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Polls / Re: 2023 Lossless format poll
Last post by Kartoffelbrei -23
General - (fb2k) / Update Playlist instantaneously as query typed like Facets
Last post by Ojos Azules -24
Support - (fb2k) / Re: Fresh computer install, foobar refuses to scrobble with last.fm
Last post by Air KEN -Please log out and start again from the beginning.
As mentioned above, did you click Preferences > "Request authorization" and then click OK to finish?
General - (fb2k) / Re: Title formatting/syntax for proper bitdepth
Last post by Case -If these decoders were always able to handle 24 bit numbers then I really don't see the point of truncating the output to 20 bits at all. Even if analog world performance can't exceed 120 dB SNR, there's no reason to truncate. At least these hardware devices allowed the 24 bit decoding too, no idea why WMP then did not.
By the way, does that humpty-bump around 20 kHz at https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/was-the-potential-of-hdcd-squandered.743909/page-2#post-18478289 relate to the flaws you have found?No. I actually see that hump on all the HDCD test tracks I just ran through frequency analysis, whether decoded or not. Tiny hump but visible. Possibly from noise shaped dither?
The differences with HDCD decoders only affect parts of the tracks. Oldest foo_hdcd for example produced DC offset error in all parts it touched. Other than that the difference signal between "bit-perfect" WMP output is just faint noise without any spectral spikes.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by Majestyk -I'm a little perplexed by this. I thought the Tuning option that had the check mark would be the only active one. These settings imply otherwise. Does it really matter what the non selected Tuning option is set to?The implication that all the settings matter and apply is the correct interpretation. So, it definitely matters what the non-selected tuning option is set to. The "check mark", only means this is the one that will be affected by the mouse wheel and middle mouse button.
Got it, thanks.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component
Last post by ApacheReal -28
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -I'm a little perplexed by this. I thought the Tuning option that had the check mark would be the only active one. These settings imply otherwise. Does it really matter what the non selected Tuning option is set to?The implication that all the settings matter and apply is the correct interpretation. So, it definitely matters what the non-selected tuning option is set to. The "check mark", only means this is the one that will be affected by the mouse wheel and middle mouse button. The combination of all settings is what sets the behavior. The "Reset" option sets most of the non-layout settings back to their defaults. I tried using/making a custom bitmap, the square radio mark, to hint that this menu selection is selected for modification but still mutually exclusive with the others in the same popup menu.
There is a bit more logic that goes into this. Four specific examples might help illustrate some special behaviors:
- If you select a skin that is not a BIN (i.e., ZIP from AIMP or LVU), then the Zero option is grayed out and disabled implying it is not used.
- If you select one of the loudness modes (i.e., BS.1770 or R 128), then the Zero and Range options are grayed out and disabled.
- The newly-added tuning parameter switching through the mouse wheel is aware of these special behaviors. It would not allow moving into a disabled tune setting. However, it does allow moving out.
- Locking the tune, disables that popup menu freezing all of the settings at their current values.
I'll add some wording to the documentation to make this point and hopefully clear up confusion going forward.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: Fresh computer install, foobar refuses to scrobble with last.fm
Last post by Ravari77 -For further reference, here is my list of connected applications:
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component
Last post by ohyeah -dmp....You can temporarily uncheck this option to avoid crashing when playing network broadcasts while loading synchronized lyrics.