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Lossless / Other Codecs / Re: HALAC (High Availability Lossless Audio Compression)
Last post by Hakan Abbas -
What changes you did to LPC part?
It is important to feed the linear estimator with clean data. However, I noticed that I was including a few unnecessary data in the calculation from the beginning. Because the squaring of the differences can change the sum value quite a lot. And this means drawing the wrong function.
In previous versions, sometimes the “-fast” mode was even better than the “-normal” mode. And the simpler audio data was not compressed enough. Now we are much more robust.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Routing data flows to Foobar via VB Cable (Windows 10)
Last post by viabcroce -
@viabcroce : care to try possibly next version of foo_record:

Changed from MME to WASAPI, added loopback device options, and output easily usable for Converter as non-interactive recording can be stopped with "Stop recording" button that will appear on Playback menu.
Not extensively tested as I'm not at my development machine. Mainly released incomplete product to see if it gives more informative error messages.

Thank you Case, appreciate that :)

Outcome is the same, here follows the complete error string returned:

Unable to open item for playback (IAudioClient::Initialize failed (0x80070005)):

HTH :)
CD Hardware/Software / Re: EAC voodoo magic rolling dice ripping
Last post by Porcus -
The ripping applications won't override if the drive reduces speed for whatever reason - like, sensing that the disc doesn't rotate completely even (... hole a little bit off, or print making it slightly heavier on this side).

For all that I know, drives might also react to discs that push the spec when it comes to how narrow the pits and lands.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_uie_webview
Last post by pqyt -
I also solved it in my modules thanks to yeyo's FUNDAMENTAL indication.

However, let me say that when you make such a significant change, you also give an indication for those who then use the plugin.

Now I'm going to rearrange quite a few modules with Refresh() practically everywhere.
I'm sorry for your rework but now was the time to introduce the breaking changes. The methods and callbacks introduced in the alpha versions were still in flux but I realize changing the pre-0.2 methods caused some pain.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Output priority and fallback
Last post by onirwai -
Thanks for the script! Maybe add the following tip to the README:

If foobar2000 is set to resume playback* the Please select valid output device dropdown window still appears. As soon as SMP initializes the fallback output device does become active... but the Preferences window that pops up and steals focus is annoying.

This can be fixed by right-clicking on the Spider Monkey panel, the context menu that will appear is labeled Toolbar configuration. Disable Other settings > Asynchronous loading (startup)

* Preferences > Playback > Other section > ☑ Save playback state when closing foobar2000 and resume on next startup
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_uie_webview
Last post by pqyt -
Do you plan to add some kind of handle / handle list support?
I don't see the connection with fb2K. Which feature are you referring to? I'm working on adding library support now.
On SMP/JSP you can manipulate handle lists, as far as I have seen there is nothing for that here.

You have callbacks and TF but they simply evaluate or pass hard-coded handles (now playing, etc.) or file paths. The selection methods for ex. just report indexes and file paths.

So that's why I ask about it, if you plan to implement handle lists, retrieving library items, etc. as objects, not only file paths.
I see. The binary interfaces between SMP and IE are gone. I found no COM interop between a host and WebView2. WebView2 can call binary code via a 'host object' and the host can call script code.

I've looked at handles but I can't estimate the lifespan of a handle value when transitioning from fb2k binary code to the JavaScript world. I'm worried about handle leaks.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_uie_webview
Last post by ApacheReal -
@yeyo On the Spin Disc I found another problem: the double click that applies the mask is not maintained when changing tracks.

Solved I hope.....

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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_uie_webview
Last post by regor -
Do you plan to add some kind of handle / handle list support?
I don't see the connection with fb2K. Which feature are you referring to? I'm working on adding library support now.
On SMP/JSP you can manipulate handle lists, as far as I have seen there is nothing for that here.

You have callbacks and TF but they simply evaluate or pass hard-coded handles (now playing, etc.) or file paths. The selection methods for ex. just report indexes and file paths.

So that's why I ask about it, if you plan to implement handle lists, retrieving library items, etc. as objects, not only file paths.

Not that I'm requesting it, just asking if it's planned, . If someone expects to do anything more than simple UI elements, they will be needed. Creating something like Library Tree (SMP) for webview would be a nightmare or just impossible without a full handle/handle list implementation. I don't really think forcing to work with track paths for all methods is the way to go. But obviously it all depends on the scope you want for the component.

However, let me say that when you make such a significant change, you also give an indication for those who then use the plugin.
I would say a version number including ALPHA or below v1.0.0 or several lines about breaking changes is indication enough, and it's a pretty reasonable assumption that people who write scripts should know what they are doing and understand those points.