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Topic: [REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.) (Read 1361 times) previous topic - next topic
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[REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.)

foobar devs,
Please consider the implementation of an advanced file information view, including ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, in a future update.

Unless I'm overlooking the current possibility to view this information, foobar doesn't seem to differentiate between these tag types, which makes it difficult to identify missing ID3v1 or ID3v2 tag information.

I've attached an image of how Winamp handles this and I think the ability to view expanded file properties would be helpful for users to have access to.
In this example, viewing the separate tag information alerted me to the fact that the album field was missing for ONLY the ID3v2 tag, but not ID3v1.
In foobar, it's apparent that the album field is also missing, but it's impossible to determine whether ID3v1 or ID3v2 is affected.

If for some reason this isn't possible, any suggestions for alternative methods to access such information would be appreciated.
Tools like MediaInfo to Mp3tag don't even seem to differentiate between ID3v1 and ID3v2 and it would be nice to have a more convenient way to access this information other than resorting to Winamp.

Thanks in advance.

Re: [REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.)

Reply #1
It's 2023, why does anyone need id3v1 in their files? If you have antiquated hardware that needs it then you'll probably need to continue using old software to cater for it.

I thought I was late to the hardware mp3 game not getting my first player until 2005 and even that supported id3v2.3. :/

Re: [REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.)

Reply #2
It's 2023, why does anyone need id3v1 in their files?

foobar is an audiophile's media player and giving the user the ability to access as much information as possible about their files seems like a reasonable expectation.

It's as simple as making the most mount of information available to the user, whether some of them need it or don't doesn't matter.
Let the users decide what to do with said information.

Having the ability to verify whether certain file attributes are present or not should be beneficial to everyone, from casual users to advanced users to professionals.
Full file transparency hurts nothing.

Re: [REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.)

Reply #3
If you don't have devices that demands id3v1, just remove it all. Common sense should prevail here but it rarely does.

Re: [REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.)

Reply #4
If you don't have devices that demands id3v1...
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: [REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.)

Reply #5
In-car audio might involve a mixed bag of WMA, ID3v1, eight-track cartridges, wax rolls and, for all that I know, horse-powered clip-clop sounds.


Re: [REQ] Display advanced file details (e.g. ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, etc.)

Reply #6
In-car audio might involve a mixed bag of WMA, ID3v1, eight-track cartridges, wax rolls and, for all that I know, horse-powered clip-clop sounds.
You forgot to mention the historically informed cornett trio performing renaissance madrigals on my backseat.