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Topic: foo_tradersfriend (Read 147970 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_tradersfriend

Reply #150
I've just discovered this wonderful little addon for foobar.

Unfortunately, I too find that all tracks are tagged as the first track :-(

XP Pro/SP2 / foobar2000 1.1 / Live Show Tagger 0.7.1 / Masstagger 1.8.4

It works!

I selected one track rather than all of them --  the first track -- and it was tagged correctly.
I then selected the second track and expected it to also be tagged as track #1, but it wasn't it was tagged properly.
I selected track #3 and #4 together, and they were tagged properly too.....

This works for I get to this component 10 years later

Tag the first track on its own, the rest work as a batch.

Now I can start to learn the meaty stuff.
It's like Homer Simpson discovering he can hit 'Y' or 'N' instead of 'YES' or 'NO' and increases his productivity 200%

Happy 20th Birthday...I was 6 when this was originally released.

Re: foo_tradersfriend

Reply #151
best component ever! it would be really nice if you made the component open source and published it to gitghub. what do u think about this?


Re: foo_tradersfriend

Reply #152
Made an account just to say thank you to Foosion for this absolute god send of a component! It has genuinely made my life so much easier!

I know chances are slim, but I would for it to receive more updates in the future, just to make it that little bit more perfect than it already is.

Thanks again!