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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Defender -
I've been struggling for a long time with random crashes while being in the Layout when adding, removing, copying and moving panels.
I have reviewed every crash submitted where Columns UI 3.0.0 alpha 3 was the UI. Apart from one, seemingly relating to a bug on Windows 8.1, they are all caused by other components or factors. If you don't know which component is causing your crashes, then I'd start a new thread containing the crash reports.

Last issue is that sometimes some splitters with everything underneath are not loaded.
Best approach to solve it to switch positions of the main splitters. Then it mostly works.
If you are using the built-in splitters then post some screenshots or a video. If they are third-party splitters, then the question belongs in the relevant thread.
I don't have sudden crashes when running fooBar.
I'm referring to crashes while juggling around in Layout mode. Those crashes are direct and do not create crash reports.

Also it has nothing todo with 3.0.0 as such. Crashes were there in 2.1.0 and they are still there in 3.0.0.

I use a lot of splitters/panels. Splitters are either Panel Stack Splitter or JSplitter. FCL is some 2250MB, it contains 160 elements.

EDIT: Enable the logging folder. Loaded current FCL without first destroying the layout, which resulted in the expected instant crash. I have dumpfiles which I attached.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by Defender -
For ex. which one do you think looks better?
In this case the first.

I do something similar.
I have a standard routine that paints all panels/bars with a dark/transparant top bezel, an accent under the bezel and around the outer parts and a blur/meshed image of the cover of the playing track inside with a gradient inside on top of the mesh/blur. All are optional.

The alpha of the blur/mesh can be set by user for the bars and separate panels.

On top of the resulting paint, art for the current playing artist can be displayed (namelogo / bandlogo / flag / recordlabel / artistpic / cover /genrelogo). In the end the plugin will be run in this in transparent mode. Text in these plugins use dropshadows to stand out.

In the included screenshots (I added separation between bars/panels and padding inside the panels to make it stand out a bit more) you can see it works well as long as the cover is not too bright. Of course you can tone down the alpha by clicking some buttons but in that case the darker cover based mesh/blur just fades in the background.

Since pretty much everything is TF based I have no clue yet how to get something like a number that represents the brightness of the cover so I can adjust the alpha to use for this particular cover based blur/mesh.
But first things first what methods are available in JSplitter/SMP or JSP3 (I checked all the docs but found nothing) to get such a number?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by musicmusic -
- I have installed Foobar2000 v2.24.1 [x64].
  Here are the console values:
Code: [Select]

- This is a NON-portable installation with columns UI installed.

- The fonts and styles are PERFECTLY visible in the “Font Family” and “Font Style” drop down menus when expanded.

- I have my installation done on another PC of a friend with whom I share scripts and the INCORRECT behavior of the fonts is the same.
Okay, so no errors in that console log.

The question about whether it happens in a portable installation was a request to try a portable installation and see if you can reproduce it there. That will establish whether the problem is specific to your main foobar2000 profile or if it's something external to foobar2000 like the Windows configuration.

If it doesn't happen with a portable installation, then send me the foo_ui_columns.cfg from your normal foobar2000 profile.

I've been struggling for a long time with random crashes while being in the Layout when adding, removing, copying and moving panels.
I have reviewed every crash submitted where Columns UI 3.0.0 alpha 3 was the UI. Apart from one, seemingly relating to a bug on Windows 8.1, they are all caused by other components or factors. If you don't know which component is causing your crashes, then I'd start a new thread containing the crash reports.

Last issue is that sometimes some splitters with everything underneath are not loaded.
Best approach to solve it to switch positions of the main splitters. Then it mostly works.
If you are using the built-in splitters then post some screenshots or a video. If they are third-party splitters, then the question belongs in the relevant thread.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Foobar 2000 and OpenHome UPnP
Last post by papavlos -
Looking at their github - looks like an abandoned project.
Last update of ohPlayer - 4 years ago. ohPipeline - a few minor changes already year ago.

I wouldn't go today into serious investments with this standard.

Thanks for spotting this out, anyway!
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by Defender -

I'm using fooBar 32bit.

I've been struggling for a long time with random crashes while being in the Layout when adding, removing, copying and moving panels.
Best approach is to do one step at a time and saving/exiting fooBar when successful and then repeat.

Same kind of crashes happen when loading a FCL.
Best approach there is delete the whole tree underneath top splitter. Exit fooBar, restart, go to Preferences and load the FCL.
If it still crashes, just rinse and repeat until it works.

Last issue is that sometimes some splitters with everything underneath are not loaded.
Best approach to solve it to switch positions of the main splitters. Then it mostly works.

Are these known problems?

I was/am hoping these issues will be a thing of the past with 3.0.0 but until now the 3.0.0 builds have the same behavior.

I also have a small request. Is it possible to show besides the nature/type of the splitters, panels and plugins also the names they have in the skin while being in Preferences/Columns UI/Layout?

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Columns UI
Last post by josemescud -
I want to change the font from Segoe UI (Image 1) to Arial (Image 2), for example, and it doesn't apply it, it stays in Segoe UI. As you can see the font does not change. This happens with many other fonts. See for yourself.

Of course, I am using Playlist view
@josemescud It falls back to the default DirectWrite font (which is either Segoe UI or Segoe UI Variable) if there's an error using the configured font (rather than displaying nothing). However, it's not clear that that's what's happening.

I have lots of questions but I'll start with these:

Are there any errors in the console?
Does it happen with a clean portable installation (with Columns UI installed)?
Do the fonts and styles look correct in the Font family and Font style drop-downs when they are expanded?
- I have installed Foobar2000 v2.24.1 [x64].
  Here are the console values:
Code: [Select]
Components loaded in: 0:00.055081
INFO-OpenLyrics: Successfully initialised the lyric search history metadb index
INFO-OpenLyrics: Successfully initialised the lyric metadata metadb index
Configuration read in: 0:00.039458
foobar2000 v2.24.1 x64 [standard]
Watching: D:\- MI MUSICA Nueva
Playlist #0 loaded in 0:00.001462
JScript Panel 3.8.6 (Album Art by marc2003): initialised in 103 ms
JScript Panel 3.8.6 (Thumbs by marc2003): initialised in 200 ms
JScript Panel 3.8.6 (Menu Button carga nuestro foobar.png by marc2003): initialised in 23 ms
Playlist view initialised in: 0.033 s
JScript Panel 3.8.6 (JS Playlist v2022-mod by Br3tt aka Falstaff): initialised in 39 ms
JScript Panel 3.8.6 (Smooth Browser by Br3tt aka Falstaff): initialised in 26 ms
Library scanning problem: "E:\Music2", reason: file not found
Folder watching failure: file not found
Watching: D:\Jazz
JScript Panel 3.8.6 ( Bio by marc2003): initialised in 37 ms
JScript Panel 3.8.6 (Track Info + Seekbar + Buttons + Volume by marc2003): initialised in 27 ms
User Interface initialized in: 0:01.722265
Playlist #10 loaded in 0:00.000399
FFmpeg version: 6.0
Startup time : 0:04.909206
Album list panel: initialised in 2.946 s
Library initialized after 0:08.106178
Component update: Checking for: foo_uie_albumlist / Album list panel / 2.0.3
Component update: Found a match - 2.0.3 vs 2.0.3
Component update: Checking for: foo_ui_columns / Columns UI / 3.0.0-alpha.3
Component update: Found a match - 3.0.0-alpha.3 vs 3.0.0-alpha.3
Component update: Checking for: foo_cover_utils / Cover Utils / 1.1
Component update: Checking for: foo_crash / Crash! / 1.4
Component update: Found a match - 1.4 vs 1.4
Component update: Checking for: foo_uie_eslyric / ESLyric / (Beta)
Component update: Checking for: foo_jscript_panel3 / JScript Panel 3 / 3.8.6
Component update: Checking for: foo_uie_lyrics3 / Lyric Show Panel 3 / 0.6
Component update: Found a match - 0.6 vs 0.6
Component update: Checking for: foo_masstag / Masstagger / 1.9
Component update: Found a match - 1.9 vs 1.9
Component update: Checking for: foo_musicbrainz64 / MusicBrainz64 / 2.8
Component update: Checking for: foo_openlyrics / OpenLyrics / 1.11
Component update: Found a match - 1.11 vs 1.11
Component update: Checking for: foo_playcount / Playback Statistics / 3.1.5
Component update: Found a match - 3.1.5 vs 3.1.5
Component update: Checking for: foo_qsearch / QSearch / 1.1.0
Component update: Checking for: foo_queue_viewer / Queue Viewer / 1.3
Component update: Checking for: foo_quicksearch / Quick Search Toolbar / 3.9
Component update: Found a match - 3.9 vs 3.9
Component update: Checking for: foo_run / Run services / 0.4.5
Component update: Found a match - 0.4.5 vs 0.4.5
Component update: Checking for: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer /
Component update: Found a match - vs
Component update: Checking for: foo_input_sacd / Super Audio CD Decoder / 1.5.2
Component update: Checking for: foo_svg_services / SVG services / 0.4.0
Component update: Found a match - 0.4.0 vs 0.4.0

- This is a NON-portable installation with columns UI installed.

- The fonts and styles are PERFECTLY visible in the “Font Family” and “Font Style” drop down menus when expanded.

- I have my installation done on another PC of a friend with whom I share scripts and the INCORRECT behavior of the fonts is the same.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by regor -
Ok, exposed the background submenu too. So now playing/follow selection and source for artwork can be set too.

Since all options are now exposed, as result it's also possible now to set the artwork as background like any other of my scripts, by disabling the slider background color first, even if it makes zero sense xd

Also adjusted the dynamic colors logic, to tweak the colors a bit if they are not saturated enough or too similar in some cases. Should look much better now.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I don't see anything more to do here. Consider it the final version, unless there is some bug.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by Defender -
I'm trying to add some functionality to the original seekbar from the samples.

I added PlayOrPause to rightclick so you can start playing, pause or resume playing. Works.
I added some changes in the display of the TIME/seekbar stuff when width is limited. Also works.

I added hover on TIME/seekbar so the alpha goes up when being over the seekbar with the mouse. Works well too when playing. But not when paused or stopped.
While playing it uses the callback on_mouse_move to set the alpha, but this callback does not seem to be triggered when paused/stopped.
Checked all the docs, tried a lot but cannot activate the hover when paused/stopped.

Is there another callback I should use? Or does it require changes in seekbar.js?
Nevermind. I figured it out. It was the latter and a bit of the first.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JS3 Text Display + Album Art + Seekbar + Buttons - Defender
Last post by Defender -
Seekbar overhauled. Managed to figure it out by reverse engineering.

1.28   2025-01-23

Hover is working whether Playing, Paused or Stopped. Tooltips show relevant info always.

SITUATION         LeftClick            LeftSlide            RightClick                     RightSlide               MouseWheel
Playing            GotoLeftClickPosition   SlideToPosition         * GotoRightClickPosition+Pause      * SlideToPosition+Pause      SlideStepped
Paused            GotoLeftClickPosition   SlideToPosition         * GotoRightClickPosition+Play      * SlideToPosition+Play      SlideStepped
Stopped            * Play from Start      * Play from Start      * Play from Start               * Play from Start         NoAction

Stream Playing      NoAction            NoAction            * Pause                        * Pause                  NoAction
Stream Paused      NoAction            NoAction            * Play                        * Play                  NoAction
Stream Stopped      * Play               * Play               * Play                        * Play                  NoAction

* new functionality

Added blur_ovl, when on_blur is enabled paints dark overlay on top of blurred image with opacity blur_ovl. Default 120.

I wanted the same functionality for the Wave MiniBAR, but apparently it was/is a bad idea :-)