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Topic: A few usability suggestions for folder mode (Read 1855 times) previous topic - next topic
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A few usability suggestions for folder mode

Hi, first thank you for your work on this great app!

Using local folders kind of browsing/playback, some actions require a number of steps that could be shortened on a touchscreen device.
If you're familiar with Foldplay (by Axolotl9) on android, it's the kind of behavior I'm going to describe.

Every time you start playing a file, the current folder is added as a temporary playlist by default.
(no need to go create one, name it, etc for a simple one time playback)
You can swipe out with a simple gesture any track from the list you don't want to hear.
(instead of selecting each of them manually with a long touch, "delete", etc)

When you're in the list of folders, each of them being a music album usually, you can long touch one to go into multi-selection mode; a tick box appear in front of every of them, you select the ones you want then push a context button to play them (create a temporary playlist with all the tracks inside, start playback) or push another button to "add them to the current playlist" (add them at the end of your current playback list).
There could also be another option to add them to a locally saved playlist directly.

Well that's it, just a couple of things that make the folder playback selection a lot faster to handle.

Re: A few usability suggestions for folder mode

Reply #1
Every time you start playing a file, the current folder is added as a temporary playlist by default.

fb2k does that too. Go to a folder select a file and it will give you the whole multifile album in the folder

Re: A few usability suggestions for folder mode

Reply #2
But it's not really a playlist you can edit, like easily removing some tracks from the list.


Re: A few usability suggestions for folder mode

Reply #3
An alternative could be to add a way to bypass the tracks you don't want to hear when you're playing a folder.
A swipe gesture (to the left would work there, as the right is used to show the playback big cover screen) or a simple box to (un)check would be a fast way to do so.