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Topic: Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter? (Read 1351 times) previous topic - next topic
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Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter?

Hello I recently purchased a couple of Plextors (one as a backup) so I can start making high quality audio CD's for my car and I was wondering, considering these older drives come with an IDE ATAPI interface, would it be safe to use a IDE to SATA PCB such as This one alongside a SATA external enclosure such as the Vantec NST-536S3-BK NexStar DX USB 3.0 External Enclosure? Would there be any dangers of frying/breaking something down the line because of the PCB or would it be safe? Any and all advice is appreciated, thanks!

Re: Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter?

Reply #1
Can't speak to that particular one but I recall using something similar many moons ago and it worked just fine; certainly didn't fry anything! ;)

Re: Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter?

Reply #2
Can't speak to that particular one but I recall using something similar many moons ago and it worked just fine; certainly didn't fry anything! ;)

Thanks for the reply! I'm just hesitant as this particular Plextor was relatively expensive to what it should be worth (which makes sense since the Premium2 is considered a "studio mastering" grade writer). I don't want to risk any incompatibility issues but it sure would be nice to have it in a shiny new USB 3.0 enclosure instead of taking apart an older external Plextor for it's IDE enclosure lol.

Re: Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter?

Reply #3
There are also inexpensive pcie IDE adapters  ~
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter?

Reply #4
There are also inexpensive pcie IDE adapters  ~

Thanks for the link! I was hoping to install this drive into an enclosure as unfortunately my PC case does not have any expansion bays for CD-ROM drives, but that's something to definitely consider.

Re: Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter?

Reply #5
For a CD/DVD writer is no need for a USB3 enclosure. A USB2-Port is fast enough. Check out eBay or any local "used" gear platform and look for external USB2 5,25" cases (most of the time incl. a cd/dvd drive) for a few.

As alternative a IDE-to-USB2 adapter incl. Molex-Power and Powersupply .

Re: Converting a Plextor Premium2 from IDE to Sata using a PCB Converter?

Reply #6
So I ended up using the enclosure for a Plextor PX-W2410TU for my Plextor Premium2 and everything seems to be working just fine.