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Topic: foo_onewaysync (Read 127738 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #300
Decoding of the original flac file (D:\Music\FLAC\2019\Captain Kirk\Jurassic Dark [EP]\02 - Katvealue.flac) failed. Without looking at the file I can not say more. Can you upload the file somewhere for further analysis? Maybe send me the link via PM.

I have uploaded the file, I will send it to you in a PM.

I reinstalled the stable version of foobar and tried this test again. The console does contain more information when Im using 1.4 which may be of help! I tested this with two different encoders (which are working with the same switches from cmd.exe), and also tried testing it against a local harddrive (to rule out any android/mtp related issues). For some reason %in% and %out% are not passing the paths/filenames? Maybe I am using a conflicting extension?

Console Output using LAME

foo_ows: Using encoder lamev0 with file ext mp3
   encoder cmd line c:\tools\lame\lame.exe --vbr-new -h -V 0 -r -s %sr% %in% %out%
foo_ows: Converting file. Commandline: c:\tools\lame\lame.exe --vbr-new -h -V 0 -r -s 44100  ""  ".mp3"
foo_ows: Error: Conversion thread exit code -1. Converter output follows:
Could not find ".mp3".
Can't init infile '.mp3'

Console Output using oggenc2

foo_ows: Using encoder OGG with file ext ogg
   encoder cmd line c:\tools\oggenc2.exe  -q 5 --raw --resample %sr% %in% %out%
foo_ows: Converting file. Commandline: c:\tools\oggenc2.exe  -q 5 --raw --resample 44100  ""  ".ogg"
foo_ows: Error: Conversion thread exit code -1073741819. Converter output follows:
foo_ows: End of converter output

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #301
Converting the file works for me with foobar v1.3.5. I can not reproduce the issue.
The flac is decoded to a temporary file. After that the temporary file is passed to the encoder (such as lame, oggencode etc.). In your case, the temporary file was not generated. This can happen if the file is faulty, but this is not the case.
Please make sure that your computer is running stable, and is not low on hard drive space or RAM.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #302
Very odd.

I re-imaged my laptop and reinstalled foobar2k + components from scratch.. seems to work now.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #303
Doe's OWS work with portable version of fb2k? When I want to convert flac files, I get Could not load info (Object not found) from: "C:\Users\marek\AppData\Local\Temp\OWS3F56.tmp.mp3" and  Could not update tags (Object not found) on: "C:\Users\marek\AppData\Local\Temp\OWS3F56.tmp.mp3" errors. Could I change location of temp files to my portable folder or somewhere else?

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #304
Sounds like this issue, see here for a solution.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #305
Ok, today I have used this very helpful plugin for the first time. And it works for me. Nice! Thank you zimjo!
One thing is confusing for me (maybe because of my insufficient linguistic level)... - the syntax for title-formatting scripts.
I would like to set the plugin so it changes the tracknumbers in the destination-folder (single folder) exactly like the order in the playlist - starting from 001 up to n. Have I explain understandably?
My question: is this possible with a script?
My used "Various Artists\%track% - %artist% - %title%.$ext(%_path%)" in the section "Tasks" works to that effect that the tracknumbers of the generating files all have numerics like its position on the albums.

Thank you!! :-*

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #306
What you are looking for is called %list_index%, see here. Unfortunately, it only works in playlist view, but NOT in OWS.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #307
Ok. Is there a possibility to integrate the functionality in OWS?
Otherwise we must re-tag all the files after the conversion for a correct playback in specified order.
If I alone with the problem then maybe it would be more trouble than it's worth.....

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #308
The component generates a playlist at the target location.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #309
Release 0.6.4 hopefully fixes these issues for good  :)

Unfortunately I'm having these same issues with version 0.6.4. It worked initially but now only works with very small playlists, not sure why. Temp files are deleted part way through conversion.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #310
Check available space on your harddrive and also these settings from windows:
I didn't even know there was a "Storage sense" setting in Windows 10. Thank you for letting me know about it. I turned it off, and also turned off a seemingly related setting I found right under the Storage sense setting, labeled "Delete temporary files that my apps aren't using".

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #311
First, thanks zimjo for the awesome plugin. Only wish I had found this sooner!

I had some trouble figuring out how to use Opus, so hopefully this will help someone. To use opus, you must have "--raw" included as an option. For example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\encoders\opusenc.exe" --raw --bitrate 96 %in% %out%

There is a minor issue using Opus though. A warning appears because sample rate is missing, but Opus does not require it, since it always uses 48kHz.

The warning comes in two places:
- console while converting: "foo_ows Warning: Sampling rate not specified during encoding! Please add %sr% to your encoder setting."
- pressing OK after using "Edit Encoder": "Warning: Sampling rate not specified. Please add %sr% to encoder command, e.g. for lame '-s %sr%'.

Not a big deal issue since it does not interfere with functionality at all. If converting a lot of tracks though, the entire console is filled with warnings.

Thanks again!

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #312
Glad you find it helpful  :)

From the opusenc documentation:
--raw-rate N
    Set sampling rate for raw input (default: 48000).
opusenc assumes raw input to have a samplerate of 48kHz. So, if the original file has a different sample rate, such as 44.1kHz or 96kHz, the resulting opus file will have wrong pitch.

In your example the command line should read
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\encoders\opusenc.exe" --raw --raw-rate %sr% --bitrate 96 %in% %out%

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #313
Ah now it makes sense. Everything I read said it always uses 48kHz, and people suggested not to mess with it, but now I realize that's only for the output. Also at least some of online documentation seems to be missing the --raw-rate option, but now I see it checking the actual opus help options from the command line. I already did that before but I must have overlooked it. It was "working" even without sample rate being specified, but who knows what it was doing. Thanks again!

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #314
Hi. I have been using Foobar with the iPod Manager for years to sync with my iPod. Now, I have a Samsung Galaxy A51. I was wondering if this plug-in could synchronize my music collection to my phone? And/or is there a better way to do this?

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #315
Been using this for quite a while alongside Syncthing for putting files onto my phone.
One pretty major reoccurring problem I face is that the wrong album art gets applied to entire albums at a time

Updated a few weeks ago when I lost my output drive, continues to happen on clean exports

My first look at this before I purchase MediaMonkey or some other commercial software. What is SyncThing?

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #316
Hi, trying to familierize myself with fb2k for syncing SD / usb cards for my car.  I tried the monkey thing for a while, but it was sketchy.  OWS looks like the ticket.  I have it syncing, but I also want it to remove things I take out of my playlist.  I have Delete unreferenced files checked and Show files removed since last sync checked.  But, the files removed from the playlist remain in the destination after additional syncs.  So, I check the log, and right after the last song copy, I notice:

Deleting temporary files.
foo_ows: Finished task 'New Task'.
foo_ows: Reading from db.
foo_ows: SQL error: no such table: OWS
foo_ows: Attempting to copy file  to
foo_ows: Error: File not found
Deleting temporary files.
foo_ows: Done with command 'truck_sd_test'.
foo_ows: Found 2 WPD devices.
foo_ows: Found storage object 64sd\F:
foo_ows: Found storage object Zune\Storage

The two errors caught my attention.  I'm not writing to the SD or the Zune.  Truck-test just goes to a folder for testing purposes...
OWS is 0.6.4, fb2k is 1.5.5

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #317
Anyone have an idea about the errors?  Maybe an idea why the unreferenced files weren't removed?

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #318
To my understanding, OWS converts music files into a temporary file and copies it all to the destination folder at the end of the operation (or in a similar sense). However, when an issue occurs or the destination device disconnects, the operation freezes or terminates prematurely, rendering all progress for naught. Is it possible to convert each file directly to the destination instead, like the default converter?


Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #319
645 date=1595209639]
Anyone have an idea about the errors?  Maybe an idea why the unreferenced files weren't removed?
The feature requires the database to be present. In your case the database is not found or empty. Probably because you moved the files without moving the database.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #320
To my understanding, OWS converts music files into a temporary file and copies it all to the destination folder at the end of the operation (or in a similar sense). However, when an issue occurs or the destination device disconnects, the operation freezes or terminates prematurely, rendering all progress for naught. Is it possible to convert each file directly to the destination instead, like the default converter?
What action do you expect upon removal of device?
OWS copies all files belonging to one playlist in one go. I do not have the time nor the motivation to change this at the moment. As conversion is done very quickly by CPUs nowadays, this is also not a big issue. What is slow about OWS is copying to WPD devices and updating tags on normal devices.
Nevertheless, all playlists that finished syncing before an interruption will be present at the destination.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #321
645 date=1595209639]
Anyone have an idea about the errors?  Maybe an idea why the unreferenced files weren't removed?
The feature requires the database to be present. In your case the database is not found or empty. Probably because you moved the files without moving the database.
I have the same issue, but the database file does exist and is not empty (several kb). Copying files to the destination (my phone) works, but reading that file doesn't seem to. I just installed the component and everything worked right away, except for the file deletions after I remove things from the playlist. I did not move any files, and 'Delete unreferenced files' is checked. I tried removing the files from the destination manually and then re-sync but it still doesn't work. I'm using Windows 7.

foo_ows: Attempting to copy file wpd:\HTC One X\Internal storage\Music Sync\.ows_HTC.sqlite to C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Temp\OWS65DC.tmp.sqlite
foo_ows: Error: File not found wpd:\HTC One X\Internal storage\Music Sync\.ows_HTC.sqlite
foo_ows: Syncing 'SYNC' to  wpd:\HTC One X\Internal storage\Music Sync\%artist%_%album%_%discnumber%%tracknumber%. %title%.$ext(%_path%)
foo_ows: Using encoder lame with file ext mp3
   encoder cmd line "D:\path\to\lame.exe" --vbr-new -h -V 4 -r -s %sr% %in% %out%
foo_ows: Attempting to copy file D:\Music\blahblahblah1.mp3 to wpd:\HTC One X\Internal storage\Music Sync\blahblahblah1.mp3
foo_ows: Attempting to copy file D:\Music\blahblahblah99.mp3 to wpd:\HTC One X\Internal storage\Music Sync\blahblahblah99.mp3
foo_ows: Attempting to copy file C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Temp\OWS685D.tmp.m3u to wpd:\HTC One X\Internal storage\Music Sync\SYNC.m3u
Deleting temporary files.
foo_ows: Finished task 'Default'.
foo_ows: Reading from db.
foo_ows: Attempting to copy file C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Temp\OWS65DC.tmp.sqlite to wpd:\HTC One X\Internal storage\Music Sync\.ows_HTC.sqlite
Deleting temporary files.
foo_ows: Done with command 'HTC'.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #322
Haven't synced in a couple of months due to the slow speed of the sync (37k items in library), so I couldn't tell you precisely what point it stopped working, but upon trying today OWS crashes Foobar every time right when it starts to try to sync my "All Music" smart playlist which I use as a convenient way to add all my new music to my phone.  Attempting to sync any other set of playlists returns an error like "One way sync failed: Error: Could not create directory on WPD device. Another item with the name \SAMSUNG-SM-G930A\Card\Tabletop Playlists might exist already, or check permissions."  Have not yet attempted removing all music on my phone and trying again from scratch, but due to this process taking ~8 hours and being prone to errors and crashing, I'm not keen to do that as a first step.  Any help would be appreciated.  Crash files attached.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #323
@thathobo can you check if it works with the attached version. It has to be installed manually, just replace the existing component dll in the foobar folder with the attached one.

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #324
I would like to ask for a feature (which was already mentioned in 2015):
I would very much appreciate a %playlist% tag in the Titleformatting Scripts to be able to create different folders by selecting several playlists in one single task. Any other solution would be welcome.

I sync differrent playlists to different devices and it's a bit of a mess in the tasks & devices.

I really like the plugin and thank you for your time :)

Thank you