to be adjusted well. Of course, the conversion from 8 bytes to 2 bytes adds extra processing overhead.

As you mentioned, it is a burden in terms of speed to do enough processing to be able to select on the parameters. On the other hand, the difference between FLAC -8 and -8p doesn't seem to be a significant gain in compression efficiency.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by LUR -
Hello, everybody. Just released a new version (delayed due to heavy busyness). Updated the codebase and JS engine, and fixed some issues found in this thread.

JSplitter v3.6.1.12

● Updated JS engine to SpiderMonkey ESR128 (128.7.0esr)
● Updated code editor engine to Scintilla 5.5.4
● Updated foobar2000 SDK to 20241203.
[BUG] When importing a script package, an error occurred (mz_zip_reader_init_file failed with error 0x11: file open failed) if the archive path contained non-Latin characters.
[BUG] The player sometimes crashed when shutting down, and a dump was created in crash_reports (Access violation, Symbol: “D2D1CreateFactory”)
[FEATURE] When executing utils.IsFile / utils.IsDirectory, script errors occurred if file system access errors occurred. Now the functions simply return false.
[FEATURE] When utils.ColourPicker is called, the colors are now stored in the set until the program exits.
[BUG] The set of erroneus sample scripts in the samples\complete folder has been updated to reflect regor's fixes of 29.10.2024
CUETools / Problems using CDTB EAC Plugin to submit
Last post by faceless007 -
CueTools is great but I have been having some problems using the EAC plugin to rip CDs and submit to CTDB. On about 1/3 of the CDs I try to rip, it will seemingly rip fine but when EAC then goes to connect to the CTDB, it will instead hang showing an indefinite progress bar that never completes, and I can't close it or click back to EAC or exit out or do anything but force kill EAC. When I do this, the audio files seemingly ripped fine but the resulting log file has a line like this:
Code: [Select]
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.2.6

[CTDB TOCID: Hl48_PDAQGW3PoJcuTjJlJsqvaM-] database access error: Pending
So my results then are not submitted and I have to restart EAC. If I want to submit (because why not) I have to start the rip over. It doesn't seem to be CD-specific; if I get this hanging error and try the CD again, it usually goes through next time. So something seems to go wrong at the moment of trying to connect to CDTB for some reason. And it happens roughly 1/3 so kind of annoying, I'd like to find a way to fix it.

This is using EAC 1.8, CUETools DB Plugin 2.2.6.
FLAC / Re: FLAC v1.5.x Performance Tests
Last post by Porcus -
FLAC is already quite fast and offers a good compression ratio. It is therefore always the standard codec of choice. It doesn't need to prove anything more. HALAC (and HALIC) is experimental and aims to improve the speed/compression ratio as much as possible. It does not claim to be a standard format. Without losing control I would like to add 24-bit and multi-channel support.
I don't mean to change the format - but there must be something about your algorithm for reading bits from file and decoding them.

As for the LPC'ing, you probably know it better than I do, but some of the number-crunching is done in double precision float (that explained why ffmpeg could sometimes compress better until 1.4.0). But then each coefficient is taken down to q bits, where q can be so big that the "predicted value before right-shift" exceeds 32-bit range. Of course you can "right-shift the coefficients first" (potentially at the cost of a weaker prediction), and FLAC-the-format allows that too. The "-p" switch that spends so much time encoding residual, works by brute-forcing that part; calculate with high precision, then decimate precision one bit at the time and recalculate the residual, rinse and repeat and select the overall smallest.
And that - I think, ktf has corrected me more than twice - is THE reason for the "-8p" profiling numbers.
(Turns out you save more than "one bit per coefficient", because randomly rounding off sometimes helps the prediction.)
General - (fb2k) / Re: Friendly formatting of frequency
Last post by Air KEN -
> May I ask why would be important for you to know the container?

Oh no, it seems that was a bit of a translation glitch. Sorry.

However, I personally find it easier to understand and more impactful to write it as "WavPack DSD", so it's a matter of preference.
You can pass in silence.
I hope this is getting through.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: BUG? External album art in subfolder not found/displayed if stored on huge hdd
Last post by Frenzel -
Thanks a lot for investing so much effort in solving a problem that nobody else seems to have besides me... :-(

If the files and folders are located on the new large drives I can trigger the issue reliably and reproduceably also using any tiny sample directories (the album folder then containing only one music file plus one even empty tech folder plus the artwork folder containing only one file "front.jpg").
As mentioned before: In combination with the old and smaller storage locations the problem is not existent. It also does not occur with only one single subfolder in the directory of the music files on the large drives.

But since nobody else is having similar problems or can even reproduce the weird behavior of not reading the contents in more than one subfolder until finding the artwork file fitting the search pattern my problem must be caused by any special system property here on my site. Could be the Windows 7 operating system most people don't use any more? I don't know.

Since I am not optmistic in getting ever solved the problem I am no longer willing to invest more energy in testing or researching. I will live happily with my formerly mentioned workaround not using subfolder wildcard for album art.

Thank you for helping anyway... :-)