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Topic: TripleFlac (Read 1501 times) previous topic - next topic
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Good evening,

I would need the TripleFlac executable. Could someone pass it to me?

Thank you!

Re: TripleFlac

Reply #1
The heck is that?

Re: TripleFlac

Reply #3
Based on the information found online that tool checked FLAC files against AccurateRip. You don't need to hunt down an ancient program that apparently never even had a home, you can use for example foobar2000 to check any format against AccurateRip.

Re: TripleFlac

Reply #4
foobar2000 yes; CUETools can also do that even with odd offset if it has an EAC log or the appropriate tags; and then there is PerfectTunes from the creator of AccurateRip.

Tripleflac served a purpose once, but it is obsoleted indeed.


Re: TripleFlac

Reply #6
Thx you all for your precious contribution !!