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Topic: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes) (Read 201648 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #200
But you where talking about Dim not removing.

$ifequal($stricmp(%_difflastplayed%,0),1,$rgb(205,55,0)%what ever%) is changing the color.

Another thing:
Two playlists. one at the top (played tracks) one at the bottom (playing tracks).
foo_playlist_attributes  send played tracks to playlist (played tracks)
Warning: fb2k is addictive.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #201
does anyone have an idea what makes foo_playlist_attributes block foo_skip "skip" feature? With foo_playlist_attributes component removed, skip feature works. I've tried deleting foo_playlist_attributes ".CFG" file but it didn't help.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #202
I've tried deleting foo_playlist_attributes ".CFG" file but it didn't help.

The reason is that per-playlist settings aren't stored in the foo_playlist_attributes.dll.cfg, but in the "individual playlist files".

Here fbuser explains how to "reset" your existing playlists.

does anyone have an idea what makes foo_playlist_attributes block foo_skip "skip" feature?

Perhaps you can detect some relationship between this blockade and your relevant Playlist attributes settings (both in Preferences > Tools > Playlist attributes and in [main menu] Playback > Playlist attributes? Also to post your exact foo_skip pattern might help.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #203
I've tried deleting foo_playlist_attributes ".CFG" file but it didn't help.

The reason is that per-playlist settings aren't stored in the foo_playlist_attributes.dll.cfg, but in the "individual playlist files".

Here fbuser explains how to "reset" your existing playlists.

does anyone have an idea what makes foo_playlist_attributes block foo_skip "skip" feature?

Perhaps you can detect some relationship between this blockade and your relevant Playlist attributes settings (both in Preferences > Tools > Playlist attributes and in [main menu] Playback > Playlist attributes? Also to post your exact foo_skip pattern might help.

thanks for reply. Reseting playlist attributies didn't help. My foo_skip query is: "%rating% IS 1 OR %skip% IS 1". I found out that updated (v1.8.2) foo_skip component is conflicting with foo_playlist_attributes. foo_skip v1.7.4 works fine with same settings.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #204
I found out that updated (v1.8.2) foo_skip component is conflicting with foo_playlist_attributes. foo_skip v1.7.4 works fine with same settings.

For what it's worth, here is foo_skip's change log.

Perhaps to know the main changes can help troubleshooting.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #205
Playlist Attributes component seems to touch DSP chain for each track and some safety checks I added to foo_skip in 2011 prevented its operation if DSP is adjusted during its operation. I just uploaded a new Skip Track version where these chain modification checks are removed. They should no longer be needed with its new logic.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #206
I was convinced this component would help me reach my goal but, so far, I've had no luck. I simply want to setup Foobar2000 (ver 1.3.8) so that:

1) When I double-click file(s) in Windows Explorer, they get enqueued to the bottom of the default playlist *AND* 
2) The default playlist is cleared on exit. (This requirement prevents me from simply using the Shell Integration preference of Set Enqueue As The Default Action... because that, for some reason, causes the default playlist to not clear on exit.)

Can anyone PLEASE offer a method which will accomplish both of the above? TIA

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #207
I want to request a feature "Lock playlist"
Afaik only Auto-playlists are locked and I want to lock my main playlist so when I enable "Remove played track", I won't lose my songs.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #208
I want to request a feature "Lock playlist"
It's already there: menu "Edit -> Playist attributes -> Playlist restrictions", but for this purpose
I want to lock my main playlist so when I enable "Remove played track", I won't lose my songs.
your request does not make sense. If you don't want this functionality for your main playlist, just don't activate it for this playlist, i.e. disable it for this playlist, if you have enabled it globally.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #209
At first, great job with the component mate. It's one of those, I'll never get rid of.

There's only one thing i miss - simple UI Element with similar content to component page in preferences. It could be excellent tool when managing big number of playlist. If you're lack of ideas for development, please consider mine. ;) Greetings.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #210
Hello folks. Big thanks to man who creating this plugin.
My question is, how to set this plugin playing first track of each album and then remove the tracks?
I mean: how to set the plugin play first track of the first album and then second album fist track and go on and on. (I have more than 9 albums) 
Thank you.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #211
There's only one thing i miss - simple UI Element with similar content to component page in preferences. It could be excellent tool when managing big number of playlist.
Sorry, but I don't think that it is useful.
My question is, how to set this plugin playing first track of each album and then remove the tracks?
This is not possible. You can remove tracks from a playlist, but you can not fill a playlist with certain tracks before.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #212
Thank you.
If i try to set to playing only every first track of each album in my library, without remove playing tracks its possible?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #213
If you create a playlist on your own with every first track of each album, then it is possible.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #214

Great work, this component is a MUST HAVE for me since I reinvented fb2k for me :-). Would there be a possibility to add support for foo_scrobble and its "Scrobble tracks" option to be playlist-specific? There are various attributes that I don't care, but this one would be great, if it is possible to communicate with other components or query their settings, or is it a real nonsense?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #215
foo_playlist_attributes prevents to clear Playback follows cursor option while playing a track:
  • Set Playback follows cursor option.
  • Start playing a track.
  • Clear Playback follows cursor option.
  • Stop playing a track.
Check the option state - it is set.
fb2k 1.4.2, Win81x64
Magically yours


Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #216
foo_playlist_attributes prevents to clear Playback follows cursor option while playing a track
This is a minor limitation if "Start playback on first track" is activated. Apart from this it should not happen.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #218
This is a minor limitation if "Start playback on first track" is activated.
Actually it isn't.
You're right. I just looked at the code and didn't notice, that it is not doing what it was supposed to be done. This is fixed now including the mentioned limitation. For some reason I've currently no access to the components page, so I'll upload the new version as soon as I have it again.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #219
Playlist Attributes seems to have an issue. Unless I configured something wrong.
 Whith my setup where PL1 prioritises PL2 and PL2 continues with PL1 (when done and empty), I must not skip the last song in PL2 or foobar2000 gets confused. If I do it, I end up in a situation where PL1 does not continue automatically and songs in the active playlist are being removed from the playlist without being played when I press the play-button (or my global hotkey for it). I can fix that by adding another song to PL2 and letting it play to the end (can click the progress-bar near the end of song).
 Seems to me like a bug in the plugin. Like some variables are not correctly reset/initiated when skipping songs.

Update: The issue only shows up when I set "Removed skipped tracks" to "enabled" for PL2. Though from my understanding it should work with it. And I would want it to be that way.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #220
Playlist Attributes seems to have an issue.
Nice, another issue in a few days, which is probably more than eight years old.  :D

I can at least confirm, that skipping the last track on a prioritized playlist, which has a subsequent playlist with "Continue on playlist" set stops playback instead continuing on the next playlist. However the further behaviour you described is not reproducible for me. Could you please therefore provide the complete playlist attributes configuration for both playlist + all global settings, which you didn't change for at least one of these playlists?

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #221
I'll try my best to provide as much valuable information as possible.

 To give you a quick overview of what I am using your component for: I am trying to implement a queue-system that makes foobar play the next song after the last song that was played before the queue-list started (in other words continues where it left of). For that i created two playlists. One named "Default", one "Insertion". "Default" behaves pretty much like a standard playlist. Songs are not being deleted when played or skipped. The only important setting for me is "prioritise playlist Insertion". That playlist "insertion" again was set to "continue with Default" when done as well as "delete songs when played" and "delete songs when skipped". I also set the option to always start from beginning in between, but i think that was not causing problems.

In general I installed the addon about two days ago and played around with the settings. So I tried out several other options, but reset most of them to the default values. Another thing that should be mentioned is that I set the "Insertion"-playlist as default playlist for adding songs from command-line (foobar-preferences-> Shell Extension). There i also set the option to enqueue files. But I doubt that both affects the bug. Also i always skip songs via a global hotkey (CTRL+Numpad3)

General Playlist Attributes settings:
- I didnt configure any templates
- preferences/playlist attributes/Playback settings are all unchecked. Nothing assigned for "prioritized playlist" and "continue on playlist " is set to "Default"

Playlist attributes for "Default" are all set to "Global", Replaygain and DSP both checked, no playlist restrictions, Prioritized playlist set to "Insertion" and "Continue on playlist set to "Global"

Playlist attributes for "Insertion" are the same except for "Playback order=Default", Disable renaming and removing playlist both checked and "Continue in playlist" set to " - Last playlist -". (I just noticed i changed it to that a while ago).

I  now made a quick test and dragged a song from "Default" to "Insertion" (thus copying it), skipped the current playing song so that the copied song in "Insertion" started to play. Then skipped that song again (so Insertion is empty) and when i then skip another time the song which i pulled over gets deleted in "Default"-list. If i skip again, then the next one gets deleted and so on. Oh wait. if i select another song by clicking it once (marking it) then that is being deleted, if i press the skip-hotkey or press the skipbutton  of playback control.

Hope that helps. I can also offer you more feedback in some textchat of your choice, a discord voicechat of your choice or i can quickly set up a twitchstream (at least i think i can. i dont stream that often, but OBS is installed and configured *g*)

Edit: Made a little change in the second last paragraph of this post

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #222
@TheLomaxx - Hi! :)  It might be helpful to zip up and attach your foo_playlist_attributes.dll.cfg file, found in the configuration folder, as it probably has the settings where this issue is happening.

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #223
weeeeee I am being stalked!  :D

And you are so boringly effective <sigh>. Well, you win. ;) Here is the cfg (if everything goes right).

Re: foo_playlist_attributes

Reply #224
@TheLomaxx - Hi! :)  It might be helpful to zip up and attach your foo_playlist_attributes.dll.cfg file, found in the configuration folder, as it probably has the settings where this issue is happening.
Only the global settings. The playlist specific settings are tied to the relevant playlists.