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Topic: [Not My Release] EsPlaylist (Read 353822 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Here is the link:

EsPlaylist is a nicely maturing playlist for CUI and DUI. Now it has its own topic to enable specific feedback.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #1
despite the almost disaster of loosing all his plugins sources, EsPlaylist 0.0.4 alpha was released today   

As far as i can tell since the 0.0.3 alpha the changes are
- the gui now follows the foobar themeing options
- a few extra options are set through the context menu (enable|disable group header, alternate colors and scrollbar)

if the switch between column format and dynamic format after stoping playback is fixed the EsPlaylist will be 100% useable for me.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #2
What exactly does the dynamic format line do?

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #3
it updates every second. this means you can display stuff like %playback_time% in the playlist.

edit: i'm really liking the new alpha. the main reason i couldn't use 0.0.3 was the display not up not updating when tags changed but now that's fixed i can use it all the time. also, the option to turn off column headers is something i've wanted in DUI for years. 

thanks ssenna.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #4
It's awesome to hear that the developer managed to recover the code after the hard drive issues.  This component has a LOT of potential.

The library mode is great, but it would be so much better if we could control the "double-click" command.  Currently, it's set to "add to current playlist", but I would like to make it "send to <specific playlist>".  Also, if a quick search/sort box were to be added, I'd have a complete library organizer that could replace the aging Facets component.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #5
Quick layout i made using the new esplaylist:

It would be beyond awesome if the playlist could interact with facets.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #6
I like it but it seems in DUI I can get a colered background but in CUI I cannot, am I missing something.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #7
When i use System Default color theme the "font color" isnt read correctly  am i the only one with this behavior? When i try other foobar color themes everything work as expected but with system default it does not

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #8
I like it but it seems in DUI I can get a colered background but in CUI I cannot, am I missing something.

Yes. From the txt:

Current version has the following restrictions.
- no color customization with ColumnsUI

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #9
I am really liking EsPlaylist, it has a lot of potential. I am using it as a library viewer - I love having independent grouping and display. One problem I found is that when you middle click to add things to a playlist, you can't undo.

Also, I wonder if it would be possible to expand/collapse groups individually- more like Library Tree/Album list?

Oh, something else that I would like is the edge style-grey/sunken/none, please!

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #11
just right click the column headers and select "edit". you can add as many of the preset columns as you like and edit them with your own custom settings. if you rename a column header, it takes a foobar restart for the change to show.

for the first column in that screen, i'm guessing it's using something like

Code: [Select]

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #12
Here's the settings for my 'details' column:

Code: [Select]
$ifgreater(%discnumber%,1,$select(%tracknumber%,'Disc' %discnumber%),$select(%tracknumber%,%codec% $if(%codec_profile%,'('$if($stricmp(%codec_profile%,CBR),$info(bitrate),$right(%codec_profile%,2))')','('$info(bitrate) 'kbps' ')') ,%replaygain_album_gain%,,$meta(genre,0),$meta(genre,1),$meta(genre,2),$meta(genre,3),$meta(genre,4)))

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #14
It seems that modifying the playlist with this playlist view does not add to the undo history, so it's impossible to revert changes. Also, with the default settings, I get a tile view instead of a list view, with one tile per group.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #15
Seems promising!

What I miss:
Possibility to define your default "collapse"-level (artist/album/tracklist). Right now it seems that the highest level is the default (on start-up, sometimes on playlist change). I would favour the tracklist view.
Context menu: Sort (independent of column headers).
Colors in CUI (obvious)

Anyway, keep up the great work!!

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #17
Try $crlf(), that works for me.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #19
EsPlaylist 0.0.5 alpha released: fatal bug fix.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #20
Just adding that despite the claim on the website that this is for Vista+ it is working fine for me in XP SP3.

[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #22
No i don't have that problem. In fact, every option in the component that I have used so far has worked perfectly for me. (vista sp2 32 bit)


[Not My Release] EsPlaylist

Reply #24
Ah, nice!

The way I see it, the only thing really missing from this component is interaction with regular playlist commands (i.e. Remove, Crop, Sort By, Select All, etc.)

Otherwise, this is already shaping up to be easily the best replacement to the default ui's playlist panel, and it's only in alpha