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Topic: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology (Read 82225 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #150
I wonder why it's taking him so long...
How I stopped worrying and returned to loving lossy encoding again?
By listening to music, not the media it's on.

"União e reconstrução"

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #152
Yeah, we've probably ruined his weekend. :D
How I stopped worrying and returned to loving lossy encoding again?
By listening to music, not the media it's on.

"União e reconstrução"

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #154
He's busy removing the clicks and pops, one by one.

What is with this habit of posting images or animated gifs as replies on this forum? I agree with you on the subject matter, but I still find the practice off putting. Can’t you just articulate your answer without using crutches?

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #155
Can you figure out how to craft a reply without either quoting everything from the previous post, needlessly; or inserting your reply within the quote, incompetently?

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #156
What is with this habit of posting images or animated gifs as replies on this forum? I agree with you on the subject matter, but I still find the practice off putting. Can’t you just articulate your answer without using crutches?

Your inability to use this forum, coupled with your passive (and sometimes even overt) aggressiveness, mixed with your lack of understanding of this forum in general - especially the longer standing users, is far more off putting, than any old gif or image macro.

You've started two threads in the recent history, both of which are filled with nothing but vile trolling on your side. If anything you've proven you're unable to have a conversation. I'm not saying everyone on HA is a saint, but the last month or so was quite eye-opening.

Your last post is a prime example of that.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #157
He (like, come on, he's likely a he) reminds me of a 20-year-old youtube atheist who just discovered creationism is a thing and finished reading a Sam Harris book. RATIONALISM! WAR ON SCIENCE! Relax, guy, it's just audiophoolery, it can be mocked without taking yourself so seriously. And bandying about credentials without backing them up? Sure, that'll fly here. Maybe don't come off as a douche if you want people to support your self-indulging War On Pseudoscience?

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #158
Don't treat my post as a personal attack but misquoting is a serious thing. I'd definitely complain if someone misquote my post.

An example:,111995.msg923135.html#msg923135

Also, if you don't like picture reply and listening tests, you have freedom to leave and start your own forum with any rules you like.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #159
Can you figure out how to craft a reply without either quoting everything from the previous post, needlessly; or inserting your reply within the quote, incompetently?

My mistake, i apologize for the misplaced quote.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #160
Your inability to use this forum, coupled with your passive (and sometimes even overt) aggressiveness, mixed with your lack of understanding of this forum in general - especially the longer standing users, is far more off putting, than any old gif or image macro.

Sorry, but stating facts that some might find unpleasant is not aggressiveness.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #163
I said that 0.03% does NOT GUARANTEE that the distortion is absolutely(!) inaudible in all cases.

Cannot stop amusing us, can you? You don’t get the rather simple point of the linked Benchmark paper because the little bit of high school level math there is too hard for you. And yet you are convinced that you can competently comment on scientific matters.

P. S. Not to say a word about your quick willingness to denigrate the Benchmark paper as BS. Dude, just compare who uses their products and who uses yours.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #164
I said that 0.03% does NOT GUARANTEE that the distortion is absolutely(!) inaudible in all cases.

I don’t see audiophoolery as an innocent quirk, But rather as a part of war on science (

And yet you are convinced that you can competently comment on scientific matters.

Loudspeaker manufacturer

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #165
The Benchmark link is nonsense. There are no listening tests involved, just numbers thrown out and assumptions.

Dude, you put in me in a rather good company, I strongly prefer to be in agreement with Benchmark than with you, given your relative statures in the audio world.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #166
The Benchmark link is nonsense. There are no listening tests involved, just numbers thrown out and assumptions.
Dude, you put in me in a rather good company, I strongly prefer to be in agreement with Benchmark than with you, given your relative statures in the audio world.
Loudspeaker manufacturer

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #167
The Benchmark link is nonsense. There are no listening tests involved, just numbers thrown out and assumptions.

You should write to them and castigate them for their incompetence. Advice from you, a giant in the field of audio, will surely make them change their ways.  :D

And while at it, why don't you write to Texas Instruments as well and order them to start including listening test results in their audio op amp datasheets. Enough of this throwing around numbers business.

Dude, you have so much to offer to the world.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #168
Hydrogenaudio Terms of Service / Notices

8. All members that put forth a statement concerning subjective sound quality, must -- to the best of their ability -- provide objective support for their claims.  Acceptable means of support are double blind listening tests (ABX or ABC/HR) demonstrating that the member can discern a difference perceptually, together with a test sample to allow others to reproduce their findings.  Graphs, non-blind listening tests, waveform difference comparisons, and so on, are not acceptable means of providing support.
The Benchmark link is nonsense. There are no listening tests involved, just numbers thrown out and assumptions.
You should write to them and castigate them for their incompetence.
They aren't the chumpling posting here, despite TOS anti-moron rules in place.  ;)

Loudspeaker manufacturer

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #169
And while at it, why don't you write to Texas Instruments as well and order them to start including listening test results in their audio op amp datasheets. Enough of this throwing around numbers business.
They actually do listening tests of their audio components. Not just Ti but other manufacturers, too. RFI was actually providing their results for quite some time up till the mid 90's or so, when I kinda lost interest in that.

Companies like Sennheiser crosscheck their equipment via ABX listening tests, too.

Oh, and about this:
Quote from: mmrkaic
Sorry, but stating facts that some might find unpleasant is not aggressiveness.
My statement that you're aggressive, be it passive or overt, is not related to any facts as such. I meant your general demeanor, they way you conduct yourself, and your inability to hold a calm and collected conversation. Instead you seem to like getting into heated slime fights. If you can present and defend facts, that's fine, nobody will have anything against that. But you've shown you're unable to do that, instead you're simply trying to - well - attack people without even referencing any "facts" that you might know about. You're simply reverting to the "I know better" narrative.

So on that note, don't straw-man and either have a decent conversation, or you might want to leave to take your "heated arguments" elsewhere.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #170
The Benchmark link is nonsense. There are no listening tests involved, just numbers thrown out

Yes, numbers are so hard. Bad, Benchmark, bad.

Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #172
They actually do listening tests of their audio components. Not just Ti but other manufacturers, too. RFI was actually providing their results for quite some time up till the mid 90's or so, when I kinda lost interest in that.

So on that note, don't straw-man and either have a decent conversation, or you might want to leave to take your "heated arguments" elsewhere.

1. TI does not publish their listening test results as a some sort of proof of sound quality.

2. What exactly makes you think that you can order people around as you did in you last sentence? Now, that is aggressive behavior, don't you think?


Re: A day of vinyl -- a reminder of inferior technology

Reply #174
Hydrogenaudio Terms of Service / Notices

Incidentally, who is the author of the TOS? Do you happen to know? I mean, is it just the administrator or is it a collective work?