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Topic: TAK 2.2.0 (Read 124718 times) previous topic - next topic
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TAK 2.2.0

Reply #52
you are using -d to decode, right?

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #54
Yes, I could find no internal conversion either (if what I understand is TAK->TAK conversion), which would be handy- for example- -p0 to -p4m compression.

As a matter of fact, not long ago I also couldn't get TAK.EXE nor TakC.exe or even SHNTool to help me with TAK->TAK conversion. Long story short,  CUETools' embedded .CUE sheets into TAK made FB2K conversion of CDImage's a pain because of track-splitting instead of keeping solitary image file. I tried to pipe TakC.EXE decode to TakC.EXE encode and I failed at that too.

Hope I didn't derail thread (my solution ended up being I'd strip APEv2 tags prior to conversion and use FB2K so no track-splitting would occur).
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #55
Code: [Select]
D:\Program Files\Media\Foobar2000\encoders>takc -d input.tak -| takc -e -md5 -v -lp -tn4 - output.tak
< STDIN                             ..........  73.44%  102*

Compression:     73.44 %
Duration:         2.15 sec
Speed:          101.91 * real time

D:\Program Files\Media\Foobar2000\encoders>takc -fi input.tak
=== input.tak =================================================

  File size:                    26.70 MB
  Header size:                   0.07 KB
    Unused:                      0.00 KB
  Compression:                  72.28 %
  Samples per channel:        9682596
  File duration:               219.56 sec
  Frame duration:                 250 ms
  Seek table:              Not available
  Audio format:            PCM, 44100 Hz, 16 Bits, 2 Channels
  Encoder:                 V 2.2.0, -p4m
  Codec:                   2 Integer 24 bit (TAK 2.0)
  Wave file meta data:     Not available
  MD5:                     84f051642b3b70a144f4a3ecc7647803
  APEv2-Tag:               No
  Status:                  Ok

D:\Program Files\Media\Foobar2000\encoders>takc -fi output.tak
=== output.tak ================================================

  File size:                    27.13 MB
  Header size:                   0.13 KB
    Unused:                      0.01 KB
  Compression:                  73.44 %
  Samples per channel:        9682596
  File duration:               219.56 sec
  Frame duration:                 125 ms
  Seek table:              Not available
  Audio format:            PCM, 44100 Hz, 16 Bits, 2 Channels
  Encoder:                 V 2.2.0, -p2
  Codec:                   2 Integer 24 bit (TAK 2.0)
  Wave file meta data:     Header 44, Footer 0 Bytes
  MD5:                     84f051642b3b70a144f4a3ecc7647803
  APEv2-Tag:               No
  Status:                  Ok

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #56
@06_taro - Ok, it works for me too, now. Can't remember what error I had gotten before but the proof of above I can confirm

@Mr.Duck - Hope that answers your question.
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #57
Ah that's helpful, thanks.

But all the tags get lost with that method  I'm wondering, does anyone have any other working solutions that preserves file tags?

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #59
If anyone knows of a (command line) tool that can copy tags from 1 file to another, I would be interested in taking a look at it.

Also hoping TBeck to reply to thread soon-ish

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #61
TAK is really a great codec which compresses much better than FLAC but I really miss one feature in the winamp plug-in and that is the transcoder for decoding (I think this is all that's needed "link") to other formats for portable devices. I don't need encoding just decoding would be enough.

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #62
So I finally got round to writing this batch file to encode both WAV files and TAK files into new TAK files with maximum compression. You can download it here if you are interested.

After unpacking, you just drag a folder onto the batch file and it will recursively process all the WAV and TAK files inside. Or you can drag some individual files onto it and it processes just those files. It saves you having to load the media files into some GUI program like foobar2000 to encode them. If you like a GUI interface to do everything manually, then this won't be of any value to you.

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #63
This version doesn't support wav file exceeded 4GB, is there any fix?

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #64
Code: [Select]
takc.exe -e -p2 -ihs - outfile.tak < infile.wav

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #65
Code: [Select]
takc.exe -e -p2 -ihs - outfile.tak < infile.wav

Thanks, but I mean "decoded wav exceeds 4GB". I have a 2GB TAK file; its decoded wave file is 5GB. No player plays the wave file correctly. It seems to produce a very big single data chunk exceeds 4GB.

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #66
According to the official specifications the size of WAV files is limited to 4 GB. Larger files can be created but they are not conforming to the specs.

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #67
All signs point to that being a problem with WAV, not TAK.

Are you implying that the audio was stored as WAV before encoding and was playable without problems in that state?

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #68
All signs point to that being a problem with WAV, not TAK.

Are you implying that the audio was stored as WAV before encoding and was playable without problems in that state?

I am not sure. I got the tak file from the Internet.

Won't TAK store the wave file larger than 4GB as RF64 or Multiple Data Chunk format?

Since wave is the only format TAK will be decoded as, I believe we should fix it here :-).

TAK 2.2.0

Reply #69
Unfortunately TAK itself doesn't support RIFF64 or Wave64 file formats. BTW, foobar2000 (+foo_input_tak plugin) can convert .TAK files to .W64.

On the other hand, why do you want to decode it to WAV?


TAK 2.2.0

Reply #70
Unfortunately TAK itself doesn't support RIFF64 or Wave64 file formats. BTW, foobar2000 (+foo_input_tak plugin) can convert .TAK files to .W64.


On the other hand, why do you want to decode it to WAV?

WAV is the only format support by TAK 2.2.0. I am reluctant to use foobar2000 -- I am obsessive.

I have to use it now.

Thanks anyway.