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Topic: Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause (Read 40723 times) previous topic - next topic
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Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #25
just called the support. now Christof says that they are aware about the problem. but he can't give any promises since the product is sold out and so the problem has a low priority in their development might take 1, 2 months or even longer. DAMMIT TERRATEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #26
In other words, they don't know if it will ever be fixed. Great!

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #27
I've registered just to support you, guys. Greets from Russia. Already sent my email responses to terratec sales and web groups, cause they don't have a support email address on site. Have the same problem with Phase X 24. Now i'm using it only as a MIDI input device. Really tired of glitches pause/playback problems, recovering from sleep an other. Just switched to onboard sound for now. But there are too big delays with VST and direct recording on it. Please tell me how can i help you in this fight with terratec support?

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #28
Thanks for registering just because of this! Welcome!

Maybe you should try to call their support number mentioned several times in this thread (or on they web site) and tell them that you have the same problem. Just to let them know that there's more people with this issue.

I also have problems with recovering from sleep, and some games (Just Cause 2 for instance) get a BSOD when X24 is connected to my PC (even if I don't use it for playback). The good ol' SB MP3+ still works fine.

As for the VST delays, I've had more luck with the ASIO4ALL Version 2.10 Beta 1 driver (even though it's not the real ASIO driver).

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #29
I'm already using asio4all, but but delay is not near good as on phase x 24. BTW, when it's connected to the computer, i can only start it from sleep mode with one of my usb keyboard. When it was disconnected, both of them worked fine. No clue why it's happening.
Sorry, i can't call but can write to that guy Cristof if someone have his email.
I think it's not fair, that they aren't supporting our device. In fact it doesn't listed in not supported products on site also. I've already broke my head thinking how to let them make an update driver. Suckers!

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #30
wasssup fundorin )

i hope there will be an army of fw24 users so that Terratec would not only fix the annoying bugs but also implement some new hot features )

at the moment the only proper solution is moving to a mac/hackintosh. any of that is another and even bigger pain in the ass.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #31
I'm pleased with win7 at 100% except this bug with firewire. Many other companies (i've searched whole internet to find out how to fix our issue with no result) already made fixes for their products. M-Audio, for example. But not Terratec. I've bought my card new less than a year ago, cause it had all the stuff i needed. And what do i have now? I bunch of bucks thrown out to the wind. Crap!
Maybe there is a way to organize some kind of open petition or ask terratec to post to make drivers open source (i'm not a programmer, but, some across the world, perhaps)?

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #32
I'm pleased with win7 at 100% except this bug with firewire. Many other companies (i've searched whole internet to find out how to fix our issue with no result) already made fixes for their products. M-Audio, for example. But not Terratec. I've bought my card new less than a year ago, cause it had all the stuff i needed. And what do i have now? I bunch of bucks thrown out to the wind. Crap!
Maybe there is a way to organize some kind of open petition or ask terratec to post to make drivers open source (i'm not a programmer, but, some across the world, perhaps)?

I was just searching how this card works on windows 7 and I have something to contribute this thread with.

Firewire sound cards almost always work normally only on Texas Instruments based integrated controllers or dedicated PCI/PCIE cards. I had some MBO's with VIA or LSI Agere FW chipsets and my experiences are that on M-Audio, VIA never worked properly(or couldn't even detect) and on LSI Agere had random issues because of IRQ sharing issues.

Buy dedicated card with Texas instruments chipset, that is the key and change slots until you are sure that it's not sharing it's IRQ. Yes, I hate Firewire because it gave me such a headache through the past years.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #33
Are you absolutely sure that this will work (on windows 7)?

Because I have absolutely no problems with Terratec on WinXP and this strongly suggests that this is due to a faulty Win7 driver (which is the SAME as the driver for windows vista - check the CRC32 for the Win7 and the Vista driver - its the same!)

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #34
I've not any trouble with our card on vista also. In Seven I've tried to change basic FW driver to legacy one with no positive result.
For a connection i'm using onboard port on motherboard (Agere chip) and external VIA card. In both cases there are same troubles. Can't find TI PCI card in local stores to check out if problems will gone or no. There are many suggestions about TI, but I didn't find a proof, that Win7+PhaseX24+TIcard will do the trick.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #35
i start thinking it's a firewire driver problem inside win 7. the suggestion to try a texas instrument interface seems logical. will do that asap.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #36
Could you please post your results here if you try?

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #37
It's a back compatibility trouble in FW interfaces win Windows. PhaseX24 was manufactured in '05, since then, the FW standarts changed. Other companies already made an update drivers for their FW products but not the Terratec.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #38
jeremija, sure.

fundorin, that's a very serious info! we should tell it to our lovely support in terratec. jeremija, let's call them again mentioning that it's a firewire driver backward-compatibility issue. i am sure it's one work day (max) for a programmer to fix the shit.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #40
considering it's really a firewire problem i tried to roll back to legacy firewire driver and then a via driver instead of the usual 7 driver. that did not help.

thanks to fundorin i knew that other manufacturers seem to have experienced similar problems and thus put instructions on how to roll back to legacy drivers in 7. i am just wondering — is it a complex solution for their new drivers? or maybe they do not provide newer drivers at all and their issues have been fixed with a roll back??

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #41
As far as I've learned, sometimes it's just solved with FW legacy driver replacement, the other time new driver for audio do a trick. In our case, legacy driver doesn't help.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #42
I'm trying to solve the problem with your regional dealer support instead of calling straight to Terratec. They are nice people and ready to help. You, guys, can do the same. Regional support have connections with Terratec and got more weight in their words. Why not to try?

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #43
There could be aт IRQ priority conflict. In my system, there are USB and 1394 controllers on the same IRQ 19. Now i'm trying to find a way, how to change it fast without reinstalling the whole OS. Wish me luck.

UPD. The card stays in device manager list after returning from sleep mode now, but there is no sound again. Gets back when replugging. Will dig other way.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #44
You know, guys, i've just disabled this usb controller in device manager. The card initialized well after getting computer from sleep mode (no need to replug), but play\pause issue (when you need to wait till playback resumes) stayed the same. Tried on movie playback in GOM player. Sure that it will be the same in AIMP2 too.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #45
Same troubles. Tried everything, except clean install (i have deep in mind, that everything worked at the beginning or i just needed to turn volume on card a little) and bying PCI card on TI chipset. I've found two of them. First is PCI s400 (old) and the second one is PCI-E s800 (new).
Don't want to play roulette bying them. Hope that someone of you will do this this tell and tell us which combination is really working.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #46
IIRC, there are many devices (even PCI/PCIe) that looses functionality after sleep mode.

BTW, in my new PC setup, I see the onboard 1394 controller listed as "1394 Net Adapter" under "Network Adapters" as well (Device Manager). I don't remember which one (audio/nic) has higher priority but, if this is the case in your system as well then, does disabling it have any effect?



Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #47
I'm hardly understood, what'd you wrote, Juha. I've disabled all onboard, usb and e-sata devices for testing. There was only video card, FW and keyboard. No effect.

Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #48
What I ment is showen in this picture:

AFAIK, FW controller isn't a Network adapter.


Terratec Phase X24 - Directsound playback and pause

Reply #49
There is an ability to use fw as a network adapter, but microsoft excluded it from vista and seven.

I wanna tell to all of you that i've got a PCI-E FW card. It's STLab F-161 based on TI chipset and have molex on it to connect to external power supply. Can say truly that play/pause issue gone. I can now watch movies and listen to favorite music without annoying delays.
But the "recovering from sleep" issue is still here. Must say that I don't use an external power adapter for Terratec, cause i can't find it at home. Maybe this will fix the problem. I'll try some of my universal adapters and post here about the results.

STLab F-161 will work for those of you, who doesn't use sleep mode.