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Topic: New DSP: Dolby Pro Logic II wrapper (Read 84517 times) previous topic - next topic
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New DSP: Dolby Pro Logic II wrapper

Reply #25

Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_pl2.dll
Reason: Invalid access to memory location.

Use the pl2_featuretest dll that is on the same site instead.

Hi folks!

I have the same problem but there isn't that pl2_featuretest dll anymore, i'm using pl2xdll.dll ver. from powerdvd.

Any help would be appreciated.

Interesting... for me it works with the exact same version of the DLL (tested it right now).
Is there more debug information which you could post?
The featuretest version was just a quick testing version in which surrounds are mapped to left ear and fronts are mapped to the right ear, not for the general public (this was also stated in the download description).

Btw: I don't use the PL2 DSP anymore, because it sounds suboptimal (you would note that it turns the sound into a tinny mess if you listen carefully).
For this reason I developed Free Surround, which doesn't have that problem, doesn't rely on commercial software and has more precise steering.

I'm also having the same problem as the 2 previous posters.  I'm running Windows 2000 SP4, foobar2k v0.9.4.4, have the PL2XDLL.DLL v3.0.0.3230 in the foobar installation folder, and all I get is:

Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_pl2.dll
Reason: Invalid access to memory location.

Then I close the console window and foobar works normally.

Does your plugin rely on other dependencies like libmmd.dll or special version of .NET?

Re: New DSP: Dolby Pro Logic II wrapper

Reply #26
Site is down and I can't find the DLL file anywhere.

Re: New DSP: Dolby Pro Logic II wrapper

Reply #28

Re: New DSP: Dolby Pro Logic II wrapper

Reply #30
me and a few freinds made a different version of freesurround called real3d check your messsages !! :)